Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hezbollah’s Pre-Schooler’s Guide to War: A Peek Inside Mahdi Mag

Via LH


Being a librarian, I am exposed to published atrocities almost every single day. From the most pointless tabloids to titles such as “50 Words You Need to Know to Sound Smart.” Yet, July 7th brought with it the most despicable print I have seen since reading a few pages from Mein Kampf. Below are the pictures I took of my first encounter with Mahdi Magazine with commentary; because well, I can’t “resist” commenting.

Natures Little Wonder: Bee Vom


So lately I have been looking into different types of natural remedies mainly in part to some of the great suggestions I've gotten from my ever so clever readers. Clove oil for this, lemon oil for that, etc etc. One of the main things that I've been looking into stockpiling is HONEY.

The Islamization of Jerusalem

Chaya Zissel Braun was murdered on her first trip back from the Western Wall where the indigenous Jewish population of Israel continues to pray in the shadow of the shrine established there by the Muslim conquerors from which the racist Muslim settlers rain down rocks on the Jewish worshipers.

The three-month old baby girl died when a Muslim terrorist rammed a car into a crowd hurtling her into the air and headfirst into the pavement. Her death did not take place in isolation. It was not caused by a tiny minority of extremists. Her blood was spilled on the street for the Islamization of Jerusalem.

The Islamization of Jerusalem is an international cause. It does not just come out of Gaza City or even Ramallah. Nor Doha or Istanbul. The politicians and diplomats of every major country demand the Islamization of Jerusalem. When they talk about a Palestinian State with its capital in Jerusalem, what they are really demanding is the restoration of the Muslim ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem in 1948.

They are demanding it with words and boycotts. But the Muslim settlers, on whose behalf they cry for the Apartheidization of Jerusalem, are writing their own demands with the blood of little girls.

The baby girl was murdered to Islamize a city. She died as the Israeli soldiers had died reunifying Jerusalem after the Arab Legion had ethnically cleansed the Jewish population and as ordinary Jerusalemites had died at the hands of Jordanian snipers searching the city for Jewish and Christian targets.  The victims of those years of Muslim occupation included Yaffa Binyamin, a 14-year-old girl sitting on the balcony of her own house and a Christian carpenter working on the Notre Dame Convent.

Like Chaya, I was born in Jerusalem.

Slave quarters to be rebuilt at Madison's Virginia home

Via Bill

Homes of slaves who served President James Madison at his Montpelier estate in Virginia will be rebuilt for the first time over the next five years, along with other refurbishments to the home of one of the nation's Founding Fathers, thanks to a $10 million gift announced Saturday.

David Rubenstein, a leading Washington philanthropist and history buff, pledged the $3.5 million needed to rebuild the slave quarters next to the mansion in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Another $6.5 million will be devoted to refurnishing parts of the home where Madison drafted ideas that would become the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

After widow Dolley Madison sold the estate in 1844, many family belongings were dispersed or sold, leaving some rooms mostly empty of period furnishings after the estate opened to visitors in 1987.

Now, curators hope to recover or borrow artifacts from the fourth president's family life to bring the estate back to life, said Montpelier Foundation President and CEO Kat Imhoff.

More @ Yahoo

List of 134 Cities Where Violent, Criminal Illegal Aliens Were Sent After Release by Obama DHS

Via LH 


According to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement arm of DHS, 36,007 criminal illegal aliens were released into the United States in 2013. Responding to a request by Sen. Chuck Grassley, ICE recently provided a list of raw ZIP codes -- not cities and states -- where criminal illegals, many convicted of violent offenses including murder, rape and kidnapping, have been dumped by the administration.

I wrote a small script to convert the ZIPs into cities and states, the results of which are below. Please make sure that your families, friends, colleagues and other acquaintances are aware of these locations. Better safe than sorry.

More @ Doug Ross

My great, great grandfather on his Negro woman's snake bite

Via comment by Ray on "Healing the Sick and Wounded" -- The North Caroli...

"Thanks for a very interesting report. I guess I am reminded of how much knowledge of our fauna we have lost. I don't think I could identify half of the barks, trees, & shrubs mentioned. However the knowledge of cleanliness alone offsets this loss."



Mr. Howard: 

For the benefit of the public I wish you to publish the following. A few days past (in the morning) one of my Negro women was badly bitten by a poplar leaf highland moccasin snake. She came to me while at breakfast evidently in great pain, with two small holes on the side of her left foot, the bloody water issuing therefrom. I immediately opened the holes with my lancet, to nearly the size of a common blood-letting orifice, to which I applied a composition of hartshorn, sweet oil and laudanum, with some other simple remedies. I then started in search of a weed I had heard recommended. I obtained this weed about 3 o'clock in the evening. At this time her foot was much swollen, and she appeared in much pain. I beat a part of the weed, gave her a table spoonful of the juice in a glass of milk, and bound the beaten weed to her foot. Before night her foot was assuaged and next morning she went to work without any complaint, entirely well.

It is my desire that every person should know this powerful antidote against snake poison. It is like throwing water on fire for efficacy. It is found in the woods, generally on the edge of swamps, creeks, and branches: grows up similar to the common garden plantain, though generally it has but two or three blades of leaves. The wide or upper part of the leaf is scalloped somewhat like the poplar leaf, and invariably has a nut or smooth round root at the surface of the earth, about the size of a red oak acorn; to the taste it is more bitter than quinine. Every family ought to keep it on hand; when dried it should be beaten and boiled in milk. It is my opinion, that no person would ever sustain any injury of consequence from a snake bite, if the juice of this weed could be given immediately; it will, however, cure if given afterwards in time. 

Jos. Jno. Pippen 
Edgecombe Co. N.C. Sept. 2, 1839

(My G, G Grandfather) On His Negro Woman's Snake Bite

"Healing the Sick and Wounded" -- The North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial,204,203,200_.jpg

Added to our recent “Healing the Sick and Wounded; The Medical Profession During the War” webpage are excerpts from Brenda McKean’s superb account of North Carolina civilians during the war. This two-volume set should be on the bookshelf of every North Carolinian desiring an in-depth study of the home front in wartime North Carolina.  Read more at:

“The State had two so-called hospitals before the war, but not for ordinary people. A small marine hospital for seamen was found in Wilmington and Portsmouth. The Moravians had established a sick house in Salem in the eighteenth century for their members.

Dr. Charles E. Johnson opened the first military hospital in Raleigh in May 1861 know as the Fair Grounds Hospital.  Large buildings were revamped for hospital use to hold from two hundred to four hundred patients. The Guion Hotel in the capital city [was] converted to hospital.  Pettigrew Hospital in Raleigh, built in 1864, was the only new building constructed in Raleigh as a hospital [and it] would hold up to 588 beds.  Hospital [Number] 4 in Wilmington, previously known as Seamen’s Hospital . . . was considered the largest and best equipped in the State. The convalescent hospital in [Little] Washington admitted its patients in 1863.

Women began making and storing hospital supplies such as bandages and clothing before hospitals were established for the soldiers . . . [and] Newspapers encouraged those at home to economize so that troops in the field could be supplied. 

At the beginning of the war, convalescing soldiers became the nurses if they were able to stand to rigors of medical work. Apparently, they were not attune[d] to sanitary conditions because the people visiting the areas commented on the filthy conditions present in these buildings. Everyone knew a woman’s touch would clean up the place, and their tender care would enhance the surroundings.

Medical department authorities developed several medical facilities known as general hospitals throughout the State. These were given numbers instead of names. By the end of the war, fourteen general military hospitals and seven wayside hospitals were identified.  Every general hospital had a surgeon in charge and one medical officer or a contract surgeon to care for seventy to eighty ill soldiers.  Usually, the ratio was greater.

Wayside hospitals were located next to the railroad depots (or in the depots) for convenience in towns such as Tarboro,Greensboro, Salisbury, Charlotte, Kittrell, Fayetteville, High Point, Wilson, Weldon and Goldsboro. These wayside hospitals were equipped with refreshments and clean bandages/bedding, etc.  These small wayside institutions served an important role and were invaluable for saving lives.

There were instances when the sick and wounded soldier could not tolerate the lengthy trip home or transfer to another hospital.  Women would meet these trains and remove the patient to the nearby temporary hospital or to their homes.  Schools, colleges, hotels, churches, warehouses, barns, sheds and private homes caught the overflow of the wounded, especially after battles.  All the vacant hospitals in [Little] Washington were used as hospitals to house sick soldiers early in the conflict.

The above-mentioned hospitals were different from a field hospital, which was located about one mile behind the battlefront. Dr. Thomas F. Wood [of Wilmington] described in a letter home to his folks a division hospital that was also made up of tents:

“June 10, 1864, Rode’s Division Hospital, Cold Harbor (The 53rd NC was part of Rode's Division)

Our hospital is an apple orchard . . . Each Brigade has a hospital wagon and each [Division] one for transporting stoves, cooking utensils, tents, etc. Each tent is marked as that of the Brigade . . . One large tent fly is located centrally as a tent for operations . . . the wounded are placed in these tents, and are operated on in such order that suit the case of the patient.”      

 (Blood and War at My Doorstep, Brenda Chambers McKean, Xlibris, 2011, excerpts, pp. 113-115)

Watch the 707HP Dodge Challenger Hellcat Tackle a Road Course

After we recovered from the shock of learning that the Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat would have 707 horsepower, the next question in our minds was “can it handle the turns of a race track?” Thanks to MPG Track Days, I was able to find out for myself, and the answer is a resounding “yes!” I turned in three laps on the 2.5 mile road course at Willow Springs Raceway in a Sublime Green Hellcat, and it was glorious.

More @ The Burnout

Understanding the Middle East Crisis Unicorns, Moderate Islam, and Muslims

Part 4 of a Series
Mike Scruggs

Like the Unicorn, we can imagine a moderate Islam, but who can find it?
”—Serge Trifkovic

If we judge by the doctrinal standards of Islam—the Koran and the historical record and teachings of its apostle, Muhammad—there is no real moderate Islam. Islam by the testimony of its own most sacred and revered writings, is not a religion of peace and tolerance, but of coercion, deception, fanatical violence, and Holy War against all who would oppose its absolute power and expanding dominance.

Recently, President Obama claimed that the terrorist group ISIS is not Islamic. What he meant was that he does not believe ISIS holds to the teachings of “True Islam.” However, the President’s ideal of a peaceful and tolerant “True Islam” does not conform well to the Islam of the Koran and the teachings of its founding prophet, Muhammad. The Koran contains over 100 verses that call for violence against non-Muslims, especially Christian and Jews, who reject Islam or oppose its advance. Neither does it conform well to the violent and coercive history of Islam, nor to the continuing stream of terrorist attacks against non-Muslims and secularized Muslims around the world.

Ironically, the only real moderation in Islam is in the Alawite sect of Shia Islam, which makes up about 10 percent of the Syrian population. Syrian President and former London ophthalmologist Bashar al-Assad, his family, and most of the military, government bureaucracy, and commercial leadership belong to the Alawite minority. The Alawites are tolerant of Christianity and have adopted some Christian practices and holidays. They are closely connected commercially and protective of the 10 percent Christian minority in Syria. Because of Alawite secularism and tolerant accommodations to Christianity, the mainstreams of Sunni and Shia Islam consider Alawite Islam heretical and fit for violent extinction. The Assads, like other secularized Muslim political leaders in the Middle East, have long been Muslim Brotherhood targets for elimination.

The so-called Syrian Civil War is only the most recent attempt by the Hamas terrorist and military arm of the Muslim Brotherhood to rid Syria of secularist leadership and Western influence. President Obama has allied the U.S with the so-called “moderates” of the Free Syrian Army—highly infiltrated by vicious Hamas and al-Qaeda fanatics with strong leanings toward an ISIS alliance. The best bet for defeating ISIS in Syria would have been to ally with Assad. Assad, the former London ophthalmologist, is alleged to have been responsible for using poison gas against civilians, but many believe it was a “false flag” operation of al-Qaeda or Hamas. All things considered, President Obama has allied us with the most murderous of the two sides in Syria—as usual with the Muslim Brotherhood and its many financial, political, and propaganda fronts in the U.S.

There is no truly moderate Islam. Being faithful to the Koran and the teachings of Muhammad preclude any reasonable classification as moderate. There are moderate Muslims, but by definition they are not faithful to the Koran and the example of Muhammad. Most moderate Sunni and Shia Muslims are essentially secularized or purely cultural Muslims. In addition, there are many who confess to be Muslims but simply do not know the Koran or the essential teachings of Islam,

 Just as not everyone who claims to be a Christian holds the Bible to be the inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of God, not everyone who identifies themselves as Muslim holds the Koran and the teachings of Muhammad to be the binding Will of Allah. In fact, many Christians have an alarmingly shallow knowledge of the Bible and its teachings, and many Muslims have only a disconnected understanding of the Koran and the teachings of Muhammad.

A 2013 Pew Research poll indicated that Muslim support for Islamic (Sharia) Law varies considerably from country to country. Sharia law is basically an extension of the Koran and the teachings of Muhammad to all aspects of Muslim life—enforced by Muslim clerics. It is often also the official law embedded in the Constitution of these countries. Sharia law is noted for its severity. Support for it would not be typical of “moderate” Muslims or “moderate” Muslim countries. In Afghanistan, 99 percent of Muslims support Sharia law, which is already embedded in its Constitution with U.S. approval.  Sharia is supported by 74 percent of Egyptian Muslims, where it is also embedded in the Constitution. Only 12 percent of Turkish Muslims would support official Sharia law, but according to People-Press, 31 percent of Turks support suicide attacks on Westerners in Iraq.  According to a 2009 poll, 83 percent of Pakistani Muslims support the Sharia law to stone adulterers. According to A World Public Opinion poll in 2009, 64 percent of Egyptian Muslims believe it is “very important” to stone adulterers (mostly women). Moreover, 78 percent of Pakistani Muslims support killing those who deny the Muslim faith.

According to Pew’s latest research, only 28 percent of Muslims say suicide bombings against civilians are justified in some cases. But 81 percent of U.S. Muslims believe it is never justified, leaving only 19 percent who believe it might be justified. However 26 percent of younger American Muslims believe suicide bombings are justified. Feel safer now?

Approximately 89 percent of Palestinians support Hamas firing rockets at Israeli civilians.

According to a Word-Press 2014 poll, 92 percent of Saudi Muslims believe ISIS “conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law. According to the UK Daily Mail, one third of British Muslim students support killing for Islam. According to NOP Research (2006), 9 percent of British Muslims are hardcore Islamists, and another 29 percent would “aggressively defend” Islam. One third of British Muslims believe anyone who leaves Islam should be killed.

Can you still believe the happy-clappy nonsense that “Islam is a religion of peace that has been hijacked by a small minority of radicals”?  Reality ought to convince us of the necessity for rigorously enforced and highly selective immigration laws.

Border Patrol agent fires at armed militia member

McALLEN, Texas (AP) — A Border Patrol agent pursuing a group of immigrants in a wooded area near the Texas-Mexico border on Friday fired several shots at an armed man who later identified himself as a militia member.

More @ CNS

Rep. Matt Salmon: Obama 'Didn't Lift a Finger' to Help Free Marine in Mexican Prison

Just as I commented yesterday, not that it surprised anyone.

 President Barack Obama "didn't lift a finger" to free retired Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi from a Mexican prison on Friday after he was held there for nearly eight months on weapons charges, Rep. Matt Salmon told Newsmax on Saturday.

"You have to be clear on when we say the administration," the Arizona Republican cautioned in an interview. "The people from the White House? Zero help."

Salmon, whose House subcommittee chaired two hearings on the case, said he met about four months ago with Vice President Joe Biden in the West Wing "and talked with him face to face about Andrew Tahmooressi."

He told Newsmax that he asked Biden "whether he would get involved, whether the president would get involved — and he assured me that they would."

The next week, President Obama talked with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto by telephone "and he did not bring it up," Salmon said.


NC: 44th to 16th in the State Business Tax Climate Index


New Jersey Worst for Business — Wyoming Best
The state showing the greatest improvement is North Carolina, which climbed from 44th last year to No. 16 in the new index.
"North Carolina's largest improvement was in the individual income tax component section, where legislation restructured the previously multi-bracketed system with a top rate of 7.75 percent to a single-bracket system with a rate of 5.8 percent and a generous standard deduction of $7,500," the Tax Foundation reported.
The Tax Foundation has released its 2015 State Business Tax Climate Index, and New Jersey has once again ranked the lowest among the 50 states.

The annual ranking measures the impact of policies in place as of July 1, 2014, primarily regarding five kinds of tax: individual income tax, corporate income tax, sales tax, property tax, and unemployment insurance tax. It also considers the weight of a state's compliance burden.

The index "enables business leaders, government policymakers, and taxpayers to gauge how their states' tax systems compare," the foundation stated.

The absence of one of the five taxes plays a major role in boosting a state's ranking. The state judged to have the best business climate for welcoming commerce is Wyoming, which has no individual or corporate income tax. It ranks high at No. 13 for its sales tax rate.

Wyoming also topped the index in 2014, 2013, and 2012.

South Dakota, which ranks No. 2 overall, also has no individual or corporate income tax. It ranks No. 18 for its unemployment tax rate.

No. 3 Nevada is the third state with no individual or corporate income tax.

No. 4 Alaska lacks an individual income tax and a state-level sales tax, Florida places fifth with no individual income tax, and Montana (No. 6) and New Hampshire (No. 7) have no sales tax.

Indiana, Utah, and Texas round out the top 10.

At the other end of the index, No. 50 New Jersey "suffers from some of the highest property tax burdens in the country, is one of just two states to levy both an inheritance tax and an estate tax, and maintains some of the worst structured individual income taxes in the country," the Tax Foundation observed.

The Garden State also finished last in the previous year's index.

New Jersey saw a real GDP growth of just 1.1 percent last year, compared to Wyoming's 7.6 percent, according to figures cited by The Wall Street Journal.

No. 49 New York ranks at No. 49 for individual income tax, 40th for sales tax, and 46th for property tax.

The next worst ranking goes to California, which is at No. 50 for its individual income tax, 34th for its corporate tax, and 42nd for its sales tax.

Rounding out the worst 10, in order from No. 47 to No. 41, are Minnesota, Vermont, Rhode Island, Ohio, Wisconsin, Connecticut, and Iowa.

The state showing the greatest improvement is North Carolina, which climbed from 44th last year to No. 16 in the new index.

"North Carolina's largest improvement was in the individual income tax component section, where legislation restructured the previously multi-bracketed system with a top rate of 7.75 percent to a single-bracket system with a rate of 5.8 percent and a generous standard deduction of $7,500," the Tax Foundation reported.

Also, the corporate income tax rate fell from 6.9 percent last year to 6 percent this year.
A state's business climate is significant, the foundation noted, because "states' stiffest and most direct competition often comes from other states. The Department of Labor reports that most mass job relocations are from one U.S. state to another rather than to a foreign location."

This Video Will Make It Punishingly Clear How The Union Won The Civil War (sic)

Via Bill

The Civil War was a crucial moment in American history, a bitter struggle for the nation’s future and, depending on how you look at it, it was basically over before it began.

Looking at a dynamic map of the war shows just how hard-pressed the Confederacy was from the start — and how the Union attacked from all sides to crush the South.