Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Insane: Head of US Episcopal Church says ‘climate denial’ is immoral

Via Joe


Commies have even invaded the churches.

Questioning warmism is immoral, says head of US Episcopal Church. See you in hell....

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  1. "Commies have even invaded the churches".
    I have to agree, I've read about many Pastors twisting the words in Biblical texts, to mean something they don't. Usually something that fits into their personal liberal world views. Several verses in the Bible state that GOD will have a special place in hell for those who mislead his flock away from HIS word!
    Questioning warmism is immoral, says head of US Episcopal Church. (didn't the Pope, say something similar recently?)

    1. (didn't the Pope, say something similar recently?)

      Yes, another commie.

    2. The will both join Lincoln soon. And wish they hadn't.

    3. & we should wish them God speed.
