Friday, November 20, 2015

The End of Obamaworld

Via III Percent Patriots

In denouncing Republicans as “scared of widows and orphans,” and castigating those who prefer Christian refugees to Muslims coming to America, Barack Obama has come off as petulant and unpresidential.

Clearly, he is upset. And with good reason.

He grossly, transparently underestimated the ability of ISIS, the “JV” team, to strike outside the caliphate into the heart of the West, and has egg all over his face. More critically, the liberal world order he has been preaching and predicting is receding before our eyes.

Suddenly, his rhetoric is discordantly out of touch with reality. And, for his time on the global stage, the phrase “failed president” comes to mind.

More @ Buchanan


  1. " Among 1.6 billion Muslims, hundreds of millions do not share our values regarding women’s rights, abortion, homosexuality, free speech, or the equality of all religious faiths." -----Patrick J. Buchanan ( Thursday - November 19, 2015 at 11:31 pm, on his official website )

    There it is, right there.

    That's why.

    We have enough liberals in this country, that feel the same way as the Muslims, already,

    Central Alabamaian

    1. We have enough liberals in this country, that feel the same way as the Muslims, already,


  2. Obama is not only petulant but flatulent as well.

  3. Obama is the JV leader of a JV administration filled with Kardashian women and Jenner men.

  4. I just caught the small print under the image:

    "You make Jimmy Carter look good"'


    I said pretty much the same thing.

    Central Alabamaian
