How 'American Sniper' Leaped Over 'Selma'

Via Joe "Maybe 'American Sniper' was a better movie - six years of Obama is why Selma failed.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_970/american-sniper.jpg

By now you've no doubt heard of the "racist" snub of "Selma" in the Oscars nominations race. Hollywood obviously hasn't overcome.

Here's the headline at the Hollywood Reporter from yesterday, at Memeorandum, "Oscars: Acting Nominees All White."

I'm sure we'll be seeing affirmative action nominees in coming years.

Meanwhile, perhaps "Selma" wasn't that great a movie, with limited demographic appeal. Oh, that's racist! And Paramount Pictures botched its rollout of early-screening DVDs to academy members? Well, you won't be hearing much about that in race-mongering MSM denunciations of the "racist" film industry.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Oscars 2015: How 'American Sniper' leaped over 'Selma'":

ISIS loses grip on Kobani amid U.S.-led air strikes, Kurdish resistance

With more than a thousand militants killed and territory slipping away, the Islamic State group is losing its grip on the Syrian border town of Kobani under intense U.S.-led airstrikes and astonishingly stiff resistance by Kurdish fighters.

It is a stunning reversal for the Islamic State group, which just months ago stood poised to conquer the entire town — and could pierce a carefully crafted image of military strength that helped attract foreign fighters and spread horror across the Middle East.

"An IS defeat in Kobani would quite visibly undermine the perception of unstoppable momentum and inevitable victory that IS managed to project, particularly after it captured Mosul," said Faysal Itani, a fellow at the Atlantic Council, referring to the militants' seizure of Iraq's second-largest city during its blitz into Iraq from Syria last summer.

It would also rob the group of a "psychological edge that both facilitated recruitment and intimidated actual and potential rivals, as well as the populations IS controlled," Itani said. (AP)

Charles Warner, Black Mofo Dead-Man-Walking, to Be Executed Today for Rape and Murder of 11-Month-Old Baby

 Charles Warner photo 1414946337114_wps_11_image002_png_zpsf8bc3b59.jpg

 LANGUAGE!  He is dead, by the way.

Hopefully, it'll be a botched execution and the motherfucker will go down in excruciatingly caustic pain from the burning, death-bringing pharmaceuticals coursing through his evil system.

At NBC News, "Oklahoma Execution: Baby's Mom Says Killer Charles Warner Should Live":

What In The World Just Happened In Switzerland?

 Swiss Francs - Public Domain

Central banks lie.  That is what they do.  Not too long ago, the Swiss National Bank promised that it would defend the euro/Swiss franc currency peg with the “utmost determination”.  But on Thursday, the central bank shocked the financial world by abruptly abandoning it. 

More than three years ago, the Swiss National Bank announced that it would not allow the Swiss franc to fall below 1.20 to the euro, and it has spent a mountain of money defending that peg.  But now that it looks like the EU is going to launch a very robust quantitative easing program, the Swiss National Bank has thrown in the towel.  It was simply going to cost way too much to continue to defend the currency floor.  So now there is panic all over Europe.

Legislator Wants To Ban Human Silhouette Targets From Pennsylvania Gun Ranges


              Self-defense advocates rushed to ridicule the representative's restrictive plan. 

Among the latest proposals aimed at reducing gun violence is an idea being advanced by Pennsylvania state Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland that would outlaw a specific type of target from the state’s gun ranges. In a summary posted online, the Democrat lawmaker explained the rationale behind banning civilians from taking aim at human silhouettes while participating in firearms training.

Remembering Fort Fisher’s Black Confederate Soldiers

One-hundred fifty years ago an enemy invasion fleet landed troops at Fort Fisher after a fierce bombardment, beginning a military campaign which would end North Carolina’s second bid for political independence.  This fort began existence as Battery Bolles in early 1861 and steadily grew into a mammoth earthen fortification under the direction of Col. William Lamb and Gen. W.H.C. Whiting.  The garrison troops, black and white, were assisted in daily construction activity by African slaves hired out by area plantations – all were responsible for the impressive work that defended the Cape Fear River and Wilmington.

Notable among the fort’s heroic defenders, who all fought with a grim determination though outnumbered by an enemy nearly ten times their number, were black soldiers of the Thirty-sixth and Fortieth Regiments, North Carolina Troops (NCT).  At the final capitulation of the fort, Charles and Henry Dempsey, both privates in Company F, Thirty-sixth Regiment, NCT; Privates Arthur and Miles Reed of Company D, Fortieth Regiment, NCT; Private J. Doyle of Company E; Private Everett Hayes of Company F, Tenth Regiment, NCT; and regimental cook Daniel Herring.

A total of nine black soldiers surrender to the enemy at Fort Fisher, and this does not include those who escaped capture by crossing the river to Fort Anderson.

Most if not all the black soldiers captured were imprisoned at Point Lookout, Maryland along with their white fellow soldiers. Unlike the segregated black Northern units that landed with white enemy troops, Southern black men fought alongside their comrades in integrated companies with little if any distinction of skin color.  The Dempsey brothers served with other men from Halifax, Edgecombe, Nash, Pitt and Wayne counties; the Reed brothers did the same with their white neighbors from Craven, Wilson, Wayne and Lenoir counties.

These patriotic black soldiers, who were paid with virtually worthless money, fought bravely alongside fellow North Carolinians in defense of their homes, families, neighbors, State and country.

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

The new anti-Semitism: Majority of British Jews feel they have no future in UK, says new study

Via Joe 

More than half of British Jewish people fear Jews have no future in the UK, according to a new study which also reveals that antisemitic sentiments are more prevalent than widely believed.

British society is at a “tipping point” with Jewish families increasingly questioning whether to stay in the country, campaigners claim today.

The warning is bolstered by a new YouGov poll showing that 45 per cent of Britons agreed with at least one of four antisemitic statements put to them. Some 25 per cent agreed with the idea that “Jews chase money more than other British people” while one in five accepted as true that “Jews’ loyalty to Israel makes them less loyal to Britain than other British people”.

Saudi Arabia Plunges into an Abyss

Last week, just before the Charlie Hebdo attack, ISIS sent a suicide team across the border into Saudi Arabia.  Here's what happened.

The attack was successful.  The team found and killed the Saudi general (Oudah al-Belawi) in charge of the country's nothern border zone at the outpost he was visiting.

Swedish municipality plans to integrate former ISIS-fighters returning home from the battlefield (Not a parody)

Via comment by Sioux on 3,000 "Moderate Rebels" Defect to ISIS - US Prepar...

In the municipality of Örebro the ruling body have highlighted the problem of IS-sympathizers.

According to Councillor Rasmus Persson (C), they municipality will try to help the IS-warriors who returns to Orebro getting a job and get psychological help for their traumatic experiences.

- We have discussed how we should work for these guys who have come back, to make them not go back, and that they should be helped to process the traumatic experiences they have been through, says Rasmus Persson (C) to SVT Tvärsnytt.

The City Council has also reasoned regarding the possibility of offering the returning men jobs, to reduce the effects of social exclusion, which they see as being a part of the reason why the men choose to take part in the fighting in Iraq and Syria.

Travis Tritt Flies His Red Flag

Via Red

travis tritt

Country music singer Travis Tritt recently tweeted a controversial comment in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo shooting. The tweet was in support of gun owners but at the same time took an implicit swipe at Muslims and the liberal media. The tweet has generated the predictable outrage, but also a lot of supportive replies.
It is interesting that we are asked to NOT judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics. Too bad gun owners can’t get same judgement [sic].
A quick Google search reveals that Travis Tritt is an open Republican, which is exactly what you would expect him to be if he weren’t a celebrity. Tritt is a male country music singer from Marietta, Georgia (pronounce May-Rhetta by us Georgians) which likely makes him what I’ll call a visceral Red. In the US, musicians, actors and other celebrities are generally associated with liberalism, but liberalism and the Democrat party coalition have become increasingly focused on upholding the PC narrative and enforcing rightthink, and much less concerned with the economic status of the working man.

3,000 "Moderate Rebels" Defect to ISIS - US Preparing 5,000 More

Via comment by  Sioux  "First we kill the clerics."

 Harbinger of what's to become of US "rebel army" it plans to stand up in spring. 

Reported along the peripheries of the Western media, it was reported recently that some 3,000 so-called "moderate rebels" of the "Free Syrian Army" had defected to the "Islamic State" (ISIS).  While not the first time so-called "moderates" have crossed over openly to Al Qaeda or ISIS, it is one of the largest crossovers that has occurred.

With them, these 3,000 fighters will bring weapons, cash, equipment, and training provided to them by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United States, the UK, and perhaps most ironic of all in the wake of the recent terror attack in Paris, France. Indeed, ISIS and Al Qaeda's ranks continue to swell amid this insidious network of "terror laundering" that is only set to grow.

Bret Baier's forced withdrawal from Catholic conference

Via Carl

Even while our media pay lip service to freedom of expression in France, the pressure to conform to the left-wing homosexual agenda continues in the U.S. and has now scored a direct hit on the Fox News Channel. Fox News personality Bret Baier has been forced to pull out of a Catholic Christian conference because of homosexual pressure.

Once again, for all the world to see, we have a stark example of how the freedom to object to the homosexual agenda is being denied to those in the news business.

Baier has been an outspoken conservative voice at the channel, hosting the blockbuster "13 Hours: The Inside Story," a Fox News special featuring exclusive interviews with the American security operatives who fought on the ground during the terrorist attacks in Benghazi.

The Baier case comes on the heels of the firing of Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran because of a book he wrote for a men's Bible study group at his Baptist church that included statements in favor of traditional marriage and values.

New Threats of Farm Invasions in Zimbabwe

Via Nancy


The few remaining white commercial farmers are reportedly living in fear after ruling party activists and war veterans issued threats to take over farms.

THE newly-appointed Mashonaland East provincial Minister of State, Joel Biggie Matiza, has threatened to evict the remaining white commercial farmers in the province, claiming that they continued to illegally farm through unsanctioned and corrupt deals.

Matiza told the state media that he supports the demands of Zanu PF supporters and war veterans who have recently called for the eviction of the white farmers from the province.

More @ All Africa


Before & After


George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action

Via Joe

There’s a solitary man at the financial center of the Ferguson protest movement. No, it’s not victim Michael Brown or Officer Darren Wilson. It’s not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous campaign on TV and the streets.

Rather, it’s liberal billionaire George Soros, who has built a business empire that dominates across the ocean in Europe while forging a political machine powered by nonprofit foundations that impacts American politics and policy, not unlike what he did with

Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times.

NC: Remembering What Fort Fisher’s Patriotic Defenders Fought to Prevent

As we observe the Sesquicentennial of the final defense of Fort Fisher and Wilmington in 1865, we should deeply reflect upon the “what and why” of these historic events and view them all in a proper light.

Like the North Carolina patriots of the Revolution who resisted British invasion of the Cape Fear as they fought for independence, Wilmington’s Committee of Safety in 1861 quickly took control of area defenses to protect their homes, families and country. Wilmington’s patriots of ’61 fought for independence as well and would construct the ironclads CSS North Carolina and Raleigh for the same reasons their Revolutionary fathers built the brigs George Washington and Eclipse -- to defend the Cape Fear River from invasion.

The Northern troops aboard the immense fleet in 1865 were there for the sole purpose of overpowering defenses designed to protect the Cape Fear and North Carolina.  Once ashore and in control of the forts, enemy intentions were to capture and subjugate Wilmington and place the city under martial law.  Afterward, the enemy army would move inland to seize transportation and industrial facilities, deny North Carolinians the ability to defend themselves, plus loot farms and homes at will.  They would then capture and occupy the State capital of Raleigh, overthrow the government of North Carolina and imprison its elected governor.

And this sad result was followed by 10 years of political corruption, despotism and racial turmoil incited by Northern political adventurers and carpetbaggers. This is what Fort Fisher’s patriotic garrison of North Carolinians fought to prevent.

And a word about Fort Fisher’s defenders.

We often hear that “Confederates” garrisoned Fort Fisher, though it should be trumpeted loudly that these were men from New Hanover, Brunswick, Bladen, Edgecombe, Carteret, Columbus, Sampson, Cumberland, Wayne, Duplin, Wake, Green, Beaufort, Lenoir and Craven Counties.  More than just “Confederates,” these were North Carolina patriots defending their homes and country.

Some of the unit names were Sutton’s Battery, Bladen Stars, Powell’s Artillery, the Clarendon Guards, Brunswick Artillery, Bladen Artillery Guards, Lenoir Braves, Northampton Artillery, Cape Fear River Guards, Scotch Greys, Braddy’s Battery, Edenton Bell Battery, Southerland’s Battery and Capt. Abner Moseley’s Sampson Artillery.  Clark’s Artillery was led by Wilmington businessman, Maj. Robert G. Rankin, a man whose body would be pierced by eight enemy minie balls at Bentonville.

These and other North Carolina patriots garrisoned Forts Holmes, Caswell, Johnston, Campbell, Fisher and Anderson – all there for the protection of the Cape Fear from enemy invasion. At Wilmington were stationed Companies A through G of the Fayetteville Armory Guards under Col. Frederick L. Childs.  They were there to help repel the enemy.

Though not battle-hardened veterans, Fort Fisher’s garrison fought a desperate battle from traverse to traverse and forced the enemy to pay very dearly for what they conquered. Both the fort commander Col. William Lamb and Gen. W.H.C. Whiting were severely wounded, only Lamb survived. This is a testament to the bravery of men who performed their duty heroically, and with their families and homes at their backs -- no finer patriots and soldiers could be found.

Remember too, the worried families of those within the forts, watching from the western bank of the Cape Fear with trepidation as enemy projectiles exploded within the forts their loved ones were defending. Think of what these women and children experienced that winter of 1864-65 – food scarcity, and a humiliating occupation by enemy troops should the defenders of the Cape Fear be overwhelmed.  And worse, would they ever see their brothers, fathers and sons again – dead or sent into captivity.

These should be our foremost thoughts during this Fort Fisher Sesquicentennial Observance. Let us keep in mind what was lost, what those North Carolinians were defending against, and how we today might honor and emulate their legacy of duty. 

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission
"Unsurpassed Valor, Courage and Devotion to Liberty"
"The Official Website of the North Carolina WBTS Sesquicentennial"

"First we kill the clerics."


The title of this missive is disquietingly reminescent of Lenin's 1902 pamphlet of the same name, itself inspired by Chernyshevsky's 1863 social-utopian novel, again of the same title. Lenin's work, however, was an interrogatory, a philosophical pleading written almost two decades before the Revolution. The West is too far advanced in existential struggle against militant Islam for philosophical tracts exhorting the common man to overthrow his tormentors. We are all the common man now, and our tormentors arise not from our own one-percenters (lucky though they be), but from foreign nihilists aspiring to worldwide medieval bloodlust.

No, the wretched fact is, and remains, that the West has been at war with militant Islam, off and on, for 1,400 years. As has the Caucasus, the Subcontinent, and Saharan and sub-Saharan Africa. It was not until the defenestration of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the Great War, in fact, that Balkan peoples could sleep without a weapon by the bedside and a weather eye turned south. Indeed, 1.5 million Armenians were slaughtered by the Turks in the very midst of that Great War. Fully half their population destroyed in a genocide many still refuse to name. Islamic aggression has surged and ebbed over the centuries as necessity dictated, but every opportunity for conquest has historically been exploited; it is a thirst that continues to this day.

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