Sunday, January 18, 2015

"Gray State" Director/Writer, Wife and Child Dead

Via comment by Sioux on “Je Suis CIA”

A photo from David Crowley’s Instagram account shows Crowley with his wife, Komel.

A couple and their child were killed in an apparent murder-suicide in Apple Valley, police said Sunday.

The three bodies were found Saturday in their rambler home on Ramsdell Drive, after Apple Valley police were called about 1 p.m.

Police would not identify the victims Sunday. A neighbor who discovered the bodies said they were David Crowley; his wife, Komel; and their 5-year-old daughter, Rani.

The neighbor, Collin Prochnow, said he had a passing acquaintance with the family. His wife, Judy, said, "Our grandkids would go over and play with their daughter."

It isn't known exactly when the three died, but the Prochnows believe it was near Christmas. That's when they stopped seeing signs of life in the house.

"I assumed they had gone somewhere for Christmas," said Collin Prochnow.

The neighbors became suspicious last week when they noticed the same lights on in the home day and night.

Collin Prochnow decided to check on them Saturday. As he approached the front door, he noticed Christmas presents sitting unopened on the doorstep.

He peered into the house and saw three bodies and a handgun on the floor and then called police.

                                                            More @ Twin Cities

The South, A Land Where Only The Dead Are Free

James Ronald Kennedy spoke on the famous Lee quote at the Greenbrier.  He and his brother are authors of  The South Was Right! and many other books. He mentioned the subject quote by Father Ryan.

Cousin John

“Je Suis CIA”

Via LH


I wouldn't expect to see this on Global Research, so must be worth thought.

Since 9/11, the imperial playbook has consisted of a favorite and time-tested tactic: the false flag operation.

Carry out or facilitate a spectacular atrocity. Blame it on the enemy of choice. Issue a lie-infested official narrative, and have the corporate media repeat the lie. Rile up ignorant militant crowds, stoke the hatred, and war-mongering imperial policy planners and their criminal functionaries get what they want: war with the public stamp of approval.

Here we are again.

The Charlie Hebdo incident is being sold as “the French 9/11”. It certainly is, in all of the most tragic ways: France, like the United States on 9/11, has been used. The masses of the world have been deceived, and march in lockstep to NATO’s drumbeat again.

All signs lead from French intelligence back to Washington—and Langley, Virginia—directly and indirectly. Red herrings and deceptions comprise the official narrative.

Every Seat, Every Show, Every Theater: SOLD OUT – American Sniper – Record Breaking Box Office Smash Hit

Via comment by Sioux on ‘Selma’ In Death Spiral: Dishonest Race-hoax

 movie 1

Americans love God, are patriotic, love the military, and have been under increasing leftist assault for almost 6 years. This is why Clint Eastwood’s patriotic movie about U.S. hero sniper Chris Kyle has hit at exactly the right time for a confluence of success.

The Box Office Records are being obliterated so fast the predictions of the Hollywood types are having to be revised upward by the hour - and the progressive Left is apoplectic in rage.


Breitbart News livestream of South Carolina Tea Party Coalition

Via Billy

SCTPC Schedule (All times Eastern):
Saturday 2:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m.- 5:15 p.m.
Monday 8:30 a.m.- 4:15 p.m.


This afternoon, during the Lee-Jackson State holiday in Virginia, the Virginia Flaggers took a break from flagging Lexington and Washington & Lee University, just long enough to raise a 10 x 15 Battle Flag on a 50 foot pole in a small ceremony on private property on Route 60, just outside of Lexington's city limits. 

The flag will fly in honor and memory of all Confederate soldiers, and specifically to remember Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson, the great Virginians whose final resting places are within just a few blocks of the memorial.

When we placed an ad a few months ago in the local paper, we were thrilled to receive calls from several citizens who were eager to offer their property for the placement of a memorial flag.  It seems that we are not the only ones who are upset about the way officials in Lexington have turned their backs on Lee, Jackson, and the rich and honorable Confederate history and heritage of Lexington.

This property, with its elevated location and close proximity to town, seemed a perfect location and we were thrilled at the prospect of placing a memorial flag on the hill.   Little did we know that there was even more to this property than we imagined....

Incest: The next frontier in 'reproductive freedom'

 Via comment by Sioux on 18-year-old plans to marry her long-lost father


Like a plastic Piggly Wiggly bag fluttering about in the alley, those untethered from God’s natural law are violently tossed to and fro by the gusting winds of moral relativism. Jenny Kutner is one such Piggly Wiggly bag. A 20-something assistant editor at, she describes herself as “focusing on sex, gender and feminism.”

By “focusing on sex, gender and feminism,” and as you will soon see, this young “progressive” means to say that she spends her days rationalizing each and every conceivable form of sexual deviancy, as well as trying to otherwise deconstruct that which she and her fellow feminist travelers view as an artificially constructed culture of “heteronormativity” – the sinister brainchild of the evil-man-led global patriarchy (for those interested, we meet Tuesdays at noon at the Golden Corral on Wards Road). Along with a growing number of secular leftists, Kutner’s latest sexual taboo for de-stigmatization is incest.

More @ WND

Swiss Franc Trade Is Said to Wipe Out Everest’s Main Fund


Marko Dimitrijevic, the hedge fund manager who survived at least five emerging market debt crises, is closing his largest hedge fund after losing virtually all its money this week when the Swiss National Bank unexpectedly let the franc trade freely against the euro, according to a person familiar with the firm.

Everest Capital’s Global Fund had about $830 million in assets as of the end of December, according to a client report.

More @ Bloomberg

‘Selma’ In Death Spiral: Dishonest Race-hoax

 Clint Eastwood

The early estimates for director Clint Eastwood’s pro-War On Terror masterpiece “American Sniper” hovered around $40 million. Obviously our provincial box office gurus under-estimated the American people’s desire to see their warriors, wars, and country properly honored and honestly portrayed. In its wide-release debut, the story of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle is estimated to hit $75 million. UPDATE: $80 million.

More @ Breitbart

Australian Prime Minister Infuriates ISIS Terrorists By Calling Them By A Different Name

Via Joe

Facebook/Tony Abbott

Well, by all means lets get on the bandwagon! :)

Already known as Islamic State, ISIS, and ISIL, it appears the terrorist network based in Iraq and Syria is experiencing an identity crisis. As Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott recently pointed out, there is at least one more term  by which the extremist organization has been identified.

Abbott explained that Daesh, or the acronym DAIISH, can accurately be used to describe ISIS, though he noted the organization itself bitterly despises the moniker. It is for that reason, he said, that he will continue to refer to the organization by that name.

Koran-burning preacher’s pulpit of defiance and chili cheese dogs

Via WiscoDave

As the week began, there was Terry Jones, infamous burner of Korans and the No. 2 target on an al-Qaeda hit list, in plain sight at a Florida mall. Around the world, millions were mourning victims of the massacre in Paris who included another target on the hit list, the editor of Charlie Hebdo, but Jones was at the food court in DeSoto Square running his french fry stand.

The canned music, the display at Vitamin World — this was the landscape of America’s most brazen offender of Islam, working the counter at Fry Guys Gourmet Fries with a 9mm strapped to his ankle.

Crispy fries,” Jones said to his employee, surveying the less-than-golden spuds beneath the heat lamp. “We want our fries good and crispy.”

Interstate 84 semi-truck crash: Crushed by 2 big rigs, he walks out with 2 Band-Aids

Via Sioux

Sometimes the picture says it all.

For Kaleb Whitby, the picture says a little too much.

He'd rather not think about it — the semi-trucks flattening his Chevy Silverado like a panini press.

Amid the tangled steel after the predawn crash near Baker City sat Whitby: intact, trapped and full of questions.

"Thank God that I'm still alive," Whitby said. "Now I've got to go figure out why."

More with pictures @ Oregon Live

18-year-old plans to marry her long-lost father

Via David

 Young woman says the two were instantly attracted after a 12-year absence.

Young woman says the two were instantly attracted after a 12-year absence

It's been established that reuniting with long-lost relatives can and does result in "Genetic Sexual Attraction," a term coined in the 1980s. In fact, some have estimated that elements of sexual attraction occur in as many as half the cases of estranged loved ones who meet as adults. Still, it's widely considered taboo, and even more so when the attraction is between a father and daughter, reports New York magazine. As the woman who coined the phrase GSA told the Guardian in 2003, "That group tends to stay very silent. It's still regarded as dangerously close to abuse, even though it is no different from other forms of GSA." But one such unnamed couple living in the Great Lakes region is now making news after the teen daughter talked at length with the magazine about reuniting with her father—whom she hadn't seen since she was about 5—12 years later and finding herself instantly attracted to him. 

The daughter says they have been dating for nearly two years—since she lost her virginity to her father just days after reuniting with him—and that they plan to marry, if unofficially, and move to New Jersey, where she says adult incest is legal.

More @ Newser

These 16 States Are Actively Trying to Ban Sharia Law – Is Your State Included?

Via Cousin Colby


Today the terrorist group ISIS is holding tens of thousands of people in subjugation to a primitive form of Islamic law. In the United Kingdom, which has a significant Muslim population, there is a huge push to put Shariah law on an equal footing with British law. Here in the United States, Islamic groups are increasingly pressing for concessions on a wide variety of issues. It is not surprising, then, that states are acting to stave off such incursions.

In a recent article, the Conservative Tribune details these efforts:

"When Trauma Gets Ya Down…

Via David

….understand that there is a world out there where spoiled little liberal snowflakes would not survive."

 A Nod To The Gods


Jindal's Brilliant Take on Radical Islam


"Let's be honest here. Islam has a problem."

Those are key sentences in an incredibly hard-hitting speech that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal will give in London on Monday. It is the toughest speech I have read on the whole issue of Islamic radicalism and its destructive, murdering, barbarous ways that are upsetting the entire world.

Early in the speech Jindal says he's not going to be politically correct. And he uses the term "radical Islamists" without hesitation, placing much of the blame for the Paris murders and all radical Islamist terrorism on a refusal of Muslim leaders to denounce these acts.

Jindal says, "Muslim leaders must make clear that anyone who commits acts of terror in the name of Islam is in fact not practicing Islam at all. If they refuse to say this, then they are condoning these acts of barbarism. There is no middle ground."

Then he adds, specifically, "Muslim leaders need to condemn anyone who commits these acts of violence and clearly state that these people are evil and are enemies of Islam. It's not enough to simply condemn violence, they must stand up and loudly proclaim that these people are not martyrs who will receive a reward in the afterlife, and rather they are murderers who are going to hell. If they refuse to do that, then they're part of the problem. There is no middle ground here."

Busted! Turkey caught smuggling weapons to al-Qaida

Via Billy

Turkish trucks said to be carrying weapons under the authority of Turkish Intelligence to al-Qaida in Syria are stopped and searched before being ordered released

Turkish intelligence, under the apparent direction of then Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, allegedly has been authorizing the smuggling of arms to al-Qaida cells in Syria, according to informed Turkish sources.

More @ WND

“Russian Invasion Survival Manual” To Be Issued To Citizens In European Union

While most Americans discount the possibility of a major conflict with Russia, Europeans who have seen two great wars in the last century know better.

The country of Lithuania, much like its neighbors, is preparing for a full-out invasion by Russian forces and their government is issuing a survival manual to its citizens. Though the complete details have yet to be released, the manual, among other things, advises citizens to “keep a sound mind, don’t panic and don’t lose clear thinking.
Lithuanian Defense Minister Juozas Olekas unveiled the 100-page public information pamphlet last Tuesday at a press conference in Vilnius. The book, “How to act in extreme situations or instances of war” aims to educate the country’s citizens on what to do in the case of an invasion.
The manual instructs Lithuanians how to “act during the organization of civil resistance, but also how to act under battlefield conditions,” in addition to containing information on governmental changes following a declaration of war and procedures for evacuating a building, according to Olekas.
The book suggests demonstrations and strikes or “at least doing your job worse than usual” as means of resisting foreign occupation. It also advises citizens to use social media to organize resistance and promotes staging cyber-attacks against the enemy.
More @ SHTF Plan