Thursday, January 29, 2015

"A martyr for the South, Henry Wirz"

Via Nancy

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Début du message transféré :
Expéditeur: "Heinrich L. Wirz" <>
Date: 29 janvier 2015 16:14:37 UTC+1
Destinataire: "'Heinrich L. Wirz'" <>
Objet: Captain Henry Wirz, Assistant Adjutant General, Confederate States Army
Ladies and Gentlemen,

You may have read or heard me talking before about the American War of Secession (1861 – 1865) and its best known Swiss participant, Captain Henry Wirz, my great-granduncle.

His name is indispensably related to Camp Sumpter Prison, better known as Andersonville, Georgia. Captain Wirz was its commandant (1864 – 1865). After the war he was arrested, brought to Washington D.C. where he was brought to trial and sentenced to death for alleged war crimes and executed by hanging.

In 2011 the American historian Albert Winkler published an article in the „Swiss American Historical Society Review“, Vol. 47, No. 2, June 2011: Henry Wirz and Andersonville: The Career of the Most Controversial Swiss American. One of the key sentences is:

The tragedy of Andersonville still discredits the nation, and many men in the Union and Confederacy must share the blame for the high death rates in that prison, but Wirz was unfairly singled out for punishment. Henry Wirz was a flawed man who did his best to alleviate suffering and safe lives at Andersonville, and he is no stain on the honor of Swiss Americans.

In the meantime Albert Winkler wrote another article on this matter which was recently published in the „Swiss American Historical Society Review“, Vol. 50, No. 3, November 2014: Henry Wirz and the Tragedy of Andersonville: A Question of Responsibility. Please note the conclusion:

With so much guilt to be shared, the prosecution and execution of Wirz was unjustified. Of all these men, Henry Wirz was probably the least responsible for the high mortality at Andersonville. In fact, he likely deserves high praise for doing for what he could to improve the desperate conditions in the prison, and he probably saved many Union prisoners who would have perished without his efforts.”

I again thank Mr. Winkler very much for his thorough historical research and for the permission to distribute his article electronically (please see attachment!).

With best regards, H. L. Wirz.

Heinrich L. Wirz, Colonel Swiss Army (Ret.)
Writer in Defence and Military Affairs
Independent Parlamentary Journalist
Editor in chief "Pro Militia" 2007-2010 / 2013
Ritterstrasse 4
CH-3047 Bremgarten


Virginia Flaggers Lee-Jackson Weekend Report Part III - VMI


After making our way to VMI, we assembled on the parade grounds, at Jackson's statue.  Almost immediately, Cadets came out to speak with us, and to pose for photos with Generals Jackson and Lee.  As three young men were standing with us, a man came out of the archway, very agitated and screaming the Cadets' names.  He approached and demanded they get away from "those people" and "that thing" .  We can only assume that by "those people" he meant the re-enactors portraying Lee and Jackson, and the men and women gathered to honor them on the holiday, and by "that thing" he meant the Confederate Battle Flag.

St. Louis Police Union Official Wearing ‘I Am Darren Wilson’ Bracelet Reportedly Upset Crowd Before Meeting Turned Into Shoving Match

Via Joe

Image source: KMOV-TV

Before a St. Louis City Hall meeting on a possible police oversight civilian board turned into a shoving match Wednesday, the mood in the room reportedly turned sour when some spotted a man wearing an “I am Darren Wilson” bracelet.

Wilson — a former Ferguson, Missouri, police officer — fatally shot 18-year-old Michael Brown in August, sparking months of racially charged protests and riots.

The man wearing the bracelet was Jeff Roorda, the business manager of the St. Louis Police Officers Association, who said he was there to support officers, KMOV-TV reported.

More with video @ The Blaze

Woman Hijacks Podium at Muslim Event: ‘False Prophet’ Muhammed ‘Will Never Dominate Texas!’

Via Jeff

Suffice it to say: The 11th annual Texas Muslim Capitol Day is not going well for Texas.

Earlier Thursday we brought you the story of State Rep. Molly White (R-Belton) requesting her staff greet any visitors from the Muslim community with the Israeli flag pin, a request for denunciation of terrorist groups, and a verbal pledge of allegiance to the United States.

When members of the Muslim community showed up to the Capitol for the annual meeting with state lawmakers, they were greeted by roughly 25 protesters who showed up to give the Muslim community a piece of their mind. According to the Texas Tribune, one demonstrator’s sign read “Radical Islam is the New Nazi,” and another’s: “Go Home & Take Obama With You.”

More @ Mediaite

American Legion: Second chances for Jihadists must stop

 Via Joe

By Michael D. Helm

Most Americans do not know who Ali al-Marri is and it is my sincere hope
that they never find out because of another horrendous attack.  Nonetheless,
it is extremely alarming that not only has our government released the
convicted al-Qaeda operative from U.S. custody to Qatar, but that it has
also gone largely unnoticed by the mainstream media.

Picked up for a routine traffic violation just a few weeks after the 9/11
attacks,  al-Marri ominously arrived in the United States on Sept. 10, 2001.
After police discovered he was already on a federal watch list, he was
arrested and charged with providing material support or resources to al
Qaeda.  In fact, 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described al-Marri
as "the perfect sleeper agent because he has studied in the United States,
had no criminal record, and had a family with whom he could travel."

First held as an enemy combatant, a U.S. court later ruled that al-Marri was
entitled to a federal hearing. In a 2009 plea agreement, he pled guilty in
exchange for a 15-year prison sentence and was held in the United States.
Released earlier this month to his native country of Qatar, he can expect
plenty of company in that part of the world as President Obama has called on
Congress to lift remaining restrictions on detainee transfers so he can
close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

To be fair, the release of dangerous detainees is not new and hundreds were
released during the Bush administration. But at a time when ISIS is
committing the most gruesome atrocities imaginable, it is the precise
opposite of what we should be doing.

In 2006, a delegation from The American Legion visited the detention
facility at Guantanamo. Tom Bock, who was the organization's national
commander at the time, reported a very different environment than the
description offered by many detainee lawyers and agenda-driven human rights

"The United States may be the only country whose captured enemy combatants
gain weight during their detention," Bock said at the time, while taking
note of the excellent prison cuisine. "The members of Joint Task Force
Guantanamo are absolute professionals. One guard had feces thrown on him
just before we arrived. He calmly showered and changed his uniform. The
abuse at Guantanamo is coming from the detainees, not our military."

Bock added that the detainee medical clinic provided excellent health care,
far superior to what most of the detainees were able to receive in their
home countries prior to their capture.

According to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, 30 percent of
released Guantanamo detainees have engaged in further terrorist activities.
One such man was Abdallah al-Ajmi. Captured in Pakistan in December 2001,
al-Ajmi was a Taliban fighter and self-proclaimed Jihadist. He was
transferred to Guantanamo and remained there until his release in 2005.

While at Gitmo, he told a military review board that he wanted to kill as
many Americans as possible. Nonetheless, despite a history of violence at
Gitmo, he was returned to his native country Kuwait. According to the
Washington Post, on  March 23, 2008 al-Ajmi drove a pick-up truck full of
explosives through an Iraqi military base entrance point in Mosul. The blast
killed 13 Iraqi soldiers and wounded 42 civilians.

As the nation's largest organization of wartime veterans, The American
Legion believes it has a solemn responsibility to do what it can to keep our
country safe. We do not practice partisan politics, but we do believe in
speaking truth to power, regardless of the consequences.

Mr. President, freeing terrorists and closing Guantanamo is a terrible idea.

Work begins to raise CSS Georgia from Savannah River

Via Bob

Divers and military salvage crews will spend the next nine months raising what's left of an armored Confederate warship that's been rotting at the bottom of the Savannah River for 150 years.

After years of planning, the Army Corps of Engineers announced Thursday that work has begun to recover the remains of the ironclad CSS Georgia. The ship was scuttled by its own Confederate crew to prevent its capture by Gen. William T. Sherman when his Union army took Savannah in December 1864.

The shipwreck lies in pieces beneath 30 feet of water where the river winds east of downtown Savannah. Only two big pieces of its armored siding remain intact, the largest being about 64-by-24 feet. Otherwise the riverbed is scattered with artifacts and debris — railroad ties that formed the ship's iron armor, four cannons, pieces of the ship's steam engine, unexploded cannonballs and small fasteners — that will eventually be raised to the surface.

People control


As if there was any doubt that “gun control” is just a misnomer for people control, we have more evidence of the new direction on the part of the disarmers of lawful Americans. That direction is Soviet-style punitive psychiatry as well as a vast expansion of the category of “prohibited persons” through retroactive addition of punishments to old convictions.

More @ Oleg Volk

NC: Civitas Institute Maps The Sordid Web Of Left-Wing Extremism

Honestly, this couldn’t be better news for conservatives, especially those living in the Tar Heel state. The Civitas Institute, a right-leaning North Carolina-based think tank, has created Mapping The Left, a website dedicated to identifying the web of left-wing extremism that threatens the state. They point to the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation as one of the main organizations funding this radical liberal agenda. While the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation is known for funding parks and hospitals, they’ve doled out tens of millions of dollars to the political left.

More @ Townhall

Can We Impeach Him Now?

Via avordvet


So now we know we gave up known terrorists for...... a deserter.
The Army has decided to charge Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was released by Taliban-aligned militants last year in exchange for five Guantanamo prisoners, with desertion, according to a former military intelligence officer. 
The official Army line is that no decision has been made.  I ain't buying it.

What I am buying is that the Obama Administration is doing their level best to suppress this finding by any means possible.  But the UCMJ isn't one of those things that is supposed to be subject to civilian review on a micro level.  That is, while the civilian government passes the UCMJ (in that the authority for it flows from same) on a case-by-case basis it is not discretionary within the purview of the executive -- including the CIC.

Seattle Pot Producer Rolling Out 12,000 Joints Ahead of Super Bowl Sunday


A Seattle-based medical marijuana retailer is anticipating Seahawks fans will want a "super bowl" for Sunday's big game. That's why employees at Solstice are working to roll a staggering number of joints — 12,000 in all — for its special "12th Pack" promotion ahead of Sunday, when the Seahawks face the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX. That works out to roughly 180 to 220 joints made during an eight-hour shift — double the normal pace, NBC affiliate KING5 reported. "It's not like I go home with cramps or anything," a smiling employee, Katy Filippone, told the station.

More with video @ ABC

'Who Is This Gov't Representing?' Sessions Slams Admin on Immigration

Via Billy

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) questioned attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch on immigration at a confirmation hearing today.

“Who has more right to a job in this country: a lawful immigrant who’s here, a green card holder, or a citizen, or a person who entered the country unlawfully?” he asked her.

Lynch said the “right and obligation to work is shared by everyone in this country regardless of how they came here.”

More @ Fox

Black NYT Reporter Fuming Over Son Being Held at Gunpoint by Yale Police; But He Omitted One HUGE Fact

Via Joe


On Sunday, New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow penned an Op-Ed entitled, “Library Visit, Then Held at Gunpoint; Charles Blow: At Yale, the Police Detained My Son.” His son, a third year student at Yale, was stopped by police and held at gunpoint because he fit the description of a suspect who committed numerous robberies around campus. Police were responding to a report of robbery in progress.

Mike Huckabee complains of ‘trashy’ women in New York

Via Billy

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said in a recent radio appearance that while in New York for his Fox News show, he experienced significant culture shock from all the “trashy” women swearing in a professional setting.

“In the South, or in the Midwest, there in Iowa, you would not have people who would just throw the F-bomb or use gratuitous profanity in a professional setting,” Huckabee told host Jan Mickelson in a Friday appearance on Des Moines’ “Mickelson in the Morning.”

“In New York, not only do the men do it, but the women,” he said.

“My gosh, this is worse than locker-room talk,” Huckabee continued. “As we would say in the South, that’s just trashy.”


Homeland Security Adviser Mohamed Elibiary Goes on Hate-Filled Anti-Christian Rant, Attacks Jindal as ‘Bottom Feeder’

Via Cousin John

Mohamed Elibiary
 I'd be embarrassed to post this picture.

Obama administration Muslim adviser Mohamed Elibiary is no stranger to regular PJ Media readers.

In September, Elibiary was unceremoniously removed from his fellowship position with the Department of Homeland Security, which he tried to spin as a “resignation,” but letters sent to members of Congress by DHS officials indicated he would not be reappointed.

Undoubtedly, one of the chief reasons for DHS cutting ties with Elibiary was a long string of extremist statements he had been making on Twitter, including talking about the inevitability of the return of an ISIS-style caliphate — tweets that were subsequently used by ISIS supporters for recruiting purposes.

But Elibiary has apparently not learned his lesson, engaging in a hate-filled anti-Christian rant on Twitter yesterday, even going so far to attack Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal as a “bottom feeder”:

More @ PJ Media

The Next War In The Middle East Has Begun? Israel Vows ‘To Act Powerfully On All Fronts’

Via Michael Downing

 A burnt vehicle is seen near the village of Ghajar on Israel's border with Lebanon

Israel and Hezbollah are at war.  On top of everything else that is going on in the world, now we have a new war in the Middle East, and nobody is quite certain what is going to happen next.  Israel has been preparing for this moment for more than 8 years.  So has Hezbollah.  According to some reports, Hezbollah has amassed an arsenal of 50,000 rockets since the end of the Hezbollah-Israel war in 2006.  If all-out warfare does erupt, we could potentially see tens of thousands of missiles rain down into an area not too much larger than the state of New Jersey.  And of course the Israeli military is also much more sophisticated and much more powerful than it was back in 2006. 

If cooler heads do not prevail, we could be on the verge of witnessing a very bloody war.  But right now nobody seems to be in the mood to back down.  Hezbollah is absolutely fuming over an airstrike earlier this month that killed six fighters and a prominent Iranian general.  And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that Israel is “prepared to act powerfully on all fronts” in response to a Hezbollah ambush that killed two Israeli soldiers and wounded seven.  Just such an incident is what sparked the war between the two sides back in 2006.  But this time, a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah could spark a full-blown regional war.