Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Citizen offers Proclamation to rid Charlottesville of the "foul legacy" of Thomas Jefferson

Yet, another Useful Fool.

Before attending last night’s City Council meeting in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a public hearing was to be held regarding Council Member Kristen Szakos’ proposal to remove the Lee-Jackson City holiday from the city calendar, we called to make sure that public comments were welcome, and to ascertain what the requirements were to speak.  We were told that all citizens of the Commonwealth were welcome, given the guidelines and told to arrive at 6:30 to sign up to speak.

Just over a dozen of us, from several different parts of the state, arrived early, signed up to speak and took our seats.  What we witnessed in council chambers, almost as soon as the meeting opened was, in all honesty, shocking, and if I had not been there, would have had a hard time believing took place.  Mayor Huja opened by asking for attendees to respect all speakers and not interrupt them.  He may as well have been talking to the brick walls.  The first 12 speakers were allowed to speak on any topic.  The majority who spoke were Charlottesville residents, and a circus like atmosphere quickly ensued, with members of the audience constantly shouting and talking over speakers, council members, and the Mayor, who occasionally attempted to restore order, to no avail.  The speakers themselves accused council members and the city of everything from criminal activity to overt racism and oppression at every level of government and public service.  To give you an idea of the speakers' subject matter, we offer, word for word, a resolution that was presented for consideration by a city resident during his remarks:

"WHEREAS the City of Charlottesville was founded by Thomas Jefferson, a scoundrel of the most unsavory variety, indeed, a slave rapist, and INSOMUCH AS the evils of racism, began during his time, continue unabated to afflict the City of Charlottesville to this day,  BE IT SO RESOLVED that from this day henceforth, no longer shall the City of Charlottesville celebrate racist Confederate war criminals, but shall instead honor the memories of Nat Turner and John Brown, in hopes that one day, we shall be rid of the foul legacy of Thomas Jefferson."

As one can imagine, when it came time for the public hearing on the Lee-Jackson question, the crowd was already worked into a frenzy, and it intensified when the first speaker, an elderly Charlottesville resident, rose to speak against removing the holiday.  He was heckled and interrupted over and over.  Although many who watched the proceedings on live video stream told us afterward that they could hear commotion but not make out exactly what was going on, each speaker who spoke in favor of the Lee-Jackson holiday was subject to this ill-mannered and rude behavior, in varying degrees.

By the time I was called to speak, I will admit that my nerves were on edge.  I had never witnessed such a spectacle in a public meeting and honestly many of us began to fear for our safety.  I’m glad I had my remarks prepared and with as steady of a voice and every bit of composure I could muster, I read them as loudly as I could, hoping to drown out and determined to completely ignore the shouting and commotion in the chamber.  My talking points consisted of pointing out the honor and character of Lee & Jackson, the precedent set by a proclamation signed by the Governor, the fact that this proposal was causing division and strife that would not exist otherwise, and making the point that both men were American Veterans who sacrificed all for God and Country and should not be dishonored.  This apparently was enough to make a woman in the row in front of me, who had been one of the more vocal throughout the meeting, determine that she had enough evidence to label me a "racist" and hurl an insult my way as I took my seat.

More shocking to me than the behavior of the citizens was the lack of any kind of control by the Mayor or council members.  One young woman was removed from the chamber, after she repeatedly hurled insults at Ms. Karen when she was speaking.  Other than that, and a few requests for quiet that were ignored, the behavior, even profanity from speakers, was permitted and therefore sanctioned, as far as we were concerned.  Most of us were incredulously waiting for someone on City Council to have the guts to speak up and speak out against the behavior, and publicly apologize to the others in attendance. It never happened.

Those in attendance to oppose the measure included members of the Va Flaggers, Edmund Ruffin FireEaters Camp #3000 SCV, Robert E. Lee Camp #1589 SCV, Stafford Light Artillery SCV, 19th Va Infantry Camp #1493 SCV, Army of Northern VA/ Mechanized Cavalry, and the Sally Tompkins Chapter #2 Order of the Confederate Rose.  I am more proud than I can express of the way our folks conducted themselves, refusing to join in the disruptive behavior, despite the chaotic and abusive atmosphere.

After the public remarks section of the hearing closed, we thought it best to leave, after the blatant bigotry, animosity, and disrespect we experienced in the meeting.  In the hall, we were greeted by ONE council member who made it a point to seek us out, shake our hand, thank us for coming, and apologize for what we had been subject to.  I replied that I sincerely appreciated him doing so, as he was the FIRST person in the entire chamber to offer us any kind of welcome or civility.  At that point, a (black) security guard standing beside me reached out his hand, shook mine, smiled, and said, “Well, let me be the second.”

There were a few times during the meeting, when it became painfully obvious that council members had already decided this matter before we stepped inside the chamber, and I questioned if we had done the right thing by attending.  Those thoughts were quickly dispelled when I considered that by being there and standing for Lee & Jackson, at the very least…our opposition and the truths we submitted, were made part of the public record…and we, by our conduct and deportment, showed the stark and very clear contrast that exists between those of us who wish to honor our Confederate ancestors, and those who look for every opportunity to attack those with whom they disagree, taking great pleasure in causing division and strife where none exists.

What we witnessed last night was a good exhibit of the danger of democracy devolving into mob rule.  John Randolph of Roanoke said “anarchy is the chrysalis-state of despotism.”  I see no greater example than the striking of a holiday to honor two men who faithfully and honorably served God and Country, in a futile attempt to appease and propitiate a handful of vocal agitators.


Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers


Four excellent ones on Stalingrad


A New Look at Battle of Stalingrad
 At dawn on Jan. 31, 1943, the bloodiest battle of World War II came to an end for the top German commander in Stalingrad. Russian soldiers stood at the entrance to the basement of the Univermag department store in which the top-ranking German officers, including supreme commander Friedrich Paulus, had taken refuge. One day earlier, Adolf Hitler had promoted the leader of the German troops in Stalingrad to the rank of field marshal -- not so much as a sign of recognition as an implicit order to end his life rather than allow himself to be captured.

 The arrogance of Adolf Hitler and the German high command was heightened by the enemy's stupendous losses in Operation Barbarossa. The great offensive of 1941 might not have destroyed the Soviet Union, but more than 3 million Russians were dead. Three million more were in German prison camps. Add to those grim statistics the tens of thousands murdered, or dead from deliberate starvation and mistreatment at the hands of the Wehrmacht and the SS. German flags flew over the Ukraine, Russia's granary, and over the Donbas, industrial heartland of the Soviet Union. 

A third of the country's rail network was in German hands; its heavy industrial production was down by three-fourths. The Red Army had become a blunted instrument, its tanks and aircraft destroyed, its best divisions chewed up and spat out by the blitzkrieg, its winter 1941 counterattack met, then checked, by a German army at the very nadir of its own resources and fortunes.
The arrogance of Adolf Hitler and the German high command was heightened by the enemy's stupendous losses in Operation Barbarossa. The great offensive of 1941 might not have destroyed the Soviet Union, but more than 3 million Russians were dead. Three million more were in German prison camps. Add to those grim statistics the tens of thousands murdered, or dead from deliberate starvation and mistreatment at the hands of the Wehrmacht and the SS. German flags flew over the Ukraine, Russia's granary, and over the Donbas, industrial heartland of the Soviet Union. A third of the country's rail network was in German hands; its heavy industrial production was down by three-fourths. The Red Army had become a blunted instrument, its tanks and aircraft destroyed, its best divisions chewed up and spat out by the blitzkrieg, its winter 1941 counterattack met, then checked, by a German army at the very nadir of its own resources and fortunes. - See more at: http://www.historynet.com/germanys-sixth-army-in-stalingrad-in-world-war-ii.htm#sthash.muwODbKQ.dpuf
The arrogance of Adolf Hitler and the German high command was heightened by the enemy's stupendous losses in Operation Barbarossa. The great offensive of 1941 might not have destroyed the Soviet Union, but more than 3 million Russians were dead. Three million more were in German prison camps. Add to those grim statistics the tens of thousands murdered, or dead from deliberate starvation and mistreatment at the hands of the Wehrmacht and the SS. German flags flew over the Ukraine, Russia's granary, and over the Donbas, industrial heartland of the Soviet Union. A third of the country's rail network was in German hands; its heavy industrial production was down by three-fourths. The Red Army had become a blunted instrument, its tanks and aircraft destroyed, its best divisions chewed up and spat out by the blitzkrieg, its winter 1941 counterattack met, then checked, by a German army at the very nadir of its own resources and fortunes. - See more at: http://www.historynet.com/germanys-sixth-army-in-stalingrad-in-world-war-ii.htm#sthash.muwODbKQ.dpuf
The arrogance of Adolf Hitler and the German high command was heightened by the enemy's stupendous losses in Operation Barbarossa. The great offensive of 1941 might not have destroyed the Soviet Union, but more than 3 million Russians were dead. Three million more were in German prison camps. Add to those grim statistics the tens of thousands murdered, or dead from deliberate starvation and mistreatment at the hands of the Wehrmacht and the SS. German flags flew over the Ukraine, Russia's granary, and over the Donbas, industrial heartland of the Soviet Union. A third of the country's rail network was in German hands; its heavy industrial production was down by three-fourths. The Red Army had become a blunted instrument, its tanks and aircraft destroyed, its best divisions chewed up and spat out by the blitzkrieg, its winter 1941 counterattack met, then checked, by a German army at the very nadir of its own resources and fortunes. - See more at: http://www.historynet.com/germanys-sixth-army-in-stalingrad-in-world-war-ii.htm#sthash.muwODbKQ.dpuf

 By mid 1942, the German invasion had already cost Russia over six million soldiers, half killed and half captured by the Germans, and a large part of its vast territory and resources. With the help of its arctic winter, it stopped the exhausted Germans just before Moscow and pushed them back a bit. But in the summer of 1942, when Russia was still very weak from its tremendous losses, the German military was again ready to demonstrate its formidable fighting force.

Hitler's Generals wanted to attack in the direction of Moscow again, in order take Russia's capital city, its heart and nerve center, and to crush most of Russia's remaining military forces while doing so, but Hitler now personally commanded the German army, and he listened to his Generals much less than before.

Field Marshal Paulus: Capture and Captivity 
 I was protected by guards on the street, senior lieutenant Levonenko from a commandant's office at HQ and agent of our 7th department Nesterov.

“When can we expect dinner?” That was the first phrase I heard in German when I entered the house in which the following German generals, taken in captivity on January, 31st, 1943, were placed:

It was Schmidt who asked about dinner. He always showed great anxiety about his personal items and carefully packed all cigars, which were not finished, into pieces of paper and put them in his pocket.

Paulus is a tall man, his height is about 6.4". He is skinny, with hollow cheeks, humpbacked nose and thin lips. His left eye always twitches.

HQ Commandant, who accompanied me, colonel Yakimovich, through the translator of reconnaissance section Bezimensky, politely suggested to give him all pocket knifes, razors and other cutting items.

On Front Lines in Ukraine, Rebels Are Upbeat and Eager to Advance


The rebel commander casually led the way down a muddy trench, shoulder high with shaved walls of moist earth, his boots slapping at wooden slabs sunk into the muck. Finally, he reached an earth-covered observation post.

“There, you see,” he said, pointing a gnarled index finger, its brown nail twisted after 30 years in the coal mines. A few hundred yards away, across an icy lake and a field, were some scattered office buildings, close enough to count the windowpanes.

“There are the Ukrainians,” said the commander, whose real name is Pavel and who asked that his surname not be used, for fear of reprisals. His fighters call him Batya, an endearment for father in Russian and a common nom de guerre for rebel commanders in eastern Ukraine.

The smack of artillery fire rose from a village in the valley below, captured just a few days earlier by Batya’s rebels. A nearby crack, a tense pause, then a distant thud somewhere beyond the lake.

More @ The New York Times

Nailed, as usual: Patrick J. Buchanan, U.S.-Russia clash in Ukraine?

U.S.-Russia clash in Ukraine? 

Among Cold War presidents, from Truman to Bush I, there was an unwritten rule: Do not challenge Moscow in its Central and Eastern Europe sphere of influence.

In crises over Berlin in 1948 and 1961, the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 and the Warsaw Pact invasion of Prague in 1968, U.S. forces in Europe stayed in their barracks.
We saw the Elbe as Moscow’s red line, and they saw it as ours.

While Reagan sent weapons to anti-Communist rebels in Angola, Nicaragua and Afghanistan, to the heroic Poles of Gdansk he sent only mimeograph machines.

That Cold War caution and prudence may be at an end.

More with video @ Human Events

86% want immigration to remain at today’s level or decrease


Gallup recently asked adults around the country a very simple question about immigration: Are you satisfied, or dissatisfied, with the level of immigration into the United States today? Are too many immigrants coming? Too few? Or is the number just about right?

Before giving the results, it’s important to note what that number is. The U.S. awards legal permanent resident status — a green card, which means lifetime residency plus the option of citizenship — to about 1 million people per year, a rate Sen. Marco Rubio calls “the most generous” on Earth. In addition, the government hands out more than a half-million student and exchange visas each year, tens of thousands of refugee admissions, and about 700,000 visas to temporary workers and their families. The percentage of foreign-born people in the U.S. population is heading toward levels not seen since the period of 1890 to 1910.
So is that too much, or too little?

NC: Tools for the End Times: The Apocalaxe


A while back, Council Tool Company announced a contest to name its new multipurpose survival hatchet. I’m a big Council Tool fan. Council axes, hatches, and fire-fighting tools are drop-forged in North Carolina and they’re examples of the best in American manufacturing. The Velvicut axes are as good as you can get. I wasn’t really sure what this new multitool-axe-thingy was supposed to be, but it was a slow morning so I poured a fourth cup of coffee, lit up with inspiration, and fired off my entry.

Glory be—the APOCALAXE won the show. My prize: A swanky t-shirt that commands: “Get Your Axe Back To Work.” My son, Jack, promptly stole it, and surprisingly, he hasn’t been sent home from school.

 More @ Field & Stream

The Top 5 Non-AK 7.62x39s from SHOT Show 2015

 The Rhino MM-47, my new favorite.

One noticeable theme at this year’s SHOT Show was the ubiquitous Anti-AK rifles and pistols chambered in 7.62×39. The non-AK 7.62×39 isn’t exactly a holy grail within the American firearms community, but it is a concept that has a strong cult following. We could look to the Ruger Mini 30, for example—a rifle that only has one flaw: it won’t take AK mags.

And Rock River has recently begun shipping their LAR-47 series. We’ve got one in for review now—spoiler alert: it is a tack driver with some annoying personality traits. You can read the whole thing here.

So why the rush for the 7.62 x 39 rifle (or pistol) that bears almost no relationship to the most ubiquitous rifle in the entire world? Beats me, but the five companies below have skin in the game.

More @ Guns America

Navy Intel Officer Warns of Future China Conflict

Via LH


China’s ruling Communist Party is “rejuvenating” and preparing for a military conflict in Asia, the outgoing intelligence chief of the Navy’s Pacific Fleet is warning.

“The strategic trend lines indicate the Communist Party of China is not only ‘rejuvenating’ itself for internal stability purposes, but has been and continues to prepare to use military force,” Navy Capt. James E. Fanell said on Saturday during his retirement speech at Pearl Harbor.

Hero father handed his three-year-old daughter to his wife before jumping on suicide bomber about to blow up a bus in Damascus

Via WiscoDave

Blast: The bus, Lebanese number plates, had been carrying pilgrims close to Damascus' Sayyida Ruqayya shrine, according to television channel al-Manar, which is run by Lebanese Shi'ite movement Hezbollah

A heroic Lebanese man handed his three-year-old son to his wife and jumped on top of a suicide bomber just seconds before the terrorist blew himself up, it has been claimed.

Qasim Hatoum is understood to have spotted a Saudi man preparing to detonate the explosives shortly after boarding a bus in a rare attack in the centre of the Syrian capital Damascus.

In a selfless act Hatoum sought to cushion the impact of the coming blast, handing his son to his wife before running towards the militant and leaping on top of him.

The terrorist - later confirmed as a member of Al Qaeda's Syrian-affiliate Al Nusra Front - was still able to blow himself up, killing at least six people, including Hatoum, and wounding 19 others. 

However it is possible that the death toll could have even higher had Hatoum not heroically attempted to less the impact. It may even have killed his wife and child, the latter of whom is still receiving treatment for shrapnel wounds to the face at Damascus' Great Prophet Hospital.

The Inaugural Muhammad Art Exhibit & Contest

Via WiscoDave

drawmuhammadud copy

AFDI, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, are holding the inaugural Muhammad Art Exhibit  in May.

A jury will review the submissions and a grand prize of $10,000 will be awarded to the artist.

That people are worried about this event is the entire reason for having the event. This is America. It is the duty of all patriots to expose who, or what, is or isn’t constitutionally compliant.

Was Sandy Hook Used to Bury Obama’s SSN Records?

Via Sioux


The real owner of Obama’s STOLEN SSN, Harrison J Bounel, was a patient at Fairfield Hills Psychiatric Hospital in Newtown Connecticut

Would access to Harrison Bounel’s Death Records prove Obama stole Bounel’s SSN?

After the Sandy Hook “school shooting,” the State of Connecticut made a bizarre move.

CT locked down ALL Death Certificates — for any deaths in the entire State of CT.

Governor Malloy signed three Orwellian bills into law, after they were crammed thru at 2AM, “for the children.”

As a result, CT Death Certificates are NO LONGER public record — you cannot obtain them.  Death Certificates have been PUBLIC RECORD for hundreds of years…. but suddenly, NOT ANYMORE.

More @ Memory Hole

Islamic State Video Appears to Show Jordanian Pilot Being Burned Alive

Via Joe

 View image on Twitter

The Islamic State released a video Tuesday purportedly showing the gruesome killing of Jordanian air force pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh

In the video, Kaseasbeh appears to be burned alive.

The government of Jordan confirmed that the pilot had been killed and vowed “punishment and revenge” on the Islamic State, slating imprisoned jihadists for accelerated execution in response.

The 22-minute video, titled “Healing of the Believers’ Chests,” appears to show Kaseasbeh locked in a cage and set ablaze, the Washington Post reported, citing a press release from SITE intelligence.

The video’s release comes three days after another online video showed the apparent beheading of Japanese journalist Kenji Goto.

Images from the purported Kaseasbeh slaying video spread quickly across social media Tuesday, with pro-Islamic State Twitter accounts writing “Allah Akbar” messages along with the images.

Journalist Zaid Benjamin tweeted images from the purported killing.

Jordan last week agreed to free an Al Qaeda prisoner in return for Kaseasbeh, but never received proof that he was still alive.

A Jordanian child holds a candle and carries a poster with a picture of Jordanian pilot, Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. The Islamic State released a video on Tuesday purportedly showing the pilot being burned alive. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

A Jordanian child holds a candle and carries a poster with a picture of Jordanian pilot, Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. The Islamic State released a video on Tuesday purportedly showing the pilot being burned alive. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

On Tuesday, Jordanian state TV confirmed Kaseasbeh’s death and claimed the pilot had been killed a month prior on Jan. 3, Fox News reported.

The Daily Mail reported that Jordan will executive six imprisoned jihadists, including failed female failed suicide bomber Sajida al-Rishawi, Wednesday morning in retribution.

More @ The Blaze

Past Global Warming Predictions mostly Hot Air


Billed as the storm of the year, and perhaps of the decade or 21st century, tens of millions of people from Philadelphia-to-Boston scurried home before the 50 to 75mph snow-blowing icy winds over took them. Authorities banned travel on all streets in New York City and violators, who lingered too long, could be fined $300. City Mayor, Bill de Blasio warned, “This will most likely be one of the largest blizzards in the history of New York City.” More than 7,700 flights in the Northeast were canceled and governors rushed to declare state of emergencies. Certainly the Northeast could use some of that “hot air” from the global warming predictions of the past to mitigate this mega storm.

Here are a few of those predictions as cited in The New American, “Embarrassing Predictions,” August 25, 2014. In June 30, 1989, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) warned, “entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000.” Crop failures and flooding “would create an exodus of (starving) ‘eco-refugees’.” The year 2000 came and went with no nations disappearing or with fleeing starving “eco-refugees.”