Saturday, February 7, 2015

The skimpy, moldy, mysterious and downright gross Michelle O lunches Congress should see

Via III Percent Patriots

 View image on Twitter

As Congress readies to reauthorize Michelle Obama’s Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act this year, students and parents continue to post photographic evidence of the program’s shortcomings.

The School Nutrition Association is weighing in, too.

” … Some of USDA’s regulations under the law have unnecessarily increased costs and waste for school meal programs and caused many students to swap healthy school meals for junk food fare,” says SNA CEO Patricia Montague in a news release.

The group points out 1.4 million fewer children are eating school lunches since the rules championed by First Lady Michelle Obama were implemented.

That can easily be explained by some of the skimpy, moldy, mysterious and downright disgusting lunches being served to students.

Take a look at some of the photos students have posted to Twitter in just the last few days:

More @ EAG News

Not Your Daddy’s Militia: Today’s Constitutional Militia Movement Has Grown Up.

Via III Percent Patriots

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

When James Madison drafted the Second Amendment in 1789, it was not as much of a controversial statement as it seems to be today. In the Constitutional era, it was widely understood that a Militia, composed of the whole or part of a community, was responsible for assembling, training, and when necessary, fighting to the last man for the community and its people. To be called a Militiaman was to be identified as someone who had answered a call to community service and, while not necessarily a professional in arms, was nonetheless ready and willing to put his life and livelihood at risk for the sake of his neighbors.

7th NC PATCON May 6th - 11th 2015


Southern Manners Are Expected From all.  As my mother would say, if you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all.  Thank you. :)

 Under 7, free
7-12, $14

13 and up, $25

Includes world famous East Carolina *Pig Pickin' on Saturday!

*Pulled pork, Southern fried chicken, black eyed peas, string beans, red beans, hush puppies, tea, water and banana pudding.

If you are planning to attend the May PATCON,  please remit your fees ASAP, but NLT 18 April.  Please send check to Cape Carteret address below.  I do not deposit checks until the week before and I would appreciate all remit funds now.  Thank you.

Brock Townsend
319 Holly Lane
Cape Carteret, NC 28584

The funds will be used for seating, tables, porta potties, Eastern North Carolina Barbecue with all the trimmings, equipment and tent. We would like to encourage company sponsors to donate money for this event. Any company donating $50 or more will be listed as a sponsor on the website and at the PATCON.

 Camping available Wednesday - Sunday.

No animals, please, as my Peacock is more than sufficient to annoy all but us.:)

The PATCON will be held at
*94 Roberson School Rd
Tarboro, NC 27886 

*Use the front entrance for those camping. As you cross the second set of cattle guards, camp to the right in the area with fruit trees alongside the fence and a fire pit in the middle.  For those not camping,  come in the side entrance by the graveyard and parking will be in the area of the two tobacco barns.



Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum

Dr Dan's Freedom Forum

 Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum Radio Podcast Artwork Image

 Dr. Dan's Freedom Forum Radio



CADD Graphics  


Forward Observer Magazine


III Percent Society


Sons of Abraham Church Of Christ


Dog Training Camp 


 Friday's Schedule 

                                              Grenadier1 of Georgia's Force On Force

I. Introduction  to CQB with airsoft: 1:00 to 4:00

II. Implementing ICS in the FREEFOR community: 4:00 to 6:00

No charge for these, but donations accepted.



Jaques Hamma:  Introduction to Fly Casting 7:00 to 8:00 (Tentative)


No charge


  Saturday's Schedule

 Meet and Greet Until 11:00


 Michael Downing: Welcome and Introduction 11:00 to 11:15

Samuel Vivian: Ground of Intersecting Highways: Lessons today's Patriots can learn from the Naxalite movement in India 11:15 to 11:45


Tom Green: Why Join The Militia 11:45 to 12:00   

Pig Pickin': 12:00 to 1:00

 Peter White Bringing Light to Darkening Skies 1:00 to 2:00

Brian Knight: Part 1:  How the Fed Stole Your Country, Property and Rights
Part 2:  Use That Knowledge to Reclaim Your Rights, Property (tax-free) and Republic 2:00 to 3:00 


David DeGerolamo: The Appalachian Messenger micronewspaper and how to set one up in other areas. 3:00 to 4:00  


TL Davis: American Exceptionalism 4:00 to 5:00


Raffle: 5:00 to 5:30 

Moderator Peter White: Roundtable of questions 5:30 on


Saturday's Raffle 
Winner can have the NC PATCON Logo as above (CADD Graphics) engraved on the condition that the rifle will not be sold.

 Burris MTAC 1x4 scope with rings

Above donated by NC PATCON


 Ruger 10/22 I-TAC SS/FOLD SLTCK 25RD 6POS ATI STOCK with weaver mount base

 Tru Glo red dot

 550rds of 22LR ammo

4 coin set:

 Heroes SDWC Secession 1 oz Silver BU .999

Silver Shield Don't Tread On Me 1 oz Copper

 Silver Shield Copper Sic Semper Tyrannis 1 oz

Shield AG47 Come and Take Them Copper 1 oz

Above generously donated yet once again by

 Michael Downing


Two Altoids tins, each containing an assortment (18-20 or so) of trout flies.  All of the flies were tied using Peacock Herl taken from a certain bird's plumage that resides at Dixieland.  Worry not, I didn't pluck those feathers.......As I understand, the feathers were found there on the ground, and no Peacocks were harmed in the acquisition. :)

Most of the collection are standard dry-fly and nymph patterns, and peacock Herl is one of the most popular ingredients, worldwide, for tying trout flies.  The picture I'm attaching is another standard pattern, one I'm calling "Nat's Ass's Peacock Gnat".  This one has been field tested in the Appalachian Redoubt, and is a proven fish catcher.

*Donated and tied by Jaques Hamma 


* Except for my Peacock's donation......:) 




Bill's Predator Collection

Red oak, black walnut, and cherry. All have removable trays and are memento boxes to keep small things in. 


Made and donated by Bill's Custom Wood Products






(I have an ICOM Marine Band and they are an excellent manufacturer. )


Displaying 1459378.jpg

Two-man tarp shelter


 Donated by  Peter White



The King Of Jordan Determined To End ISIS. He Is Sending More Hellfire On ISIS Including Ground Troops


Jordan is up in arms, demonstrations in the street calling out to completely annihilate ISIS while Queen Rania of Jordan led massive protests on the streets of the capital Amman this morning as thousands took to the streets after Friday prayers to urge King Abdullah II to step up airstrikes against the Islamic State to avenge the brutal murder of pilot Moaz al-Kasaesbeh. Even more shocking, Jordan is sending ground troops to fight ISIS in Iraq and videos surfaced showing the king in surprising footage unseen in western media.

Segregated WWI memorial divides S.C. city

Via Joe

GREENWOOD, S.C. — Along Main Street in a small South Carolina city, there is war memorial honoring fallen World War I and II soldiers, dividing them into two categories: "white" and "colored."

Welborn Adams, Greenwood's white Democratic-lean
ing mayor, believes the bronze plaques are relics of the South's scarred past and should be changed in the spirit of equality, replaced like the "colored" water fountains or back entrances to the movie theater that blacks were once forced to use.

Yet the mayor's attempt to put up new plaques was blocked by a state law that brought the Confederate flag down from the Statehouse dome in 2000. The law forbids altering historical monuments in any way without approval from legislators.

Historians, black and white, have reservations about replacing the plaques, saying they should serve as a reminder of the once-segregated U.S. military.

"Segregation was the accepted social order of that time," said Eric Williams, who spent 32 years as a historian with the U.S. Park Service. "If we alter the monument, we alter its historical integrity.
More @ Facebook

Hillary Clinton Shopping For 100K+ Sq. Ft. Mega-Complex To Launch 2016 President Bid From

Via LH

The Clinton Dead Pool: I suppose that with a Clinton back in the political spotlight, we can expect to be adding more “spontaneous suicides” and “accidental murders” to the already massive list of all the dead people associated with Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is searching for over 100,000 square feet of office space in New York City to house her presidential campaign headquarters, the Daily News has learned — a huge office equivalent in size to at least three full floors at 1 World Trade Center.

Williams in 2007: I looked down the tube of that RPG launcher; Update: Williams to take “next several days” off as leave of absence

Via Horace

Via Ace and Twitter user Niedermeyer’s Dead Horse, yet another tale of Brian Williams’ heroism on that fateful day in Iraq in 2003 has emerged, this time from 2007. Don’t forget that the absolutely false version of his helicopter ride being hit by an RPG had been floating around since 2004, this time the story has even more compelling detail. Williams tells Fairfield University reporter Emily Fitzmaurice in November 2007 about all of the close calls he’s had as a reporter, including the 2003 incident in Iraq in which he looked down the tube of the RPG launcher. Pick up the tales of Williams’ adventures at the two-minute mark.  

More @ Hot Air

Economics Compacted: John Kenneth Fredbraith Speaks

This column contains everything there is to know about economics. Hereafter it will be possible to shut down university deprtments and stop talking about Keynes and the Austrian School, to the great relief of mankind. In gratitude you can send me your childrens'college funds.

In 1850 people all lived on farms and grew food, which they ate. Eating was really important to them. They liked eating. There was in 1850 tremendous demand for refrigerators and cars, but people didn’t know they wanted these things because they hadn’t been invented. Anyway, they didn’t have any money to buy them with.

Yet the demand was there, crouched to spring. Much demand for almost everything, but little supply.

Oregon judge: Upskirt photos of teen at store not illegal

An Oregon judge has ruled that a 61-year-old man did nothing illegal when he crouched in the aisle of a Target store and snapped photos up a 13-year-old's skirt.

It was lewd and appalling, but not outlawed, Washington County Judge Eric Butterfield said.

"From a legal point of view, which unfortunately today is my job to enforce, he didn't do anything wrong," the judge said Thursday.

'Bigfoot' spotted at Yellowstone's Old Faithful?

In the clip, a herd of bison can be seen casually strolling through a snow-covered valley when four shadowy figures appear in the trees behind them. As the bison continue their trek, apparently not noticing the four human-like figures behind them, they disappear behind a tree before one of them come out into the open.
The video cuts away before anymore can be seen, but Sasquatch lovers have been foaming at the mouth at the clip believing it to be definitive proof that Bigfoot roams Yellowstone Park. However, the film has also had plenty of detractors for good reason, with some believing it to be faked and others thinking it was possibly hikers out for a stroll.

Defense Contracting Map

Via Adam


This is my biggest map EVER! So check it out and pass it along to anyone who wants to understand where 25% of the Federal Budget goes. It really is mind-blowing! What I've got here is a fully fleshed-out map of the top ten defense contractors.

According to this article from Defense Procurement News, profits for these contractors are up. I would venture to say that profits have always been up for these companies since any of us can remember. We had the Cold War buildup, the Reagan buildup, and now the Islamic Terror buildup. It just keeps giving billions and billions of dollars to these contracting companies, who'll always get the money because the government owns a printing press called the Fed. Nice arrangement, huh? You see, the American citizen would get tired of all these wars a lot faster if there was butter rationing and tires were hard to come by.

Another American Murdered By One of Obama’s Illegal Alien ‘DREAMERS’

Via Joe

As Obama continues to allow hundreds of thousands of criminal illegals into the country–and as he refuses to capture and deport them, even when they commit murders and other crimes–we get yet another American murdered by one of Obama’s illegals.

A man in Harris County, Texas was murdered by one Victor Manuel Reyes, 31, a criminal illegal convicted drug dealer, living in the Houston area.

The murdered man is Spencer Golvach, a bassist for a Houston rock band named The Dead Revolt.

"Hey There Lonely Girl"

Via comment by Sioux on The Chi Lites

 Remarkable voice and this is one show PBS got right.