(UPDATED: Fake) FBI Admits All Registered Motorcycle Owners Are On Classified Gang List

Via LH

 Rich-Joseph Facun / AP Images for Harley Davidson

We have an out of control, Marxist government.

MSNBC correspondent Jeremy Lancaster sat down with government official Darrin Cornia to discuss recent rumors that have been in circulation in regard to registered motorcycle owners being placed on a classified FBI gang list.

Darrin Cornia who currently holds a position within the National Security Branch of the government agreed to complete transparency prior to the interview with MSNBC’s Jeremy Lancaster and did remain direct and seemingly forthright throughout his conversation with Lancaster.

 After a few moments of introduction, Lancaster bluntly asked the following question,” Mr. Cornia, if I were to make the statement, all registered motorcycle owners are currently showing on a classified FBI gang list, would the statement be true or false?

Cornia responded by saying, “That would be a true statement, the FBI has been collecting and compiling Department of Motor Vehicles and Drivers License Division records for the purpose of adding those that own motorcycles to a classified gang list since 1994.

Lancaster asked Cornia to explain the reasoning behind the list which seems inappropriately broad, to Cornia answered the question with the following statement,

“It’s nothing more than collecting and utilizing data. We may not like to admit it, but the truth of the matter is that those that own and operate motorcycles are 67% more likely to be involved in illegal or criminal activity than those that do not own or operate a motorcycle.”

Louie Gohmert Tells Bureau of Land Management: ‘Keep Up The Arrogance’ – We’ll Cut Your Budget…

Splendid, just splendid. Go Louie !

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) told two federal land officials, “I come bearing good news. I think if your employees keep up the arrogance, keep denying access to the land then very soon we’ll be able to dramatically cut your employees back and start turning those powers over to the states.”

EXCLUSIVE: First Interview With Bikers Involved in Twin Peaks Shooting

Via The Last Refuge

KCEN got an exclusive interview with the first bikers to speak publicly after the Twin Peaks shooting, capturing the moments right after their release from jail after being arrested for the May 17th shooting that left nine bikers dead and 18 more injured.

Waco Police had said the 170-plus bikers arrested were part of criminal motorcycle gangs.
However, William English, 33, and Morgan English, 30, say otherwise, and that they had come to the sports bar for a friendly meeting between motorcycle clubs, and they weren't even inside the restaurant when the brawl broke out.

The husband and wife from Brenham who celebrate their four year anniversary in September, have never spent more than a few days apart, but were forced to spend 16 of them away from each other, and away from the world.

"He's my rock, he's my everything and not having him there was so hard," said Morgan English, suspect and biker wife arrested in the Twin Peaks shooting.

Strength is the only good thing the English's say has come out of their time in jail.

"This whole thing is a sham," said William English, suspect and member of the Distorted Motorcycle Club. "I'm kind of upset that we had to pay to get out of jail when we did nothing wrong."

More with video @ KCEN

The Diversity Officer Who Tweeted “Kill All White Men” Will Keep Her Position- Nice Huh ?

Via Joe

“Mustafa” is the “diversity officer” at Goldsmiths University in London, and if you get through that entire video, you’ll see her defending herself for allegations of racism and sexism after she banned all white men from attending an anti-racism event for the “crime of being born white.”

Her reasoning?

She can’t be racist or sexist because she’s a minority, and minorities cannot be racist or sexist, as you can only be one or both if you’re in a position of power or privilege. It’s a reasoning seen from the social justice movement that allows individuals to be as bigoted as they please, so long as they belong to a specific minority group, such as women, any color other than white, and any gender other than “cis” (which is social justice speak for “identifying as the sex you were born as”).

More with video if you want to torture yourself @ Universal Free Press

Excellent Deal On Some Well Made Blackhawk Ammo Pouches


Via avordvet "Just got in the order of BlackHawk S.T.R.I.K.E AK/M4 Double Mag pouches and they are excellent quality, I was surprised the price was that low so I ordered four just to have some laying around.

Only drawback is they ONLY come in ARPAT, nothing a little spray paint won't solve.

They hold AK or AR mags, and even though they are MOLLE I attached a couple to my old Y harness web gear, ditching the old M16 double mag pouches, they sit perfectly on the belt surrounding the front suspender straps."  

$3.99 and free shipping @ Amazon

Senate approves USA Freedom Act

Via Billy

National Security Agency's controversial bulk collection of the phone data of millions of Americans who have no ties to terrorism.

Senators by a 67 to 32 margin approved the USA Freedom Act, which was passed by the House last month. The bill now goes to President Obama, who has promised to sign it.

Once the bill is signed into law, three key sections of the Patriot Act anti-terrorism law that expired at midnight Sunday will be restored and extended through 2019.

More @ USA Today

Fighting in the ranks of the Peshmerga.


Going old school with this MG 42 machinegun, who earned the nickname 'Hitler's buzzsaw' during the second world war. The MG 42 is famous for many reasons, one if them is its high rate of fire, with up to 1,500 rounds per minute. This particular machinegun is modified to take NATO rounds instead of the original rounds, a so called MG 42/59. It's a rare weapon and the guys here are not used to it, so I'll be taking care if this baby from now on. I have experience with the MG 3 from back home, wich is basicly a newer version of the MG 42.

More @ U 96

Communist Art Acevedo Kills Constitutional Carry In Texas

Via  avordvet


Texas Tribune:
Texas police chiefs are urging Gov. Greg Abbott to veto legislation repealing certain handgun restrictions in Texas if lawmakers do not remove a controversial provision the chiefs fear would allow criminals to carry firearms without repercussions.
If the provision stays on the bill, the only responsible thing for Abbott to do would be to veto it, Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo said at an impromptu news conference organized as the legislation faces what could be a final vote in the House on Wednesday. “You can’t be the party of law and order and not listen to your police chiefs,” he said.
Flanked by about a dozen law enforcement leaders from around the state, Acevedo said Wednesday that the legislation would “handcuff” police officers, endangering both them and the communities they protect.
“The sky is falling!  The sky is falling!”  Art Acevedo is a communist and liar.  He knows that other traditional open carry states like North Carolina (where simply openly carrying a gun does not constitute legitimate reason for a stop) don’t have the problems he says will come from constitutional carry in Texas.

Secretary Wos lauds N.C.’s Refugee Assistance Program

Via Charlie


DHHS Secretary Aldona Wos, M.D., provided closing remarks at a recent meeting of the North Carolina Refugee Assistance Program, housed at Wake Tech Community College – Beltline Campus. U.S. Department of State Assistant Secretary Anne Richard attended the meeting last month to learn more about North Carolina’s efforts to aid refugees relocating to the United States.


Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from Website

Via LH


Recent Rise in Vaccine Victims’ Court Decisions and Concessions Not Reflected in Revised Government Chart

In March, the federal government removed the latest vaccine injury court statistics—more than a year’s worth of data—from one of its publicly reported charts. It was an abrupt departure from the normal practice of updating the figures monthly.

Wiping the latest data means the “adjudication” chart on a government website no longer reflects the recent, sharp rise in court victories for plaintiffs who claimed their children were seriously injured or killed by one or more vaccines.

Liberation Is Unprofitable

Via Jonathan


12 examples of how liberation is not profitable and therefore it must be marginalized, outlawed, proscribed or ridiculed. 

If we had to summarize the sickness of our economy and society, we could start by noting that liberation is unprofitable, and whatever is not profitable to vested interests is marginalized, outlawed, proscribed or ridiculed. Examples of this abound.
Liberation from digital communication servitude is not profitable. Don't have a smart phone on 18 hours a day, every day? Loser! Luddite! Liberation from digital communication servitude is not profitable, therefore it is ridiculed.
Liberation from debt is not profitable. Only the wealthy can afford to buy a vehicle without debt, a home without debt or a university education without debt. For everyone else, liberation from debt is not an option, because debt is highly profitable to our financial Overlords and the politicos they buy/own.
Liberation from political elites is not profitable. Dependence on the state for monthly payments binds the recipients to the political elites that control the money and payments, and to the financial elites who control the political elites.
More @ Zero Hedge

The GOP War on Private Weapons In America by Bill Buppert

Via Jeffery


Philosophically, your stance on gun ownership tells me a lot of what your position is on freedom. If you’re a weapons prohibitionist, you tend to be a coercionist and government supremacist.

I dedicate this essay to the fruitless enterprise of voting and hope to show the Republicans or friends who are that the Grand Old Politburo is just as anxious as the Democrats to disarm you. Of course, the post-Second American Revolution Democrats have become a party of weapons prohibition but like all apparatchiks they consistently play philosophical whack-a-mole to plug new holes emerging in the totalitarian dike that separates Helots from their freedom. Two left wings of the same predatory bird.

At least the Democrats are honest enough about their economically illiterate Orwellian love affair with the Leviathan state since the 1930s.

I would suggest that the only difference between the parties is the spelling and nothing else. Both parties are death cults intent on piling on more and more freedom destroying regulations, laws and edicts that smother every ember of freedom that pokes out of the long-dead scorched earth of liberty that the government has firebombed since 1791.

More @ Zero Gov

American IndianTribes Declare Sovereignty, Break Away From State Of Maine

Via comment by Anonymous on Sherman’s Civilian Enemies


Due to Governor Paul LePage launching direct political and environmental attacks against the Penobscot, Micmac and Passamaquoddy tribes of Maine, leaders of those tribes have recalled their representatives from the state legislature and are asserting their sovereignty from the State of Maine. “The Maine Indian Land claims Settlement act has failed and we cannot allow ourselves to continue down the path,” Chief Francis said. “We’re saying it’s a failed social experiment.”

 More @ Govt Slaves

Cultural Cleansing of Christian Males

Via comment by Anonymous Emails Raise Questions of Bias in Case Against Bak...

 Cultural Cleansing of Christian Males

The culture war against Christianity is picking up speed.

Last week came word Saint Louis University will remove a heroic-sized statue of Fr. Pierre-Jean De Smet S.J. from the front of Fusz Hall, where it has stood for 60 years.

The statue depicts Fr. De Smet holding aloft a crucifix as he ministers to two American Indians, one of whom is kneeling.

Historically, the statue is accurate. Fr. De Smet, “Blackrobe,” as he was known, was a 19th-century missionary to Indian tribes who converted thousands. A friend of Sitting Bull, he spent his last years in St. Louis.

And as the mission of this Jesuit university is, presumably, to instruct the Catholic young in their faith and send them out into the world to bring the good news of Jesus Christ as Lord and savior to nonbelievers, what exactly is the problem here?

More @ Buchanan

How Timothy McVeigh's Ideals Entered the Mainstream

Via comment by Anonymous on The Waco Killing Fields Massacre II: A premeditat...


Republican presidential candidates gathered last month at the Oklahoma City Cox Conference Center, just a few blocks from the site of what was the Alfred R. Murrah Federal Building. Two decades ago, anti-government militia sympathizer Timothy McVeigh blew it up in what he called an act of war against the U.S. government. It was the worst crime of domestically bred terrorism in American history. McVeigh was executed in 2001, but since then, some of his militia ideals have gone mainstream and even been introduced as laws in many states, including Oklahoma.

More @ Newsweek