Thursday, July 2, 2015

Episcopalians vote to allow gay marriage in churches



Episcopalians voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to allow religious weddings for same-sex couples, solidifying the church's embrace of gay rights that began more than a decade ago with the pioneering election of the first openly gay bishop. The vote came in Salt Lake City at the Episcopal General Convention, just days after the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide. It passed in the House of Deputies, the voting body of clergy and lay participants at the meeting. The House of Bishops had approved the resolution Tuesday by 129-26 with five abstaining.

More @ CNS News

Racist Signs Show Up Outside Black Church, But Who Put Them There Is The REAL Story

Via Billy

Photo: Colorado Springs Police/CBS Denver screengrab

Weeks after a mass shooting left nine black parishioners dead in South Carolina, members of New Covenant Church in Colorado Springs, Colo., were understandably concerned when racist, intimidating messages were posted to a tree near the church’s entrance.

 lack men be aware,” one sign stated, “you are the target.”

The church’s predominantly black congregation opted to barricade itself inside during a recent service upon first noticing the threatening notes.

“We locked our doors this morning,” Pastor Roland Joyner explained, “so we were inside; but it shouldn’t be that way. You shouldn’t have to lock your doors in the church.”

While Joyner said the thought of someone targeting his church left him “speechless,” a subsequent arrest in the case was in itself a surprising development.

Suspect Vincent Broughton, police believe, is the man responsible for this attack. Notably, the 44-year-old facing charges related to a “bias-motivated crime” is black. He reportedly confessed to the crime, though there is no indication he offered a motive.

My "issue" regarding the Confederate Flag
This was filed with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission July 1st/2015. While the U.S. media seems able to routinely trash the Confederate flag, I thought I'd see if we are able to get away with it here in Canada:
To whom it may Concern,

I am asking your organization to investigate a serious incident of discrimination that occurred June 23rd, 2015 in the province of Saskatchewan.

Unfortunately a very disturbed white kid in Southern Carolina killed nine black people in a church the week prior. Due to the young idiot taking pictures of himself with guns and the Confederate flag, once again in the United States there was a mad dash by left wing radicals to tie racism to the Confederate flag. Attempts to discredit and degrade the Confederate flag have existed since the end of the American Civil War, along with the propaganda that all white southerners are racist. For this reason, a son/daughter of the Confederacy is usually deemed a racist/white supremacist if attempting to take pride in their family or their family’s past. Most Canadians have little to no idea of true American history, because mainstream education in North America speaks of the winning side’s version.

I am Dale Vincent Pippin, and my family arrived in Saskatchewan, Canada 110 years ago. We are direct descendants from one of the Seven Blackbirds from Tarboro, Edgecombe County, North Carolina. The Seven Blackbirds were seven brothers who fought in the American Civil War for the Confederacy. Pippin (Pippen) is a huge name in the south, with several historical landmarks honoring the substantial sacrifice made by the brothers. I firmly believe anybody would agree that one of the very few “positive” memories of any war is to honor the feats and valor displayed by individuals under extreme conditions and duress of battle. If you are from the south and your family fought for the south, it is their belief to never forget (nor to refrain from taking pride in being southern). There is a song written in dedication and memory of the Seven Blackbirds which is easily viewed on Youtube should you be interested.

I can say with 100% certainty that the Pippins that came to Canada 110 years ago have substantially contributed to Saskatchewan/Canada, and are not racist. The contributions to the community were made with good old fashioned resiliency, honesty, good work ethics, pride, and integrity (a few of the many great southern traits brought north to Canada).

I am a former CUPE Union Local President, Member of the CCLA for seven years (Canadian Civil Liberties Association, recently quit); and have been a private advocate for Human Rights/Fundamental Freedoms for fifteen years.

"Upcoming Confederate Flag Rallies"

Via comment by Anonymous on Survey: 70 Percent Want Feds To Keep Hands Off Con...

Confederate Battle Flag Rally in Stafford, VA (July 3)
Confederate Battle Flag Rally in Roanoke, VA (July 5) – 12 noon at Clearbrook Wal-Mart on Rt 220
West Virginia
Stand By The Flag Rally in Morgantown, WV (July 5)

Stand By The Flag Rally in Bogalusa, LA (July 5)

Battle Flag and Christian Marriage Rally in Harrison, AR (July 4)
Stand By The Flag Rally in Paragould, AR (July 5)
Stand By The Flag Rally in Jonesboro, AR (July 5)
Fly Em High Rally in Searcy, AR (July 5)
Russellville, AR (July 5)

Feds Out of Florida in Tallahassee, FL (July 3)
Confederate Heritage Rally in Tampa, FL (July 4)
Stand By The Flag Rally in Tampa, FL (July 5)
Stand By The Flag Rally in Iverness, FL (July 5)
Stand By The Flag Rally in Homosassa, FL (July 5)
Battle Flag Rally: Stop Southern Cultural Genocide in Gainesville, FL (July 9)

Stand By The Flag Rally in Edmond, OK (July 5)

Stand By The Flag Rally in San Antonio, TX (July 5)
Stand By The Flag Rally in Kaufmann, TX (July 5)

Stand By The Flag Rally in Statesboro, GA (July 5)
Stand By The Flag Rally in Cedertown, GA (July 5)

Battle Flag Rally in Hiram, GA (July 5) – 2 PM in front of Wal-Mart
Stand By The Flag Rally in Louisville, KY (July 5)
Stand By The Flag Rally in Fairview, KY (July 5)

South Carolina
Stand By The Flag Rally in Charleston, SC (July 5)

North Carolina
Stand By The Flag Rally in Lincolnton, NC(July 5)

Stand By The Flag Rally in Maplewood, MO (July 5)
Stand By The Flag. Defend The Heritage in Jefferson City, MO (July 18)

Support The Flag. Defend The Heritage in Jackson, MS (July 6)

Stand By The Flag in Athens, AL (July 5)
Ride Through Dixie in Florence, AL (July 5)
Stand By The Flag in Boaz, AL (July 5)
Flagging Confederate Monument in Birmingham, AL (July 10)
Monumental Dixie in Birmingham, AL (July 18)

Defend The Heritage in Memphis, TN (July 12)
The Memphis rally is at 2 PM in Forrest Park.

The CSPOA cautions Americans to be vigilant for possible violence during the 4th of July weekend

As Americans prepare to celebrate our independence, CSPOA urges caution and vigilance, especially at large gatherings, for possible violent terrorist acts against our people.

"Federal authorities have requested our help in warning everyone to be careful and watchful as they celebrate the 4th," said CSPOA founder and President, Richard Mack.

Past terrorist attacks in the US have focused on our uniquely American institutions, such as the World Trade Center, and could be planned for our uniquely American holidays as well. The FBI has warned that intelligence indicates a possibility of one or more attacks on large gatherings this weekend.

"We want everyone to participate and enjoy the celebrations across the nation, but we urge all to be aware of their surroundings and to report any suspicious activity," said Mack. "We encourage our citizens to exercise their First and Second Amendment rights as they see fit for their own safety and protection."

“Ever-Present, Ever-Crushing Negro Hate” Up North
 Draft Rioters Burn the Colored Orphans Asylum, New York, July 1863 Harper's Weekly

The underground railroad myth claims that the North was the land of freedom and equality for the black man who would run away from his home in the South, despite the reality of the former slaveholding North not wanting the black man in their midst. The evidence shows Jim Crow laws proscribing black voters in New York, Ohio passed laws against black emigration, and segregated transportation was common – and Frederick Douglass stated that Philadelphia was the most segregated city in the North.
Bernhard Thuersam,

“Ever-Present, Ever-Crushing Negro Hate” Up North

“Samuel R. Ward . . . was born on a plantation on the eastern shore of Maryland to slave parents in 1817. The family escaped to Greenwich, New Jersey in 1820, and removed six years later to New York City. In New York Ward’s father was a house painter, whose experience in slavery seems to have induced in the son a resonance to abolitionism.

Poverty compelled Ward to work, “but inclination led [him] to study.” He was placed in a public school and taught “by Mr. Adams, a Quaker gentleman.” Thus in spite of poverty, Ward was able to make some progress in learning.

Poverty, however, was not the only obstacle for a black lad in New York City. There was also “the ever-present, ever-crushing Negro-hate.” [He wrote:] “As a servant it denied me a seat with my white fellow servants . . . the idea of employing a white clerk was preposterous . . . So if I sought a trade, white apprentices would leave, if I were admitted. I found all the Negro-hating usages and sentiment of general society [in New York] encouraged and embodied in the Negro [church] pew . . . I know of more than one colored person driven to a total denial of all religion, by the religious barbarism of white New Yorkers . . . ”

Henry Highland Garnet was born into slavery in New Market, Maryland . . . in 1815. In 1824, his parents, after receiving permission to leave the plantation to attend a funeral, escaped with him to Pennsylvania and moved to New York City in 1826. Between 1826 and 1828, Garnet was educated at African Free Schools of the city.

In 1855 Garnet went to Canaan Academy, New Hampshire. Henry did not escape “Negro-hate” in this rural community. A mob using ninety-five oxen and working two days pulled down the building which housed the academy out of line of the other buildings and burned it to the ground. “The mob further attacked Garnet in the home of Mr. Kimball with whom Garnet was boarding.”

Charles Ray was born on 25 December 1807 in Falmouth, Massachusetts, where his father was a mail carrier. Charles was educated at schools and academies of his native town. Afterwards he worked for five years on his grandfather’s farm in Westerly, Rhode Island.

In the early 1830s, Ray, financed by the abolitionists, studied at Wesleyan Seminary in Wilbraham, Massachusetts, and Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. [White] students raised objections to his presence at the university, calling it “inexpedient.” Charles was forced to leave.”

(The New York Abolitionists, A Case Study of Radical Politics, Gerald Sorin, Greenwood Publishing, 1971, pp. 85-93)

Soldier of Fortune Days: A Self-Indulgent Memoir

 soldier of fortune web

Great magazine and never missed an issue.

Those were wilder times, hardier times, memorable and loose. The veterans of Vietnam were not yet aged and, as happens after wars, did not settle easily into selling air filters at the NAPA outlet. They had lain atop Amtracs in the tropical night, with star shells blazing white in the sky and the smoke trailing almost solid and the distant roar and thump of artillery. They had known the fast flight of helicopters over emerald-green dangerous jungle and the clotting dead and garish disemboweled and the crack of AKs. It was not preparation for the boredom of civilian life.

And so they came, we came, some of us, to work for Soldier of Fortune, dread magazine of purported mercenaries, in Boulder, to the horror of soft, nice liberals whose town it was. SOF was more a pretext and framework for international adventuring than anything else, although it was honest journalism. The staff were ballsy, uproarious, given to guns and motorcycles and skydiving and the holy god Adrenaline. Unconventional. I doubt that they had even heard of convention.

US blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to fight Islamic State

Via Terry "Is there any question whose side Obama is on? Pure traitor supporting the establishment of a caliphate."

The United States has blocked attempts by its Middle East allies to fly heavy weapons directly to the Kurds fighting Islamic State jihadists in Iraq, The Telegraph has learnt.

Some of America’s closest allies say President Barack Obama and other Western leaders, including David Cameron, are failing to show strategic leadership over the world’s gravest security crisis for decades.

They now say they are willing to “go it alone” in supplying heavy weapons to the Kurds, even if means defying the Iraqi authorities and their American backers, who demand all weapons be channelled through Baghdad.

More @ Telegraph

The GOP Congress refuses to use the power it has

Via Bill

Image result for Article III, section 2 of the U.S. Constitution expressly states

Instead of wailing and bemoaning the imperial edicts issued this past week by the Supreme Court on Obamacare, housing discrimination, and gay marriage, the Republican-controlled Congress would do better to exercise its constitutional authority and fight back.  Here is one way.

Few powers given to the Congress are more clearly defined, and yet more rarely exercised, than its power to strip the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, of jurisdiction over almost any subject matter Congress chooses.  It is a mystery why the Republican leadership is so timid and weak in submitting to the clearly unconstitutional decisions handed down on a regular basis by the high court.

Article III, section 2 of the U.S. Constitution expressly states (emphasis added):

Democrat Jim Webb joins 2016 White House race

Former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb is jumping into the race for president, becoming the latest Democrat to try for a primary upset over frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

In a message to supporters obtained by Fox News, and later posted on his website, Webb says: "After many months of thought, deliberation and discussion, I have decided to seek the office of the Presidency of the United States."

Webb's entry brings the total number of Democratic presidential candidates to five.

Clinton continues to dominate the field, though Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders lately has been gaining in the polls.

But Webb, 69, is cut from a far different political cloth than the independent, socialist-leaning Vermont senator.

A highly decorated Vietnam veteran and former secretary of the Navy under the Reagan administration, Webb had been seriously mulling a presidential run since establishing an exploratory committee in November 2014.

More @ Fox

How to Survive Societal Collapse in Suburbia


On a clear morning in May, Ron Douglas left his home in exurban Denver, eased into his Toyota pickup truck and drove to a business meeting at a Starbucks. Douglas, a bearded bear of a man, ordered a venti double-chocolate-chip Frappuccino — “the girliest drink ever,” he called it — and then sat down to discuss the future of the growing survivalist industry.

Many so-called survivalists would take pride in keeping far away from places that sell espresso drinks. But Douglas, a 38-year-old entrepreneur and founder of one of the largest preparedness expos in the country, isn’t your typical prepper.

At that morning’s meeting, a strategy session with two new colleagues, Douglas made it clear that he doesn’t even like the word “survivalist.” He believes the word is ruined, evoking “the nut job who lives out in the mountains by himself on the retreat.” Instead, he prefers “self-reliance.”

More @ the NYT

Isn't This Exactly What Happened?

Via Horace

All the monuments will come down.

Every one.

Confederate or American, it doesn't matter what they celebrate, they will come down.

For they celebrate white men fighting, living, dying, and ultimately thriving to defend the interests of white people. The monuments were erected to celebrate the lives, deeds, exploits and sacrifices of those white people who had perished so white people living long after the statute had been built could understand their connection to the past... so future citizens would always remember the men who had once existed so that they could exist.

Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson knew what was once at stake, as Ron Maxwell powerfully captured in the Ted Turner financed Gods and Generals.

Major-General Fitzhugh Lee: Why the Southern soldier fought

Major-General Fitzhugh Lee simply and methodically described why the Southern soldier fought in 1861, and under what privations and suffering these Americans fought outnumbered by 5 to 1 odds for four years — and came close to success. He sums up why the war and reasons for it will not go away. He prophesied that the time would come when the world would recognize that the failure of the Confederacy was a great misfortune to humanity.
Bernhard Thuersam,

No Monument High Enough for These Americans

“An impartial study of the early history of the American republic from the period of a band of patriots, following on the wave of Washington’s sword, transferred power from king to people, will demonstrate that when Colonies were transformed into States, the latter delegated, in a written Constitution, the powers to be conferred on the United States, but all powers not so delegated were reserved to the States themselves, because they had never parted from them. Hence, sovereign power belonged to a State, while only derivative, and not primitive, power was possessed by the general government.

The States did not confer upon the Government they were then forming a right to coerce one of their number for any purpose, for it is not natural that the creator should create either executive, judicial or legislative authority anywhere which should be potent to destroy its life or diminish or alter the power it had reserved for its own purposes. A State speaks through its representative bodies, and the majority of delegates in a convention direct its course.

The people of the original thirteen States believed in State sovereignty, and Pennsylvania and the New England States are upon record as primarily holding such opinions. The Southern people were educated in the belief that the allegiance of the citizen was first due to his State, and that in any conflict between his Commonwealth and the United States, or other country, his place was at her side — at her feet he should kneel and at her foe his gun should be pointed.

This is the only explanation of the great and enthusiastic response by the masses of the people to the actions of their State Conventions, when they decided their States should no longer be members of the Federal Union, but, resuming their original independence, be free afterward to make such other alliances they might deem best to protect their rights and promote their growth and glory.

The Southern masses were the private soldiers of the armies; they may not have understood all the public questions involved, or the gravity of secession, or the importance of pending issues as thoroughly as the statesmen of the period, but they must have been thoroughly impressed in a conscious manner with the right of secession and with a fidelity and loyalty to the commands of their respective States.

It has been said that the man is under no circumstances so independent as he is when the next step is for life or death. The men who were to be enrolled as the soldiers of the new Confederacy of States, to battle for its existence, knew they were taking a step which might bring to them a hostile bullet and a soldier’s grave.

The existence of the slightest doubt as to the justice of the course of their States, or the presence of the smallest suspicion that their bayonets would glisten with treason, would have surely brought that independence of action spoken of, against which the pleading eloquence of their leaders would recoil as the waters are dashed back from a great rock.

No earthly mandate can compel men to leave their firesides, families and friends, and embrace death with rapture, unless their God-given consciences stamp with approval the motives which control their conduct.

With a free, fair and honest ballot, undisturbed by extraneous influences, and untouched by the modern methods of bribery and corruption, the masses of the people, from which came the unbroken ranks of gallant men, voted with practical unanimity to ratify the decision of their State Conventions. The movement to change the map of North America and make two republics grow where only one grew before, was enthusiastically received by the great body of the Southern people.

When I see the battle-scarred soldiers and sailors of the Confederacy, with uncovered head and profoundest reverence I bow before those dauntless heroes, feeling that if the greatest suffering with the least reward is worthy of the highest honor, these deserve to stand shoulder to shoulder with their greatest army commanders in the brotherhood of glory.

It was a wonderful exhibition of courage, constancy, and suffering, which no disaster could diminish, no defeat darken. The soldiers went to battle from a sense of duty, and were not lured into the ranks by bounties or kept there by the hope of pension. The records show 600,000 Southern men were enlisted during the whole war, while 2,700,000 represent the total enlistments of their opponents during the same period.

“It would be difficult to convince the world,” General Lee would often say, “of the numerical superiority of our opponents.” And yet, for four years success trembled in the balance, though fate denied the Confederate soldiers the final victory, it “clothed them with glorious immortality.”

There was no “passion-swept mob rising in mad rebellion against constituted authority,” but armies whose ranks were filled by men whose convictions were honest, and whose loyalty to the Southern cause was without fear and without reproach — men who remained faithful to military duty in the conflict between fidelity to the Confederate banners or adherence to the trust assumed in the marriage vow, who resisted the pressures of letters from home, and whose heart-strings were breaking from the sad tale of starvation and despair at the family homestead.

As the hostile invasion swept over more territory the more frequent the appeals came, marked by the pathos and power which agony inspires, until at last the long silence told the soldier his home was within his enemies’ lines, and the fate of his family was concealed from his view.

Under such conditions the private soldier of the South promptly fell into line. If saved from the dangers of the contest, his reward was the commendation of his immediate commanding officers and the conscientiousness of duty faithfully performed. If drowned amid the hail of shot and shell, his hastily buried body filled a nameless grave, without military honors and without religious ceremonies.

No pages of history recounted in lofty language his courage on the field or his devotion to his country, or described how, like a soldier, he fell in the forefront of battle. His battle picture, ever near the flashing of the guns, should be framed in the memory of all who admire true heroism, whether found at the cannon’s mouth, or in the blade of the cavalry, or along the blazing barrels of the infantry.

There he stood with the old, torn slouch hat, the bright eye, the cheek colored by exposure and painted by excitement, the face stained with powder, with jacket rent, trousers torn and the blanket in shreds, printing in the dust of battle the tracks of his shoeless feet. No monument can be built high enough to commemorate the memory of a typical representative private soldier of the South.

Very truly yours,

Fitzhugh Lee”

(The Confederate Soldier in the Civil War, Major-General Fitzhugh Lee, Ben La Bree, 1895, excerpts, pp. 7-8)


Via Skynet

Commentators have missed the real significance of Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent in the gay marriage case. He calls the decision a judicial “Putsch,” an attempt to overthrow a form of government—ours. His dissent, joined by Justice Clarence Thomas, was written “to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy.” 

His comment about the Court using the kind of reasoning we find in a fortune cookie is a funny line. But there is much of the Scalia dissent that is not funny and which serves as a warning to the American people about what the Court has done to us. 

Scalia understands the power and meaning of words and he chose the word “putsch” for a specific purpose. One definition of the term means “a secretly plotted and suddenly executed attempt to overthrow a government…” Another definition is “a plotted revolt or attempt to overthrow a government, especially one that depends upon suddenness and speed.”

Hence, Scalia is saying this was not only a blatant power grab and the creation of a “right” that does not exist, but a decision that depends on public ignorance about what is really taking place. It is our system of checks and balances and self-rule that has been undermined, he says.

ISIS Publishes Map of July 4th FBI Command Centers

Via LH

isis fbi map

“FBI tells Fox News it is building command centers around US to monitor terror threats over July 4 holiday”

FOX affiliate WTTG-TV in Washington reported federal agencies have sent out warnings to police departments around the country.

On Tuesday The Gateway Pundit reported that the FBI has canceled all vacations for agents over the 4th of July weekend.

Now this…

ISIS posted a map of July 4th FBI command centers on Wednesday.

The map shows the temporary command posts set up across America for the upcoming Independence Day weekend.

Why The Puerto Rico Debt Crisis Is Such A Huge Threat To The U.S. Financial System

Via avordvet

 Puerto Rico Map On A Globe - Photo by TUBS

The debt crisis in Puerto Rico could potentially cost financial institutions in the United States tens of billions of dollars in losses.  This week, Puerto Rico Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla publicly announced that Puerto Rico’s  73 billion dollar debt is “not payable,” and a special adviser that was recently appointed to help straighten out the island’s finances said that it is “insolvent” and will totally run out of cash very shortly.

At this point, Puerto Rico’s debt is approximately 15 times larger than the per capita median debt of the 50 U.S. states.  Yes, the Greek debt crisis is larger, as Greece currently owes about $350 billion to the rest of the planet.  But only about $14 billion of that total is owed to U.S. financial institutions.  But with Puerto Rico, things are very different.  Just about the entire 73 billion dollar debt is owed to U.S. financial institutions, and this could potentially cause massive problems for some extremely leveraged Wall Street firms.

Vietnamese Nail Salon Owner Sues For Return Of Life Savings Seized By DEA Agents At Airport


Doing business in cash and preferably gold, is very prevalent among the Vietnamese.   A friend might lend you $20K at the drop of a hat with only your word that you will pay it back.

DON’T CARRY CASH, THE FEDS MIGHT STEAL IT: A New York City nail salon owner tried to take his life savings of $44,000 to help his siblings in California. The DEA took it from him at JFK airport, without so much as issuing a citation. Now he’s suing to get it back–but he has very little chance of succeeding. Read the whole sad story, including a copy of the lawsuit, here. From the article:

A close-up look at Birmingham's embattled Confederate monument

Via Billy

The Confederate Soldiers & Sailors Monument in Birmingham's Linn Park is at the center of controversy but have you ever stopped to take a close look at it?

The Birmingham Park and Recreation Board voted Wednesday to have lawyers determine if the monument could be legally removed from the park.

Hundreds of people walk past the monument, which stands at the southern entrance to the park, daily. Motorists pass a few yards away on Park Place. It is a favorite roost for a flock of pigeons.

The monument has stood in the park for 110 years but the cornerstone was placed 11 years earlier in 1894. The structure was not completed and dedicated until April 26, 1905, Confederate Decoration Day.

It is a simple 52-foot sandstone obelisk. Two faces have relief sculptures. A musket and crossed sabers on the east face honor Confederate soldiers. An anchor on the west face honors Confederate sailors.

The inscription on the south face reads:

More @ AL

Survey: 70 Percent Want Feds To Keep Hands Off Confederate Flag

Via Bill

 AP Photo/Danny Johnston

30%?  Well, that's a lot more than 25,000,000.

According to a Tuesday Suffolk University/USA Today survey, 70 percent of respondents said they do not want the federal government imposing a ban on the sale or manufacture of the Confederate flag.

The issue took enter stage following the Charleston attack after a photo emerged of alleged gunman Dylann Roof posing with the Confederate flag. And the Suffolk University/USA Today survey was conducted June 25-29, right in the middle of the backlash against the Confederate flag.

More @ Breitbart

Car bombs discovered in Juarez

Via sauced07

Chihuahua state authorities found a possible car bomb capable of causing serious damage after stopping three men pushing a vehicle that broke down on a Juárez street, officials said.

It has not been disclosed where the car was headed, but the Norte newspaper reported that one of the four people arrested has links to reputed Sinaloa drug cartel lieutenant "El Ingeniero" (the engineer) Gabino Salas Valenciano, who was killed in the Valley of Juárez two years ago.

The red 2000 Volkswagen Beetle had enough explosives that it could have caused a blast radius of almost 200 feet, Chihuahua Attorney General Jorge Enrique González Nicolás said.
 More @ El Paso Time