Artist J. Macdonald Henry Note Card: Black Woman w/ Child "Madonna"
Edgefield Advisor, February 01, 1865, Image 3
These devout Muslims ought to assimilate just fine into German society.
Syrian Muslims chant “Allahu Akbar” on the refugee train to Germany.
And, then there’s this…
Muslim migrants scream “F*ck you!’ and “Allahu Akbar” in Budapest.
One person who knows the contents of the complaint said it used the word “Stalinist” to describe the tone set by officials overseeing the military’s analysis.
“Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide,” wrote James Burnham in his 1964 “Suicide of the West.”Burnham predicted that the mindless magnanimity of liberals, who subordinate the interests of their own people and nations to utopian and altruistic impulses, would bring about an end to Western civilization.
The orders have just come down from the head organizer of #FYF911 movement from Palmetto Star — the ratched revolutionary, too raw for TV — the order has come down to reveal the secret locaiton of FYF mobilization.
The event will be held in Stone Mountain. Get there. In Stone Mountain, you will witness the end of U.S. imperialist white supremecy. September 11th, Stone Mountain. Get there.Stone Mountain, Georgia is a park and the home of the Confederate Memorial Carving that commemorates three Confederate leaders of the Civil War: President Jefferson Davis and Generals Robert E. Lee and “Stonewall” Jackson.