Rally to Stuart Report ... and Beyond


On Thursday evening, I had the pleasure of speaking to the members of the Ivy Ritchie Camp #1734, SCV, in Albermarle, NC.  On Friday, I spent the day visiting the area around Stuart:  Mt. Airy and Pilot Mountain, NC... Ararat, and Stuart.  I had never visited Laurel Hill, J.E.B. Stuart's ancestral and boyhood home, and was glad to have to opportunity to do so, in preparation for attending the rally on Saturday.

As I visited these places, I carried a little stick battle flag in my bag.  Aside from quite a few positive comments and "thumbs up", it opened the door to many great conversations with the good folks in this part of the country.  ACROSS THE BOARD, everyone I talked to was upset about the removal of the J.E.B. Stuart portrait from the Patrick County Courthouse, and wanted to know what they could do to help get it back up.

When we arrived for the rally, we found that this sentiment was echoed by those who had gathered, who expressed anger and outrage at Judge Clark's decision and his very apparent disdain for all things Confederate, as expressed in his "statement".  Wayne Jones did a fantastic job organizing the event and gave a stirring speech that moved everyone in attendance. We were thrilled that Rev. Dr. Herman White  made the trip up from High Point, and we all enjoyed his remarks, full of the fire and brimstone we all needed to hear! 


Via III Percent Patriots


Many lives are affected as a result of knife crime in the UK each year.

In an attempt to raise awareness of the devastating impact of knife crime and to reduce the number of families affected, we’re campaigning for as many knives to be surrendered as possible. Knife bins will be located in cities around the UK and the British Ironwork Centre will be touring the country, speaking to young people and collecting knives from the streets.

All knives will be surrendered anonymously – no names will be taken, and there will be no CCTV cameras recording.

Glenn Beck: Trump supporters are racist

Via Billy


An imbecile.

Also said questioning Obama's birth certificate was 'dumbest thing.
Radio host Glenn Beck tarred Trump supporters on Tuesday as racists who lied about their tea-party membership.

“If you were a tea-party person, then you were lying. You were lying. It was about Barack Obama being black. It was about him being a Democrat, because [Trump] is offering you many of the same things, as shallow as the same way,” Beck said, Breitbart reported. “If you said to me that it bothered you about his past, you said to me, ‘Hey, what about his relationship with Jeremiah Wright? What about what he’s done here, here, and here?’

You’re not bothered by this guy, and it’s exactly the same thing.”

His comments come the same day a new NYT/CBS poll shows Trump securing 27 percent of the Republican primary vote.

Beck then went on to warn his listeners of alleged similarities between Trump and Russia’s infamous dictators.

More @ WND

How The Justice Department Is Actively Preventing Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform

Via sauced07

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Civil asset forfeiture is one of the most unethical and barbaric practices routinely performed by law enforcement in these United States today. Naturally, the Department of Justice is doing everything it can to protect the practice.

When I say that the rule of law is dead in America, I am not exaggerating. In fact, with each passing day it becomes increasingly obvious that the Justice Department not only has no interest in justice, it appears to view its primary role as coddling and protecting lawlessness amongst the so-called “elite” and their minions.

Today’s post proves the point once again. The state of California is in the process of passing a civil asset forfeiture bill, and in response, the DOJ is providing talking points to the California District Attorneys’ Association so that it can more effectively fight the bill. All of this after the DOJ had previously expressed faux support for civil asset forfeiture reform.

TechDirt reports:

More @ Zero Hedge

150 Years of Yankee Do-Gooders



The Moneychanger

It don't do no good to say it, altho Southerners have been saying it for over 150 years to yankee do-gooders who won't be satisfied till they re-make us in their own image, but I will say it anyway:

We just want to be left alone.

Don't fix our economy, don't fix the monetary system, don't tell me how much water my toilet can flush, what kind of light bulbs to use, or what to charge for cabbages. I can handle those decisions.

Just leave us alone.

But that's just the one thing the whole dadburn do-gooding mob can't do, is leave you alone. They got to make you better. I'm just as good right now as I am ever gonna get or want to be, and I don't need no Federal Reserve or federal government or state or city government (for that matter) making me better.

Y'all just leave me alone, and I'll be happy. Just get out of my way, & I'll stay out of your'n.

The Unstoppable Trump Juggernaut: How The GOP Establishment Hopes To Crush The Donald's Presidential Run

Via avordvet


Over the past three months the scariest chart for the GOP establishment has only gotten scarier. We refer, of course, to the one below which compiles all the latest opinion polls on the Republican national primary and specifically the meteoric rise of its frontrunner: Donald Trump.

More @ Zero Hedge

Kristol: Former Vice President Dick Cheney and freshman Senator Tom Cotton "would be an excellent independent ticket!"

Via Terry "The only difference between Kristol and a sack of dog poo is the sack."

Image result for kristol

Kristol has obviously lost his mind.

Bill Kristol, the editor of the Weekly Standard, said he would likely look beyond both of the major parties if Trump, the clear frontrunner in the GOP's crowded presidential field, emerged with the party's nomination. 

"I doubt I'd support Donald. I doubt I'd support the Democrat," Kristol told CNNMoney in an email. "I think I'd support getting someone good on the ballot as a third party candidate."

More @ CNN

Alabama: Confederate Flag History not Hate."

Via Billy

southern drawl alabama

The last time iconic country-music group Alabama released a proper studio album, Facebook was still three years away from launching. YouTube was four years away. Bill Clinton was President of the United States. Creed, Britney Spears and a still living Michael Jackson and Aaliyah were some of the biggest rock, pop and R&B artists of the day.

Much has changed, inside music and out, since Alabama released their "When It All Goes South" LP in early 2001.

Some things have not changed though.

More @ AL

"Black Lives Matter" to protest LA UDC meeting...threats of violence issued

Via Carl


For the first time in my life, I am now experiencing what so many human beings, in so many third world nations experience.

The United Daughters of the Confederacy annual convention in Louisiana is being targeted by a violent, out of control group which has caused the host hotel to block all vendors from selling items at the convention.  Therefore, I was called today by the president of the La. UDC and told that I could not be a vendor...at an event planned for more six months... product ordered a year ago, made overseas, shipped into the US ...not allowed to be sold because of the threats of violence and vandalism at the host hotel.

The women are experiencing threats of violence.

Business interests now must fold to the threat of violence.

Investments, travel plans, etc.

The police in Baton Rouge appear unable to provide security for the event.

This is the result of the Obama Presidency, the Supreme Court, and the McConnell - Boehner leadership in Congress.  America...petrified.

Where is the FBI?  Where is Homeland Defense when this kind of domestic terrorism occurs?

Folks, if you think this is limited to Southern heritage organizations you are forgetting 1968, and you are forgetting Ferguson and every other race based riot.

It would appear that President Barack Obama has either lost control of "community" or is encouraging a state violence in order to declare martial law...

Thank you to all those in public office, or have been in public office who have allowed this situation in the United States of America.  This is the result of rejecting Christ, rejecting American heritage and culture, and the election of race oriented, anti-American socialist Commie into the White House.  If you say that is not true, please show me President Obama's reaction to the ongoing violence in this nation?!  Please show me his Executive Orders directing the FBI and other agencies to crack down on Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers and other Hate groups.

Remember the Jews in Germany?  That's how I as a Southerner feel now..but there is one difference...and I will use it to defend my life, my home, my family and my faith.  And I stand ready to follow that leader who will react to this direct attack on the American Way.

God Bless the South, and I pray for His Protection and Providence.

Mark Vogl

Massive Crowd Chants “God Bless America” after Michigan Mosque Voted Down

Via Billy

The Sterling Heights panel voted 9-0 to reject the mosque.
Detroit Free Press reported:

After weeks of contentious debate, the planning commission of Sterling Heights voted 9-0 Thursday night to reject building a mosque on 15 Mile between Ryan and Mound roads.

Have We Returned Blacks to Slavery? & Black Solutions for Black Problems


Ferguson, Detroit, Baltimore and now the willful unloading by an angry black man of 15 bullets into a Texas Sheriff who was innocently fueling his automobile. Each seemingly has one thing in common—pent up anger directed first at their own race and now at law enforcement. “Black lives matter” some chant but most black homicides are by black perpetrators, not white. Blacks, we are told, now do half of all murders in the United States. It seems that the black communities are on fire and it seems driven mostly by young angry black men.

The problem has deeper roots than this. Well-meaning progressive policies of the last fifty years, most notably those encouraging dependency, have done much to return the blacks to a very real form of slavery. What is said in this article applies also to other races taking the route of dependency for problem solving, but they are not the focus of the choice of violence as in the above instances. They have not yet turned on themselves and then upon law enforcement.


We recently looked at the well-meaning progressive policies of the last fifty years, notably welfare, that have done much to return our black brother to a slavery of dependence and seemingly to set our black communities on fire driven mostly by angry black young men who have turned first on their own race then on law enforcement. Past 2012 black presidential contender, Herman Cain, said it best: “Uncle Sam is the master who gives today’s nominally free blacks just enough to get by so that they can continue to work for their master by voting for those politicians who promise to give them more of other people’s earnings.”

Many in the black community know that these progressive policies, in exchange for their vote and loyalty to the progressive agenda, have left them less educated, less employable, less family oriented and more on welfare, and more both the perpetrator as well as the victim of crime. This column shares black solutions for black problems, not normally given by the establishment press, as they identify what must change. It also borrows much from the New American article “Real Solutions for Black Americans,” written by Michael Tennant. Their common message: “Blacks are worse off now than they were before government began ‘helping’ them.”

Trump: US is 'dumping ground for the rest of the world'

Via Billy

Renewing his charge against illegal immigration, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday called the United States "a dumping ground for the rest of the world" as he rallied thousands of Texas supporters behind his fiery candidacy and promised Republican leaders he's just getting started.

Despite calls from GOP officials to tone down his rhetoric on the sensitive issue, the GOP front-runner decried "anchor babies" and gang members among the immigrants living in the U.S. illegally, drawing huge ovations from a rowdy audience packed into Dallas' American Airlines Center.

More @ AL

Russia positioning tanks at Syria airfield: U.S. officials

Via Iver


Russia has positioned about a half dozen tanks at an airfield at the center of a military buildup in Syria, two U.S. officials said on Monday, adding that the intentions of Moscow's latest deployment of heavy military equipment were unclear.

Moscow has come under increased international pressure in recent days to explain its moves in Syria, where the Kremlin has been supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in a 4-1/2-year war.

The Pentagon declined to directly comment on the Reuters report, saying it could not discuss U.S. intelligence. But a U.S. Defense Department spokesman said recent actions by Moscow suggested plans to establish a forward air operating base.

More @ Reuters

Sweden’s ugly immigration problem

Via David "I state this totally without specific or hard evidence, but my STRONG suspicion is that the natives of Europe are getting
very, VERY tired of:

1. Being swamped by people who don't share their culture or beliefs, and don't want to assimilate.
2. Being swamped by people who come in, attach themselves to the state's teat, and use laws meant to be responsibly used as a living.
3. Being told by the media that anyone who opposes this is a RACIST and CULTURALIST and BIGOT, etc.
4. Being scolded by their politicians too."


Last two paragraphs:

Sweden’s fantasy is that if you socialize the children of immigrants and refugees correctly, they’ll grow up to be just like native Swedes. But it hasn’t worked out that way. Much of the second generation lives in nice Swedish welfare ghettos. The social strains – white flight, a general decline in trust – are growing worse. The immigrant-heavy city of Malmo, just across the bridge from Denmark, is an economic and social basket case.

Sweden’s generosity costs a fortune, at a time when economic growth is stagnant. The country now spends about $4-billion a year on settling new refugees – up from $1-billion a few years ago, Mr. Sanandaji said. And they keep coming. Sweden automatically accepts unaccompanied minors. “We used to take in 500 unaccompanied minors a year,” he said. “This year we are expecting 12,000.”

Complete article @ The Globe & Mail

750,000 Muslims Given Permanent Residence in US Since Obama Took Office

Via sauced07

muslims in us

Since Obama took office over 750,000 people (752,738) from Muslim-majority countries have obtained permanent residence in the United States.

The total does not include 2014 or 2015.

Challenge to Obama’s Unlawful Executive Action Heads to D.C. Circuit

Via LH


Today, the American Freedom Law Center filed its opening brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in its lawsuit challenging President Obama’s unlawful executive orders regarding the implementation and enforcement of Obamacare.

On July 4, 2014, AFLC filed this action in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against Obama and several of his executive agencies for engaging in unlawful executive action that exceeds the authority of the Executive Branch and thus violates the separation of powers principles enshrined in the Constitution.

The lawsuit, which is captioned American Freedom Law Center v. Obama, alleges that Obama has violated his constitutional duty to “faithfully execute” the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

This lawsuit seeks to preserve those structural principles enshrined in our Constitution that are designed to protect private individuals from the tyranny of government, and in particular, from the tyranny of a single branch of government that seeks to usurp power and authority not permitted under the Constitution.