Saturday, October 17, 2015

Snatching Victory from the Jaws of Defeat

The grey riders are gone, but yet they remain. Asleep in our soil, and alive in our veins. Untouched by fire, untouched by frost, they whisper within us, “Our cause is not lost.”

On Friday, 10 June 2015, after a series of vitriolic, angry and hate-filled rallies, a press conference from South Carolina Governor Nimrata “Nikki” Haley, a legislative coup d’état comprising an overwhelming majority of the General Assembly and the stroke of the governor’s pen, the Confederate Battle Flag was removed from its place of honour at the Confederate Soldiers’ Monument on the SC Statehouse grounds.

It had been placed there a decade and a half earlier by the SC General assembly as a “compromise” that removed a similar flag from the dome of the SC Statehouse where it had flown since the Centennial Observance of the War Between the States in the 1960s.

The ambivalence of the meaning of the earlier display on the dome was certainly open to interpretation. It could even be argued that its meaning was unclear, especially to our neighbours and friends of African descent. However, this unfortunate situation was remedied in 2000 by placing a historically accurate flag at a historically significant monument. At that very moment, the new flag became unequivocally linked to the South Carolina soldiers of the 1860s and unequivocally severed from its perceived ties to legislative opposition to the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s.

Appalachian Messenger October 16, 2015 

This week’s edition of the Appalachian Messenger has articles by:

Bill Shuey
Another Shooting

Sam Culper
KGB Example of Good Intelligence Analysis

Robert Gore
Praying to the Porcelain God

Click here for the October 16, 2015 edition.

Inside the EPA: Military weapons, Designer Desks…and Nukes?

Via avordvet

 Inside the EPA: Military weapons, Designer Desks…and Nukes?

A congressional committee will investigate reports that the Environmental Protection Agency wasted billions of dollars, including an effort to create its own militia with a prosecution arm to mirror the FBI’s.

Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, told that a House committee will dig into allegations the EPA bought designer furniture and sporting goods equipment, and handed out hefty employee bonuses and grants to foreign countries – including China.
The charges are outlined in a recent report by Open the Books, a non-profit dedicated to transparency and oversight of government spending. The group analyzed agency spending beginning in 2000.

More @ Human Events

Want a gun? Take a bullet: Take this, gutless NRA cowards — you can have a gun, once you understand the pain of being shot

Via avordvet

 Want a gun? Take a bullet: Take this, gutless NRA cowards -- you can have a gun, once you understand the pain of being shot

As a teen I watched Chris Rock brilliantly address America’s gun problem during his Bigger and Blacker stand up. “We don’t need gun control,” Rock pleaded to a packed house, “We need bullet control––if bullets were $5000, people would think before they shot some one! You gotta really piss someone off for them to dump $50,000 worth of bullets in to you!” And just like the crowd, my brother, some friends and I erupted in laughter.

Rock was definitely on point, $5000 bullets would be great but I’d take it a step further––I believe that being shot should be requirement for gun ownership in America. It’s very simple. You need to have gun, like taking selfies with pistols, can’t live with out it? Then take a bullet and you will be granted the right to purchase the firearm of your choice.

More @ Salon

Stabbing the backstabbers

 Via comment by Quartermain on The Tarheel "Fighting Bishop" of Louisiana

 Henriette Reker, who is running for mayor of the city of Cologne as an independent, and one of her aides were left severely injured after being stabbed

 Interesting to see that the German nationalists have started with the politicians welcoming the invasion and not the invaders:

A German mayoral candidate has been stabbed in the neck, in an attack that is believed to have been because of her support for refugees.

Henriette Reker, who is running for mayor of the city of Cologne as an independent, and one of her aides were left severely injured in the savage assault.

A 44-year-old man sprang on the pair while they were campaigning in the western German city, police said. Three other people were also injured, although not seriously.

Norbert Wagner, head of the police criminal investigation unit in Cologne, said the attack on Reker was ‘targeted and deliberate’.

More @ Vox Popoli

‘Convert Or Die’ – Chilling Message To Christian Fast Food Shop Owners

Via sauced07

Convert or Die

A spate of Islamist graffiti in the multiculturalist Swedish city Gothenburg has been compared to the harassment of the Jewish community in Germany in the 1930s, with Christian business owners being told to “convert or die”.

The threats are yet another conflict imported to Europe from the Levant, as the Assyrian Christian Asmar family awoke to find their pizza parlour had been daubed with threats in red paint. Their experience is becoming increasingly common in the city, as legitimate asylum seekers fleeing persecution find it has followed them to Northern Europe, thanks to Sweden’s open door immigration policy.

The Goteborgs-Posten records the remarks of the local Assyrian association’s president: “Imagine yourself having fled from persecution in a country and then to find yourself staying next door to ISIS sympathizers here in Sweden. It is everyday life for many people”.

More @ Breitbart

Austrian Town of 1,600 Drowns in Migrant Feces and Garbage

Via sauced07

garbage migrants germany

Nickelsdorf, Austria is drowning in migrant feces and garbage in unparalleled dimensions.
There is trash everywhere.

The migrants leave their trash as they move through the area on their way to Germany.

Locals are faced with piles of trash and feces as the migrants move through town.

Here is video of the migrant invasion outside Nickelsdorf, Austria.
Gates of Vienna wrote this on the suicide of Western culture:
“This destruction is being executed willfully, deliberately, and with malice aforethought. As Fjordman has often said: “This is the greatest organized betrayal in Western history.”
Vlad Tepes reported, translated from Unzen Suriert

When you dare to take a look at the border town of Nickelsdorf, population 1,600, you will literally be blown away: uncontrolled, illegal migrants wherever you look, and an orgy of garbage and feces of unparalleled dimensions.

The Tarheel "Fighting Bishop" of Louisiana

 L. Polk 2

Leonidas Polk was born in Raleigh, North Carolina in 1806, the son and grandson of Revolutionary War heroes. His family was of Presbyterian Scots-Irish descent and had become successful in the plantation economy of the colonial South. His cousin, James K. Polk, later became President of the United States.

In his late teens, Leonidas received an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. He was a good student, especially in mathematics, but had numerous problems with discipline and with regulations. However, he was greatly impressed by the sermons of Episcopal priest Charles P. McIlvain who served as the chaplain of West Point.

Cadet Polk became McIlvain’s first convert at the Academy when he openly professed the Christian faith and, by extension, joined the Episcopal Church.

After graduating from West Point, Leonidas received special permission to resign his new commission in the United States Army in order to attend the Virginia Theological Seminary where he was ordained as an Episcopal priest.

The Protestant Episcopal Church was a new force on the frontier of the South and there were major divisions between the High Church “Anglo-Catholics” and the Low Church Evangelicals.

Theologically, High Church priests tended to be Arminian while Low Church ministers favored Calvinism. Leonidas Polk was an Episcopal centrist—he liked the ritual and the historic significance of the High Church but believed in an evangelical and Calvinist approach to theology with its emphasis on the omnipotence and sovereignty of God and the natural depravity of man.