BERNIE "Lost My Mind" SANDERS Calls on TRUMP SUPPORTERS to Join His Socialist Revolution


"What Trump has done with some success is taken that anger, taken those fears, which are legitimate and converted them into anger against Mexicans, anger against Muslims. I think for his working class and Middle Class support we can make the case that if we really want to address the issues people are concerned about, why the Middle Class is disappearing. Massive income and wealth inequality.” 

That’s right, Bernie. Because after seven years of Obama’s disastrous policies to destroy the Middle Class what America needs right now is another Socialist!

GEORGE WILL AND CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Don’t You Get It? You Fools Helped Create Donald Trump!

Via Michael 


Longtime "conservative" columnists George Will and Charles Krauthammer are apoplectic about the possibility that Donald Trump may become the Republican Party's nominee for President.

Will's recent temper tantrum in print implied that the establishment should consider support for Hillary Clinton and asserted that the GOP may splinter because the party leadership didn't get its way.

Similarly, Krauthammer has been a constant critic of Trump's run, calling him a "rodeo clown" and "deeply bigoted" for his proposal to suspend Muslim immigration* until the San Bernardino terror attack can be deconstructed.

More @ Doug Ross

Jeff Sessions popularity soars as 2016 campaign season heats up

Via Billy

Donald Trump isn't one to embrace sitting politicians -- let alone, seek their consultation on policy matters.

But the real estate mogul and GOP frontrunner for president wasn't shy about embracing U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions during a during a rally in August at Ladd-Peebles Stadium. Trump also asked for Sessions' help in crafting his immigration proposal.

Ted Cruz – the GOP candidate polling closest to Trump – attempted to trump Trump when he proclaimed during a rally Saturday in Daphne that Sessions would make a good addition to his cabinet as chief of Homeland Security. The crowd roared its approval.

More @ AL

There’s a theory going around that Donald Trump might be in an even better position than you think

Via Ryan

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves as he leaves the stage after speaking at the meeting of the New England Police Benevolent Association in Portsmouth, New Hampshire December 10, 2015.     REUTERS/Mary Schwalm

In 1982, California voters were supposed to elect former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley as the state's governor.

Bradley went into the election with a sizable lead over George Deukmejian. Exit polls projected a Bradley win. But when the ballots were counted, Deukmejian came out the winner.

Do Black Lives Matter and Islamic Radicals Have the Same Bosses?

Via Billy

There was all manner of "information" spread across the Internet in recent days about a big Black Lives Matter protest  that those people were going to hold at the Mall of America in Minneapolis over Christmas weekend. They were going to force shoppers to endure their leftist propaganda in order to finish their shopping and I guess they figured on intimidating many of the businesses there, quite possibly to wring some sort of concessions out of them now or later. However, their balloon burst before they quite got it all the way blown up.

Seems that lots of the business owners there didn't feel they wanted to put up with all that hassle and so they just shut down early and went home, and lots of police showed up and what was supposed to be a major propaganda event with about 3,000 protesters ended up with a fizzled-out group of about 600 who never really got to protest. Poor babies! I just bet it ruined their whole weekend!

I don't believe it: Trey Gowdy to Endorse, Campaign With Marco Rubio

Gowdy, what a disappointment.  No one left for me to believe in other than Ron Paul now.

Townhall has confirmed rumors that Rep. Trey Gowdy -- widely admired as a principled fighter among many grassroots conservatives -- will join Sen. Marco Rubio on the campaign trail in Iowa next week:

More @ Townhall

Merry Christmas: Judge Rules In Favor Of Seattle’s Gun Tax

Via Cousin Bill

In Seattle, exercising your Second Amendment rights is now a taxable activity. Recently, a judge ruled that the city's ordinance that adds a $25 tax on firearms sold within the city limits, plus an additional two to five cent fee on every round of ammunition, fell within the council's taxing authority. The law goes into effect next year (via CBS News):

More @ Townhall

Rogue NATO

Via Billy

NATO is an organization that’s endangering world peace, especially with respect to Russia. In doing so, its member states have been violating their own NATO Treaty commitments.

NATO military forces have intervened in a major way in Libya (March-October, 2011), in the old Yugoslavia (1992-2004, specifically Bosnia, Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and Kosovo), and in Afghanistan (2001-2014). It’s interesting that none of these countries were or are in NATO. That is, NATO attacked in other countries; and there were no threats or armed attacks on NATO members to justify these attacks.

NATO currently is intervening in Ukraine through a variety of joint ventures, from political support to military exercises. It’s interesting that Ukraine also is not in NATO. Again, there are no threats or armed attacks on NATO members to justify this intervention.

The situation in Syria is dangerous because of various interventions from foreigners, including NATO members.

More @ LRC

San Clemente, Fallbrook, San Onofre Camp Pendleton, Madera and Capistrano Beach

With Paul on our adult chairs. :)

John on the right and his family came to Dixieland to visit some years ago. We lived next to him in San Clemente for many years where the side yards were very small.  Since I had but one bathroom and many girls, I frequented watered my peach tree nightly.  If John was outside he would yell "Brock, what are you doing? :)  I taught Virgina to shoot a .22 in the same side yard, a matter which would be quickly frowned upon today.

Camp Pendleton camping

This and the following three are at Charlene's house in Madera.  She came to visit last year in Cape Carteret. She is seriously contemplating joining a cloistered convent and if so, many hearts will be broken and among them her kindergarten class.

Roughing it. :)

Ella, Miss Ballet


Emily and Virginia in the middle.

My cake, courtesy of Olivia
Dylan and Bonnie with Sophia, Olivia and Isaac William.
Seven years ago below

"This is our home"

Via III Percents Patriots

 Destruction: Up to 600 protesters marched through the streets of the French Mediterranean last night, and burned copies of the Koran (pictured)

The post-Paris attacks responses continue to intensify:

Up to 600 French protesters desecrated a Muslim prayer hall in Corsica in a revenge attack prompted by the wounding of two firefighters and a police officer.

The furious mob smashed the prayer hall’s glass door, ransacked the interior and left around 50 partially-burned Korans littering the street overnight.

Chanting ‘Arabs get out!’ and ‘This is our home’, protesters marched through the streets of the French Mediterranean island’s capital, Ajaccio.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls described the attack on Twitter as ‘an unacceptable desecration’, and branded the violence towards the firefighters as an ‘intolerable attack’.

The violence began on the night of December 24, when two firefighters were ‘ambushed’ by ‘several hooded youths’ in the low-income neighbourhood of Jardins de L’Empereur.

It escalated when several hundred people gathered in front of police headquarters in the capital city, before marching through the streets to the housing estate where the attack on the firefighters took place. They then launched the violent assault on the local prayer room.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazaneuve insisted the perpetrators of both incidents would be tracked down and arrested, adding that there was no place for ‘racism and xenophobia’ in France.
As I have said, it will take two election cycles before the situation stabilizes.

A Wisconsin Copperhead


We have been taught that the North was united behind Lincoln in his war. This is simply not true. It is an outright lie told and taught by the victors of the war who, after implementing the government (“public”) schools called for by Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto, now control education in this land.

As a Copperhead, I was recently looking at the archives on the Wisconsin Historical Society’s internet site. I found some interesting information that debunks the false history we have been taught.

By the time of Lincoln’s re-election, he had shut down (often burning down) opposition newspapers in the North, imprisoned anyone who dared to voice any opposition, or even who failed to openly support him. Anyone who opposed him and his war was labeled a poisonous, deadly, and dangerous snake – a Copperhead.

A book of cartoons was published in Philadelphia in 1863 titled Ye Book of Copperheads. It depicted those who disagreed Lincoln as dangerous copperhead snakes, as seen in this cartoon from the book of a snake being killed:

White House Brags About 500 POUND GINGERBREAD HOUSE

Via Billy

Gingerbread White House

 Mr. Ostentatious himself.

Food Stamp President boasts about Royal Gingerbread House

The Obama administration is so tone deaf that the official White House Twitter account is showing off a 500 pound gingerbread house which was made by their official pastry chef.

Millions of Americans are struggling at Christmas under Obama’s economy and they have no idea how bad this looks.

Absolutely. No. Idea.

Twitchy reported:

Churchill, Roosevelt and War$_35.JPG

As did Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt maneuvered Americans into war and was assisted by a very desperate Churchill who blundered by guaranteeing the independence of Poland – a country that ended the war occupied by the communist troops of Hitler’s former ally and far from independent. Churchill’s Pyrrhic victory marked the end of the British Empire and the rise of what Eisenhower called the military-industrial complex.

Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

Churchill, Roosevelt and War

“With the fall of France and the entry of Italy into the war, the balance of power had shifted too much. In the summer of 1940, therefore, Churchill’s letters went to Roosevelt, while his thoughts were already turning toward Stalin.

The extensive British coastal traffic . . . required strong escort forces, but many of these escort ships had been lost or damaged . . . and further losses were to come. In the ten days from July 20 to 30 alone, four British destroyers were sunk and seven others severely damaged.

No wonder that Churchill repeated the attempt he had already made in May [1940] to get 50 or 60 old destroyers from the Americans . . . though obsolete, they could still protect the convoys from the menacing U-boats.

Roosevelt, who like Churchill was obsessed with the idea of a crusade against Germany, had not yet succeeded in persuading the nation to abandon its understandable preference for isolationism – which had been approved by Congress – in favor of this policy of doubtful value. American merchant ships were still forbidden to carry goods for belligerents . . .

On 1 November 1939, the American Government had declared a war zone around the British Isles, the whole of the North Sea, and the Baltic, and on 10 April 1940 (the day after the German occupation of Norway), the zone was extended to include the wide sea around Norway. With Italy’s entry into the war the entire Mediterranean was also included.

By thus creating what might be termed a negative prohibited area, in which American ships and citizens were forbidden to sail, the Americans had indirectly admitted the right of all belligerents to declare their own prohibited areas. The only advantage which Roosevelt had secured for the British . . . was the “Cash and Carry” clause, permitting all the belligerents to take out of the United States any war material which they could pay cash for and transport in their own ships. This concession was obviously of little use to the Germans.

For the record it should be mentioned that in February 1941, when England’s foreign assets were exhausted and the war propaganda had had time to take effect, Roosevelt contrived and got Congress to accept the idea of “Lend-Lease” of war material – which, of course, applied only to the enemies of the Axis Powers.

[The] delivery of the destroyers would be “a decidedly un-neutral act,” as even Churchill admitted in his history of the war. However, Churchill applied increasing pressure . . . and offered the Americans in exchange the lease for 99 years – almost a cession – of military bases in the Bahamas, in Jamaica, Antigua, Santa Lucia, Trinidad, and British Guiana. The offer was so advantageous to the Americans that they accepted it, and on 2 September 1940 they signed the “exchange” agreement.

In securing his 50 destroyers, Churchill had initiated the selling out of the British Empire – whether as a last resort or to be sure of bringing the Americans into the war . . . [and he] willingly threw in bases in Argentia (Newfoundland) and in Bermuda. (pp. 126-129)

“On 1 February 1941, the Americans formed their “Atlantic Fleet,” under the command of Admiral Ernest J. King . . . [and] on 25 March Germany extended her war zone to include Iceland, which was being used as a British base. Thereupon, Roosevelt ordered the US destroyer Niblack to proceed to the island to investigate its strategic importance. Shortly before arriving at her destination, the destroyer located a submarine by means of sonar and carried out a depth charge attack. This put an end to any further pretense of American neutrality.

On April 18 Admiral King defined the eastern boundary of the Western Hemisphere [as the Azores] although they lie closer to Europe than to America. This made it possible for Roosevelt, when announcing a “National Emergency” on 27 May, to assert that the war was getting closer to America and that many ships had been sunk in the waters of the Western Hemisphere. He chose to ignore that these sinkings had occurred outside even the far extended American security zone.

[In July American] forces were diverted [from the Azores] to Iceland, where they took over garrison duties from the British. Thus did the country of the Monroe Doctrine use its armed might to secure a foothold in the war zone of another part of the world.

Early in August 1941, a meeting took place between President Roosevelt and British Premier Churchill at Argentia in Newfoundland [which] resulted in the Atlantic Charter . . . From then on, US warships took over convoy escort duties up to Iceland, afforded protection for all ships “that wished to be included.” Officially, these services, which could hardly be reconciled with neutrality, were provided “as between two American bases.”

Incidents were unavoidable. [When the USS Greer located a U-boat and] British aircraft attacked the submarine with depth charges, the U-boat replied by firing a torpedo which missed its mark at Greer.

Roosevelt stigmatized this incident as an act of piracy and on 11 September authorized US warships to attack German and Italian ships “in waters whose safety was essential to US defense interests.

Roosevelt had been right in his estimate that Hitler would be too involved in the difficulties of his Russian campaign to protest at the American intervention. Despite repeated representations by Admiral Raeder and Admiral Doenitz, Hitler upheld his early order that ships identified as American were never to be attacked except in an old danger zone around the British Isles set by President Roosevelt’s proclamation itself . . .”

(Der Seekrieg, The German Navy’s Story, 1939-1945, Vice-Admiral Friedrich Ruge, United States Naval Institute, 1957, pp. 231-233)