Saturday, January 23, 2016

Stick A Fork In Him: Glenn Beck Tells Iowa Crowd He Prefers Bernie Sanders Over Donald Trump

Via Billy

 beck iowa

If you haven't done so already and so much for my Trump/Cruz ticket.

Conservative commentator Glenn Beck on Saturday endorsed Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz for the White House.

Beck compared Cruz to the 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, (What more needs to be said?) and gave him a compass that belonged to the first one, George Washington.

“I’m taking a very big risk here and gambling on it, but this is how much I believe in Ted Cruz,” Beck said at a Cruz rally in Ankeny, Iowa.

“I’d like you to hold onto that,” he said, passing Cruz the compass, “to make sure your compass is square and you stay true” to your values.

Beck said he had never endorsed a presidential candidate in his 40 years of broadcasting, but he made an exception because of the urgency of the moment…

More with video @ The Gateway Pundit

How Swedish Media Prevented Police From Catching Thief By Censoring His Face

Via comment by Anonymous on Pick-Pocketing Migrant BEATS and SPITS On Young Mo... 


Swedish media have published screenshots of a video in which a man hit a woman with a child on the subway. The woman prevented the culprit from committing a theft and for that he attacked her.

Some Swedish media, such as the SVT channel hid the face of a criminal by pixelating it. This is despite the fact that the police appealed to the public to help find the attacker.

The question of how citizens should seek a ‘man without a face’ was a concern that was raised by the television journalists.

Stockholm police asked for help in finding the perpetrator who hit a woman, after she prevented the robbery on 5 January. Until now, the search has been unsuccessful, Swedish Fria Tider wrote.

More @ EU Times

VIDEO: Muslim Migrants Harass Female Reporter on Air – Call her ‘Whore” and “Slut” for Being Attractive

Via Billy

reporter abused migrants

Welcome to the new Europe–

Where women are abused on the street by third-world migrants for being attractive.

At first the migrants call the female reporter a slut.

Then in parting they call her a whore.

More with video @ The Gateway Pundit

The Appalachian Messenger – January 22, 2016

This week’s edition of the Appalachian Messenger has articles by:

Robert Gore
Crisis Progress Report #15 – Happy New Year

Fran Porretto
“Where Do Nazis Come From, Daddy?”

Matt Bracken
What I Saw At The Coup, Part III

Click here for the January 22, 2016 edition.

Bloomberg, Sensing an Opening, Revisits a Potential White House Run

Via sauced07

That would work for me since a field of Hillary or Sanders v Bloomberg and Trump should make a Trump win easy, I believe.
Michael R. Bloomberg has instructed advisers to draw up plans for a potential independent campaign in this year’s presidential race. His advisers and associates said he was galled by Donald J. Trump’s dominance of the Republican field, and troubled by Hillary Clinton’s stumbles and the rise of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on the Democratic side.

Mr. Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, has in the past contemplated running for the White House on a third-party ticket, but always concluded he could not win. A confluence of unlikely events in the 2016 election, however, has given new impetus to his presidential aspirations.

More @ The New York Times

Trading racists for rapists

Via comment by Quartermain on Cologne Imam: Girls are to blame for being raped


The deluded young female in the photo at this link thinks that she prefers — wait for it — rapists to ”racists.” This should be filed under the heading ”don’t let this happen to your daughter”, and by ‘this’, I mean: at all costs, don’t let your daughter be infected with that particular plague called ‘ liberalism’ or ‘progressivism.’ Obviously, it’s only ‘progressive’ in the sense that some deadly disease is ‘progressive’, meaning it gets worse over time.

We might laugh this off as a bad parody, but the blogger who posted it says there’s no evidence suggesting it’s a joke or a send-up. Progressivism including ‘feminism’ has become a parody of itself in recent years, as there’s nothing to put limits on it, nobody who can call time on it.

Cologne Imam: Girls are to blame for being raped

Via Billy
cologne imam rape

Cologne Imam Sami Abu-Yusuf blamed German women for sexual assaults and rapes by migrants on New Year’s Eve.

Imam Abu-Yusuf told Russian TV,
“If they walk half-naked and use perfume, things happen.”
It’s the woman’s fault.

If Trump wins Iowa, (Now Trump 37 Cruz 26) he will likely win the rest of the primaries & caucuses walking away

Via Michael 

 Donald Trump

How do you explain Donald Trump’s appeal to the American voter? Let me give it a try.

1. Already a household name.

2. Widely recognized celebrity who is NOT a politician.

3. Self-made multi-billionaire. Americans love business success stories.

4. Trump is outspoken and opinionated and won’t back down after he says something. He says things that the other candidates would never dare to say.

More @ Dump DC

Muslim Critic Tommy Robinson Attacked in Denmark at PEGIDA March

Via Billy

tommy robinson rally

According to the organizer of PEGIDA Denmark, Tommy Robinson spoke, gave a great speech, and during the march was hit by an ANTIFA member, who typically instigate the violence at these marches which tends to make one wonder who, if any, the fascists really are, and Tommy gave back a solid defense.

Police are at this time dragging away violent PEGIDA attackers. This is live now as I just got a call from the march with a live description of events. CFTCJ has a videographer on site. Video should be available later here. YT may have alt sources now.

Arkansas teen says he was turned away from Marines because of his Confederate flag tattoo

Via Jeffery "Too bad he didn't have some pagan-neo nazi-homo-tribal bullshit tats. He might have been accepted!"

 Bauswell said '99 percent of the reason' why he got 'Southern Pride' in addition to the flag was because he did not want the tattoo to be seen as racistAntony Bauswell, 18, said he was disqualified from the Marines when he revealed he had a Confederate flag tattoo

An Arkansas teen said he was turned away from joining the Marines when he revealed he had a Confederate flag tattoo.

Anthony Bauswell, 18, has the rebel flag inked on his rib, with the words 'Southern Pride' emblazoned underneath. 

Bauswell was in the process of enlisting at the Marine Corps Recruiting Center in Conway on Monday when the recruiter said it made him ineligible. 

More @ Daily Mail

A war on the South that will end up destroying their culture, their faith, their history,

Via Billy

by Al Benson Jr.

Several years ago I read an interesting little book by historian Webb Garrison called Lincoln’s Little War–How his carefully crafted plans went astray.

According to the Internet it is still available at Barnes and Noble and you can check it out at  The brief commentary on the Barnes & Noble page says, in part, “This intriguing book by historian Webb Garrison explores how Lincoln’s plans for a small police action soon escalated into the bloodiest war in American history, and how Lincoln sought to absolve himself of any responsibility.” That seems to be a pretty accurate statement, and another author, Frank van der Linden, back in 1998, said basically the same thing in his book Lincoln–The Road to War. I think van der Linden made one error overall.  He seemed to feel the whole issue of the war and between the states, was one of slavery, so he majored on that one aspect. But in his writing as a whole has has come up with a lot of information you don’t usually get from the cultural Marxist “historians” in our day.

In Virginia, before she seceded, van der Linden noted there was a “peace convention” which was devised to try to “patch up the Union” before things went too far and most Virginians, before secession, were willing to wait and see what the outcome of that would be.  They didn’t really wish to secede, but…”they would not be submissionists–a dirty word in the South, meaning those who would submit to anything Lincoln might do. They certainly would  ‘coerce’ another Southern state or send soldiers to fight against their neighbors. That was unthinkable. Lincoln failed to understand the Southerners emotions.” He felt that because, at that point, Virginians were willing to abide in the Union, that they always would, no matter what he did, and he thought of the secessionists as a “little band of troublemakers. His blindness to the masses’ instinctive aversion to any federal coercion  caused him to follow a totally mistaken policy of firmly opposing compromise.” In other words he had the typical Yankee/Marxist worldview–“do it MY way–or else!”

It was noted by van der Linden that after the firing on Fort Sumter, “Lincoln’s aim all along, had been to paint the secessionists as ‘the aggressors’ and present himself as the apostle of peace…Lincoln also knew that those unarmed supply vessels, which he had sent to Charleston, were escorted by warships under orders to fire in case of attack…Lincoln expected a war to result from his scenario, and it did. ‘The plan succeeded,’ he told his Illinois friend, Orville Browning. ‘They attacked Sumter–it fell, and thus  did more service than it otherwise could.” And then he pulled a typical Obamaesque move–he called for the governors of the various states to provide 75,000 militia to enforce the federal laws.  And van der Linden stated: ” As the slim legal basis for his policy,  Lincoln relied upon a 1795 law he interpreted as giving him this authority, which amounted to summoning a ‘posse comitatus’ of record size–seventy-five thousand men–to enforce the federal laws.” So it would seem that, in April, when Sumter fell, he didn’t actually declare war (although in effect he did) and he planned to have the militia ready in Washington to “enforce the federal laws.” When he called Congress into special session, because only they can declare war,  he waited until the Fourth of July for Congress’ opening date.  So why didn’t he do this in April when the crisis was supposedly on the country and the folks in Washington were supposedly waiting for the “rebels” to batter down the gates? On page 280 of his book van der Linden tells us. “Carl Schurz, the brilliant young German devoted to the Republican cause, provided the answer in a letter to Lincoln in early April: ‘Some time ago you told me you did not want to call an extra session of Congress for fear of reopening the compromise agitation.’ Schurz suggested that, after a show of force to defend the forts, Lincoln should call Congress back and then, ‘the enthusiasm of the masses will be great and overwhelming and Congress will be obliged to give you any legislation you ask for.’…Lincoln heeded Schurz’s political advice;…”

So here we have a situation where one of the key Forty-Eighter socialists that Donnie Kennedy and I have written about in our book Lincoln’s Marxists is giving the president of the United States advice, which he followed, about when to call Congress back into session so they will be apt to give him what he wants–a war on the South that will end up destroying  their culture, their faith, their history, and then “reconstructing” all these on a whole new basis. Anyone who thinks these socialists and Marxists had no real effect on the federal government and its policies just hasn’t bothered connecting the dots from them until now.

Folks, please, start doing the  homework and learning some real history instead of just swallowing the bilge  they taught you in school, because most of what they taught you in school was intended to keep you fat, dumb and ignorant.  If you don’t understand what your past was all about then you have no guideline whatever to help you work toward a better future for your children and grandchildren. One of the great unwritten chapters in the history of this country is the influence the socialists and Marxists had in this country from the years just before the War of Northern Aggression up to an including how. Their influence is much stronger here now because of what they began back then–and most people don’t have a clue.

Why do you suppose you have the Marxist aberation in the White House that this country is presently saddled with?  Think there’s no connection between now and then? I realize it might take time away from the Reality Shows, and that’s a rough go for most folks nowadays, but you all had better start finding out what the cultural Marxists have been up to in this country since 1848 and shortly thereafter–and then start comparing it with what you seen going on nowadays. Then ask the Lord’s guidance as to what you can do about it.

Large Fed Presence IVO Malheur

SIZE: 200+ Fed vehicles, 400-500 agents/LEOs, mostly tac guys

ACTIVITIES: Shadowing militia throughout town. Hotels filling up with FBI, State Troopers, etc. Sheriff’s dept fully locked down and barricaded.

LOCATION: Burns airport. Most hotels. Sheriff’s department.

UNITS: FBI tac teams, State Troopers, and SDs from around state

TIME: No demands have been made by FBI to vacate facility. Bundy will not vacate until his demands are met.

EQUIPMENT: Multiple large army tents at airport. Approximately 1 dozen light towers, half dozen portable outhouses. Minimum 1 drone. Multiple comms trucks, satellite and antenna. 1 medical response van.

ADDITIONAL: State Police are pulling any vehicle over, including citizens, for absolutely any small violation. Was not case previously to this weekend.

More @ WRSA