Friday, February 12, 2016

Frank Gaffney: $outhern Poverty Law Center Is Acting As A Surrogate Group For Islamic Supremacists

Via Billy

Frank Gaffney, the founder and president of the Center For Security Policy, tells One America News Network that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is attempting to silence him for speaking out about the threat posed by radical Islam.

He appeared on Tipping Point with Liz Wheeler this week, defending his organization against the assault from the left wing SPLC.

Gaffney said that the SPLC used to be a legitimate (It never was such) civil rights organization, but now the group is a militant left wing outfit that targets pro-freedom groups.

More @ Breitbart

South Carolina Debate Will Be Another GOP Party Insider Audience Stacked Against Trump

Via Billy

At the New Hampshire debate last week the House was stacked against Trump
And it showed — The Republican audience roared throughout the debate for the GOPe candidates.

It was only until Donald Trump confronted the stacked audience that they began to not appear so in the tank for the establishment candidates.
Donald Trump shushed Jeb Bush at GOP New Hampshire Debate. 
Then scolded the audience and Republican Party for its ticket policy.
Trump claimed the GOP only gives tickets to certain campaigns and GOP donors. The crowd didn’t like that either.

BLM Employee to Miner: My Authority Supersedes the United States Constitution

Via Billy

The Bureau of Land Management have been acting tyrannically for decades. As an unconstitutional agency, we have seen them in recent years not only violating the Constitution and the rights of the people, but we've also seen them take an armed violent stand against ranchers, both in Nevada and Oregon. All of it is unlawful. I want to share story that I ran across concerning two BLM employees and a miner in Idaho from 2012 during some research on the BLM. In a confrontation with the BLM, the Idaho miner asked, "You are telling me that you supersede the Constitution of the united States?"

The BLM employee smugly replied, "Yes, I do."

Appalachian Messenger February 12, 2016

This week’s edition of the Appalachian Messenger has articles by:

Publius Huldah
How a Balanced Budget Amendment Would Give the Federal Government Lawful Power Over Whatever They Want

Paul Rosenberg
Plan B For The Internet

Robert Gore
Crisis Progress Report (16): It’s Gone!

Click here for the February 12, 2016 edition.

Obama vs. Reagan: GDP Growth Rate Update Shows Devastation of Socialist Policies

Via Billy

gdp test

Trickle Down Economics versus Trickle Down Socialism

As noted last year – Barack Obama’s economic policies have been an absolute failure when compared with Reagan’s economic recovery.

Here (Above) is an update with 2015 year end data showing Annual GDP Growth comparisons:

Pat Cleburne Could See It Coming

Via Billy

"Well, Govan, if we must die, let us die like men."
Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne

Going Home - McGavock Confederate Cemetery+(Franklin) 
Lately I have been going through my library and checking out books I have not read in 15-20 years and reading some of them to see if I might find more insights in some of them now than I did then.

One I recently did this with was Lee’s Last Campaign by Clifford Dowdey in which Mr. Dowdey dealt at  great length with General Lee’s campaign in the Wilderness and surrounding areas in 1864. I am glad I went through it. This time it gave me a much better understanding of what Lee had to put up with and how well he really did in that campaign–much better than the “historians” give him credit for.

Another one I have just reread is Stonewall of the West–Patrick Cleburne and the Civil War by Craig L. Symonds. Pat Cleburne was an interesting personality, and I mean that in a positive sense. He was killed in the Battle of Franklin in Tennessee in November, 1864 because John Bell Hood was so anxious to attack the Yankees in Franklin that he couldn’t resist a frontal assault across open ground which, basically, destroyed his army. I’ve been to Franklin to see the site of the battle.

How Republics Perish

 Image result for patrick j buchanan

If you believed America's longest war, in Afghanistan, was coming to an end, be advised: It is not.

Departing U.S. commander Gen. John Campbell says there will need to be U.S. boots on the ground "for years to come." Making good on President Obama's commitment to remove all U.S. forces by next January, said Campbell, "would put the whole mission at risk."

"Afghanistan has not achieved an enduring level of security and stability that justifies a reduction of our support. ... 2016 could be no better and possibly worse than 2015."

Translation: A U.S. withdrawal would risk a Taliban takeover with Kabul becoming the new Saigon and our Afghan friends massacred.

Fifteen years in, and we are stuck.

More @ Rasmussen

Somali Muslim Attacks Restaurant Owned By Israeli Christian – Hacks 4 People With Machete

Via sauced07

nazareth restaurant

Somali Muslim Mohamed Barry hacked four people with a machete at a Columbus restaurant Thursday.

Mohamed entered the Nazareth Restaurant and hacked four people with a machete before he was shot dead.

More with video @ The Gateway Pundit

Poll: Millennials Pick Socialism Over Capitalism

Via Billy

Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) cheer as Sanders speaks at the Claremont Opera House on February 2, 2016 in Claremont, New Hampshire. The New Hampshire primary is February 9. (Photo by


A new survey from YouGov finds that millennials have more favorable views of socialism than of capitalism.

As Santayana said, those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Less than two decades after socialism seemed to have been confined to the dust-heap of history, another generation may have to learn hard lessons.

The survey, taken at the end of January, found that 43 percent of Americans under 30 had a favorable view of socialism. Less than a third of millennials had a favorable view of capitalism. No other age or ethnic demographic preferred socialism over capitalism.

More @ Breitbart

"........ every government agent, from local cop to the president is an author of the death of those (Constitutional) principles and the death of liberty.

When it comes your time to die for those principles, before you are enslaved to a foreign power, remember how proudly they sold them out." 


Implosion is imminent. Gold is up, stocks are down, (with much more room to drop) banks are slowly admitting their compromised positions with government paper and some have moved to stronger gold positions. Global recession has been on the map since China's economy started contracting. U.S. debt has soared and the paper the treasury issues is becoming devalued, but there is truly nowhere for it to go as our own economy slows. Oil has lost 70% of its value, taking the economies of the Middle East with it, though they have been able to stave off drastic cuts in domestic spending so far, it has come at a high price as they now try to sell bonds to institutions that are already holding too much government debt.

It must be obvious to anyone (if they aren't too busy taking selfies) that our indebted government has no intention of every repaying that debt. They will not repay China, or the UK, or Japan. The U.S. Government is a deadbeat. But, it has collateral. It has vast amounts of Western states it has occupied for over one hundred years.

The question one must ask oneself is this: What happens when the debt collector comes to collect?

Ted Cruz on the Confederate Flag

Via Mike "This looks like a fairly decent answer by the title, but if you listen to his elaboration, it is pretty clear he has no genuine sympathy for Southern Heritage. He is absolutely clueless about why many Southerners, especially conservatives, have strong loyalties to their culture and heritage and thus strong affection and identity with Confederate flags and symbols. He is probably equally clueless about the causes and conduct of the war.  He praises Governor Haley and Lindsey Graham for how they handled the issue! His State co-chairs, who are highly respected and support (supported?) keeping the flag, had better help him with his homework, or he is going to fall far short of his potential in South Carolina and other Southern states."


Senator Ted Cruz was criticized earlier this week for not taking a strong stand on the Confederate flag. Well, anyone expecting him to change his position will be disappointed, as Cruz told Fox’s Bret Baier tonight that it’s a state issue.

More with video @ Mediaite