Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hillary Clinton Eulogized KKK Kleagle Lawmaker in 2010

The leftist media and GOP elites are trying to tie Donald Trump to the KKK.
The liberal media asked Trump repeatedly about David Duke’s endorsement trying to tie Trump to the KKK.

** On Monday David Duke said he never endorsed Donald Trump – The media was lying.

What the media fails to mention is that Hillary Clinton was friends with former Senator Robert Byrd who was a KKK Kleagle recruiter.

Visit to Gun Store in Indy

Via Iver


"Went to our favorite gun store the other day. They now have a sign on the door that says we're required to remove all hats and sunglasses. We turned around and left. My friend who works there
says they've installed more cameras and that the ATF or DHS is in there every hour they're open. He's pretty sure they're compiling biometric identification, matching with driver license photos. He said since the sign went up, their store visits are way, way down. He's pretty sure that they're gearing up for nationwide confiscation no matter who is elected."Well, we' waiting.  Can't believe they would be this stupid. )

-- Carolyn

How the GOP Insiders Plan to Steal the Nod From Trump & GOP Could Back Hillary if Trump or Cruz Wins Nomination

Via Billy

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump February 23, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Despite a growing string of victories in the Republican primaries ,the DC-Wall Street cabal that has dominated the GOP since 1988 has no intention of letting the billionaire real estate mogul be nominated. None other than Karl Rove has insisted the stop-Trump effort is not too late and can succeed.

A new superPAC has dumped $10 million dollars into blistering negative TV ads against Trump in the last three days. The Koch brothers and their associates deny funding the effort but they denials are questionable at best. The New York Times reported Sunday that the Rubio and Kasich campaigns are now openly planning on a ‘brokered convention” to stop Trump in the back rooms in Cleveland. The New York Daily News reported that Barbara Bush has vowed revenge against Trump for ending the “low energy” campaign of her son Jeb, the anointed one and that the Bush clan is all-in in the effort to stop Trump. The News reported that Jeb may transfer the $25 to $30 million in SuperPAC funds he has left to an anti-Trump effort.

More @ Breitbart


Getty Images

Congressman Rep. Steve King (R-IA) appeared on Breitbart News Daily Tuesday morning to support Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in today’s crucial primary elections and to warn that the GOP Establishment is determined to punish Trump and Cruz supporters, and they could even tacitly get behind Hillary Clinton as someone “they can do business with” if Cruz or Trump wins the nomination. 

Breitbart News Daily host Stephen K. Bannon noted the nearly complete blackout on Cruz news in this final leg of the primary season, with the exception of Breitbart News and a few other conservative sources, and asked King why the Republican Party seemed so determined to starve Cruz of media oxygen at a crucial moment — not to mention their stated determination to fight Trump or Cruz all the way to the convention, no matter how they fare in the primaries.

More @ Breitbart

Submachine Gun Attack on Invader Center

Via Richard


German police have announced that they suspect a machine-gun was used in an armed attack on a nonwhite invader center in Saxony-Anhalt, last Friday evening.

According to German media, a special police team has launched an investigation into the unprecedented attack, which marks a major upturn in the war against Merkel’s nonwhite invasion plans.

Goldman Sachs Puts Worker Linked to Donald Trump on Leave

Via Richard

A financial adviser who was recently highlighted in an article in The New York Times as the only Goldman Sachs employee to contribute to Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign has been placed on administrative leave, according to people familiar with the matter.

The employee, Luke Thorburn, made two donations, totaling $534.58, to Mr. Trump’s campaign in September, according to Federal Election Commission records. He also trademarked the phrase “Make Christianity Great Again,” according to public records.

The Times confirmed that Mr. Thorburn is associated with a website that sells hats that resemble Mr. Trump’s red and blue “Make America Great Again” caps, replacing the word “America” with “Christianity.”

More @ New York Times

The new face of the patriot movement is a Kansas-raised teenager

Via Jeffery "It sounds as if Human Rights guru Burghart had some training from Morris Dees' school of bullshit and if you don't agree with me you are a racist splc university!

"the more radical three percenters" or "their own echo chamber"


In one of dozens of YouTube videos posted this past month featuring teenager Victoria Sharp, who is from these parts, she flashes a wide smile when an online broadcaster offers to produce “The Victoria Sharp Show.”

It would play to a patriot movement audience.

“Will you please be the spokesman for our youth concerning our Constitution and our freedoms?” asked the broadcaster.

“Yes,” she said.

As for hosting a show, Sharp, 18, said she needed time to rest after her harrowing afternoon near the occupied Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.

On Jan. 26 she witnessed authorities shoot dead one of the occupiers whose pickup truck had plowed past a roadblock.

McConnell Joins Paul Ryan – Attacks Trump Over KKK Flap & GOP Governors Hold Emergency Phone Call to Discuss Trump

Donald Trump disavowed David Duke several times this weekend. The media and Republican elites reported that Duke endorsed Donald Trump. He didn’t.
On Tuesday afternoon Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell joined Ryan in attacking Donald Trump saying, “One of our candidates and his seeming ambivalence to the KKK.”

This is disgusting… On Super Tuesday, no less!

There is no question that the GOP leaders are interfering with today’s election.


 christie lepage
 Republican governors Chris Christie (New Jersey) and Paul LePage (Maine) have both endorsed Donald Trump. 

The GOP establishment is falling apart…

Republican Governors held an emergency phone call to discuss Donald Trump.

Political Wire reported:

'Glitches' in Texas switch Trump votes to Rubio & FOX NEWS SMEARS TRUMP=> Refuses to Air David Duke Video Truth

Via Billy

Report: Trump Supporters in Texas See Votes Switched to Rubio

People voting for Donald Trump in today’s Super Tuesday Texas Primary are seeing their ballots changed to show a vote for Marco Rubio.

Numerous callers flooded Austin-based radio station KLBJ this morning with reports of mistakes after they tried to vote for Trump.

More @ WND


 fox news anti trump

–Website headlines Trump’s “KKK Furor”

FOX headline links Trump to KKK–
“Amid KKK furor swirling around Trump, Ryan warns GOP’s pick “must reject” hate groups.

Trump's Insurgency (a must read)

 image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-02-29/b7d7227bc6154e138ba39934c0b2d73e.png

Trump is trouncing the competition.  He's doing so well that the prediction systems give him a 81% chance of winning the nomination -- despite the opposition of the entire Republican establishment.

What's most surprising to many pundits and analysts is that Trump has done this without presenting all of the detail plans, voluminous position papers, etc. that we've come to expect over the last couple of decades.

He has simply refused to play by those rules, and he's not paid a price for it.

Trump is able to pull this off because he's not running a political campaign.  Instead, he's running an insurgency.

Not only that, it's a very specific type of insurgency.   A type of insurgency so effective, it held the US at bay in Iraq for years, drove oil prices to $147 a barrel in 2007, and toppled governments in Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, and Libya.

This means he is playing by very different rules than his competitors.  Let me walk you through an example of what I mean by that.