Friday, March 11, 2016

Appalachian Messenger March 11, 2016

 Image result for appalachian messenger

This week’s edition of the Appalachian Messenger has articles by:

Robert Gore
The Empire Will Strike Back

Paul Rosenberg
A Lesson From Devon Avenue

T. L. Davis
Change Will Come

Click here for the March 11, 2016 edition.

Glenn Beck Supporters Protest DONALD TRUMP in Chicago

Via Billy

I didn't know he had any left. :)

 Glenn Beck supporters joined with leftists today to protest Donald Trump in Chicago.
The rally was canceled.

More with video @ The Gateway Pundit

South Carolina Legislature Passes Bill Nullifying Federal Gun Laws

Via Billy

2nd Amendment Gun

On the heels of their compatriots in West Virginia passing a bill allowing Constitutional carry, South Carolina’s legislature has passed a bill of their own that nullifies federal gun laws! (Kind of – I’ll explain the problem further down.)

To be quite honest, this move is long past due. In fact, every state should pass a similar law and once a conservative has been elected President, the American legislature should send that President a bill eliminating all federal gun laws. Why? Because the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is clear -- the federal government has no power to pass any laws restricting the right of the people to keep and bear arms (guns). You can read it for yourself, from

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The Right of the People… shall NOT be Infringed.

More @ Eagle Rising

Horse Race LiveWire*** Trump Postpones Chicago Event

Via Billy

Pasted image at 2016_03_11 07_49 PM

9:44: Cruz is not blaming Trump (the Ivy League elitist in Cruz keeps creeping out when push comes to shove):
9:39: Rubio echoing Trump’s line about professional protesters:

Conservative Website REDSTATE Calls on Far Left Protesters to BRING GUNS to Trump Rallies

Via Billy

redstate guns

He left out to insure they hold their firearms sideways.......................

 RedState, a right of center website, formerly managed by Trump-basher Erick Erickson, is part of Townhall Media.

The website claims it has three goals:

1) Educate conservatives

2) Motivate conservatives to get involved in the political process

3) Activate conservatives through RedState’s support and tools

A Gentleman’s Club That Turns Boys Into Men

Via David

 More power to them.

In a trash-talking, reality-show culture that rewards bad behavior and self-promoting arrogance, quiet gentlemen have largely become quaint rarities, charming but outmoded relics of generations past. The news today is dominated by bullying presidential candidates, and the entertainment arena is ruled by foul-mouthed superheroes; unless young boys are taught gentlemanly standards by the males in their lives at home and in their neighborhood, they will be hard-pressed to find role models for them elsewhere in our culture.

Raymond Nelson, the student support specialist at Memminger Elementary in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, isn’t waiting around for our broken culture to right itself. He works with at-risk children, many of whom come from broken homes with no father figure. Grim statistics bear out what a devastating effect fatherlessness has on boys, who are then more inclined to turn to crime, to take drugs, to drop out of school, and to perpetuate this cycle of failure one day with broken families involving their own children.

Man Who Attacked Woman Discovers That He Only Brought A Knife To A Gunfight

Via David

Louisville Metro Police said the woman (left) noticed Ganobick (right) following her in the food court around 6.15pm and he followed her into an elevator and to the parking garage

A Kentucky woman heroically turned the tables on the man who was trying to rob her at knifepoint by shooting him in the neck and buttocks with her own gun.

The unidentified woman was being stalked by John Ganobick on the night of January 26 when he followed her into a shopping mall elevator to the parking lot.

Exiting the elevator with her, he gave chase when she ran to her car and tried to beat her - leaving his victim fearing she would be raped.

But he quickly found himself on the receiving end of some rough justice when she pulled her Beretta gun from her handbag and opened fire.

More @ Daily Mail

1964 Shelby 289/271 Hi-Po Cobra Roadster
I had the Hi-Po in my '65 Fastback. The fastest vehicle I ever rode in was the '65 Cobra 0-60 in 4.2.

Carroll Shelby almost single-handedly redefined “fast” with the amazing 289 Cobra. The car was a lightweight bomb that immediately put Chevrolet’s shiny new Corvette Sting Ray Z06 on the trailer in SCCA national competition and then wrested the FIA World Manufacturer’s Championship from Ferrari in 1965.

This handsome Shelby 289 Cobra Roadster, number 271 of 453 street cars delivered with the Hi-Po 289/271 HP V-8, was purchased new in 1964 from Service Motors in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, by Elmer Carl (E.C.) Kiekhaefer, the pioneering founder of the Mercury-Kiekhaefer Outboard Motor Company that would eventually become Mercury Marine.

More @ MECUM

WSJ: Suffering From Trumphobia? Get Over It

Via Billy

 Image result for Suffering From Trumphobia? Get Over It

Unlike the fear of Islam, which is a rational response to Islamist violence across the world, the fear of Donald Trump really is a phobia. There is a precedent for this: the panicked Reaganphobia that preceded the 1980 election. We heard that Ronald Reagan was a member of the John Birch Society—whose essential creed was “Better Dead Than Red.” He therefore rejected “mutual assured destruction,” the bedrock strategy of the liberal consensus to guarantee coexistence by nuclear deterrence. Reagan, it was said, believed in “counterforce,” that is in a disarming first strike to win a nuclear war.

Mr. Trump irritates many with his vulgarities but Reagan was insistently depicted as a threat to human survival, so that most of the columnists and editorial writers of the quality press reluctantly called for Jimmy Carter’s re-election, despite the clamorous failures of his hopelessly irresolute administration. In Europe there was no reluctance. In London, Paris and Bonn, then the capital of West Germany, the re-election of Jimmy Carter was seen as a necessity to keep the bomb-thrower Reagan out of the White House, and well away from the nuclear button.

More @ Reddit

Wounded Warrior Project fires top execs in spending scandal: Charity parties: 'Dinner and alcohol and just total excess'

Via Billy

 The Wounded Warrior Project has been under fire for lavish spending.

I don't get some of these organizations that collect money for veterans.  I can see if they need help and the government isn't giving support, but if you are service related disabled, the government takes care of you. Here in Fallbrook, community organizations built a 1.6 million dollar home for a multi-amputee. Insane.

The Wounded Warrior Project, a non-profit that uses donor money to help veterans with military-related injuries, fired its chief executive officers and chief operating officer in response to a growing scandal over the group’s perceived frivolous spending on travel and resort events.

WWP, facing public outrage over reports of money mismanagement, hired an outside forensic accounting team to conduct a review of its records. And among the findings, CBS News reported:

“WWP spends 80.6 percent of donations on programming … [and] of the approximately $26 million that was spent on conferences and events between October 1, 2013 and September 30, 2014, approximately 94 percent … was associated with program services delivered to Wounded Warriors and their families,” the organization put out, in a written statement.

More @ WND

7 Realities Of Life or Millennials have proven to be little more than entitled, spoiled, anti-intellectual brats

Via comment by Quartermain on "Even the half-Swedes are scared": 

 7 Harsh Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand
They may not yet be the present, but they’re certainly the future. These young, uninitiated minds will someday soon become our politicians, doctors, scientists, chefs, television producers, fashion designers, manufacturers, and, one would hope, the new proponents of liberty. But are they ready for it?

Time after time, particularly on college campuses, millennials have proven to be little more than entitled, spoiled, anti-intellectual brats who place far too much emphasis on feelings and nowhere near enough emphasis on critical thinking. To the millennial, words are cause for the creation of safe spaces, alternative ideas must be stifled, and anything they perceive to be a microaggression is enough to send them spiraling into a state of mental distress.

It’s time millennials understood these 7 harsh realities of life so we don’t end up with a generation of gutless adult babies running the show.

More @ Info Wars

Surprise! NSA data will soon routinely be used for domestic policing that has nothing to do with terrorism

Via sauced07

A while back, we noted a report showing that the “sneak-and-peek” provision of the Patriot Act that was alleged to be used only in national security and terrorism investigations has overwhelmingly been used in narcotics cases. Now the New York Times reports that National Security Agency data will be shared with other intelligence agencies like the FBI without first applying any screens for privacy. The ACLU of Massachusetts blog Privacy SOS explains why this is important:

Rough Week for Mitt Romney=> Mitt’s Niece Will SupportT rump :)

Via Billy

romney niece

Poor Mitt Romney — One in four GOP voters are MORE LIKELY to vote for Donald Trump after his blistering speech.