Monday, June 20, 2016

Morehead City, NC: Ashley Lauren wins 58th Big Rock

The Ashley Lauren fishing team completed an improbable double victory Saturday, winning the 58th annual Big Rock Blue Marlin tournament just eight days after capturing the 19th annual Keli Wagner Lady Angler (KWLA) tournament, a single-day event that kicked off the larger six-day competition.

Just as no golfer has ever won the Masters and the pre-tournament Par-3 contest in the same year, no KWLA winner had boated a blue marlin during the Big Rock that followed their victory. Ashley Lauren put an end to this 18-year jinx Tuesday when angler Doug Phillips, Garner, reeled in a 621.4-pounder to take the Big Rock lead for good.

Ashley Lauren captain Mark Annis, Clayton, was at the helm for all winning catches. Angler Jackie Miller, Clayton, got the Ashley Lauren team on the KWLA leader board with a release of a blue marlin. Mark’s wife, Kim, locked up the KWLA victory with a second blue marlin release.

The Ashley Lauren topped a record field of 125 boats in the KWLA and then came out on top of the 174 boats in the 58th Big Rock to score the double victory.

The Ashley Lauren won $662,995 from the Big Rock’s record $1,914,100 purse for winning the 58th Big Rock. The Ashley Lauren also won $13,281 for winning the KWLA.

More @ The Big Rock

CALAIS AT WAR: Port road SHUT as migrants chanting 'f*** the UK' hurl rocks at Brit cars

Via comment by Anonymous on The truth about the late Jo Cox MP and her husband...

 Migrants break into a lorry in Calais


HUNDREDS of migrants shouting "f*** the UK" have stormed the roads in and around Calais and hurled rocks at British motorists in a desperate attempt to reach the UK before Britons decide whether or not to leave the EU.

French police battled around 300 migrants in the lawless port town this afternoon after huge mobs targeted England and Wales fans returning across the Channel after cheering on their teams at Euro 2016 and motoring enthusiasts driving back from the Le Mans rally event.

Gangs of migrants ran out onto the motorway and brought traffic to a standstill outside the port, so that they could break into lorries and stow away in an attempt to sneak across the Channel.

A British football fan caught up in the chaos reported that gangs of migrants were shouting "f*** the UK" as they hurled rocks at his car, posting photos on social media of clouds of tear gas fired by embattled police.

More @ Express

Silent Cal and the War

 coolidge confederate

Calvin Coolidge is one of the more maligned presidents in American history. I rank him as one of the best in my 9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America.  Coolidge should be commended for his executive restraint and homespun honesty, two character traits that have escaped the modern American executive.  He was a throwback to the nineteenth century when the president (save Lincoln and Jackson) was expected to merely execute the laws of Congress.  This was the correct position constitutionally.  Coolidge himself believed he was a “dinosaur” who could not adapt to modern conceptions of executive power.

Coolidge should also be admired for his willingness to include Southern history into the fabric of the American story.  Though Coolidge was a Vermont Puritan bred on New England history and sensibilities, he nevertheless believed that American history was a complex quilt of interpretations woven together in a “Union” of common interests.  No speeches better exemplify this belief than two he made at Arlington National Cemetery in May 1924.  Reprinted below are the texts of both addresses. Coolidge lavished praise on both Lee and the Confederate soldier for their heroism and determination, and he emphasized that the War did not destroy the constitutional role of the States within the American Union.  To Coolidge, the Southern position of self-determination and federalism still had a place in the Union of the twentieth century.

If only our modern “politicians” would be so bold.

Address at the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery: “The United Nation”
May 25, 1924

Irish Slaves – What The History Books Will Never Tell You

Via Dick

In Memory Of The Irish Victims Of Slavery

More links on both NamSouth and FNC 

Did you know that more Irish slaves were sold in the 17th century than black slaves? With a staggering death rate between 37% to 50%, this is the story the history books will not tell you. 

White and Black Slaves in the Sugar Plantations of Barbados. None of the Irish victims ever made it back to their homeland to describe their ordeal. These are the lost slaves; the ones that time and biased history books conveniently forgot.

The first slaves imported into the American colonies were 100 White children. They arrived during Easter, 1619, four months before the arrival of a the first shipment of Black slaves.Mainstream histories refer to these laborers as indentured servants, not slaves, because many agreed to work for a set period of time in exchange for land and rights.

Yet in reality, indenture was enslavement, since slavery applies to any person who is bought and sold, chained and abused, whether for a decade or a lifetime.

Paul Ryan to Hold Fundraiser With Apple’s Tim Cook After Cook Blocks Assistance to GOP Convention

Via Billy

If you were not yet convinced Paul Ryan is supporting Hillary Clinton this year, read this…

This weekend Apple announced it will not provide funding or support to the 2016 national convention in Cleveland due to Donald Trump’s comments on women, illegal immigrants and minorities(?)

Apple may disagree with Donald Trump’s words but the company has no problem doing business in countries where they execute gays and openly discriminate against women.

Via the Apple website:

Democratic Senator: People Getting The AR-15 Are “Buying It To Do Bad Things”

Via Billy

 What a pair.

“They’re not buying it to go out and hunt deer. You don’t need an AK-47 or an AR-15 to hunt deer. They’re buying it do bad things and we need to recognize that and address it.” Braindead.

Democratic New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen said certain types of firearms like the AR-15 are the kind of guns that should be banned. She added that people trying to purchase the weapon — which is popular among American gun owners — are “buying it do bad things.”

“Well, I think people need to have their voices heard, and what I’ve heard from people in New Hampshire is they think there’s reasonable legislation that we can pass including things like looking at the types of weapons that so easy for people to get,” the New Hampshire Democrat said on Mitchell in the Morning on Monday.

More @ Buzz Feed

Secret Service: Man at rally said he wanted to kill Trump

Via Billy

A complaint filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Nevada charges Michael Steven Sandford with an act of violence on restricted grounds. He was expected to appear in court later in the day as the investigation continued.

Authorities said Sandford went to a Trump rally on Saturday at the Treasure Island Casino and approached a Las Vegas police officer to say he wanted an autograph from Trump. The report says Sandford was arrested after grabbing the handle of an officer's gun in an attempt to remove it.

It wasn't immediately clear if he had an attorney. Las Vegas police say Sandford is 19.

He had a United Kingdom driver's license with him at the time, according to the complaint signed by Secret Service Special Agent Joseph Hall.

More @ AP

A Little Banjo Pickin’


"Once again, therefore, the old dispute; is there a South? Where is it headed? Can it survive? Should it? The same self-conscious regionalism that had carried import since the days of Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, and Calhoun still has meaning enough remaining to it to cause argument and concern.  Apparently it sill means something significant to say of a human being that he is a southerner." 
--Louis D. Rubin, Jr., 1980

Excerpted from “The Banjo Entertainers, Roots to Ragtime, A Banjo History,” by Lowell H. Schreyer, Minnesota Heritage Publishing, 2007, pages 5-36.

The James River valley of Virginia was a locale of banjo activity in the early 1800s.

That river led to the city of Lynchburg. Only 25 miles away was the Clover Hill community in Buckingham County, part of which would become Appomattox County. Nearby was the Flood family plantation. A white neighbor boy would come over to play with young blacks on that plantation.

Eventually he learned something about the peculiar instrument they played.

The instrument was the gourd banjo. The boy was Joel Walker Sweeney.

“I have often heard it said that… he was taught to play by a negro…,” wrote a Sweeney family acquaintance commenting on Joel Sweeney.

Father, daughter arrested after Confederate flag tussle at Battery

Via Billy

Authorities say two tourists visiting South Carolina were arrested over the weekend in a dispute over the Confederate flag.

Local media outlets report the South Carolina Secessionist Party was putting on its weekly display Saturday of Southern flags when a woman broke two small Confederate flags off a parked truck and ran away with them.

James Bessenger, founder of the party, ran after her. Police say the woman's father told them he grabbed Bessenger to stop him from chasing his daughter.

More @ News 2

Paris Jackson’s new boyfriend has a Confederate flag tattoo


Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris Jackson, who stands to get millions more of her inheritance when she turns 18, is dating older rocker Michael Snoddy — whose ink includes a tattoo of the Confederate flag — and sources say they’re quickly getting serious.

Paris, 18 on April 3, split with longtime boyfriend Chester Castellaw in December, and has been posting Instagram pics with Snoddy, 26 — who describes himself in his profile as “Los Angeles drummer/performer” for Street Drum Corps, a “world-renowned drum and percussion ensemble,” according to its own Instagram profile.

“It’s only been a couple of weeks, but they are together a lot,” the source said of the Jackson heir and the rocker. “They really like each other. It’s a real relationship, and things are moving fast.”

Snoddy has a Mohawk and is covered in tattoos, and Jackson fans are upset that one is of a Confederate flag, and have accused him online of racism. But Snoddy responded to the criticism, “There’s a difference between Southern pride and racism.”

More @ Page Six

DOJ Replaces ‘Allah’ With ‘God’ in Edited Orlando Terrorist Transcript

Via Billy

DOJ Replaces ‘Allah’ With ‘God’ in Edited Orlando Terrorist Transcript

The Justice Department replaced references to ‘Allah’ with ‘God’ in an edited transcript of the 911 call Orlando jihadi Omar Mateen made during the Pulse night club attack.

During the call, Omar Mateen made an Islamic prayer in which he said:

Praise be to Allah, and prayers as well as peace be upon the prophet of Allah [in Arabic]. I let you know, I’m in Orlando and I did the shootings.

In comparison, the edited DOJ transcript says:

Praise be to God, and prayers as well as peace be upon the prophet of God [in Arabic]. I let you know, I’m in Orlando and I did the shootings.

It’s obvious the Obama administration is doing everything it can to downplay the Islamic connection to the attack, all while demonizing Christians and gun owners.

More @ Info Wars


Via Jonathan

America is a third world country, it’s just not ready to accept that reality yet. Politically it is thoroughly corrupted, economically it is too deeply indebted to ever extricate itself, morally it is without direction, rudderless in dangerous seas and heading for the rocks.

The divides between the wealthy and the impoverished too wide to ever cross, the races and generations set against one another deliberately, provoked hourly by the very people who should be doing everything possible to unite them, armed to the teeth, seething with rage, neutered or enraged by pharmaceuticals, depending upon the age and gender, divided by sex, generations of fatherless children at every level raising up children who have no connection to anything that isn’t coming from a glowing screen- and all the while deliberately it seems, provoking hostility with every nation, every race, every people and persuasion in order to stir up a seething cauldron of slights and revenge for the coming reckoning.

The Harassment of the Hammonds Act II - Decade of the Nineties Scene 6 - Feb. 25, 1998 - Jan. 12, 2004

This series is not about the two fires and subsequent conviction of Dwight and Steven Hammond.  It is about the abuse, by government agencies, in the two decades prior to the first fire.
Note: Numbers shown thus, {nn} refer to PDF page numbers in the “Hammond Legal Trailing File Part II” pdf file.


On February 25, 1998, Steven Hammond wrote a letter to the Oregon State Police regarding trespass and hunting in a no hunting area {351-352}. It appears that the OSP had stopped issuing citations to violators after speaking to Refuge personnel. This led to a follow up letter to Dick Munoz, FWS, Portland, addressing the concern and the failure of Malheur FWS to enforce the hunting regulations {353-354}.

On May 12, 1998, Dave Stanbrough faxes Munoz telling him he will draft a response to Steven Hammond’s letter {356}. Munoz implies that the decision not to prosecute the trespassing hunters was in the hands of the OSP, not the Refuge {357-358}.

July 6, 1999, the Bureau of Land Management in Hines, in a letter to Dwight Hammond, advises him that, in response to Dwight’s request of June 9, 1999 (No copy of the request in the obtained documents), they are denying him permission to use his own fencing to control cattle crossing Bridge Creek to get to the Mud Creek Allotment {359-360}. Dave Ward, “Rangeland Management Specialist” in this correspondence.

[Note: This is not the David Ward, Sheriff of Harney County.]

"[Trump gets] the largely unknown history of our intervention in Syria, where Hillary Clinton was the jihadists’ best friend and benefactor."

Via comment by Quartermain on Nothing Has Changed Except The Body Count

As usual, Justin Raimondo is insightful and accurate.  He is bold and honest in a world where honesty and courage are rare.  With links to primary sources, he succinctly explains the failed and failing Iraq war, and the US Syria agenda – and ties it to U.S. presidential election sloganeering.
The truth is not “out there,” it’s right here:

“[Trump gets] the largely unknown history of our intervention in Syria, where Hillary Clinton was the jihadists’ best friend and benefactor. It was she who led the charge to “liberate” Syria, to arm the “moderate” head-choppers and do to that war-torn wreck of a country what she had done to Libya.”

The icing on that dirt cake came Friday with the New York Times’ publication of an internal State Department memo demanding (DEMANDING!) that the U.S. go to war with renewed vigor against the Assad regime in Syria.  These diplomats demand “that the United States, guided by our strategic interests and moral convictions, lead a global effort to put an end to this conflict once and for all.”

More @ LRC

The truth about the late Jo Cox MP and her husband, Brendan

Via comment by Quartermain on Nothing Has Changed Except The Body Count

 white helmets

I’ve always believed that one should not speak ill of the dead – and especially someone so brutally murdered as was Jo Cox MP on Thursday. But when that dead person is being deified out of all proportion– rather as Princess Diana was after her death –  by a mainstream media hand-in-glove with a prime minister who is desperate to create false hysteria in order to sway the most important decision of our generation – our vote in the EU referendum – then something has to be said, and it is this:

We’re being told what a truly, extraordinarily wonderful person Jo Cox was, because her life was devoted to helping refugees. I’m sure she was a very sweet person – her face shows that. But how wise and truly aware was she? Today, with her body barely cold,  her husband Brendan Cox is tweeting out a Go Fund Me link to his wife’s ‘favourite causes’ and one of those is the White Helmets.

The White Helmets is not a charity, and neither are they ‘the good guys’ despite their white helmets. The White Helmets is the military propaganda arm of the Allies attempt at regime change by destabilising Syria – and this is exactly what is causing the refugee component of Europe’s migrant crisis in the first place.

“If there is going to be a war with Russia, then the United States will most certainly be destroyed, and most of us will end up dead.”

Via Iver

Why is the US trying to provoke a war with Russia? From Chris Martenson at

As if there weren’t enough crises to worry about in the world already, from shooting rampages to accelerating species loss, the US and NATO continue to ‘poke the bear’ and risk an outbreak of war with Russia.

I wish this were idle speculation. But if you haven’t been paying close attention, you’ll probably be shocked at just how much direct military and diplomatic provocation has been going on between NATO/US and Russia over the past several years — and in recent weeks, in particular.

“All Whites are racist” and must destroy themselves says White South African “activist”

Via Nancy


Gillian Schutte, a White South Africa “feminist” and “social justice activist” says that all Whites are genetically “racist“, and the final solution is to abolish “Whiteness.

I agree with the position of the radical Black youth of today’s struggle against whiteness. Why should they point out the ‘good whites’ or even be cognizant of the possibility that ‘not all whites are racist’,Schutte said on her Facebook page.

All whites are racist by virtue of their birth into a system of privilege based on a false construct of race, thus I say all whites are racist until whiteness is defunct

The only race struggle whites should engage in is to obliterate the whiteness they are born into … with no expectation of ‘exceptionalism’ or accolades for being a good white.

Chicago journalist can’t buy a gun

Via Billy

The folks at Maxon Shooter Supplies and Indoor Range, who claim to be TAH fans, send us a link to the story about them in the Chicago Sun Times, wherein the Times sent Neil Steinberg, one of their reporters, to write about his experience buying and firing an evil black, scary gun (known in journalistic circles as an assault rifle). Steinberg does the handwringing thing about guns and journalistic integrity thing during his drive to Des Plaines, Illinois to the Maxon “lemonade stand” as the owner described it to me.
Driving to Maxon Shooter’s Supplies in Des Plaines on Wednesday to purchase my first assault rifle, I admit, I was nervous. I’d never owned a gun before. And with the horror of Sunday’s Orlando massacre still echoing, even the pleasant summer day — the lush green trees, fluffy white clouds, blue sky — took on a grim aspect, the sweetness of fragile life flashing by as I headed into the Valley of Death.
Earlier, in my editor’s office, I had ticked off the reasons for me not to buy a gun: this was a journalistic stunt; done repeatedly; supporting an industry I despise. But as I tell people, I just work here, I don’t own the place. And my qualms melted as I dug into the issue.

Watch:Veteran Forcibly Dragged from Air Force Ceremony for Mentioning God

Via comment by Cav Med on Support Nehlen for Congress: Defeat RINO Paul Ryan...

When a veteran started offering traditional remarks at a military flag-folding ceremony, several uniformed airmen assaulted him, dragging him out of the room because his remarks mentioned God. 

Now First Liberty Institute lawyers representing retired Senior Master Sergeant Oscar Rodriguez are demanding that the U.S. Air Force apologize and punish those responsible or face a federal civil-rights lawsuit.

 More @ Breitbart

Nothing Has Changed Except The Body Count.

Via comment by JWMJR on DOJ Will Censor All References To Islamic Terroris...

 I wrote the following posts five years ago. Sadly neither the pathetic excuses for inaction nor the dangerous moral relativism have changed. Just the body count.

Unless Of Course We Lose...

In order to understand the status of the conflict between Jihadist Islam and the West in general, one must first define the term enemy and how the juxtaposition as enemies comes about. At the present stage of the conflict there can be little doubt that it was these elements of Islam that declared the West to be their enemy, and had been engaged it committing act of war long before all but a very few bothered to take their actions seriously. Historically the argument could be made that the conflict goes back for nearly a millennium, having it roots in Moorish conquest and subsequent expulsion from Spain and Portugal and the conflicts with the Ottoman Turks in the Balkans.

The attitude of many practitioners of Islam is that once Islam conquers an area or nation its inhabitants have no further right to reassert themselves and reclaim their lands. Their only choices being to convert, pay the tax for not converting or die. That this is a complete anathema to Judeo-Christian Western civilization is an argument that should not even need to be made.

It is the Jihadists who have defined the alternatives as either our destruction or theirs. When a group or nation has declared itself to be your enemy, wages war against you, kills your soldiers and civilians and neither shows or expresses any inclination to negotiate except as a means to gain a position of political or military advantage from which to wage further war, WHAT CHOICE TO YOU HAVE BUT TO WAGE WAR AGAINST THEM AND KILL THEM AS EXPEDIENTLY AS POSSIBLE?


Sukie lived with them,
she cooked and cleaned
and cared for their babies.

There were no family
members to take her
to any promised land

when the fog of War
had cleared.  She knew
well the ravages of war

and disease, she had
no home to go back to,
no forty acres, no mule,

no gold.  As Hallelujahs
rang out, so did the voices
of the sick and starving,

as liberators shouted
Freedom, thorny obstacles
and injustices echoed

throughout the South.
Sukie was free, still-
she asked, "Can I stay?"

Page 46, The Thorny Truth and Their Civil War (The Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina)
--Karen Kay Knauss (A gift from Tom at the 9th NC PATCON )