Monday, July 4, 2016

The Brits Believe in Secession After All

 Brexit 2

As I spend some wonderful time with family in my home state of Alaska, I watched with intrigue as the UK appears to have decided to exit from the European Union. I am an Alaskan by birth and a U.S. citizen, and now reside in Tennessee. So, my perspective or stake in the UK’s decision is not rooted in how I will live my life, nor will the UK people’s decision likely effect me to a great degree.

Nonetheless, I watch with interest from this side of the Atlantic. Our family will travel in less than a week to the UK for a lengthy time of study.

I have many friends in the UK—some of whom likely favor leaving the EU, and some of whom likely favor remaining in the EU. So, my reflections here are not rooted in any animus to any position. Anyway, who am I, an American, to weigh in on what the Brits do? Nonetheless, it is perhaps worth stating a few obvious things.

Perhaps most importantly, what we are witnessing is an act of secession.

Obama building legacy of forcing others to accept LGBT agenda

Via Billy


In a world beset by Islamic terrorism, persecution of Christians, a destabilized Middle East, a flood of refugees and a crumbling European Union, the Obama administration, nevertheless, has time to make LGBT rights a foreign-policy priority.

The White House office of the press secretary released a fact sheet this week detailing Obama’s efforts in “Promoting and Protecting the Human Rights of LGBT Persons.”

“Throughout the Obama administration, the promotion and protection of the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons has been a specific focus of our engagement around the world,” the press release began. “U.S. diplomacy, foreign assistance and other activities abroad have all sought to advance this goal, ensuring that efforts to promote and protect LGBT human rights are fully integrated into our broader attempts to advance freedom and dignity for all people.”

More @ WND

Rejected by U.K., Europeans to seek 'empire

Via Billy

 European Union Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

Now that the European Union will be losing the United Kingdom as a result of the Brexit vote, concerns are growing that the E.U. is seeking to expand intercontinentally with the aim of establishing an “empire.”

A week after the British vote on June 23, E.U. Vice President Federica Mogherini released a document outlining the union’s plan for expansion, “A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign And Security Policy,” raising some eyebrows in foreign policy circles.

Not only does the document suggest the possible formation of an E.U. army, it explores expanding the multi-state entity into Asia and Africa.

It even envisions a global government.

“We will invest in regional orders, and in cooperation among and within regions,” Mogherini wrote in the foreword. “And we will promote reformed global governance, one that can meet the challenges of this 21st century.”

“The E.U. wants its own Empire as former Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso made clear when he was in charge,” flatly declared U.K. Independence Party defense spokesman Mike Hookem.

More @ WND

Switzerland is denying citizenship for failing to integrate into Swiss society.

 Via Billy

Swiss flag

One recent example involves two Muslim sisters, ages 12 and 14, who refused to take school swimming lessons because of the presence of boys. They said their religion prevents them from participating in compulsory swimming lessons with males in the pool at the same time.

The girls live in the northern city of Basel. They had applied for Swiss citizenship several months ago, but their request was denied because the sisters did not comply with the school’s curriculum.

“Whoever doesn’t fulfill these conditions violates the law and therefore cannot be naturalized,” Stefan Wehrle, president of the naturalization committee, told TV station SRF.

Wehrle said the case in which citizenship is denied for failure to comply with a school program will set precedence for future cases.

More @ WND

Independence Day 2016: Guardians of the Constitution v Arrogant Elitists of the World

While July Fourth has special meaning for Americans, our Independence Day celebrates the concept of the sovereign individual, a world view and an ideal that extends far beyond our borders.

For centuries, man was ruled by autocrats and despots who owned everything and everyone, controlled all property, and had the authority to dictate the course of all events in their realm. Common man eked out his sparse existence with a constant anxiety about his uncertain future. No part of his day to day life was secure or safe from the whims of the monarch who controlled his fate.

The Declaration of Independence, by far the most important of our founding documents, ousted the ruling elite from their positions of power and destroyed the pedestals that supported their thrones. 

This document declares the sovereignty of the individual, outlines the Natural Law Rights belonging to each of us by dint of our birth, summarizes the grievances against the British crown, justifies separation from the mother country, and sets out the proper place for government as the servant of the people.

It is generally acknowledged that Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence between June 11 and June 28, 1776, after having been appointed by the Second Continental Congress to write a first draft for its consideration.

Former DOD Official Warns America Is On The Wrong Track To Fighting War On Terror

Via Billy

Officers arrive at the Orlando Police Headquarters during the investigation of a shooting at the Pulse nightclub, where people were killed by a gunman, in Orlando, Florida, U.S June 12, 2016.  REUTERS/Steve Nesius.

Higgins calls for a “strategic and operational pause” in America’s misguided battle to stop the terror. He would, instead, ask new leadership to develop a comprehensive political warfare plan, while removing the subversive policies and personnel causing America to lose this paramount battle.

He cites the “purges” carried out by law enforcement and intelligence officials throughout government, which Phil Haney, Sebastian Gorka and Steve Coughlin have made public.

Treeman TASS: A Combat Knife Actually Used by Navy SEALs — Review

 The Treeman TASS.

A lot of knife makers use Navy SEALs and other elite military units as a way to market their blades to the general public. The sales pitch being, if it passes muster with the SEALs, well, then it should suit your pedestrian needs too.

It’s an effective strategy. But I often wonder how many knife makers that claim to have an affiliation with these units actually do? How many are just blowing smoke to move product? I don’t have the answers to those questions, but what I do know is that Jim Behring of Treeman knives actually makes knives for Navy SEALs. His story is an interesting one and it’s no B.S.

Recently, he sent me a TASS knife for review. TASS stand for Teams And Shit Shank. It doesn’t get more authentic than that. Yes, it was named by the SEAL platoon that helped design it. They voted on it, and that’s what they came up with.

There is one special point worth mentioning, that the SEAL’s version of the TASS is called the “TASS E-4.” The E-4 designation was added in honor of Matthew Kantor, a SEAL and Bronze Star recipient who was killed in Afghanistan in 2012. E-4 was Kantor’s SOCOM-issued call sign. May he RIP.

More @ Guns America

God bless the 4th of July?

Via Nancy

League of The South

Cook outs, fireworks, and Lee Greenwood on the airwaves (or perhaps Toby Keith) will characterize how most Americans–including Southerners, sadly–will celebrate the 4th of July or Independence Day. “God bless the USA,” indeed. What’s not to bless about a country that has just opened the doors of its military to the transgendered crowd? Or that continues to fund Planned Parenthood’s baby chop shops? Or that never sees a war it doesn’t want to fight? And I could go on ...

Mayoress might be charged for “offense” for opposing White South African genocide

Via Nancy


Councillor Heather Venter, a former mayoress of Driffield in Yorkshire, England, is being called a “racist” and a “nazi” by online media, as well as a left-wing politician seeking criminal charges for several messages she wrote on Twitter.

One of her tweets that she is being attacked for is a link to an article titled “White South Africans march in London against White genocide.

Genocide Watch, an independent watchdog established by Doctor Gregory H. Stanton, has warned of genocide against White South Africans.

Since the end of apartheid, more than 70 thousand White South Africans have been brutally murdered, tortured, and raped at an alarming rate by Black perpetrators, with no obvious motives behind the crimes.

Huma Abedin admits Hillary destroyed State records - Ex-diplomat: 'I've never seen anyone put their schedule in a burn bag'

Via Billy

Huma Abedin

Huma Abedin, one of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, said in a recent deposition with Judicial Watch that the former secretary of State would sometimes destroy her daily schedules – an admission characterized by one former diplomat as shocking and rarely, if ever, done.

“If there was a schedule that was created that was her secretary of State daily schedule and a copy of that was then put in the burn bag, that … that certainly happened on … on more than one occasion,” Abedin said to lawyers for Judicial Watch, the nonprofit that’s taking the lead in suing over the Clinton email server scandal, the New York Post reported.

More @ WND

Most top colleges do not require history majors to take U.S. history & New College-Prep Curriculum Paints U.S. History in Horrific Light

Via comment by Quartermain on Clinton Labor Secretary Warns Against July 4th ‘Am...

As Americans mark Independence Day, a time to remember and honor the nation’s founding, a new report reveals that most top U.S. colleges view teaching students how and why this country was founded as nonessential – even for history majors.

Fewer than one-third of the nation’s leading universities require history majors to take a single course in U.S. history, according to “No U.S. History? How College History Departments Leave the United States out of the Major.”

The report, recently published by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, warns that the results are seen in today’s young people, who often show ignorance of historical facts and are willing to give up constitutional freedoms: “Historical illiteracy is the inevitable consequence of lax college requirements, and that ignorance leads to civic disempowerment.”

ACTA, an independent, nonprofit organization that works to uphold academic freedom, excellence and accountability, found in its survey that only 23 undergraduate history programs at U.S. News & World Report’s top 76 universities require any type of U.S. history course.


The Declaration of Independence Is Final

Via comment by SCextremist on Rethinking the Declaration of Independence
 "I found this on the inter-web yesterday.
From Calvin Coolidge. He speaks of The Declaration of Independence and other founding documents. This is so brilliant and yet so basic and self evidently true. Beware anyone that would argue this point."

“It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning cannot be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. 

If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.”

Rethinking the Declaration of Independence

 Jefferson 3

Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1825 that he intended the Declaration of Independence to be “an expression of the American mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion.” Yet, he did not propose the Declaration should “find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of….” The last statement is the clearest articulation of what Jefferson and other members of the founding generation thought of the Declaration.

It was a restatement of the rights of Englishmen, modeled in large part by previous works of English and American law. The Declaration was not a radical document or a deviation from accepted constitutional norms, as the famous historian Gordon Wood suggests. But the idea that Jefferson and other founders would be modern liberals persists, and that is why Barack Obama can argue with a straight face that he is following the founding documents of the United States. Such thinking needs a “radical” correction, and a better understanding of the Declaration is the key.

In 1100, King Henry I of England agreed to restrictions on his power through the Charter of Liberties. The English barons rejected absolute authority and sought to preserve traditional decentralized “government.” Just over one hundred years later, King John was forced again by the English nobles to sign the Magna Charta. The “Great Charter,” as it is known in English, declared that the king was not above the law—making him essentially equal to the nobles—and it resisted the trend toward centralization in England. Though on the books, the Magna Charta was often ignored by more powerful English monarchs, but several of its provisions became the basis of English common law, most notably the writ of habeas corpus.

Fort Sumter coming apart as more visitors press in

Via Bob: What mystifies me is that there is another unused fort in Charleston Harbor - - Castle Pinckney - - that isn't part of the Sumter/Moultrie historic sites, and is in fact privately owned.  Add that one and the old Morris Island Lighthouse and you could have a good "Charleston Harbor National Historic Park."
 Retired National Parks Service Mason Dominic DeRubis works on the cannon casemate wall at Fort Sumter to mend the crumbling brick work at the historic landmark.

Tim Stone spreads his hands defenselessly on top of the wall of Fort Sumter that faces the Charleston shipping channel. This wall withstood cannon bombardment from Fort Moultrie and offshore warships, a landmark of American history. 

“It could fall as we stand here right now,” the fort’s National Park Service superintendent said.
On the 100th anniversary of the national parks, they, like their state counterparts, are in dire straits — more than $12 billion behind in maintenance and operating on a $3 billion budget. That’s even though the parks nationwide brought in 307 million visitors in 2015 and generated $32 billion in economic activity, according to the federal Department of the Interior. 

National parks, like state parks, are underfunded and consequently understaffed, falling behind in maintenance, pressured by government leaders to pay for themselves to operate. 

The three national parks near Charleston — Fort Sumter, Fort Moultrie and the Charles Pinckney National Historic Site — are cumulatively more than $10 million behind in maintenance. The backlog statewide is more than $235 million.

More @ The Post & Courier

Austria warns it will LEAVE EU if Turkey wins controversial Brussels bid

Via Billy

Austria will not join the EU if Turkey's membership bid is successful


AUSTRIA will turn its back on the crumbling European Union if Turkey is successful in its controversial bid for membership, the country’s anti-immigration party leader has vowed. 


Austria will not join the EU if Turkey's membership bid is successful Far-right party leader Norbert Hofer said Turkey joining the bloc could be the game changer that forces Austrians to call for an EU referendum in a bid to break away.

He said: “I believe that people are able to learn, that political structures are able to develop, and that Austria will contribute to making Europe better.

“There is one exception, however, that is if the EU decides to let Turkey join the Union. Austrians will have to be asked whether they want this.”

More @ Express