Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Montana Malfeasance Jesse Newsom Sentenced and in Prison


I had not heard from Jesse Newsom since our phone conversation, shortly before his arrest, back on July 10, 2015. However, to keep informed, I am on the FBI mail list, and received an FBI Press Email on July 25, 2015, with the following notice:

JESSE WADE NEWSOM, a 28-year-old resident of Cascade, appeared on charges of felon in possession of a firearm. If convicted of the charge contained in the indictment, NEWSOM faces 10 years in prison, $250,000 in fines and three years’ supervised release. The case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Since that time, none of the contacts I had that knew or were in touch with Jesse had any idea what had happened to him.

I had been checking PACER to see if I could follow the story, when I found the following minute entry:
07/31/2015 – Terminate Deadlines and Hearings as to Jesse Wade Newsom: Discovery ddl 7/30/15. (SLR, ) (Entered: 07/31/2015)

Then, all was silent until I receive a letter from an inmate in FCI Littleton saying that Jesse had read the article that I had written about him, and that he liked it. This lead to establishing communications with Jesse, both via email (CORRLINKS) and letter.

Jesse is appealing the conviction, so he has little that he wants to go public with. However, he did say that the prosecutors had tried to use my article (written from public records and our conversations, before he was arrested), against him. They also used Facebook postings and other pictures obtained with the Search Warrant (self-incrimination?) against him, as shown in the Government’s Exhibits.

He was convicted for Felon in Possession (18 US Code §922(g)(1)) (the same as KC Massey), and sentenced to 34 months in prison. He is at Littleton, Colorado, Englewood Federal Correctional Institution. I’m sure that he would appreciate hearing from fellow patriots, as he, too, is a victim of a government that is more concerned with Americans than with immigrants who have entered our country illegally or with malicious intent.

Jesse can be reached at:
Jesse Newsom 13743-046
FCI Englewood  – Lower East
9595 West Quincy Ave
Littleton Colorado  80123

1970 Mercury Cougar Eliminator 428 CI, Build Sheet

  • Rotisserie restoration by Turn Key Restorations
  • Eliminator package
  • 428 Cobra-Jet engine
  • C6 Merc-O-Matic transmission
  • Original build sheet
  • Factory air conditioning
  • Traction-Lok rear end
  • Power front disc brakes
  • Power steering
  • Console
  • Protection group
  • Decor group
  • Marti Report
  • May 2011 feature story in Mustangs and Modified Fords

More @ MECUM

Chris Christie (Who got Obama Elected) Prosecutes Hillary Clinton in RNC Speech: Is She Guilty or Not Guilty?

 Via Billy

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie asks the crowd at the Republican National Convention to reply "guilty" or "not guilty" while he talks about Hillary Clinton's character, judgment and trustworthiness.

"Is she guilty or not guilty?" Christie asked after every charge he laid before the crowd.

"Lock her up" chants the crowd.

More with full video @ Real Clear Politics


Via Billy


This actually shouldn’t really come as a surprise to anyone, as some of the Occupy Wall Street protests of several years ago were known to feature the use of bodily waste in some form or fashion, whether in a balloon thrown at a cop or a big steaming pile on top of a police cruiser.

Furthermore, there was an unconfirmed report just a couple of days ago during the lead up to the convention in Cleveland that law enforcement had discovered and taken possession of a “stockpile” of more than 100 pounds of human waste meant to fill balloons, no doubt for Tuesday’s lovely demonstration of tolerance and civility.

GQ ‘Journalist’ on Pat Smith: ‘I would like to beat her to death’

Via Billy


The speech by one of Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi victims ruined the night for Chris Matthews, but it really hit home for this tool.
He apparently deleted it and is outraged how anyone could take umbrage with his desire to beat a woman to death.

Could just say you’re sorry, asshole.

Go get your life back, clown, and stop playing the victim already:

EPIC MEDIA FAIL: RNC Convention Reporters Show Up Two Days Early to Cover Anti-Trump March

Via Billy

The (5,000?)
group who showed up to the "Stand Together Against Trump" March. Note the ratio of reporters to protestors. 

The media is so excited to report anti-Trump stories that reporters in Cleveland covering the Republican Party national convention showed up en masse to cover a protest march against presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump Tuesday afternoon.

No protesters were observed even though the permit for the march by the group “Stand Together Against Trump” called for 5,000 protesters to participate.

"........the most irresponsible and incendiary presidential utterances in our national history."

Via Billy


Any hopes that the nation’s first black president could uplift the nation’s black underclass went up in smoke Sunday when Barack Obama doubled down on his blaming of America’s police for the recent cop massacres that amount, as Heather Mac Donald rightly says, to a war on cops.

I argued two decades ago in The Dream and the Nightmare that changes in elite culture during the 1960s had a catastrophic effect on the most disadvantaged Americans in ghetto neighborhoods. That decade’s sexual revolution removed the stigma from out-of-wedlock pregnancy. An explosion of inner-city illegitimacy ensued, with between 70 and 90 percent of black children born to single mothers, depending on the city. The elite’s youthful interest in drug taking petered out, but in the ghetto, tolerance of drug taking resulted in a deadly crack cocaine epidemic. 

Elite culture’s wholly praiseworthy political push for black civil rights ended in a destructive turn, with intellectuals arguing that punishing black crime, as one bestseller’s title had it, was “blaming the victim.” In other words, centuries of slavery and Jim Crow, giving way to lingering racial discrimination, made young black men justifiably angry and rebellious, and their anger, along with the barriers the larger society placed between them and gainful employment, resulted in criminal behavior that was understandable and almost justifiable. So by the early 1990s, murders in New York, for example—mostly by young black men killing other blacks—were occurring on average every four hours, every day.

More @ City Journal

German bishop: Axe attack by Muslim migrant screaming “Allahu akbar” “cannot be understood”

Via Billy


By you, maybe, Bishop Hofmann. But sane people see quite clearly what is happening. When a Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” and affiliated with the Islamic State attacks non-Muslims with an axe, it’s just another episode in the global jihad against Infidels. And contrary to the fond hopes and fantasies that prevail in the Vatican, and in the Catholic Church in general these days, no amount of “dialogue” is going to end this jihad that Hofmann and his ilk so determinedly ignore.

More @ Jihad Watch

Cover-Up? New Black Panthers Held Secret Meeting Sunday In Baton Rouge

Via Billy

Something smells funny. Something smells VERY funny. As the old saying goes, normally where there’s smoke, there’s fire. If we’ve learned anything over the last 7+ years of the Obama dictatorship, it’s that when there’s smoke, there’s normally a raging inferno burning somewhere, often times the inferno being caused by the administration itself from either their incompetence, or by nefarious design.

Furthermore, we’ve also learned that Team Hope & Change has a history of letting an inferno burn as long as they have to, because no crisis should go to waste. Regardless of who gets harmed in the process, or how many lies Captain Transparency has to tell the American people while looking directly into the camera, Team Hope & Change will let the inferno burn long enough to give them enough time to attempt to cover-up whatever they feel they have to.

An Interesting Change In Tone.

Via comment by Quartermain on The white élites who fund Black Lives Matter


 Im sure that I'm not the only one who noticed but there was what I thought was an interesting change in Obama's rhetorical approach in the wake of Sunday's assassinations in Baton Rouge.

Previously, every time there has been some horrible act of violence, be it perpetrated by Islamists extremists or by some black extremists, Obama's statements have always contained some passing phrase sympathy for families of the victims, followed immediately by open caveats about alleged systemic police racism and an attack on the 2nd Amendment.

Today we heated none of that. What we got was a call for national unity and a statement about these attacks on police officers being an attack on us all and on the very structure of society.

So then, is our feckless fool of a President finally starting to realize at last that he has overplayed the Alinsky card and the blowback is getting beyond either his or a compliant media's control? Well no shit Sherlock.

Girl fighting for life after mum and three daughters knifed in French holiday resort for being 'scantily dressed'

Via Iver "From my friend Josefine in Denmark.When will they get it.? We are at war!"
The friend of my best friend was nearly gang-raped last week. Luckily a Swedish man helped her to get away.My mother in-law was threatened by three Muslims when she went grocery shopping at the local store here in our little town in Denmark.

Man stabs a woman and her three daughters in a holiday village


The 46-year-old woman and her three daughters - aged 14, 12 and eight - are said to have been targeted while holidaying near Laragne in Hautes-Alpes in southern France 

An eight-year-old girl is fighting for her life after a mum and her three daughters were reportedly stabbed in a French holiday resort for being 'scantily dressed'.

The French family are said to have been targeted while holidaying in Garda-Colombe in the Hautes-Alpes near Montpellier in southern France.

The 46-year-old woman and the girls - aged eight, 12 and 14 - were all attacked before the knifeman fled the scene - according to police.

The eight-year-old was airlifted to hospital in nearby Grenoble with a punctured lung and is in a critical condition.

The 37-year-old man has been identified by French media as Mohamed Boufarkouch, who was born in Morocco.

He is reportedly unknown to the police and gendarmerie.

More @ Mirror

Trump advisers target Muslim Brotherhood on U.S. soil

Via Billy


As national security took center stage at the Republican Convention on opening night Monday, WND spoke to a member of Congress, a Trump adviser and two campaign surrogates who believe a first step toward “making America safe” and reforming what they regard as a badly compromised counter-terrorism effort hamstrung by political correctness is to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.
Muslim countries such as Egypt and the United Arab Emirates already have done it, pointed out Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who is promoting a bill in the U.S. House along with Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas. A similar measure has been introduced in the Senate by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

More @ WND

Facts and Myths about the Confederacy and Southern History

Via comment by cheerdiver on Outer Banks North Carolina "Suntan City"


 History books, the media, the school systems, etc abound in falsehoods and inaccuracies of Confederate and Southern history. This fact sheet will help to clarify and dispel some of these rampant inaccuracies.

MYTH – The War of 1861 – 1865 was fought over slavery.

FACT – Terribly untrue. The North fought the war over money. Plain and simple. When the South started Secession, Lincoln was asked, “Why not let the South go in peace?” To which he replied, “I can’t let them go. Who would pay for the government?” Sensing total financial ruin for the North, Lincoln waged war on the South. The South fought the War to repel Northern aggression and invasion.

MYTH – Only Southerners owned slaves.

FACT – Entirely untrue. Many Northern civilians owned slaves. Prior to, during and even after the War Of Northern Aggression.

More @ Druidikal

The white élites who fund Black Lives Matter

Via comment by Quartermain on  Obama, Not Cops, Stoking Racial Tensions

 Rob Stein, Gary LaMarche, George Soros
 Rob McKay, Norman Lear, Rob Reiner
 Drummond Pike, Anna Burger, Anne Bartley
 Tom Steyer, Paul Egerman
 Steve Phillips, Susan Sandler, Leah Hunt-Hendrix
  Faces of the enemy to remember.

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement began in 2013 with the use of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media, after the acquittal of half-Latino George Zimmerman in the shooting death of black Trayvon Martin. In 2014, BLM attained national prominence for its violent street demonstrations and protests after the police-involved deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson and Eric Garner in New York City.

On July 7, 2016, reacting to the officer-involved deaths of two black men in Minnesota and Louisiana, a black Army reservist named Micah Johnson shot 12 police officers in Dallas, killing 5 and wounding 7, as well as wounding 2 civilians. We are told that before Johnson was killed by a police robot, he said that “he was upset about Black Lives Matter”, and that “he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

A day later, on July 8, more than 100 people were arrested in nationwide BLM protests, most notably in Baton Rouge, LA, and Rochester, NY.

Responding to the Dallas shooting, the New Black Panthers (NBP) — in the person of Mauricelm-Lei Millere, an NBP advisor and head of the African American Defense League — called on “gangs” across America to attack police. Millere wrote in a Facebook post:

We have had a Muslim president for seven and half years': Actor Antonio Sabato Jr says Obama is 'absolutely' not a Christian after backing Trump on stage at the RNC

Via Billy

 A fierce advocate for Donald Trump, actor Antonio Sabato Jr. said President Obama is a Muslim who is 'with the bad guys' in the Middle East
'My mother was born in communist Prague, escaped the Czech Republic and met my dad in Italy,' Sabato added

'I know what socialism looks like. I don't want that for my children. But that's the path we're headed down with the leader we've had…and the candidate he endorses,' he said.
'Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton promote division... don't be fooled... but Donald Trump is for unity,' he said from stage.
Soap star Antonio Sabato Jr., who lauded Donald Trump during his own speech before the GOP convention Monday as someone who 'shares my beliefs and my faith' also claimed in an interview that President Obama is 'absolutely' a Muslim.

'This guy has made it really hard for me to support him. First of all, I don't believe that the guy is a Christian,' Sabato told ABC News in a convention-hall interview.

'I don't believe that he follows the god that I love, the Jesus that I love, I think he has an agenda from the beginning,' Sabato continued.

'We had a Muslim president for 7 ½ years – absolutely,'

More @ Mail

Rudy Giuliani gives fiery speech at RNC: His biggest lines

Via Billy

 Rudy Giuliani

Here are some of Giuliani's other big applause lines:

"What I did for New York, Donald Trump will do for America."

"This is a man with a big heart. Every time New York suffered a tragedy, Donald Trump was there to help."

"I said Islamic extremist terrorism. You know who you are, and we're coming to get you."

"If they are at war against us, which they have declared, we must commit ourselves to unconditional victory against them."

"Hillary Clinton's experience is the basis for her campaign. Hillary Clinton's experience is exactly the reason she should not be president of the United States."

More @ Penn Live

Gingrich Schools Morning Joe Panel on Worsening Race Relations Under Obama

Via Billy

SCARBOROUGH: You had a statement talking about how a normal white American could never understand what it's like being black in America. You see what's happening in Baton Rouge. You see what's happening across the country. How do we move forward, especially on the issue of race? 
GINGRICH: Well, the risk of once again being divisive. As long as you have Barack Obama doing what he did over the last few years. You've had 7 1/2 years of a black president. 7 1/2 years of a black attorney general. Gallup report race relations are worse than any time in the last 17 years. Why? Because how often has he hit the police. He hit the police in Cambridge and he was wrong. He hit the police in Ferguson, he was wrong. He hit the police about Florida, he was wrong. At what point does the president have some obligation to say – you know there are two parts of this. One. We have got to better understand the experience of being black in America and in places like Chicago where 3,200 people have been killed in the Obama presidency, we better have a strategy that works. We don't.
More with video @ News Busters

Bikers 4 Trump Roll Into Cleveland For GOP Convention By The Thousands (VIDEOS)

Via Billy

Bikers for Trump 

The pro-Trump biker group “Bikers 4 Trump” has a very active presence on social media and now they’re rolling into Cleveland for the Republican National Convention by the thousands.

The Federalist Papers Project reports:

Not a big deal, but I believe the picture of bikers on the freeway is of a different event.