Sunday, August 7, 2016

Investigator Reveals How Left-Wing Donors, Tactics Fundamentally Changed Dem Party

Via Billy

Capital Research Center (CRC), launched in 1984, is America’s investigative think tank focused on monitoring the center-left.

CRC lifts up the hood to expose how left-wing entities and donors operate to fundamentally transform American politics, and how they seek to consolidate government power while manipulating public opinion.

Scott Walter, the new president of CRC, sat down for this exclusive 26-minute video interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation and explained the Democrat party previously directed and controlled the left’s agenda and funding of all allied groups.

But much of this tactic has changed.

Uncle Gibb’s Liberators
 Highly recommended

The passage below describes the surrender and occupation of Smithville, now Southport, North Carolina in late January 1865 after Fort Fisher had fallen to Northern forces. The town’s public offices were plundered by the troops and those like Uncle Gibb suffered ill-treatment from soldiers who sought buried valuables.
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

Uncle Gibb’s Liberators

“Now Smithville [North Carolina] had relapsed into its state of quiet, but not the quiet of former days . . . Negroes however reaped a rich harvest in the shape of clothing from soldiers and blankets of which the forest was strewn.

A large assembly of Negro men, women and children had collected at the boat in order to greet their “saviors,” and to fall upon their necks and kiss them if such liberties should be allowed. [Northern] Captain [William] Cushing then addressed the sable crowd and informed them that they were free, that they were in all respects equal to the whites and would be so treated. In order to make that this was true he directed that they [the Negroes] should form a procession and give three cheers which they did saying, “God bless Massa Lincum, we’re free” and “Massa Lincum is cumin in a day or two to bring each of us a mule and deed for forty acres of land.”

The procession then started to move, and wild cheering for “Massa Lincum.” There were some small United States flags scattered among the crowds which they waved frantically in the air, crying “hallelujah, hallelujah.” The procession then moved through the garrison to Moore Street, a motley crowd dressed in every conceivable style bearing banners of anything that was bright color and they started down Moore Street amid cheering for “Massa Lincum.”

In the procession which had marched around town was “Uncle Gibb,” and in his posterity “Uncle Gibb” had been treated during his entire life as kindly as any white citizen in the town. He had a house to live in, plenty of food and clothes, and a horse and dray; and it was difficult to perceive how he had bettered his condition by freedom; but he soon found out as he was brought a prisoner into the [Northern army] Garrison for some alleged offense.

Here he was tied up by the thumbs to an oak tree which stood there, and hoisted till his toes barely touched the ground. This was done in full view of his own sister who was cooking in an adjoining kitchen, and who fainted and fell at the awful sight. We thus had an opportunity to find out whether the new friends of the colored race were any better than the old friends who had treated him with such kindness.

The ceremony attending the surrender [of Smithville] having been completed, the boat containing the plunder was dispatched back to the [USS] Monticello, and there being apparently nothing to do on shore, the sailors were given liberty and the officers proceeded to enjoy themselves.

The sailors spread themselves over the town, and proceeded first to inspect the public buildings. They broke open the court house and its offices, tore up such papers as they found lying around, among which happened to be the entire record of the Court of Equity and scattered them about the streets. They went to the Academy building in which was a Masonic Hall, and stole the jewels of the Order, and carried them to the ship.”

(Reminiscences, Dr. D.W. Curtis, Special Collections, W.M. Randall Library, UNCW, pp. 33-37)

Pro-Hillary Website Red State Attacks Breitbart and Gateway Pundit for Supporting Trump …But Look What We Found

Via Billy
 breitbart landslide

 They were anti-Confederate before, so they should change their name now to Commie State.

We hate to punch down — But this was too delicious to pass up.

Earlier today we posted this on Donald Trump’s astonishing following on social media.

The one-time Republican website RedState mocked Breitbart News and The Gateway Pundit for challenging the liberal media narrative on Donald Trump.

The one-time Republican website RedState mocked Breitbart News and The Gateway Pundit for challenging the liberal media narrative on Donald Trump.

RedState wants Hillary Clinton to win.

Their entire website is devoted to trashing Donald Trump.

Sadly, they are not alone.

So we did a little search on Google and look what we found…

                                                    More @ The Gateway Pundit

Communist Party unites behind Hillary

Via Billy

The Communist Party USA may not control many actual votes, but what they lack in support is made up for in enthusiasm.

That passion was in full display with a seven-person team of “reporters” covering their national political convention last month. And their convention was the Democratic National Convention that nominated Hillary Rodham Clinton as their undisputed candidate for president of the United States.

Exaggeration? Judge for yourself.

Here are excerpts from the editorial produced as part of that coverage by the team credentialed to cover the convention by the Democratic Party.

“Donald Trump steals wages. He’d pick your pocket in a New York minute. He lies and spreads hate. He’s a racist and a bully.”

“Do not underestimate Trump and the Republicans. While the establishment GOP was surprised by the successful insurgency of so-called outsider Trump, they are united in purpose: delivering more inequality, more misery, more instability and violence against working-class people of all races, genders, religions and sexual orientations. They are united with giant corporations and the billionaire class in their drive to lower wages and living conditions and increase their profits and power.”

More @ WND

Senator Cotton: Clinton discussed in email executed Iranian nuclear scientist for spying for U.S

Via Billy

Hillary Clinton recklessly discussed, in emails hosted on her private server, an Iranian nuclear scientist who was executed by Iran for treason, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said Sunday.

"I'm not going to comment on what he may or may not have done for the United States government, but in the emails that were on Hillary Clinton's private server, there were conversations among her senior advisors about this gentleman," he said on "Face the Nation." Cotton was speaking about Shahram Amiri, who gave information to the U.S. about Iran's nuclear program.

The senator said this lapse proves she is not capable of keeping the country safe.

"That goes to show just how reckless and careless her decision was to put that kind of highly classified information on a private server. And I think her judgment is not suited to keep this country safe," he said.

More with video @ Washington Examiner

Who is Hillary’s Handler?

Via Billy

Hillary seizure doctor

Michael Jackson, Prince, and Elvis would travel with a personal doctor who could administer needed life-saving drugs and attention during a crisis. Remember when you thought famous people like Michael Jackson and Elvis had good medical care? What’s Clinton on?

Hillary appears to travel with her own Michael Jackson/Elvis style doctor. Who is he?


We saw this first “doctor” or handler during Hillary’s recent freeze-up. You can see Hillary’s handler, who at first glance would not be considered the alpha male of the group, reassure Hillary, speak to her using hypnotic language, and then move the Secret Service Agents out of the way. This handler is not an ordinary SS agent.

More with videos @ Danger & Play

“Try to find a North Carolina gentleman without a Yankee mark on him”
British traveler and Scottish missionary David MacRae (1837-1907) toured the American South in 1867-68 to survey the postwar desolation and poverty. His most noteworthy meetings were with General Robert E. Lee and Admiral Raphael Semmes, being struck by the former’s “unconscious Christian character revealing itself almost unconsciously in his manners and conversation.”
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

Two of Seven Wounds

“I was struck with the remark made by a Southern gentleman in answer to the assertion that Jefferson Davis had culpably continued the war for six months after all hope had been abandoned.

“Sir,” he said, “Mr. Davis knew the temper of the South as well as any man in it. He knew if there was to be anything worth calling peace, the South must win; or, if she couldn’t win, she wanted to be whipped – well whipped – thoroughly whipped.”

The further South I went, the oftener these remarks came back upon me. Evidence was everywhere that the South had maintained the desperate conflict until she was utterly exhausted. At its outbreak she had poured her best men into the field. Almost every man I met at the South, and especially in North Carolina, Georgia and Virginia, seemed to have been in the army; and it was painful to find how many even of those who had returned were mutilated, maimed or broken in health by exposure.

When I remarked this to a young Confederate officer in North Carolina, and said that I was glad to see that he had escaped unhurt, he said, “Wait ‘til we get to the office, sir, and I will tell you more about that.”

When we got there, he pulled up one leg of his trousers, and showed me that he had an iron rod there to strengthen his limb, and enable him to walk without limping, half of his foot being off. He showed me on the other leg a deep scar made by the fragment of a shell; and these were but two of seven wounds which had left their marks upon his body. When he heard me speak of relics, he said, “Try to find a North Carolina gentleman without a Yankee mark on him”

In Mobile I met a brave little Southern girl who had gone barefooted the last year of the war, that the money intended for her shoes might go to the poor soldier. When medicines could no longer be sucked into the South through the rigorous blockade, the Confederate Government called upon the women and children, who went into the woods and swamps and gathered horehound, boneset, wild cherry bark, dogwood, and everything that could help supply the want. When there was a danger of any place falling into the hands of the enemy, the people with unflinching hand, dragged out their last stores of cotton, tobacco, and turpentine, and consigned them to the flames. The people said, “we did it all, thinking the South would win . . .”

(Exhaustion of the South, David MacRae, America Through British Eyes, Allan Nevins, editor, Oxford University Press, 1948, pp. 345-346)


Via Mike

At the Democratic National Convention in July, Pakistani immigrant and Muslim Brotherhood member Khizr Muazzam Khan held up a booklet containing our U.S. Constitution in condemnation of Donald J. Trump’s plans to ban Muslim immigration.

Did the mainstream media speak up to expose the fact that Khan advocates for Sharia Law to be implemented in the United States? Did “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd expose the fact that Khan’s membership in the Muslim Brotherhood equates to conquering and destroying America’s constitution? Did John Dickerson at “Face the Nation” expose Khan’s legal firm ‘buying’ U.S. citizenships for his Muslim brothers in Saudi Arabia?

Not a word! In fact, the mainstream media jumped all over Trump rather than defend their own country from the Muslim immigration threat. Its consequences play out all over Europe in accelerating lone wolf massacres and subsequent parallel societies.

Journalist Daniel Greenfield wrote, “When you turn on the evening news and see a running death toll, it’s happening more and more often. The new brand of Islamic terror only needs one thing… Muslims.

Iraqis Were Bribed to Allege Torture

Via David

Part of the propaganda campaign against the Iraq war was the claim that coalition troops were torturing captured Iraqis. Those claims made a pretty big splash in the United States, and probably even a bigger one in Europe. Now it turns out that large numbers of Iraqis may have been paid by British lawyers to make false claims of torture:
One of the country’s leading human-rights lawyers faces a criminal inquiry into claims Iraqi civilians ​were bribed ​to bring abuse claims against British soldiers, The Telegraph can reveal.
Phil Shiner is accused by legal regulators of ​knowing about the bribes which were allegedly disguised as expenses and then submitted as legal aid claims funded by the taxpayer.
More @ Power Line

I Have Committed The Mistake Of Believing In Americans

Former Cambodian Prime Minister Sirik Matak, to whom the U.S. ambassador sportingly offered asylum.

"I cannot, alas, leave in such a cowardly fashion," Matak told him. "I never believed for a moment that you would have this sentiment of abandoning a people which has chosen liberty. I have committed this mistake of believing in you, the Americans."

So Sirik Matak stayed in Phnom Penh and on April 21st was executed by the Khmer Rouge, along with about 2 million other people in the next few years.


Via David via 90 Miles From Tyranny 

5 Stats That Show Trump Beating Media’s Rigged Polls

Via Billy & JWMJR


Trump: 10,174,358 likes.

Clinton: 5,385,959 likes.

Nearly twice the number of people that “like” Clinton, like Trump.

Even more, take a look at how Trump does when he posts a Facebook live stream video:

Trump Live Stream Post — 21 hours ago: 135,000 likes, 18,167 shares, 1.5 million views

Clinton Live Stream Post — 25 hours ago: 11,000 likes, 0 shares, 321,000 views

Even worse for Clinton, the top comments on Clinton’s Facebook posts are often from Trump supporters, whereas the top comments on a Trump post are regularly Trump supporters, according to The Truth Division.

That doesn’t look good for Hillary at all.

Education scholar: 'middle-class' dress codes are white privilege

Via Billy

Liberal logic...............

A University of Georgia (UGA) doctoral student says that high school dress codes based on middle-class values of modesty and professionalism unfairly target minority students.

In an essay shared by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Rouhollah Aghasaleh, a PhD candidate in middle and secondary education at UGA, writes that dress codes unfairly discriminate against the hip hop culture enjoyed by young black students and others who come from working class backgrounds.
“Not everyone needs to act white; not everyone needs to act middle class.”
“Dress code as it exists in schools means some bodies are more privileged over others,” Aghasaleh states. “Dress code is to regulate and maintain the normative gender, sexuality, race, and class… Similarly, acting black and wearing clothes of working class is considered disruptive for education and inappropriate for businesses.”

Aghasaleh took issue with a clothing policy he saw posted at a mostly black Georgia high school last year, describing a flyer that “included figures of two young adolescents; a black male wearing baggy jeans, bandana, [and] tank top with a beer logo on front, and a white female wearing short shorts, halter top with spaghetti straps, and a hat.”

Palace Unearthed Where Legend Places King Arthur's Birthplace

Via Billy
Archaeologists at Tintagel uncover walls and artifacts from a Dark Ages complex likely used by local kings
If the researchers dig up a staff that says “Merlin,” however, we may start to believe.

The first extensive written account of King Arthur came around 1138, when historian Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote History of the Kings of Britain. Even at the time, Monmouth’s story was not accepted by many other scholars of his day. But over the centuries, the tale of Arthur, Merlin, Lancelot and Guinevere has gained its place in popular imagination, even if evidence for their existence remains elusive.

But a new structure uncovered on the Tintagel peninsula in Cornwall adds a tiny sliver of credence to the Arthur legend. According to David Keys at the Independent, archaeologists are working to uncover a large palace with three-foot wide stone walls and flagstone floors in the area that Monmouth claimed was Arthur’s birthplace (or at least where he was conceived). The palace was likely built in the 6th century and is the most substantial structure from the dark ages uncovered in Britain to date.

More @ Smithsonian

Why Rig the Election When You Have the Media in Your Pocket?

Via Billy

Why Rig the Election When You Have the Media in Your Pocket?

Republican nominee Donald Trump warned this week that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats might try to rig the election and steal the White House in much the same fashion they screwed Bernie Sanders out of the nomination. That struck some as fanciful and struck others as plausible, but the truth is that even if such a coup could be pulled off, Clinton may have little need for it. With the entire mainstream media acting as a surrogate for her campaign, Hillary Clinton is sitting pretty with less than 100 days to go until election day.

Last week, with the Democratic National Convention anointing Hillary in Philadelphia, the media was embarrassing itself in its worship of the criminal nominee. This week, Hillary’s become an afterthought, drowned out by relentless coverage of Trump…none of it positive. From his ongoing feud with Khizr Khan to reports of a campaign in disarray to Republican officials allegedly planning to replace him before the end of August, the media is proving that their negative slant on Trump in the primaries was just a warmup to the main event.

Even some of Trump’s closest allies are expressing concerns.

“The current race is which of these two is the more unacceptable, because right now, neither of them is acceptable,” said Newt Gingrich. “Trump is helping her to win by proving he is more unacceptable than she is.”

Really? How can that be possible? It’s more unacceptable to respond to the Khans than it is to violate federal law and place national security at risk? It’s more unacceptable to withhold an endorsement from Paul Ryan than it is to fund the Islamic rebels in Syria who ultimately went on to become ISIS? It’s more unacceptable to joke about a crying baby than it is to blatantly steal your party’s nomination?Gingrich has been watching too much TV.

Ann Coulter Lights Wisconsin on Fire for Paul Nehlen Against Paul Ryan: ‘This is It, This is Your Last Chance to Save America’

Via Billy

 Ann Coulter and Paul Nehlen
“I brought some notes so I could do an imitation of Donald Trump choking out his endorsement (Of Ryan) last night, reading from his paper,”

Twelve-time New York Times bestselling author and conservative columnist and commentator Ann Coulter lit House Speaker Paul Ryan’s hometown on fire in a blistering rebuke of Ryan here on Saturday in which she endorsed Republican businessman Paul Nehlen for Congress.

“You are so lucky to be living in this district because it’s like we’re standing in the Amtrak train station looking up and there’s only two trains leaving,” Coulter said in a speech just a few city blocks away from Ryan’s mansion here on Saturday. “You got the Nehlen leaving at 2:06 and then the Trump leaving the station. After that happens, there’s not another train coming through.  This is it. This is your last chance to save America. Vote for the party of America for Americans and vote for Paul Nehlen.”

More with video @ Breitbart

IN DEFENSE OF RURAL AMERICA: Delusion Is Believing Your Vote Will Save America

Via John

Every four years we go through this aggravating and irritating charade called a presidential election. 

From the Primary to the General it becomes a year-and-a-half long, 24/7 barrage of “He said – She said,” preempting all other news.  Wild promises are made on both sides, most of which will never come to pass.  The only promises that usually come to pass are the ones that buy votes for a particular party.  That is why the national debt is approaching $20 Trillion.

In reality, only 11 states will cinch an election for president.  With the exception of California, Nevada and Colorado, the other eight states determining the presidential election exist in the eastern half of the United States.  The people in the other 38 states might as well stay home.

The eastern half of the United States, because of the density of population, has evolved into socialist states because of that density.  The original thirteen colonies that started this experiment have all morphed into democratic socialist states, thus giving rise to a Bernie Sanders.  High-density urban cities are hopeless centers of interminable dependency on government.  Dependent people vote for the party that will allow them to remain dependent.  Over 100 years ago, one party determined that its path to perpetual political power would be determined by how many votes they could buy with public dollars, without any regard to constitutional limitations.  The vast number of dependent Americans who exist in America today illustrate that party’s huge success.

NC: CMS recommends children not be called boys and girls

Via David

A CMS presentation to principals and counselors recommends kids are not referred to as boys and girls, but instead as scholars and students.

Eliminating boy and girl references is one of several policies included in the CMS bully prevention regulations.

One policy allows students to participate in extracurricular activities and overnight field trips based on their gender identity. A student who identifies as a girl would be allowed to participate in an "all-girl" overnight trip.

Another policy says CMS must evaluate all gender-based activities and "maintain only those that have clear and sound pedagogical purpose."

The North Carolina Values Coalition calls the rules radical and a violation of privacy.

"School is no longer about reading, writing and arithmetic. It is now about gender fluidity," Tami Fitzgerald of the NC Values Coalition said.

More with video @ WSOC

Ann Coulter Defends Southerners and Our Flag

Via comment by Anonymous on Southern Baptists and the Flag


There were virtually no Muslims in America before Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act. Today, we admit more immigrants from Muslim countries than from Great Britain.

Are Americans allowed to have an opinion on whether that’s a good idea?
So far, it’s worked out great!

In addition to the sudden appearance of honor killings, clitorectomies, hijabs and massive government frauds, Muslim immigrants have given us: The most devastating terrorist attack in world history, followed by terrorist attacks at Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon, a military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Times Square, Vaughan Foods in Oklahoma, San Bernardino and an Orlando nightclub, among other places.

More @ Saboteur365

CNN Host Didn't Want Michael Phelps to Carry US Flag So ‘Diverse’ Muslim Can…America Isn’t Having It

Via Billy

US swimmer Michael Phelps celebrates on the podium during the award ceremony for the men's 200-metre freestyle swimming event in the FINA World Championships at the indoor stadium of the Oriental Sports Center in Shanghai on July 26, 2011. He won silver.  AFP PHOTO / PETER PARKS (Photo credit should read PETER PARKS/AFP/Getty Images)

Before the 2016 Rio Olympics kicked off in Brazil, CNN host W. Kamau Bell made a request to world famous Olympian Michael Phelps.

Bell, who hosts a show called “United Shades of America,” told Phelps that he should let someone else carry the American flag.

In an editorial for CNN, Bell revealed who he thinks should have the honor instead:

More with videos @ Independent Journal

Julian Assange special: Do Wikileaks have the email that will put Hillary Clinton in prison?

Via Billy

Afshin Rattansi goes underground with Julian Assange. We talk to the founder of Wikileaks about how the recent DNC leaks have no connection to Russia. Plus what are Hillary Clinton's connections to Islamic State, Saudi Arabia and Russia?

Here are some of Assange's most insightful lines:

Clinton, Saudi Arabia & jihadists

“The US government at the times when Hillary Clinton was in charge of the foreign policy did use Libya as a conduit to get arms to jihadists in Syria. That is well-established not just by a range of raw materials but also by … investigative reporters in the US, some of which were even published in The New York Times.”

More with video @ RT

London ‘fellatio café’ will offer coffee & oral sex…if it’s not deemed illegal

Via Frank

© Richard Chung

Dr. BJ's would be cheaper, or definitely Madam Lulu's and White Rose  though they are both closed now, but once on the top of the heap in Vientiane, Laos. 




London could soon host its first ever ‘fellatio café’ for punters seeking oral pleasure with their morning coffee.

If the business manages to overcome all the legal barriers to opening, the café will offer customers a selection of coffees, along with oral sex performed by an escort.

Founder Bradley Charvet said he plans to establish a branch of the coffee shop in Paddington, London.

Charvet told the Evening Standard he is confident the business will go ahead.

More @ RT