Guess What: Now You Can Major in “Social Justice”

Just what the world needs: another worthless college degree.

Today the University of Iowa became the latest institution of higher (so-called) learning when it made the nonsense concept “social justice” into a degree program.

In doing so it joined a growing number of universities offering such degrees, thereby giving left-wing students still greater opportunities to live in a bubble for four years, be confirmed in all their existing views, and not be troubled by dissenting voices.

(Meanwhile, outright assaults on their worldview are what libertarians and conservatives can expect to find on college campuses.)

What, pray tell, will people do with a “social justice” degree, except use their paychecks from Starbucks to pay off college debts for the rest of their lives?

In the meantime, I’m going to help teach younger folks something actually useful.

Save the date: on September 28, T.K. Coleman and I are going to run a free, live video session on entrepreneurship for teens. I’ll remind you as we get closer.

As of June, I myself am the father of a teenager. And I sure don’t want her ground up in the educational-unemployment complex. I’m sure you feel the same about your own children.

So forget the social justice degree. Head over to my live session with T.K. Coleman on September 28, and we’ll actually teach stuff that matters. (Hop onto my email list, which includes a free book, and I’ll remind you.)

In the meantime, here’s the opposite of a social justice degree, where you can learn non-p.c. history and economics that would give the social justice crowd a collective heart attack:

Decentralization For Humanity’s Sake

Via Jonathan

separate american nations

The Roman historian Titus Livius once called Rome “the greatest nation in the world.”  He wrote those words in a time of moral and political decline, and Livy was hoping by outlining the greatness of the once proud republic, the Roman people would arrest the decline and embrace the principles that had made Rome great.  Livy argued that without understanding their history, the Roman people would neither be able to “endure our vices nor face the remedies needed to cure them.”  But Livy failed to recognize the catastrophic effect empire and expansion had on the Roman spirit. 

For example, by expanding north and attempting to assimilate the Germanic peoples and the Celts into Roman culture, Rome sealed its own demise.  The Germans and Celts never fully embraced Rome, and those who did retained some element of their own political and cultural heritage.  Romans were outnumbered by Germanic peoples in their own army, and the disintegration of the Empire seemed inevitable as the fringes of the Empire came under constant assault from groups unwilling to assimilate.  There was never a Roman “nation” outside of Rome.  The men, money, and material needed to build and then hold the Empire were wasted, while the vices and decadence of the ruling class in Rome wrecked the republic. The human cost of the Roman Empire was incalculable.

Facebook Founder Gives $20mm Donation On Hillary To Defeat Trump's "Fear And Hostility" Campaign

Via John

A few weeks back we noted how Bullard had questioned the intentions of ex-Facebook founder Dustin Moskovitz in funding the Center for Popular Democracy's Fed Up campaign (see "Why Is Facebook Funding "Anti-Fed" Activists").  The "Fed Up" group has mounted an aggressive effort to convince the Fed to keep rates ultra low noting they favor central banking policies that "are aimed at making sure lower income households and minorities share in the recovery to the same degree as the well off."

Ironically, Moskovitz, and his inflated FaceBook shares, are among the key beneficiaries of "ultra low rates" and not so much the poor and struggling people of this country.  A fact that was not lost on St. Louis Fed president James Bullard.  Per our previous post:

The Appalachian Messenger September 9, 2016

This week’s edition of the Appalachian Messenger has articles by:

Samuel Culper
SHTF Intelligence – Getting Started – Part Three

T.L. Davis
When Black Lives Don’t Matter

Robert Gore
The Choice, Part Two: The Biggest Challenge

Click here for the September 9, 2016 edition.

Tim Kaine: Obama Better Than Putin! :)

Via Billy
  ...Trump does not have respect for President Barack Obama. Naw, who would have thunk'..........

You ought to respect the office and anyone who would suggest that Vladimir Putin is a better leader than the guy who got bin Laden ... to me, is just irrational hostility," Kaine said.
More irrational blathering @ AL

Washington State AG Proposes Semi Automatic Rifle And Standard Capacity Magazine Ban

Via Phil

Here we go.

Please spread this far and wide.

There is a video at the link I can't embed but you have seen the same scenario before, the tearful parents asking why anyone needs an assault weapon, the AG saying he is going to "Do Something" but no freaking specifics, yadda yadda yadda. According to the video they are targeting the AR 15 specifically but that will expand as sure as I am sitting here.

Anything that has Evil Black Rifle written on it will be banned because these people can't be bothered to educate themselves.

Israeli military expects Islamic State attack on its southern border 'within six months'

Via Billy


Israel is bracing for an Islamic State (Isil) terror attack along its southern border with Egypt within the next six months, a senior Israeli military officer has warned.

Wilayat Sinai, the jihadist group’s affiliate in the Sinai desert, has been stealing armored vehicles and anti-tank missiles from Egypt’s military and Israeli expects the weapons will soon be turned against its forces on the Egyptian border.

The Israeli officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Telegraph that Wilayat Sinai had stolen at least one Egyptian M60 battle tank and had amassed a supply of Russian-made Kornet missiles, which can strike targets more than three miles away.

“It could happen today, tomorrow, in a month but within the next six months we will come into an engagement with Wilayat Sinai,” the officer said. “In the next six months they will try to carry out an attack and try to do something against Israel.”

Liberal meltdown blames media for Trump's positive polling

Via Billy

trump and clinton.jpg

According to the liberal elite, you're just not getting it. You're literally too stupid to see that Clinton, a career politician, is the right choice for President. Donald Trump is the devil—with apologies to the dark lord.

They're also unwittingly making a compelling case for Trump to many Americans.

Jonathan Chait of the Daily Intelligencer captured the liberal meltdown with startling clarity:

The average undecided voter is getting snippets of news from television personalities like [Matt] Lauer, who are failing to convey the fact that the election pits a normal politician with normal political failings against an ignorant, bigoted, pathologically dishonest authoritarian.

Chait and countless other Clinton acolytes are arguing that the media is to blame for the fact that so many average voters aren't ready to crown Clinton.

Excuse me.

More @ AL

Is Tide Going Out on Hillary?

Is Tide Going Out on Hillary?

Were the election held today, Hillary Clinton would probably win a clear majority of the Electoral College.

Her problem: The election is two months off.

Sixty days out, one senses she has lost momentum — the “Big Mo” of which George H. W. Bush boasted following his Iowa triumph in 1980 — and her campaign is in a rut, furiously spinning its wheels.

The commander in chief forum Wednesday night should have been a showcase for the ex-secretary of state’s superior knowledge and experience.

Instead, Clinton looked like a witness before a grand jury, forced to explain her past mistakes and mishandling of classified emails at State.

CDC Gives Itself The Power to Indefinitely Detain Healthy People En Masse Without Appeal

Via sauced07

CDC says: We can Round'em up and Throw away the key

Based on CDC's 8/15/16 publication of  ' Rules for the Control of Communicable Diseases', the CDC is giving itself the power to forcibly apprehend healthy people  en masse and detain them indefinitely with no process of appeal.

Kindly enough the CDC is giving the public until 10/14/2016 to comment on its new found extra-Constitutional power.

                                                           More @ Pissin' On The Roses

National Press Club Shuts Down Alt-Right Press Conference – But Hosted Ahmadinejad in 2007

Via Billy


The National Press Club prides itself as a champion of free press and regularly hosts press conferences for the world’s most unsavory figures, but this didn’t stopped them from shutting down the so-called alt-right.

The Press Club took the unprecedented step of breaking its contract to censor a panel discussion on the “Alt Right” hosted by the National Policy Institute (NPI). The event, which will still take place at a location to be announced, will include NPI president Richard Spencer, American Renaissance editor Jared Taylor, and editor Peter Brimelow.

** Press release here.

** Danger and Play has more here.

Navy SEALs Rescue Mission Cancelled Because Of Obama’s Golfing

Via sauced07


A dual-pronged U.S. special operations forces mission to rescue two hostages kidnapped in Afghanistan last month failed because President Barack Obama failed to approve it in time, reported Fox News:
The first mission was aborted when the American rescue force could not obtain White House approval for the mission amid concerns about the intelligence, according to three defense officials. They were in the air heading to the target area at the time and had to return to their base in Afghanistan.
When approval was granted by President Obama the next day, the American assault force headed back to the area where they believed the two hostages were being held and engaged an enemy force at a compound believed to contain the hostages.
By then, however, the hostages, American citizen Kevin King and Australian citizen Timothy Weeks, had already been moved.

Pier Weekly 09/09/16

Buddy Holly
Diana Ross
I knew that Francesca on the left had a Japanese mother, though had no idea in the world that Grace, on the right, had anything other than Caucasian parents, but her  mother is Chinese.  Certainly extremely, strong Caucasian traits from her father.
Karla (Wolfie). A homeschool friend of Dixie
Mellow, as always.

Hillary Clinton, the OIC, the Muslim Brotherhood, Benghazi, and the Criminalization of Islamophobia

Via Mike

Hillary Clinton, the OIC, the Muslim Brotherhood,  Benghazi, and the Criminalization of Islamophobia

The Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was founded in 1969 and has 57 Muslim-majority member states including Palestine. Headquartered in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, it is a powerful global voting bloc in the United Nations (UN). Saudi Arabia is by far its largest financial contributor.

The OIC promotes itself as the voice of the Muslim world and seeks greater economic, social, and political cooperation and unity among members. It supports the doctrines and goals of global Islamic Supremacy based on the Koran and teachings and example of Muhammad in common with fundamentalist and salafist religious schools and the Muslim Brotherhood. Since 1999, a primary OIC goal has been to work through the UN to pressure Western nations to criminalize Islamophobia, basically any criticism, “negative stereotyping,” or deprecation, even if true, of Islam or Islamic Law (Sharia). Sharia Law holds that even an unfavorable statistical comparison of Muslims with other groups is Islamophobia, and this has been used in the UK, Sweden, Belgium, and other European countries to convict conservative European politicians and political parties of “hate crimes,” creating a heavy-handed atmosphere of political correctness that has thoroughly intimidated free speech and political opposition to Muslim immigration. Yet dozens of OIC member-countries are among the most systematic persecutors of Christians and Jews, who are the object of far more hate crimes even in Western countries than Muslims.