Monday, November 28, 2016

New England’s Industrial Slaves

Apparently missing the brutal industrial slavery that flourished among them, New England abolitionists, “looking about with an eye long-trained to detect sinners,” began a moral crusade against the aristocrats of the American South who they imagined were mistreating their own laborers. All the ills of Northern society, social, agricultural and financial, were found to originate with the evil slaveholders.
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

New England’s Industrial Slaves

“[The] first significant result of the coming of finance-industrial capitalism to [New England] in the years between 1815 and 1844, was the rise of a new and powerful group of business leaders, and the creation of a new and uniquely dependent body of workers.

A decline in commerce made capital available and scattered cotton mills about wherever water power could be found. Profits soared. Successful groups . . . bought up power sites, built machine shops, laid out and built whole factory towns, speculated in lands, projected canals and railroads, and found use for their surplus capital in banking and insurance.

[The Northern merchants] harsh old Calvinistic beliefs gave way to more rational and dignified ones, and their political needs found expression in the conservative doctrines of the Whig party. A new aristocracy of growing wealth and power had come into being.

The young folks who came down from the country to work in the mills soon learned that their move meant . . . Long hours . . . in a poorly ventilated, lint-filled room spent at a single task . . . They also learned that bitter competition between factories in period of depression meant longer hours, more spindles to tend, and reduced wages. To protest or to strike brought lockouts and black lists. By 1844 most New England girls had chosen the latter course, and French Canadian and Irish girls had taken their places.

Workers looked “round them upon the princely palaces and gaudy equipages of the rich” who consumed the fruits of the poor man’s labor without adding to “the common stock a grain of wheat or a blade of grass.”

And when the right to organize was denied by the courts, workers solemnly proclaimed that “the freemen of the North are now on a level with the slaves of the South, with no other privilege than laboring, that drones may fatten on your life blood.”

Sympathy for the workers was [intense]. “There is not a State’s prison or house of correction in New England where the hours of labor are so long, the hours for meals so short, and the ventilation so neglected as in the cotton mills with which I am acquainted,” wrote Dr. Josiah C. Curtis in his report to the American Medical Association.

“Where is the humanity,” asked another. “It is swallowed up in gain – for the almighty dollar, and for this, poor girls are enslaved and kept in a state little better than machinery, [but when they become unable to work they] are laid to one side and new [human] machinery procured.”

And what became of the girl who was laid aside? The Daily Democrat tells us that “while those who reaped the profits” dropped “their heads on the cologne-scented handkerchiefs on prayer and thanksgiving every Sabbath day,” the poor mill-girl came “to Boston to die in the brothel.”

“ . . . At the North, the master has a lash more potent than the whipthong to stimulate the energies of his white slaves: fear of want.” And because the Northern worker did not see his chains, he was none the less a slave.

As one man put it: “When capital has gotten thirteen hours of labor daily out of a being it can get nothing more. It would be a very poor speculation in an industrial point of view to own the [laborers], for the trouble and expense of providing for times of sickness and old-age would more than counterbalance the difference between the price of wages and the expense of boarding and clothing . . . “

“Wages,” added Orestes Brownson, “is a cunning device of the devil for the benefit of the tender conscience, who would retain all the advantages of the slave system, without the expense, trouble and odium of being slaveholders.”

(The Civil War in the Making, Avery O. Craven, LSU Press, 1959, excerpts, pp. 9-16)

The Leftmedia's 'Alt-Right,' 'Fake News' Propaganda Campaign

Via Billy

Perhaps nothing tilted the 2016 election in Trump's favor more than the media.

Where does the Leftmedia go after a fed up electorate thoroughly repudiates their inaccurate polls, their dismissal of ordinary Americans' legitimate concerns, and their transparently biased efforts to undermine GOP president-elect Donald Trump? They double-down with a propaganda-based smear campaign, using the phrases “alt-right” and “fake news” as their vehicles.

Leftmedia group-think is once again the rage. A sampler of recent headlines says it all:

New York Times’ Fake News Helped Propel Fidel Castro to Power: Castro Definitely Not A Communist

Via Billy

While the New York Times and other propaganda outlets are attacking citizen journalists as "fake news" and other outlets are labeling us as "Russian propaganda tools," the history of the New York Times speaks for itself as it was obviously using propaganda to propel the late Fidel Castro to power.

While Castro defied the united States and instituted a Communist regime which isolated his people in large part from the West, it appears that he had allies in the West who looked to prop him up. One of those outlets was The New York Times.

The Miami Herald reports:

 More @ Freedom Outpost

New York Times’ Fake News Helped Propel Fidel Castro to Power: Castro Definitely Not A Communist

Via Billy

While the New York Times and other propaganda outlets are attacking citizen journalists as "fake news" and other outlets are labeling us as "Russian propaganda tools," the history of the New York Times speaks for itself as it was obviously using propaganda to propel the late Fidel Castro to power.

While Castro defied the united States and instituted a Communist regime which isolated his people in large part from the West, it appears that he had allies in the West who looked to prop him up. One of those outlets was The New York Times.

The Miami Herald reports:

 More @ Freedom Outpost

Roger Stone: Hillary Support of Recount Increases Her Chances of Being Prosecuted

Via Billy


Roger Stone: Now suddenly Jill Stein who couldn’t raise two cents, has now raised five and a half or seven million dollars, we have to presume this is Soros money or otherwise Hillary money. Now Hillary I think increases her chances of prosecution by acting this way.

Italian Interior Ministry: You Must Take in Migrants — Or Jail!

Via Iver

According to sources in the Interior Ministry, the Viminale Plan foresees enforcement agents and detention measures for those who resist requisition of their premises for migrants.

The Interior Ministry in the figure of Angelino Alfano is preparing to requisition the real estate of Italians to place migrants.

It will be done, explains Il Giornale, beginning only as of December 4 or after a consultation referendum, in order to avoid allowing protests by citizens to influence the outcome of the vote.

Because it is indeed the protests that worry Alfano. The barricades of Goro and Gorino against the requisition of a hotel in order to place fifteen refugees for days has occupied the front pages of newspapers and embarrassed the government. The secret services have already made a filing on the cities where it is possible for the citizens to organize in committees to resist the refugees.

The requisitions in fact, will go forward, and according to l’Opinione, which cites sources in the Interior Ministry, the executive would be ready to take drastic measures against those citizens who would resist the assignment of private real estate to the migrants.

More @ Gates of Vienna

Wisconsin Insider on Recount: Expect MASSIVE DNC Voter Fraud to be Exposed

Via Billy


The Wisconsin Elections Commission set a timetable Monday for a recount of the presidential election but rejected a request for a hand recount. The commission is made up of three Democrats and three Republicans. It adopted the recount plans unanimously.

Meanwhile a Wisconsin insider on 4Chan said to expect the recount to expose massive DNC fraud.
The Anonymous “insider” says the recount will reveal people out of state voting, non citizens voting, people voting numerous times, and nursing home violations.

While presidential recount continues, Clinton lawyer wants GOP to stop North Carolina recount

Via Billy

While presidential recount continues, Clinton lawyer wants GOP to stop North Carolina recount
Washington Examiner

Hillary Clinton's legal counsel gives some confusing advice. Not at all. :) You think he might be worried that the "recount in Durham County, where 90,000 early votes suddenly appeared late on Election Night to give Cooper the victory# may not be kosher.....? :)

Democratic super-lawyer Marc Elias, known for his expertise in recount and election law, has demanded Republican Gov. Pat McCrory drop his calls for a North Carolina recount, on behalf of the apparently victorious Democrat Roy Cooper.

Meanwhile, Elias is charging ahead on Clinton's behalf in an anticipated three-state recount that is far less likely to change the result of the presidential election.

Pennsylvania State Department says Stein missed recount deadline

Via Billy

Jill Stein has everything she needs to launch a presidential recount. She's got the cash, the grassroots fervor and the spotlight of an adoring media. But there's one thing she needs to overturn Trump's victory: a calendar.

Stein missed Pennsylvania's deadline to file for a voter-initiated recount. That blown deadline is a huge blow for Democrats who have pinned their hopes on recounts in the Keystone State, Michigan and Wisconsin.

"According to Wanda Murren, spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Department of State," the Philadelphia Inquirer reported Monday, "the deadline for a voter-initiated recount was Monday, Nov. 21."

AP Issues Reporting Guidelines for “Alt-Right” (KKK, Neo-Nazi Tump Supporters?)

Via Billy


This enables hateful liberal reporters to label all Trump reporters as evil racists.

The AP can go to hell.

The Hill reported:

Democrats, Not Trump, Racialize Our Politics & 12 Reasons Why Liberals And Progressives Will Always Be Losers

Via comment by Quartermain on Jill Stein Cannot File Direct Request For Recount ...


 A party obsessed with race won’t have much luck reaching out to non-elite whites.

Democratic pundits are calling on their party to court working-class and non-coastal whites in the wake of this month’s electoral rout. But the Democratic Party is now dominated by identity politics, which defines whites, particularly heterosexual males, as oppressors of every other population in the U.S. Why should the targets of such thinking embrace an ideology that scorns them?

The most absurd Democratic meme to emerge from the party’s ballot-box defeat is the claim that it is Donald Trump, rather than Democrats, who engages in “aggressive, racialized discourse,” in the words of a Los Angeles Times op-ed. By contrast, President Barack Obama sought a “post-racial, bridge-building society,” according to New York Times reporter Peter Baker. Obama’s post-racial efforts have now “given way to an angry, jeering, us-against-them nation,” writes Baker, in a front-page “news” story.

Tell that valedictory for “post-racial bridge-building” to police officers, who have been living through two years of racialized hatred directed at them in the streets, to the applause of many Democratic politicians.

More @ City-Journal


The 21st century leftists have proven themselves to be utterly ignorant and incapable time and time again. And I believe there are specific reasons for this that has to do with their very core nature. The following demonstrates all the loser characteristics embedded in their psyches that draws the leftists to their equalist beliefs. And because they compensate their own shortcomings with their ideology rather improving themselves, it ultimately leads to a cycle of loserdom which they cannot escape from.
For the sake of simplicity, I will group liberals, progressives, SJW’s, feminists, degenerates, and all the rest under the title of ‘leftist’.


The Confederate Flag You Never Knew

Via Billy

25 Wonderful Pieces On Jewish Confederates

As most things are in life, the meaning of the Confederate flag (CF) is much more nuanced than modern society will have you believe. In short, it is not the racist, treasonous symbol mainstream America makes it out to be. Rather, it is a symbol that celebrates Southern heritage and, specifically, the uniquely Southern sacrifice for this country, the United States.

What we call today the CF is really the Second Confederate Navy Jack (1863-1865). In square form, the flag was the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. The design, the blue St. Andrew’s Cross on a red field, became the most recognizable symbol associated with the Confederacy. This piece will not address the legitimacy of the Confederate States of America (CSA), nor will it assess the merits of several states’ secession from the US. This debate exceeds the confines of this piece, not only due to its lengthiness but also due to its minimal bearing on the meaning of the CF today, as I will elaborate.

The West's Moral Cowards: US President, Canadian PM, British Labour Leader Spit In The Face of Castro’s Victims

 Ding Dong 

As Cuban dissidents flood the streets of Miami with tears of joy, recalling their painful experiences as victims of the Castro regime, world leaders, buckling under the weight of their own moral cowardice, continue to heap praise on a savage dictator who censored, abused, tortured, imprisoned, and killed his people mercilessly for six decades.

From President Obama’s diplomatic appeasement to Prime Minister Trudeau’s fawning eulogy, Fidel Castro’s tyranny has been swept under the rug in service of crude historical revisionism.

As The Daily Wire’s Harry Khachatrian noted, the Canadian leader expressed “deep sorrow” over the loss of “remarkable leader” Fidel Castro. Trudeau’s sycophantic words were later mocked by thousands of disappointed Canadians on Twitter with the quip #TrudeauEulogies.

Donald Trump inheriting ‘weak’ Army, military too small to win major wars, report says

Via Billy

 Chief Master Sgt. Brent Crozier, left, a boom operator on an Oklahoma Air National Guard KC-135 Stratotanker, refuels an F-16 jet during a training exercise over the Gulf of Mexico. The KC-135 refueling jets, critical to long-range missions, are more than 54 years old. (Associated Press)

“Only 43% of the Marine Corps total aircraft inventory is currently considered flyable”

The Washington think tank that helped forge the defense views of President-elect Donald Trump says in a report that the armed forces are too small to win major wars.

The Heritage Foundation’s “2017 Index U.S. Military Strength” gives the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps a collective grade of “marginal” for total power compared with a top score of “very strong.” It stamps its lowest grade individually on the Army, which it judges “weak.”

“At present, the U.S. military is two-thirds the size it needs to be and, of that two-thirds, only one-third is at acceptable levels of readiness,” said Heritage’s Dakota Wood, a former Marine Corps war planner who edited the index.

Anti-terror police units deployed on London's streets

Via Billy

Anti-terrorism police patrol units are hitting the streets of London in an attempt to spot people carrying out "hostile reconnaissance" and other criminal activity.

Lambeth and Wandsworth will be the first areas to see the new patrol units of uniformed and undercover officers from today, and are due to be extended to other boroughs in the coming months.
Scotland Yard stressed the move was "not in response to a specific threat".

Operation Servator, as it is known, is a tactic of policing already used by other forces including City of London and British Transport Police.

More @ Sky News

Hillary Clinton’s email woes persist after election & 89% Will Never Trust Pollsters Again

Via Billy

They won’t now complicate a Hillary Clinton presidency, but the emails from her time in the State Department will still trickle out over the next months as the administration tries to clean up the mess Mrs. Clinton left.

Though President-elect Donald Trump has signaled that he would halt any official federal investigations into Mrs. Clinton’s activities as secretary of state, groups that have driven the issue say they will continue to press the legal cases that have forced the release of tens of thousands of her emails and could still pry loose thousands more.

“Nothing has been settled,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, one of the groups that has pressed for more transparency from the Obama administration. He said the issues go much deeper than Mrs. Clinton alone.

The fight for transparency in Mrs. Clinton’s emails has broken major ground in open-records laws, with several rounds of legal battles to come.

Both sides will be in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Tuesday to argue over some emails that the State Department withheld. Judicial Watch says the emails show evidence of misconduct at the department.

True The Vote (TTV) Supports Trump’s Claim on Illegal Voters

Via Billy


November 27, 2016: True the Vote (TTV), the nation’s leading voters’ rights and election integrity organization, today released a statement with respect to President-Elect Donald Trump’s claim that “millions” of individuals illegally voted in the 2016 Election. “True the Vote absolutely supports President-elect Trump’s recent comment about the impact of illegal voting, as reflected in the national popular vote. We are still collecting data and will be for several months, but our intent is to publish a comprehensive study on the significant impact of illegal voting in all of its many forms and begin a national discussion on how voters, states, and the Trump Administration can best address this growing problem.”

Texas governor says he will ban sanctuary cities

Via Billy

Texas governor says he will ban sanctuary cities

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) is pledging to ban sanctuary cities in his state as other governors and mayors promise to continue sheltering illegal immigrants.

"I'm going to sign a law that bans sanctuary cities," Abbott tweeted on Sunday.

"Also I've already issued an order cutting funding to sanctuary cities."

More @ The Hill

Report: Clinton Undermining Trump’s Legitimacy to ‘Keep Her Options Open for 2020’

Via Billy

Vanquished Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is working to undermine the legitimacy of the election of her rival Republican Donald Trump to the presidency in order to ‘keep her options open for 2020’ according to Ron Fournier. Fournier cited sources close to Clinton for the report.

Clinton announced over the weekend through her campaign lawyer Marc E. Elias that she would join the Wisconsin recount effort by failed Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein. Elias said Clinton would follow Stein’s lead should Stein request recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Elias also stated that the Clinton campaign had been quietly working behind the scenes since the day after the election to find a way to take back the presidency from Trump.

Fournier has covered the Clintons for decades going back to when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas. Fournier reported in a series of tweets Monday morning on Clinton’s scheming.

A Little Update on the Jillary and Jill Recount

Via Billy

Update: An article that appeared on at 8:19 this evening stated: "As reported earlier the election steal was put into motion when a group of 'experts'  reviewed the election results and reported that there appeared to be election fraud. However, a member of the group of 'experts' happens to be voting-rights attorney John Bonifaz. Bonifaz also happens to be connected with George Soros when he launched the National Voting Rights Institute in 1994. Bonifaz was the Institute's President. This is certainly shocking but no surprise. Hillary and Soros are in this for the steal."
Gateway Pundit also pointed out that Stein cannot file a direct request for a recount in Pennsylvania. She has to go through the courts to do this and she has to present evidence that shows voter fraud. Seeing that Trump won Pennsylvania by around 70,000 votes, Ms. Stein would have to be able to prove that fraud was "probable."  Of course knowing  Soros and the Clintons, that thorny little problem may already be in the process of being "worked on."