Sunday, December 4, 2016

Front-Page Bogeyman

Via Paul

Front-Page Bogeyman

Richard Spencer made the front page of the NY Times two days in a row last week, as well as a half-page report on the third day. For any of you who have never heard of him—and very few have—he is described by the mendacious Times as the leader of the “white nationalist movement,” a movement not too many of us who believe in the white race are aware of.

Let’s start at the beginning. After I “sold” The American Conservative magazine to a man called Uns for one dollar—I have kept the check and will cash it only if in terrible need—I invited Richard Spencer to visit me at my New York house, where I offered him the job of running my website, Takimag. (He was a laid-off worker at the magazine.) Richard was well-read, a bit vague, nice-looking, well-dressed, and well-spoken. Things were hunky-dory until he asked me where the bathroom was. When he returned he looked a bit pale but told me he was fine. After we agreed to his salary and the ideology Takimag would follow—all opinions with shades toward the right—we shook hands and off he went.

More @ TAKI's

Delete yourself from the internet by pressing this button

Via Ol' Remus


The internet can be a beautiful and horrible place at the same time, and it isn’t weird to sometimes feel like you want to leave — there’s wasn’t an easy way out, until now.

Swedish developers Wille Dahlbo and Linus Unnebäck created, which offers a way to wipe your entire existence off the internet in a few clicks.

More @ The Next Web

Italian PM Matteo Renzi to resign in wake of referendum defeat

Via Billy

Matteo Renzi announced he will resign at a press conference

Italian PM Matteo Renzi has said he will resign after losing a key referendum on constitutional reform.

Mr Renzi had staked his future on a "Yes" vote, vowing to quit if voters rejected his plans to reduce the role of the country's Senate and take back powers from regional authorities.

The result plunges the country into political turmoil, with the effects likely to be felt on the markets and across the rest of Europe.

"The experience of my government ends here," Mr Renzi said in a televised address to the nation after early results suggested he may have lost by as much as 20 points.

More @ Sky News

Jeep Carrying Castro’s Body Breaks Down – Has To Be Pushed Through Procession

Via Billy

The Russian-made jeep ferrying the ashes of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro broke down and needed to be pushed on Saturday en route to the late leader’s final resting place.

Castro’s ashes were interred in a private ceremony Sunday morning, ending nine days of official mourning, Fox News is reporting.

More @ Downtrend

Grecian Horses into the Southern Troy

Jefferson Davis served as both a United States Representative and Senator from Mississippi, Secretary of War, 1853-1857 under President Franklin Pierce, and President of the Confederate States, 1861-1865. He was a staunch Southern Unionist who strived to find peaceful solutions to the sectional controversies that would lead to secession of the Southern States.  The “Know-Nothingism” mentioned below was a Northern nativist political party of the late 1840s and 1850s which opposed the immigration of Irish and German Catholics — Nathaniel P. Banks of Massachusetts and New Yorker Millard Fillmore were leaders of the party.  The following is an excerpt from Jefferson Davis’ address of October 2, 1857 at Mississippi City.
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

Grecian Horses into the Southern Troy

“Colonel Davis rose . . . and referred to various events in the early history of Mississippi . . . that she had never violated the compact of our Union, and unresistingly borne disproportionate burthens for the support of the general government in peace . . . [and] at the first call for soldiers to maintain the honor of the national flag, had, like a Spartan mother, girded the sword upon her sons, who knew well they could never return to the maternal embrace unless they came covered with honorable fame or wrapped in the shroud of death.

[Regarding incessant Northern aggressions borne by the South, were] we to have more compromises to gather further disappointment, and sink still lower from the equality which our Fathers maintained, and transmitted to us? Fraternity and mutual alliance for the interests of each was the motive and purpose for which the Union was formed.

Preparation in the South to maintain her rights in any contingency which the future might and was likely to bring forth, would best serve to strengthen her Northern allies, if they remained true; and would best enable her to dispense with their services, if they should desert.

It was not upon mere party relation that his hopes were founded; it was upon the elevating, purifying power of the doctrine of State rights and strict construction [of the United States Constitution] – the Shibboleth which none but Democrats can pronounce.

In the earlier, and might well be said, in the purer days of the Republic, Mr. Jefferson pronounced the Northern Democracy the neutral allies of the South, and if that alliance was broken there was surely no other on which to rely.

From the foundation of the Government, the party opposed to the Democracy, under its various names and issues had always evinced its tendency to centralization by the latitudinous construction of the powers delegated to the Federal Government.

As examples, he cited the charter of the United States Bank, the enactment of a tariff for protection, a system of internal improvements, a genera distribution of public lands and of public treasure, and last, lowest in tone, and, as its name implied, in intelligence, Know-Nothingism, with its purpose to concede to the Federal Government the power to prescribe the terms on which naturalized citizens should be invested with the right of suffrage in the States.

He said that he considered every departure from strict construction of grants to the Federal Government, as the introduction of another Grecian horse into our Southern Troy, and he invoked every Mississippian to united and vigilant resistance to every such measure.

The South, as a minority section, can alone be secure in her rights by resolutely maintaining the equality and independence of the States, and thus alone could we hope to make our Union perpetual and effective for the great purposes for which it was ordained and established.

He then urged the necessity of home education, of normal schools, and Southern school-books, as the next step after the mother’s pious training in the formation of that character which was essential to progress toward that high destiny to which his anticipation pointed.

If, as was sometimes asserted, Governments contain within themselves the elements of their own destruction, as animate beings have their growth, their maturity to decay; if ours, the last, best hope of civil liberty was, like the many experiments which preceded it, to be engulfed in the sea of time . . . [he hoped] Mississippi would stand conspicuous for all that was virtuous and noble; that through the waves of fanaticism, anarchy and civil strife, her sons would be the Levites who would bear the ark of the Constitution, and when unable to save it from wreck, that in the pile of its sacred timbers their bones would be found mingled.”

(Speech at Mississippi City; The Papers of Jefferson Davis, Volume 6, 1856-1860, L. Crist/M. Dix, editors, LSU Press, 1989, excerpts, pp. 138-139; 153-155)


There has always been a certain level of insanity in the leftist camp. It takes a bit of rift in the psychological makeup of an individual to subscribe to the death cult that is leftism. Consider the millions of people slaughtered through dictatorial regimes and still, they line up behind them to take their orders and do their bidding. This is what is generally referred to as sociopathic behavior.

The process of genocide is simple: identify an undesirable human element, demonize it, dehumanize it, outlaw it, imprison it and dispose of it. When viewing the anti-Trump protests and listening to the hysteria in the "fake news" outlets dehumanizing Trump voters and openly regulating them on social media sites, one recognizes that in the genocide timeline, we are nearing the end.

American Support For The Electoral College Has Risen Sharply Since Election

Via Billy


The electoral college exists to keep states with large populations like California and New York from deciding every presidential election. Naturally, that’s exactly what the left wants.

Ever since election day, the left has been calling for the abolition of the Electoral College. They can’t stand the fact that our Constitutional system will award Trump the presidency because he won the most electoral votes.

They insist Hillary should have won because she got more of the popular vote. Although, that’s questionable too.

The bottom line is that despite the protests of the left, most American approve of the Electoral College system.

Gallup polling reports:

The Republican’s Stubborn Purpose

The following is excerpted from a postwar letter written by Clement C. Clay of Alabama, to review the facts leading to the withdrawal of the Southern States in 1861, and Jefferson Davis’ efforts to forestall secession, seek conciliation with Northern leaders, and preserve the Union. It clearly identifies those interested in preserving the Union, and lays the responsibility for disunion at the feet of Lincoln’s party.
Bernhard Thuersam,  The Great American Political Divide

The Republican’s Stubborn Purpose

“Mr. Davis did not take an active part in planning or hastening secession. I think he only regretfully consented to it, as a political necessity for the preservation of popular and State rights’ which were seriously threatened by the triumph of a sectional party who were pledged to make war on them.

No “plan of secession” or “scheme of revolution” was, to my knowledge, discussed – certainly none matured – at the [Democratic] caucus, 5th of January, 1861 . . . I have never heard that the caucus advised the South “to accumulate munitions of war,” or “to organize and equip an army of one hundred thousand men,” or determined “to hold on as long as possible to the Southern seats [in Congress].”

So far from it, a majority of Southern Senators seemed to think there would be no war; that the dominant party in the North desired separation from the South, and would gladly let their “erring sisters go in peace.” I could multiply proofs of such a disposition.

As to holding on to their seats, no Southern legislature advised it, no Southern Senator who favored secession did so but one, and none others wished to do so, I believe.

The “plan of secession,” if any, and the purpose of secession, unquestionably, originated, not in Washington City, or with the Senators or Representatives of the South, but among the people of the several States, many months before it was attempted. They followed no leaders at Washington or elsewhere, but acted for themselves, with an independence and unanimity unprecedented in any movement of such magnitude.

Before the election of Lincoln, all the Southern States, excepting one or two, had pledged themselves to separate from the Union upon the triumph f a sectional party in the Presidential election, by acts or resolutions of their Legislatures, resolves of both Democratic and Whig State Conventions, and of primary assemblies of the people – in every way in which they could commit themselves to any future act.

Their purpose was proclaimed to the world through the press and telegraph, and criticized in Congress, in the Northern Legislatures, in press and pulpit, and on the hustings, during many months before Congress met in December, 1860.

Over and above all these facts, the reports of the United States Senate show that, prior to the 5th of January 1861, Southern Senators united with Northern Democratic Senators in an effort to effect pacification and prevent secession, and that Jefferson Davis was one of a committee appointed by the Senate to consider and report such a measure; that it failed because the Northern Republicans opposed everything that looked to peace; that Senator [Stephen A.] Douglas arraigned them as trying to precipitate secession, referred to Jefferson Davis as one who sought conciliation, and called upon Republican Senators to tell what they would do, if anything, to restore harmony and prevent disunion. They did not even deign a response.

Thus by their sullen silence, they made confession (without avoidance) of their stubborn purpose to hold up no hand raised to maintain the Union . . .”

(The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, Volume One, Jefferson Davis, D. Appleton and Company, 1881, excerpts, pp. 206-209)

Cheney To CNN's Barbara Starr: Trump Took Us To Point Where We Don't Need You Guys Anymore

Via Billy

Former Vice President Dick Cheney and Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta talk the new era of foreign policy under President-elect Donald Trump with CNN's Barbara Starr at the Reagan Library.

Cheney said he has not advised Donald Trump but would if he called.

From the discussion on Saturday:

“Damn you Bowie, you have killed me”

One of the South’s greatest historians, Clement Eaton, viewed Code Duello as evidence of Southerners military-mindedness, cult of virility, and disinclination to use courts to deal with matters of personal honor. Often cited was Andrew Jackson’s mother’s advice to her son: “Never tell a lie, nor take what is not your own, nor sue anyone for slander or assault and battery. Always settle them cases yourself!”
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

Sword Cane Versus Jim Bowie’s Knife

“Another hero of the old Southwest was James Bowie, born in Tennessee in 1795, killed in action at the Alamo if 1836. His father, a veteran of the Revolutionary War, operated a small plantation near Elliot Springs, growing cotton, corn, sugar cane, and tobacco. When James was seven years old, the Bowies moved further into the Southwest, seeking more productive soil, bringing their half-dozen slaves along with them. They finally settled outside Opelousas, in Louisiana, and here they prospered.

James and his brothers John and Rezin, Jr., became known as “those wild Bowies,” because of the way they hunted wild cattle with lasso and knife, instead of using the conventional long spear and pistol. Rezin invented the famous Bowie knife, with its ten-inch long, single edged, slightly curved blade, and its guard at the handle. Jesse Cliffe, his blacksmith friend, first made it. But Brother James brought it fame.

The Bowie boys teamed up in 1818 with Jean Lafitte, the pirate leader who had distinguished himself at the Battle of New Orleans. Lafitte, during this period, was operating out of Galveston, in Spanish Mexico; his business was the smuggling of slaves into the United States.

But the most repeated stories concerning James Bowie dealt with his famous knife, which ornamented numerous encounters in Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. For example, there was the fracas of September 18, 1827, which started at Natchez-under-the-Hill, rendezvous of brawlers, gamblers and worse. Eleven Louisianans, bent on arranging a duel between two of their group, met at Natchez to complete plans.

After picking up two doctors they recrossed the river to Louisiana near the village of Vidalia. The duelists were Colonel Samuel Welles and Dr. Thomas Maddox, bitter political opponents in a recent campaign. James Bowie was acting as a second. Pistols were decided upon for weapons.

The duel proper turned into a fiasco when two shots, fired on each side, went wild. The politicians were about to shake hands and forget it all but the spectators had been stirred by the proceedings to remember certain grievances they had against one another.

Suddenly, a Colonel Crain fired at Jim Bowie without warning and wounded him in the thigh; another of Bowie’s enemies, Major Wright, attacked him with a sword cane. Calmly, Jim drew the famous knife and sliced the cowardly Major to the backbone. “Damn you Bowie, you have killed me,” remarked the Major and expired.”

(Romanticism and Nationalism in the Old South, Rollin G. Osterweis, LSU Press, 1949, pp. 196-197)

Trump announces 35 percent punishment tax on companies that offshore jobs

Via Billy

President-elect Donald Trump speaks at Carrier Corp Thursday, Dec. 1, 2016, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

President-elect Donald Trump vowed to whiplash companies that offshore jobs then try to sell goods back into the U.S. with a 35 percent imports tax, in a series of Sunday-morning Twitter posts.

Just hours after using Twitter to complain about the most recent “Saturday Night Live” skit mocking him for his tweeting habits, Mr. Trump turned his account to more serious matters of American business.

He promised to “substantially reduce” regulations and taxes on American corporations, but those companies that have a U.S. presence but build factories or plants elsewhere and then try to sell back here will be punished for that decision.

“There will be a tax on our soon to be strong border of 35 percent for these companies wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc., back across the border,” he tweeted.

Chicago Residents Report Recent Rash Of Swastika Stickers

Via Billy

  A South Loop woman posted this photo of a swastika sticker to Facebook this week. The neighborhood alderman says city workers have been busy removing such stickers in the neighborhood since last month's election.
Soros' money at work.

South Loop residents are reporting a rash of swastika stickers throughout their neighborhood.

City workers have been "very, very good" at removing the swastika stickers from street signs and other places in the Downtown area, said Kevin Lampe, a spokesman for Ald. Pat Dowell (3rd).

Anne Sheahan, a spokeswoman for the city's Department of Streets and Sanitation, said its workers have been dispatched to take down the swastika stickers upon reports from neighbors.

More @ DNA

Mitch McConnell To Surrender FCC To Dems In Trade To Get His Own #NeverTrump Staffer On FERC

Via Billy

Multiple DC sources have confirmed to GotNews that an effort to give Democrats control of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for months into Trump’s presidency is actually being led by Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell himself.

McConnell has reached an agreement with President Barack Obama and Democratic Senator Harry Reid to trade away control of the FCC for in exchange for confirmation of his own staffer, Neil Chatterjee, to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

More @ Got News

The Latest: Stein changes strategy in Pennsylvania recount

Via Billy

The Latest on the Green Party's effort to force a statewide recount of the Nov. 8 presidential election in Pennsylvania.

The Green Party says it's switching strategy in its bid to force a statewide recount of Pennsylvania's Nov. 8 presidential election, won by Republican Donald Trump.

Hours after dropping a state court case, it said late Saturday night that it'll go to federal court instead.

A statement from the lead lawyer for the recount campaign says it'll seek an emergency federal court order for the recount. It says barriers to a recount in Pennsylvania are pervasive and the state court system isn't equipped to address the problem.

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein has spearheaded a recount effort in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, states where Trump won narrowly over Democrat Hillary Clinton. She's framed it as an effort to explore whether Pennsylvania's election result was manipulated by hackers.

Trump and the Pennsylvania GOP have opposed the recount. Pennsylvania's top elections official, a Democrat, says there's no evidence of cyberattacks or voting irregularities.