Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Alumnus: ‘Now, for $20K a year, VMI will turn your teenagers back into children’

Via Billy

The Virginia Military Institute now offers a "stress busters" program for cadets that includes coloring book stations. References to the program were removed from VMI's website after The Washington Free Beacon first reported on the story Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2016. (Facebook, VMI)

Cadets at the famed Virginia Military Institute are being offered coloring books as a way of dealing with the stresses of becoming citizen-soldiers.

Lexington, Virginia, is home to one of the most storied educational institutions in the nation. VMI, a state-run school founded in 1839, routinely churns out highly educated and patriotic leaders. Now, however, a “Stress Busters” program made available to cadets is raising eyebrows among alumni.

Screenshots of VMI’s website on Tuesday by The Washington Free Beacon notified visitors that the 2016-2017 academic year would merge cadet government under the Cadet Equity Association’s (CEA) Training and Education branch. CEA educators trained in various forms of stress management offer “activities such as yoga, therapy dogs, coloring book stations, card/game stations, and grab-and-go snacks” for a “Stress Busters” held on Reading Day.

VMI removed references to the program on Tuesday upon the publication of The Free Beacon’s article.

Sheriff Clarke: Liberal Media Created Fake News With ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ Lie

Via Billy

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke salutes the crowd prior to delivering his speech on the first day of the Republican National Convention (Getty Images)

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke criticized liberal hysterics about fake news on Tuesday, pointing out that liberal journalists ought to take a good look in the mirror over their reporting on the 2014 death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

House to vote this week on IRS impeachment

Via Billy

Some conservatives say Koskinen has not been forthcoming with Congress about missing IRS emails associated with past targeting of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status. (Graeme Jennings/Examiner)

"John Koskinen needs to be held accountable," the Ohio Republican said at a forum hosted by Judicial Watch. "Later today on the House floor, we will make the motion to impeach Mr. Koskinen."

 Jordan's plan is to call up an impeachment resolution, which will require some form of action by the House within two days, setting up a vote before lawmakers leave for the rest of the year. If lawmakers challenged it — for example, by making a motion to table it — a vote would be held on that motion, and that vote would essentially become a proxy vote for impeachment.

Report: $PLC buried Trump-related ‘hate crimes’ against white kids

Via Billy


At least 2,000 educators around the country reported racist slurs and other derogatory language leveled against white students in the first days after Donald Trump was elected president. But the group that surveyed the teachers didn’t publish the results in its report on Trump-related “hate crimes.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center partnered with the American Federation of Teachers, which formally endorsed Hillary Clinton, to circulate the questionnaire among its 1.6 million mostly Democratic members. The survey was sent out to K-12 teachers and administrators who subscribe to its “Teaching Tolerance” newsletter.

A Palpable Violation of the Constitution


Clearly defined in the United States Constitution is this: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only of Levying war against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort . . .” Note the word “them” – not the United States collectively, and that John Brown was convicted of treason against Virginia.  Though Lincoln’s predecessor did not agree with secession, he saw no constitutional authority to coerce a State, and knew that to wage war against a State was treason. Lincoln had no such inhibitions. The following is excerpted from a letter from Jefferson Davis to Mississippi newspaper publisher and war veteran J.L. Power, dated June 19, 1884.
Bernhard Thuersam, www.Circa1865.com   The Great American Political Divide

A Palpable Violation of the Constitution

“Dear Sir,

[From] the statement in regard to Fort Sumter, a child might suppose that a foreign army had attacked the United States – certainly could not learn that the State of South Carolina was merely seeking possession of a fort on her own soil, and claiming that her grant of the site had become void.

The tyrant’s plea of necessity to excuse despotic usurpation is offered for the unconstitutional act of emancipation, and the poor resort to prejudice is invoked in the use of the epithet “rebellion” – a word inapplicable to States generally, and most especially so to the sovereign members of a voluntary union. But, alas for their ancient prestige, [the States] have even lost the plural reference they had in the Constitution . . . Such language would be appropriate to an imperial Government, which in absorbing territories required the subject inhabitants to swear allegiance to it.

Ignorance and artifice have combined so to misrepresent the matter of official oaths in the United States that it may be well to give the question more than a passing notice. When the “sovereign, independent States of America,” formed a constitutional compact of union it was provided in the sixth article thereof that the officers “of the United States and of the several States shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution . . .”

That was the oath. The obligation was to support the Constitution. It created no new obligation, for the citizen already owed allegiance to his respective State, and through her to the Union of which she was a member.

The conclusion is unavoidable that those who did not support, but did not violate the Constitution, were they who broke their official oaths.

The General Government had only the powers delegated to it by the States. The power to coerce a State was not given, but emphatically refused.

Therefore, to invade a State, to overthrow its government by force of arms, was a palpable violation of the Constitution, which officers had sworn to support, and thus to levy war against States which the Federal officers claimed to be, notwithstanding their ordinances of secession, still in the Union, was the treason defined in the third section of the third article of the Constitution, thee only treason recognized by the fundamental law of the United States.

By all that is revered in the memory of our Revolutionary sires, and sacred in the principles they established, let not the children of the United States be taught that our Federal Government is sovereign; that our sires, after having, by a long and bloody war, won community independence, used the power, not for the end sought, but to transfer their allegiance, and by oath or otherwise bind their posterity to be the subjects of another government, from which they could only free themselves by force of arms.”

Respectfully, Jefferson Davis”

(Jefferson Davis, the Essential Writings, William J. Cooper, Jr., editor, Modern Library, 2003, excerpts, pp. 431-432)

Alabama man loses job for calling Gatlinburg fire victims 'toothless, pond scum' Trump supporters

Via Billy

Such an attractive unattractive individual.

An Alabama man who referred to residents of Gatlinburg as "mouth-breathing, toothless, Trump-suckin' pond scum" in the wake of last week's deadly wildfires has lost his job and been targeted by social media users as a possible suspect in the blaze.

On Nov. 29, Coleman Bonner of Wessington in Chilton County posted a message to his personal Facebook page in regards to the wildfires in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge and Sevier County, Tennessee.

More @ AL

$15 an hour or die! :) Amazon Opens Automated Store (No Employees)

Via Frank

After launching Amazon Fresh, an online food delivery service, in numerous cities just a few years ago, Amazon has now decided it has to go "offline" to capture incremental share of the grocery market.  As such, the company today revealed its first brick-and-mortar small-format grocery store, Amazon Go, one of at least three formats the online retail giant is exploring as it makes a play for a higher share of grocery spending.  With in-store technology designed to track customers' every step, the Amazon Go concept promises "No Lines" and "No Checkout."

The first Amazon Go concept store is roughly the size of a convenience store, though according to the Wall Street Journal the company is also testing a drive-thru concept as well as a traditional 30-to-40,000 square foot grocery store that would combine in-store shopping and curbside pickup. 

The Amazon Go store, at roughly 1,800 square feet in downtown Seattle, resembles a convenience store-format in a video Amazon released Monday. It features artificial intelligence-powered technology that eliminates checkouts, cash registers and lines. Instead, customers scan their phone on a kiosk as they walk in, and Amazon automatically determines what items customers take from the shelves. After leaving the store, Amazon charges their account for the items and sends a receipt.

More @ Zero Hedge

There’s a Petition to Name the Next Navy Ship ‘USS The Deplorables’

Via Billy

There’s a Petition to Name the Next Navy Ship ‘USS The Deplorables’

Back in September, during a private fundraising event, Hillary Clinton called half of Donald Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables.”

"You know, just to be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables,” Clinton said as the audience laughed. "The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.

Needless to say, the “deplorables” weren't laughing.

More @ Townhall

Before Mysterious Death, Andrew Breitbart Targeted Podesta in CHILLING Tweet

Via Iver

How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.

A haunting Tweet from the late journalist Andrew Breitbart has reemerged which has renewed interest in his mysterious death amid ongoing speculation spurred by the leaked emails of DC insider John Podesta.

Breitbart died mysteriously in the early hours of March 1, 2012 – just hours before his planned release of footage of Barack Obama that he assured would heavily damage the sitting president’s chances of reelection.

Days before, he had declared, “Wait until they see what happens March 1st.”

Weeks later, Breitbart’s coroner, Michael Cormier, passed away – also in a suspicious and sudden fashion.

More @ Red Flag

The Philly recount is done, and it didn’t help Hillary much at all

Via Billy

Pennsylvania voting machine and 2016 Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein.

The great Philadelphia recount has ended, and Hillary Clinton got five more votes than she had in her previous total. 

Donald Trump’s number stayed the same, as did the totals for Independent candidate Gary Johnson and the Green Party’s Jill Stein after the City Commissioners Office recounted votes in 75 of Philadelphia’s more than 1600 voting divisions. The recount had been launched by 250-plus Philadelphia residents answering the call of Stein, who asked for three petitioners in each of Pennsylvania’s voting district to file recounts to assist in her attempts to get a statewide recount through a Commonwealth Court and then Federal Court lawsuit.


Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste

Via Billy

The Pentagon has buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget, according to interviews and confidential memos obtained by The Washington Post.
Pentagon leaders had requested the study to help make their enormous back-office bureaucracy more efficient and reinvest any savings in combat power. But after the project documented far more wasteful spending than expected, senior defense officials moved swiftly to kill it by discrediting and suppressing the results.

Lowe's Gives Veteran and His Dog a Job

Via Billy

This Photo Of Veteran At Lowe's Going CRAZY VIRAL, You'll Immediately See Why...

With all the sad and negative things going on today it can be easy to lose sight of what’s important.
It can also be easy to get discouraged.

It is difficult to think of anything more important than our nation’s veterans.

They represent everything that is great about America and there is no cause more noble than offering up your life to defend your country.