Monday, May 8, 2017

The South is America’s Hope

Count Herman Keyserling (1880-1946) was born in Estonia and married the granddaughter of Otto von Bismarck. He was an aristocrat who interested himself in philosophy and the natural sciences; Keyserling deeply believed that gifted individuals were born to rule.
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

The South is America’s Hope

“Count Herman Keyserling, philosopher and psychologist, world traveler and author, writes in the November Atlantic Monthly that the South is the hope of America, and proceeds, from the philosopher’s and ethnologist’s standpoint, to prove his assertion.

Count Keyserling sets up the contention that the theory of the North and East is that success comes through dynamics, through working feverishly; that if one only works a little harder, one will be more successful.

The Southerner, upon the other hand, fulfills the dictum that man is essentially the child of the earth, even though he rules it; that the Southerner realizes that there is no lasting happiness for man unless he is in harmony with the rhythm of the earth and that the only state that can endure is one which is comparatively static. That is, the restless, feverish dynamic state is apt to fade from the earth.

Alexander and Napoleon were vanquished; the Huns died out in a short while; the Normans overran Europe and even England, but the Norman culture was absorbed into the Anglo-Saxon culture of England, and the Angles and Saxons predominate to-day in England. It is not, therefore, the feverish and restless people who predominate in the end, but the more static people. “Speed is not an expression of strength and vitality,” it is an expression “merely of neurotic restlessness.”

The Northerner will continue to exist, Count Keyserling grants, but “in days to come he will be recognized as the poorest, the least superior type; he will mean to America at large what the most narrow type of Prussian means within the German nation. The Middle West will in all likelihood continue to represent America’s national foundation. But if a culture develops and the stress is laid on culture, then the hegemony will invariably pass over to the South. There alone can there be a question of an enduring culture.” (Macon Telegraph)

In this compliment to the South there is much for sober thought. There is a strong movement to commercialize the South, to create here the same money-seeking atmosphere, to change her distinctiveness into a likeness of other sections, in fact, to destroy those characteristics upon which our “culture” depends. Such effort should be combated and the South should remain distinctive among the sections. In that is distinction and culture and hope for the future.”

(“The South – America’s Hope,” Confederate Veteran Magazine, February, 1930, pp. 63-64)

A Soldier and Statesman Who Served His State

At the unveiling of Jefferson Davis’ bronze figure in Statuary Hall, Hon. Pat Harrison spoke: “Few men in the history of the Nation rendered more signal service for the country in peace or in war than did Davis. He is not among strangers . . . Over there are clay, Webster, Benton, Cass and Calhoun, his idol, with whom he served in the Senate of the United States.”
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

A Soldier and Statesman Who Served His State

An impressive scene was that in Statuary Hall of the Capitol at Washington, on June 2 [1931], when the State of Mississippi presented to the nation the bronze figure of her adopted son, Jefferson Davis, soldier and statesman.

As the cord holding the huge United States flag about the statue was drawn by Miss Adele Hayes-Davis, great grand-daughter of Jefferson Davis, another son of Mississippi, Hon. Pat Harrison, stepped to the front and delivered an eloquent tribute to the man who had served his State and nation in high places, yet had died without a country.

Fitting indeed that he should be now be known and recognized for that high service, as he has stood for long in the love and esteem of his people of the South, so now he stands in the Nation’s Valhalla of those who gave it greatest service. Of high character and blameless life, no more distinguished citizen of Mississippi could have been thus honored, and few there be who will feel but that Jefferson Davis has at last come into his own.

Commenting upon the feeling that would have been aroused by the placing of this statue in the Capitol some years back, the Boston Transcript concludes in a lengthy editorial: “The name of Jefferson Davis is justly revered in the South today, and there is no reason why it should not be honored in the North.”

In his address, Edgar S. Wilson, of Mississippi – who was a pallbearer at the Davis funeral in New Orleans – recounted scenes in the last days of Mr. Davis, “particularly when the Mississippi legislature called him before it to demonstrate to him the love and affection of the people of the State, although he walked among them a disenfranchised man.”

(In the Nation’s Capitol, Confederate Veteran Magazine, July 1931, excerpt, page 244)

“Slaves, Don Teodore, Are Our Money”,204,203,200_.jpg

The central African city of Timbuktu (Timbuctoo) continued as a market for slaves long after the British had abolished their transatlantic slave trade — which had more to do with destroying French colonial commerce than philanthropy. The Captain writes below of how the British action simply forced native African slave traders to the interior of the Dark Continent, and the trade flourished nonetheless as slaves were a traditional African medium of exchange. In his 1961 book “The Slaves of Timbuktu” (Harper & Brothers), author Robin Maugham found that slavery still existed among the African tribes in the late 1950’s. He was the brother of author Somerset Maugham.
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

“Slaves, Don Teodore, Are Our Money”

“[Mahometan Foulah] Mami had visited many of the European colonies and Moorish kingdoms on the north coast of Africa, so that he was not stupefied by the untrammeled ignorance of Africans who consider Timbuctoo a combination of Paris and paradise. Indeed, he did not presume, like most of the Mandingo chiefs, to prefer it to Senegal or Sierra Leone. He confessed that the royal palace was nothing but a vast enclosure of mud walls, built without taste or symmetry, within whose labyrinthine mesh were numerous buildings for the wives, children, and kindred of the sovereign.

The markets of Timbuctoo, alone, secured his admiration. Every week they were thronged with traders, dealers, peddlers and merchants, who either dwelt in the neighboring kingdoms, or came from afar with slaves and produce. Moors and Israelites from the northeast were the most eminent and opulent merchants; and among them he counted a travelling class crowned with peculiar turbans, whom he called “Joseph’s-People,” or in all likelihood, Armenians.

However, in spite of its despotic rulers, Timbuctoo was a great central mart for exchange, and commercial men as well as the innumerable petty kings, frequented it not only for the abundant mineral salt in its vicinity, but because they could exchange their slaves for foreign merchandise. I asked the Foulah why he preferred the markets of Timbuctoo to the well-stocked stores of regular European settlements on the coast which was reached with so much more ease than this core of Africa?

“Ah!,” said the astute [slave] trafficker, “no market is a good one for the African in which he cannot openly exchange his slaves for whatever the original owner or importer can sell without fear! Slaves, Don Teodore, are our money.”

(Adventures of an African Slaver, Captain Theodore Canot, Star Books, 1928, excerpt, pp. 135-136)

The Dix Note and Southern Freedom


While cleaning my study the other day I ran across my copy of a $10.00 “Dix” note. This paper money was issued by the Bank of New Orleans up to 1860. Looking at my copy of the “Dix” note cause me to reflect on the disastrous changes that have occurred in the Southern economy since the days of that quaint little “Dix” note.

Early in the 1800s when men from “up-river” would float their wares down the Mississippi River to New Orleans they would tell their folks that they would come home with their pockets full of Dix notes or simply “pockets full of Dixies.” Soon all the land south of the Ohio River would be referred to as Dixieland or Dixie—if you don’t believe me just ask anyone from New Orleans!

Good Samaritan with concealed firearm takes down man who shot and killed restaurant manager

Via David

People in Arlington, Texas, held a vigil Thursday evening to honor a manager at a popular sports bar who was shot and killed Wednesday, and whose assailant was killed by a patron with a licensed concealed handgun.

 More @ Twitchy

SCV Mechanized Cavalry Partners with Va Flaggers to Become Guardians of our Largest Flag Site

Via Susan

The Virginia Flaggers are pleased to announce a new partnership with the 8th Platoon of the 2nd Battalion, Co. A., Mechanized Cavalry, Sons of Confederate Veterans. The 8th Platoon has volunteered to serve as "Guardians of the Flag" for two of our sites in Danville, including our largest pole and flag on the 29 Bypass, the General William Lewis Cabell Memorial Battle Flag.

Not only have they been actively helping to raise and lower the flags at both sites, they solicited the help of their brothers in the 7th and 9th platoons to raise enough money to replace the worn flag  at the Cabell site with a brand new, heavy duty 31' x 51' flag over the weekend. This is a HUGE accomplishment, considering the size and cost of this flag!

A Splendid Body of American Soldiers: "We can surpass Thermopylae"

After fighting Sherman’s army of invaders to a standstill with one-quarter of their strength, Joe Johnston’s revived Army of Tennessee marched in review and under the gaze of the assembled North Carolina citizens. Gen. Thomas L. Clingman of North Carolina, exhorted his chief to allow his men to fight the invading host to the last, surpass the Greeks and gain everlasting immortality.
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

A Splendid Body of American Soldiers

“After the battle of Bentonville, General [Joseph E.] Johnston retired his army to Smithfield, where he remained confronting [the enemy] for three weeks. While here General Johnston held a review 6 April, at which many ladies and civilians of Raleigh, including Governor Vance and officers of the State and Confederate Government were present. The army presented a fine appearance and the men were in excellent spirits.

There were in this army remnants of commands who under Albert Sidney Johnston won the first day’s battle of Shiloh, and nearly annihilated Grant’s army. Men who under Bragg, had won the battles of Murfreesboro and Chickamauga, and under Johnston had confronted Sherman from Dalton to Atlanta; the men who under Hood, had been in the disastrous battle of Franklin; who had followed [Generals Nathan Bedford] Forrest and [Joe] Wheeler and [Wade] Hampton and had successfully defended Fort Sumter for four years against the combined land and sea forces of the United States, and the brigades of [General Robert F.] Hoke’s Division, who had won endearing renown in the Army of Northern Virginia.

Here also were assembled those regiments of Junior Reserves, who under Colonels Hinsdale, Anderson, Broadfoot and Walter Clark emulated the heroism of their veteran comrades, and who on the battlefields of Kinston and Bentonville had shown they were of the same [mettle] as their sires and deserving of imperishable record in the history of their country.

It was a splendid body of American soldiers; survivors of a hundred battlefields; and as they marched proudly in review before their General, they were conscious of duty nobly done and nerved for any future service that might be required of them in defense of their country.

General Clingman visited his brigade while in camp at Smithfield, and though on crutches, asked of General Johnston the honor of commanding the rear guard. This was denied him, as he was physically unable to perform such duty, and he addressed the Southern commander as follows:

“Sir, much has been said about dying in the last ditch. You have left with you here thirty thousand of as brave men as the sun ever shone upon. Let us take our stand here and fight the two armies of Grant and Sherman to the end, and thus show to the world how far we can surpass the Thermopylae of the Greeks.”

(Histories of the Several Regiments and Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War 1861-65, Walter Clark, editor, Volume IV, Nash Brothers, 1901, excerpt, pp. 498-499)

REVEALED! Hundreds Of George Soros Owned Organizations

Via Billy

Image result for REVEALED! Hundreds Of George Soros Owned Organizations

Self-professed Nazi war criminal George Soros continues to go free while radicalizing American politics and society, but not for long. The strategy to take him down is by first openly identifying the organizations he owns and funds. And here they are, finally, out in the open, more than 200 of them he created to sabotage the United States.

This will take time to read but it is worth the time to do so. Indeed it is essential that all read this to understand why this creature must be charged and prosecuted for treason and sedition. Many of the names of the organizations listed are deceptive and appear to be something good. Then look at the couple of lines under each which tells what that organization is actually about.

You will see (by) two Catholic organizations he formed that Soros has actually put the Vatican under his control. This will explain Pope Francis.

Both Soros and his Open Society Foundations provide funding directly or indirectly to over 200 US organizations. Some he owns outright. As you read these, prepare to be shocked:

Texas governor signs anti-‘sanctuary city’ law

Via Billy

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott talks to reporters outside the White House in Washington in this March 24, 2017, file photo. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the country’s toughest anti-sanctuary city law Sunday, moving not only to fine jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration agents but even threatening jail time for the sheriffs or police chiefs who refuse to cooperate.

Elected or appointed officials who approve sanctuary policies could be ousted from office under the new law, which takes effect Sept. 1.

The law also permits police and sheriff’s departments to inquire about the immigration status of those they stop during routine business.

Another Arctic ice panic over as world temperatures plummet

Via Billy
Inevitably, when even satellite temperatures were showing 2016 as “the hottest year on record”, we were going to be told last winter that the Arctic ice was at its lowest extent ever. Sure enough, before Christmas, a report from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was greeted with such headlines as “Hottest Arctic on record triggers massive ice melt”. In March we had the BBC trumpeting another study that blamed vanishing Arctic ice as the cause of weather which led to the worst-ever smog in Beijing, warning that it “could even threaten the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022”.

But last week we were brought back to earth by the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), as charted by our friend Paul Homewood on his blog Notalotofpeopleknowthat, with the news that ever since December temperatures in the Arctic have consistently been lower than minus 20 C. In April the extent of Arctic sea ice was back to where it was in April 13 years ago. Furthermore, whereas in 2008 most of the ice was extremely thin, this year most has been at least two metres thick. The Greenland ice cap last winter increased in volume faster than at any time for years.

OPEN LETTER TO BILL O'REILLY: You cannot have both Lincoln and the Constitution.

Via Nancy

by Valerie Protopapas

Obviously, you are not a stupid man but sadly, your intellect seems to desert you when it comes to your judgment about American leaders. You have stood valiantly against the current socialist trends in the federal government. You have condemned the excesses of Congress and the Administration and the ever growing centralization of power in Washington as well as the trashing of the Constitution. You have shown time and again that such excesses are opposed to the founding principles of the nation, and fly in the face of that same document. And, I have applauded you for your public defense of those republican principles, and the men and women who have championed them.

Yet, the other evening, I heard you -- yet again -- claim that the “gold standard” of American leadership was none other than President Abraham Lincoln. I  became so enraged I could not bear to listen any longer, and turned off the TV! Most of the evils we currently endure are because of Abraham Lincoln! It was Lincoln who precipitated the movement to diminish the Sovereignty of individual States and the People, as envisioned by the Founders, and it was Lincoln who seized such power for the Federal Government:

It was also Lincoln who adopted the socialist/Marxist ideologies brought into the United States from Europe with the arrival of the so-called “48ers,” the mostly German followers of Marx fleeing socialism’s failed experiments in Europe.

However, it is also true that Lincoln had adopted those same policies independently before he was influenced by Europe’s socialist upheaval. Did you know that Marx adored Lincoln for the very reason that he worked so studiously to centralize power in the federal government? And did you know that Lincoln’s government and military were filled with Marxists and socialists?

It was Lincoln who abandoned many constitutionally imposed restrictions on the federal government and the presidency when he planned and initiated war against the Southern States. This he did because the South was attempting to exercise a power guaranteed to it in the Constitution, that of secession from a union that was no longer acting in the best interest of its people.

It was Lincoln who deliberately and with malice executed that war without reservation, a war that cost over one million military and civilian live, and destroyed an entire region of the country which had lived peacfully with its neighbors for almost a century.

And the list goes on and on. There is no more infamous lie in the annals of American history than Lincoln’s analysis of the causes of the so-called “Civil War.” War didn’t “come” as Lincoln suggested, Lincoln intentionally precipitated it to prevent the loss of tariff revenues from eleven Southern states, which accounted for 75% of all Treasury receipts. Indeed, the South, by Lincoln’s time, had become little more than a politically impotent colony, supplying endless revenues to enrich the rest of the Union while being driven ever deeper into poverty.

It was Lincoln who embraced—and profited from—Hamilton’s “American System,” which today we call “crony capitalism,” but which is really nothing more than “fascism,” the enemy of free enterprise. Lincoln was supported for the presidency by the economic interests of states such as Pennsylvania, to which he promised a high tariff to protect their manufactured goods and a continuation of the flow of capital and political power from the South to the North.

Lincoln had been a lawyer with one of the railroads supported by such tax-funded largesse and was so successful that he was allowed to choose the eastern terminus for the contemplated trans-continental railroad. It is interesting (and revealing) to note that the property he chose for that site just happened to be owned by him! Lincoln’s sobriquet at that time -- “Honest Abe” -- was bestowed by his enemies, and used in a sarcastic spirit, not as a compliment.

Finally, if you think that we had election fraud in 2008, Lincoln made use of the military to assure his re-election, something that was by no means a certainty in November of 1864. General Benjamin (“Beast”) Butler was sent to New York, from where he triumphantly reported to Lincoln that no Democrats had been permitted to vote.

The same happened in other states such as Ohio where both Lincoln and Lincoln’s war were not popular. Soldiers were permitted to vote in areas where they did not reside, to assure Lincoln’s re-election. Meanwhile, the presence of Union soldiers at the polls was a warning to those who might dare vote Democrat. In fact, in many instances the ballots were color-coded by party, so that any ballot requested by a voter immediately revealed his party to partisan “poll watchers”: Thus, many Americas were “discouraged” from voting lest they happen to choose the wrong ballot.

There is much more evidence concerning Lincoln’s illegal, unconstitutional and immoral actions that are a part of the public record and yet, he continues to be revered, even worshipped, by people who despise and reject the very things for which he stood and the means by which he achieved them. His unconstitutional suspension of “Habeas Corpus” allowed him to indefinitely imprison his critics -– particularly newspaper editors -- and do so without formal charges or even the barest minimum of procedural niceties.

Even the popular belief that Lincoln “freed the slaves” -- or, in fact, had any feeling for them individually or as a group -- is nonsense, proven over and over by his own words and actions. He cared nothing for slavery and even less for “the African,” and was willing to put slavery into the Constitution in the original 13th Amendment (Corwin) if it would keep the Southern states compliant and paying their disproportionate share of federal tariffs.

Even the claim so often made that he fought the war to “preserve the union” is a lie though many Northerners were deceived and indeed fought for that stated purpose. First, a union is by its nature voluntary. Coercion at the point of a bayonet is nothing but conquest and occupation, not “union.”

Thus, Lincoln, his government and all of the states who fought ostensibly to preserve the Union were traitors according to Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution. Indeed, the only act defined as treason in that document is the waging of war against any of the signatory states and aiding and abetting in that war. If there was ever an act worthy of the term “Treason,” it has to be America’s “Civil War,” in which the federal government -- or should I say, the President -- declared war on seven (later eleven) signatory states and initiated total war against them.

Of course, all of those who supported or permitted this war were themselves traitors to a greater or lesser degree. It is ironic that the term “treason” was spread so liberally and successfully on states that had acted Constitutionally in attempting to remove themselves from a hostile and eventually murderous “union,” while the actual traitors have been lauded to the skies historically as heroes and “true Americans.”

No, Mr. O’Reilly, your “stand” against those attempting to establish another “Peoples’ Republic” rings hollow, so long as you refuse to acknowledge where and how America started to leave the path of Aristotle, Locke and the Founding Fathers and embrace the governing theories and actions of Thomas Hobbes and Karl Marx.

Actually, you have only two choices: Either understand and admit that the man you call “the nation’s greatest president” was a traitor and a murderer of millions -- and repudiate his creation of a federal tyranny -- or cling to delusion and myth, and render your own message foolish or dishonest.

You cannot have both Lincoln and the Constitution. 

The True Face Of 'Health Reform'

Via John

If you want to know why fixing "health care" is so difficult you need only read this article.
From Akron to Youngstown and Canton to Cleveland, as in cities and towns across the country, workers who once walked out of factories at the end of each shift now stream out of hospitals.
While manufacturing employment has fallen nearly 40 percent in northeastern Ohio since 2000, the number of health care jobs in the region has jumped more than 30 percent over the same period. In Akron, the onetime rubber capital of the world, only one of the city’s 10 largest employers still makes tires. Three are hospitals.
If these were doctors and nurses that might be understandable.  But they're not.

They're nearly all paper-pushers who contribute exactly zero to actual consumer care.

House oversight panel to investigate Iran deal: Chaffetz asks for details on 21 cases in which charges or warrants were dropped.

Via Billy

House Oversight Committee member Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, right, and Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., confer on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014, during questioning of Secret Service Director Julia Pierson as the committee examines details surrounding a security breach at the White House when a man climbed over a fence, sprinted across the north lawn and dash deep into the executive mansion before finally being subdued. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Citing a POLITICO investigation, Republican leaders of the House oversight committee said Friday they have launched a sweeping investigation into whether the Obama administration, in trying to win support for a nuclear deal and prisoner swap with Tehran last year, undermined an ambitious U.S. counterproliferation effort to thwart Iranian weapons trafficking networks.

Also in response to the POLITICO investigation, 13 Republican senators have demanded answers about whether the Obama administration jeopardized U.S. national security as a result of its protracted top-secret negotiations with Tehran, and then misled the American public when disclosing the terms of the two deals in January 2016.


After 6 Deadly Islamic Attacks and 238 Deaths in 3 Years – Paris Votes 90% for Macron

Via Billy


You can’t fix stupid.

An Islamic State terrorist killed one policeman and injured two others in an attack on the Champs Elysees in central Paris in April 2017.

Three police officers were shot, one was killed in the attack.

ISIS took credit for the deadly attack.

Macron = Disaster

Via R

Via 4 Branch

Je suis desole'. Pauvre France.   Macaroni is the vanilla Obama . . . a quasi commie and he'll bring France to her knees.

At first my reaction was as noted above.  Then I remembered a couple of recent polls taken her in the OOSAH.  The gist of these was that the Snowflake Generation is perfectly at ease with an all powerful, centralized authoritarian government, and would cheerfully elect Macaroni themselves, had they the chance.  What with the force of demographics eliminating so many of my peers every day, its inevitable that the Twits will eventually outvote the few remaining Americans, and we'll get our very own Mugabe or Zuma.

Now I'm even more miserable . . . I've got grandkids coming up, and likely a couple amongst that Snowflake cohort already.

At my age. I doubt Roosha would take me in, especially since my most recent military training encompassed the Pike and the Arquebus.

Afterthought: The ZULUs were a great Warrior people, who created a vast empire in Africa.  They yet maintain their separate existence in Africa and their king.  Unfortunately we didn't get the Zulu people, when the distribution was being made. We got the dregs of East Africa, conquered peoples sold for slaves to the Arab traders, and passed on to gullible Europeans.  These are those to whom I refer as 'Zero's.  Nul quantities.

New Orleans Police Department Prohibits Masks at Today’s Demonstrations

Via Billy


In anticipation of violent clashes between left-wing terrorist members of Antifa and Trump supporters protecting the monuments in New Orleans, the NOPD has prohibited masks and weapons of any kind.