Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Confederate Case Law: The Rule of Law, Not of Men


The mark of an advanced civilization is the rule of law, with the highest being the rule of law that protects life, liberty and property. Based upon this standard, the Confederate States of America embodied an advanced Christian civilization.

Accepting this truism goes a long way in understanding why the Confederacy has been demonized to the point of eradicating it from historical memory, as the current campaign against Confederate monuments and memorials make clear. However, it should be understood that the attacks against the Confederacy are battles in the larger war against liberty, property, and, if need be, the lives of individuals. It goes without saying that the above mentioned rule of law is disdained by those preferring the rule of men; a rule designed to curtail the liberty and expropriate property of individuals to the benefit of the ruling class.

Must View: An Eye Witness Account of Charlottesville ft. Simon Roche

Via Mike "Really informative interview of a South African observer at Charlottesville."


White House's transgender military ban guidelines give Jim Mattis six months to implement

Via Billy

The Pentagon will soon receive guidance on how the White House wants to roll out its military transgender ban, according to a report Wednesday.

The guidance from the Trump administration is expected to give Defense Secretary Jim Mattis discretion to consider a service member's ability to deploy when deciding whether to force them out of the country's armed forces, according to the Wall Street Journal.

A two-and-a-half page memo obtained by the Journal also directs the Pentagon to deny admittance to transgender applicants and to cease spending on related medical treatments. Additionally, it gives Mattis six months to implement the new policy.

DHS asks State Department to suspend visas for countries who won't accept US-deported citizens

Via Billy

Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea, and Sierra Leone have refused to take back people in the U.S. who are in the country illegally. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

The Trump administration is considering suspending the visas of some citizens in countries who have "refused to accept or unreasonably delayed the return of its nationals," according to multiple reports Wednesday evening.

Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea, and Sierra Leone have refused to take back people in the U.S. who are in the country illegally and been cleared by immigration courts for removal, according to the Washington Times.

CAROLINA PLOTT HOUND - North Carolina News Portal and Watchdog

Via Jonathan


If 2016 Election Were Held Again, Unaffiliated Voters Would Vote Trump

 he latest Civitas poll has found that 43 percent of likely North Carolina unaffiliated voters say if the presidential election were held again today, they would vote for Donald J. Trump while just 39 percent of them said they would vote for Hillary Clinton.

The full text of the question is below.

If you had a chance to do it all over again, for whom would you vote for President between  (RANDOMIZE) Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Gary Johnson?

43%     Donald Trump, the Republican
39%     Hillary Clinton, the Democrat
9%       Gary Johnson, the Libertarian
9%       Prefer to not state/ Refused

Civitas President Col. Francis De Luca said, “This result appears to illustrate two things: that Trump voters are sticking with him, and that elections are binary. Despite Donald Trump’s perceived unpopularity, when compared to another actual candidate, he remains ahead.”


How We Know The So-Called “Civil War” Was Not Over Slavery by Paul Craig Roberts

Via Billy

When I read Professor Thomas DiLorenzo’s article ( ) the question that lept to mind was, “How come the South is said to have fought for slavery when the North wasn’t fighting against slavery?”

Two days before Lincoln’s inauguration as the 16th President, Congress, consisting only of the Northern states, passed overwhelmingly on March 2, 1861, the Corwin Amendment that gave constitutional protection to slavery. Lincoln endorsed the amendment in his inaugural address, saying “I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.”

Quite clearly, the North was not prepared to go to war in order to end slavery when on the very eve of war the US Congress and incoming president were in the process of making it unconstitutional to abolish slavery.

Here we have absolute total proof that the North wanted the South kept in the Union far more than the North wanted to abolish slavery.

If the South’s real concern was maintaining slavery, the South would not have turned down the constitutional protection of slavery offered them on a silver platter by Congress and the President.

Clearly, for the South also the issue was not slavery.

Nation's last Confederate flag manufacturer sees sales surge after Charlottesville

Via Greg

Rebel flag sales are up since Charlottesville. One north Alabama shop may be the only flag manufacturer in America meeting the increased demand.

Alabama Flag & Banner is located in a small strip near downtown Huntsville. Two years ago, the company began manufacturing the Confederate flag after retailers pulled it from their shelves in the wake of the mass shooting at the Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, S.C. in which nine people were killed by a white supremacist who'd been photographed holding a Confederate flag.

The country's major flag manufacturers stopped producing rebel flags. Eventually, said longtime owner Belinda Kennedy, Alabama Flag & Banner became the go-to manufacturer for hundreds of retailers across the country looking to stock American-made Confederate flags. Online orders boomed, too.

More @ AL

On Lee

Via Bill


The Moneychanger

I note that the University of Texas -- Texas! -- president sneaked around in the middle of the night and had statues of four Confederate heroes removed, including Robert E. Lee. Let me state this briefly: You could take all the left wing protestors, all the leftist governors & mayors, all the politicians in the United States and throw in all the right wing protestors AND university presidents, and you could stack 'em all the way to the moon, and you STILL wouldn't have enough character & integrity to make a man one-tenth the stature of Robert E. Lee -- and they all know it.

NC: Tobacco movers: Warehouse workers show finesse on a forklift

Via Cousin John

Jim Barnes, a forklift driver for Big M Tobacco Inc., hauls a bale of tobacco around the warehouse on Goldsboro Street Wednesday.

Jim Barnes is known to spin his wheels a time or two.

On the floor of the Big M Tobacco warehouse in Wilson, Barnes negotiates his Nissan forklift in between long rows of tobacco bales.

He moves fast, but he's always careful. "I've been driving 12 years," he said.

For Barnes and the other drivers on the floor of the cavernous warehouse, 16 mph is top speed.
But there are many obstacles.

More with video @ The Wilson Times

Trump again urges McConnell (18% approval rating) to eliminate the 60-vote threshold or you're just wasting time

Via Billy

“If Republican Senate doesn’t get rid of the Filibuster Rule & go to a simple majority, which the Dems would do, they are just wasting time!” Trump wrote on Twitter on Wednesday morning.

Trump’s message proves that he is ignoring McConnell’s protests about maintaining the rule, further escalating the division between the two leaders.

“There’s not a single senator in the majority who thinks we ought to change the legislative filibuster,” McConnell told reporters in April. “Not one.”

McConnell has vowed not to change the rule, despite Trump publicly demanding t
hat he consider it.

Trump again brought up the subject during his rally with supporters on Tuesday.

“We have to get rid of what’s called the filibuster rule; we have to,” he said. “And if we don’t, the Republicans will never get anything passed. You’re wasting your time.”

Trump commented that eight Democrats would essentially control all of the legislation that could pass in the Senate.

“We have to speak to Mitch and we have to speak to everybody,” Trump said, referring to the majority leader.

2018 Will Be A Bloodbath – For Democrats

Via Billy

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks after Senate Republicans unveiled their version of legislation that would replace Obamacare on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., June 22, 2017.   REUTERS/Joshua Roberts.

As President Trump’s troubles mount, the long-standing expectation that Democrats will gain several House and Senate seats in 2018 has only intensified. At this point, many observers are expecting a bloodbath – and they’re right. But for structural, historical, and intangible reasons, expect the bloodbath to be for Democrats as the GOP further expands its dominance in both houses of Congress.

I see five reasons Democrats on Capitol Hill should stock up on life preservers.

1) Trump’s unpopularity won’t matter.


In the wake of Charlottesville and the seemingly-overnight eruption of violence, the tearing down of statues, the ramped-up burning of American flags, and what feels like an explosion of both anti-police and person-to-person violence, and even more dangerous rhetoric, I will open by quoting a good friend of mine who opined many months prior to any of this: “America has not been this divided since the Civil War”. He is a student of history and an all-around pretty sharp guy and is, I fear, right.


As I said in my introductory essay, I was born in the Peoples’ Republic of Massachusetts. I grew up in a very Leftist household; my parents were staunch in their beliefs until they passed. I, somehow, diverted rightward – I think in large part because of my first That’s weird… moment – defined as a moment when I was exposed to information that contradicted what I “knew”, forcing me, if I claimed the title of a thinking person, to investigate the subject further (in reflection, I was starting to veer off even in high school when, after an anti-nuclear power screed in the school newspaper, I wrote a counter letter praising nuclear energy). A few years ago, having moved substantially rightward, I stumbled upon and was shocked by the must-buy, must-read, must-keep book Liberal Fascism

More @ Obama Sez

Comment On: Radical Left LITERALLY Calling for CIVIL WAR on November 4th

Via Valerie

I do not believe that government is a mere bystander in all this, incapable of a sufficient response. Look at what happened out west when government has made war upon land owners and brought men into courts and prisons because they resisted. These are NOT the actions of a powerless agent! ALL THAT YOU SEE HAPPENING is being engineered by our government! These tyrants had no problem with matters proceeding at the pace desired until a spanner was thrown in the works — the election of an outsider. They expected another insider as the Republican nominee who would (naturally!) lose to the chosen Democrat, Hillary Clinton. When — surprise, surprise! — an OUTSIDER got the nomination, they then expected with all the voter fraud and media complicity, he would (again, naturally!) lose, again they were astounded that there were too many of US to let THEM win! I believe that what is happening now was not supposed to happen for perhaps another two or three years, but the election of Trump has changed the time frame and that is why everything happened so oddly!

I believe that they (the establishment a/k/a the Deep State) took the matter of Dylann Roof, originally designed for another assault on gun rights, and made it into the current assault against first the South and then the United States because they saw that matters were getting out of hand! This is why the whole campaign of cultural genocide is being so badly done! The army of Democrat brownshirts are now, frankly, out of control! This was NOT the original schedule and the tremendous thrust toward a communist revolution (which was supposed to be so much more carefully crafted) is now actually being taken over by the very “foot soldiers” that the DC establishment believed they controlled! It gets hairy when your subordinates are no longer subordinate! When you add to that the fact that far too many white Americans are not going around beating their breasts and mumbling “mea culpas,” the situation is, in fact, become very dangerous indeed! The fuse has been lit, but the arsonists are no longer in charge of the fire.

It’s About Creating Chaos

Via Billy

Remember, this is not about race. This is about creating chaos. This is about using divisive “issues” (basically, badly constructed straw men) to drive wedges between artificially identified “segments” of society.

Divide and conquer. It’s about the revolution. Can’t bring about the revolution while people still have a cohesive society. Must have chaos to bring it down.

Then the “revolution” can install whatever totalitarian regime they have in mind.

If you zero in on this “race” thing, you’ve already been had.

Keep your eyes clear. Realize that all the sound and fury you’re hearing and seeing is cover for the rending of society.

Reject them. The merchants of chaos haven’t had a new idea in a hundred years.
They’re gonna call you names. It doesn’t matter. Give them nothing to hold onto.
Oh, and discover their crimes. There are always crimes. Shine bright lights on their crimes.

They believe their “time has come.” I believe they’re two generations too early.

Reject the chaos. Create your own certainty and serenity. Give them nothing.

Source: Trevor Loudon

Cliven Bundy followers found not guilty in armed standoff case

Via Billy

Cliven Bundy followers found not guilty in armed standoff case

Four defenders of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy have been found not guilty of numerous charges relating to their 2014 armed demonstration to stop a government-led cattle roundup.

The Arizona Republic reported Tuesday that Scott Drexler, Ricky Lovelien, Eric Parker and Steven Stewart were found not guilty on multiple charges, including conspiracy, assault on a federal officer, extortion and weapons law violations related to the standoff with federal authorities. The jury deadlocked on four charges for Parker and two against Drexler, according to the newspaper, meaning they could face a retrial.

Defense attorney Shawn Perez told the Republic after the verdict that he was "shaking" and "teary-eyed."

More @ The Hill

Mystery of how H.L. Hunley's crew died is solved after 150 years: Men on board the American Civil War submarine were killed by the pressure blast of their OWN torpedo

Via David

The first combat submarine to sink an enemy ship also instantly killed its own eight-man crew (pictured) with the powerful explosive torpedo it carried, new research has found. A new study says a shockwave created by their own weapon was to blame

The first combat submarine to sink an enemy ship also instantly killed its own eight-man crew with the powerful explosive torpedo it carried, new research has found. 

The HL Hunley fought for the confederacy in the US civil war and was sunk near North Charleston, South Carolina, in 1864.

Speculation about the crew's deaths has included suffocation and drowning, but a new study claims that a shockwave created by their own weapon was to blame.

More @ Daily Mail

"The country that we were born into is dead and gone."

Comment by Anonymous on Gamblers are betting on a fairly easy re-election ...
 Antichrist Obama's actions and "legacy" does not matter to the those who voted for him. You may find a high information liberal who will have enough honesty to admits that any or all of the above points are factually correct and true. It does NOT matter. His/her/genderwordsalad's ego and their never to be questioned faith in their superiority will never permit them to admit they were wrong. They would rather die first than to admit they were wrong. Real world results are ignored as feeling and loyalty to the party trumps all other considerations.

Credit where credit is due: Antichrist Obama has been an remarkably successful in so polarizing the public that reconciliation is almost impossible. The country that we were born into is dead and gone. This a fact. The Rule of Law is also dead and gone, replaced by a black robed tyrant ditating that the "law" is what ever I say it says. The culture continues on its downward spiral to promote that brings out the depraved in people.
To put it in Biblical terms, we now live in a society that promotes sinful behavior, and have segment of the population willing to murder you if you much as disagree with them. There is zero doubt in my mind that any of the SJWs, BLM activist, and the Antifa people would commit murder without a second thought, if they thought that they could get away with it. I do take them at their word. I do believe that the racist black activist would kill me because I am white. I do believe that the 3rd wave feminist would kill me just because I am a male. I do believe that the LGBTPDQXYZ activist would kill me just because I believe there are only two genders. They really do hate you and want you dead, and are rabidly determined to make it happen. They lust after genocide. This is the state of the FUSA today.

Charlottesville Donnybrook by Walter E. Williams

Via Billy

Charlottesville, Virginia, a city named after Britain’s first black queen, was the scene of a bloody riot Saturday, Aug. 12. The fray resulted in the death of one woman, who was mowed down by a car; plus, there were many other people injured. Have politicians and the news media told the correct and complete story about what happened, or have Americans been deliberately misled? Let’s look at it.

One does not have to accept the racist and nationalist vision of the Unite the Right organization to recognize and respect its First Amendment rights. Moreover, the group obtained a city permit to hold a peaceful rally to protest the lawful removal of the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from Emancipation Park, formerly known as Lee Park. It was the leftist protesters who did not have a city permit to assemble for a rally on that day. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe said: “There has got to be a movement in this country to bring people together. The hatred and rhetoric that has gone on and has intensified over the last couple months is dividing this great nation.” He denounced “the white supremacists and the Nazis.” However, when asked a question about whether he would include the left-wing, pro-violence antifa in his condemnation, he ignored the question and walked out of the room.

Nullification: Citizens do not need lawyers and judges to tell them what THEIR Constitution means.”

A review of Nullification: Reclaiming the Consent of the Governed by Clyde Wilson, Shotwell Press, 2016.

As a young conservative, I came across ideas like nullification and states’ rights, during my studies.

But they were always passed over, as if they didn’t mean anything anymore. When I read Robert Bork’s excellent book on Originalism, I never saw his unquestioned and unstated premise: that the it is the job of federal judges to decide upon the Constitution. I was never quite so aware of how much we have forgotten about America’s constitutional tradition, as I was when reading Dr. Clyde Wilson’s latest work.

Dr. Wilson’s work Nullification is 10 chapters in length. Most are brief, filled with prose that hits you like a lightweight boxer. No sooner is the reader struck once by a line than another one. Time after time, he takes cherished notions and leaves them in ruins. He fills pages with historical retelling and terse applications of the truth to the present.


Via Billy

Flag of Virginia.svg 
Adopted 1861

This report will not be about the details of what is currently going on in Virginia. Most of what can be said about this has been said.   I have talked to the press from Canada to Great Britain. I have been interviewed by every left wing newspaper, TV network, and radio station from here to the Mississippi.  Travis Toombs, Fred Chiesa and others have done a great job of getting this word out to you, the members of the Virginia Division and even the outside world.

There is only one thing further I wish to say about Charlottesville.  On the evening of August 21st, a council meeting was held in that city.  Even with looking at the news and reading about it, it was difficult to determined the pro or con of those in attendance.  It turned into a free-for-all with the Mayor and Council retreating to a back room.  Judging by quotes and signs, it was apparent that all parties agreed on  one thing.......that all of the violence brought to Charlottesville was the fault of the Mayor and the City Council.  It was evident that this was a self inflected wound by signs telling the council that they had blood on their hands.

There have been questions as to whether or not the Virginia Division is holding a rally.  The answer is yes we are.  Hopefully it will be the largest rally we have ever held in Virginia.  The date will be November 7, 2017.  It will last all day and into the evening.  It will be held at locations all over the State.  These locations are called   Polling one will be more than a mile or two from one of these rally points.  You have no excuse not to be there.

It doesn't matter what you have or haven't done for the cause before. This is your chance to stand up and be counted.   Don't just say "somebody should do something", BE that somebody.  Speaking for the Virginia Division SCV, I am not permitted to tell you how to vote.  You must figure that out on your own.  We can tell you that the candidates from one party have already stated that the Monuments WILL COME DOWN.

They can't wait to get into office to make this happen.  The other party's candidates have stated that they WILL NOT SEEK to take down the monuments or rewrite Virginia history.

This is a major turning point for our State and the Country.  If you have never voted before, vote this time.

If you are not registered, get registered!  If for any reason like minded neighbors can not get to the polls, drive them there yourself.  Get every sane, rational, member of your family to vote.  This is your chance to stop asking about what is being done about the monuments and do something yourself.

If we lose this election, steps will be taken the very next day to remove all our monuments. (ie: repeal the monument protection act)

These monuments, along with the graves of our sacred dead, are the last vestiges we still have of our Heritage.  It is not enough to just vote.  We must tell others to register and vote.  We need 10 even 20 thousand votes.  We can do it!  We must over come the carpet bagger votes from Northern Virginia.
Sad to say, Northern Virginia has become nothing but a puddle of ooze overflowing from the Swamp that is Washington, D.C.

It is up to you now.  You must come to this November 7th rally.  You must bring everyone you can.  With victory on November 8th, we can all sing  "Carry me back to Old Virginia."

We have a chance to save the Virginia that our ancestors fought and died for.  We must not fail them.

                           Sic  Semper Tyrannis                               God Save the Commonwealth        

                        Virginia...The Old Dominion...where Liberty and Independence were born!

B Frank Earnest, Heritage Defense Coordinator, Virginia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans