Saturday, August 26, 2017

NYT: Trump Was Right, They Aren’t Stopping At Confederate Monuments

The New York Times reported Friday that monuments named after historical figures are at risk of being renamed or taken down across the nation, confirming President Trump’s fear that liberal activists won’t stop at taking down Confederate statues.

Following the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, there was an increased call to take down Confederate statues around the country. The white nationalist rally that eventually turned violent was organized in part to save a statue of Robert E. Lee.

“You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name,” Trump said in a press conference that was widely criticized by Republicans and Democrats alike.

“George Washington was a slave owner,” he continued. “So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? Are we going to take down his statue because he was a major slave owner. Are we going to take down his statue?”

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise SGT Carter: Ryan breaks with Trump on Arpaio pardon

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) disagrees with President Trump's decision to pardon former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.

"The speaker does not agree with the decision,” Ryan's spokesman Doug Andres told The Wall Street Journal. “Law-enforcement officials have a special responsibility to respect the rights of everyone in the United States. We should not allow anyone to believe that responsibility is diminished by this pardon.”

More @ The Hill

Christian Group Sues $PLC and Amazon Over 'Hate Group' Designation

Via Jeffery

Southern Poverty Law Center Hate Map

On Tuesday, D. James Kennedy Ministries (DJKM) filed a lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the charity navigation organization GuideStar, and Amazon, for defamation, religious discrimination, and trafficking in falsehood. The SPLC listed DJKM as a "hate group," while GuideStar also categorized it in those terms, and Amazon kept the ministry off of its charity donation program, Amazon Smile.

"We embarked today on a journey to right a terrible wrong," Dr. Frank Wright, president and CEO at DJKM, said in a statement Tuesday. "Those who knowingly label Christian ministries as 'hate' groups, solely for subscribing to the historic Christian faith, are either woefully uninformed or willfully deceitful. In the case of the Southern Poverty Law Center, our lawsuit alleges the latter."

More @ PJ Media

Memphis theater pulls Gone with the Wind after complaints that the Civil War classic is 'racially insensitive'

Via Greg

 'We have literally lost our minds in this country! Let's just erase all the history so we can rewrite it!"

Do you think Gone with the Wind should stop being shown?
  • Yes 6% 37 votes
  • No 94% 604 votes 

'Gone With The Wind' has been pulled from a Memphis theater after patrons complained the 1939 Civil War classic is racially insensitive. The Orpheum Theatre Group made the decision after patrons took issue with the screening of the movie starring Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara on August 11.

'As an organization whose stated mission is to 'entertain, educate and enlighten the communities it serves', the Orpheum cannot show a film that is insensitive to a large segment of its local population,' the theater's operators said in a statement according to News Ch. 3

More @ Daily Mail

Statement by Gary Hunt Regarding the Freedom of the Press – Show Cause Hearing of August 23, 2017

Via Gary

I intended to write an article about the Freedom of the Press hearing in Portland, Oregon.  However, since I had decided to testify, I had mentally prepared to answer cross-examination questions, should they be asked.  My problem in writing this is that the answers given and the answers not given are mingled together in my mind, I can’t quite sort them out and be sure of the accuracy of what I say. 

As to discussing other matters that were brought up, as well as examination and cross-examination of the government’s two witnesses, FBI SA Jason Kruger and FBI SA Matthew Catalano, are also mingled in my mind, as well as much that was presented by both the prosecuting attorney and my able counsel, Michael Rose.

Therefore, I will, at this time, simply give an overview, from my perspective, of what occurred.

Dr. Baruch, CSA Surgeon

In 1862, Simon Baruch graduated from the Virginia Medical College and was assigned assistant surgeon in charge of the Seventh South Carolina Cavalry, and was promoted to surgeon of Gen. William Barksdale’s Thirteenth Mississippi Regiment. He was captured at Boonesboro in 1862, and again at Gettysburg while attending the wounded; the war ended while he was establishing hospitals at Thomasville, North Carolina. His wife Belle (nee Wolfe) was a member of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and in 1925, son Bernard, financier and political advisor, endowed that organization with the Mrs. Simon Baruch University Award to support scholars writing monographs and books on Confederate history.
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

Dr. Baruch, General Robert E. Lee’s Surgeon

“Dr. Simon Baruch, formerly of Camden, SC, now one of the leaders of the medical profession in America, was born on July 29, 1840, at Schwersenz, Prussia. He graduated at the Medical College of Virginia in 1862, and served as a surgeon in the Army of Northern Virginia under General Robert E. Lee for three years.

He practiced medicine in Camden, SC, for fifteen years, was president of the South Carolina Medical Society in 1873, and chairman of the State Board of Health of South Carolina in 1880. Later he removed to New York, where he was physician to the Northeastern Dispensary in 1883-84, and gynecologist to the same dispensary for three years following.

He was physician and surgeon to the New York Juvenile Asylum for thirteen years, having the care of one thousand children, and was chief of the medical staff of the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids for eight years, during which time he organized its medical department, and since that time has been its consulting physician. He is now [1905] professor of hydrotherapy in the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital.

Dr. Baruch diagnosed the first recorded case of perforated appendicitis successfully operated upon, and Dr. J.A. Wyeth stated in a discussion in the New York Academy of Medicine that “the profession and humanity owe more to Dr. Baruch than to any other one man for the development of the surgery of appendicitis.”

It would be impossible within the limits of this short biography to refer in detail to the many achievements of this great physician. One thing, however, might be mentioned, namely, that the successful introduction of free public cleansing baths in the largest cities of the United States is largely the result of his agitation of this subject before medical societies and boards of health.

Dr. Kellogg, in an appreciative biography which he printed in Modern Medicine for May, 1903, has well summed up Dr. Baruch’s work in these words:

“The pioneer work which he has done for physiological therapeutics and rational medicine and in the philanthropic application of hydropathic principles entitles him to a splendid monument which the next generation will doubtless see, and has earned for him a large place in the hearts of all who are interested in the progress of rational medicine . . . He is a man of whom any country might be proud . . . [and] he has devoted his life to the betterment of his fellow-men.”

(The Jews of South Carolina, From the Earliest Times to the Present Day, J.B. Lippincott, 1905, Barnett A. Elzas, excerpts, pp. 268-269)

A Symbol of Heroism to Both North and South,204,203,200_.jpg

Though indicted for treason, Jefferson Davis’s enemies feared his trial as they recognized him as one of the ablest constitutional scholars in America.  After his death in 1889, his wife Varina could not maintain their home in Mississippi and moved to New York to earn a living as a writer. There she wrote a lengthy biography of her husband, and Davis admirer Joseph Pulitzer gave her a weekly column in the New York Sunday World with an annual salary of $1500. When she passed in 1906, Varina Howell Davis was given a heroine’s military funeral and placed beside her husband in Richmond’s Hollywood Cemetery.
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

A Symbol of Heroism to Both North and South

“The saddest lot of all was that of the symbol of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis. Benjamin, ( "I will never be taken alive." Judah P. Benjamin, Secretary of State, CSA NamSouth)
to Dr. Moses Hoge
Mason and Slidell were hateful to the North, but they were beyond the law’s long arm. Davis had to bear the brunt of Yankee wrath – which included becoming the scapegoat for the assassination of Lincoln. The popular song with the refrain “We’ll hang Jeff Davis from a sour apple tree” was almost euphemistic; the most horrible forms of Oriental torture were what the South’s enemies had in mind.

The indignities began when Davis was captured by federal troops . . . [and] the humiliation was no worse than the physical rigors that followed. The Davises were thrown into a dark prison van. Their belongings, from gold to baby clothes, were looted and Northern troops snatched away food intended for the Davis children. The soldiers exposed themselves to Varina Davis.

En route to prison, the Davises received one touching gesture while locked in a hotel room in Savannah. The black waiter who brought their food tray hid, under the cover, a bunch of beautiful red roses and tearfully expressed his sorrow at what had happened to the Davises and to the South.

While the family remained in the hotel, Davis was taken incommunicado to Fort Monroe in Virginia, a stronghold known as the Gibralter of the Chesapeake. Not wanting to take any chances, the federal commander there surrounded Davis with an entire garrison of troops and locked him in heavy chains in a viewless, tiny cell.

His only furniture was an iron cot, his only utensil a wooden spoon, his only rations unchewable boiled beef, stale bread, and water. Squeaky-shoed soldiers marched around him twenty-four hours a day; we was never allowed a private moment. Guards even stood around him when he used the portable toilet that was brought into his cell. Davis’s only company was a mouse he made his pet.

Davis, always a sick man, nearly wasted away. He had been indicted for treason, but was never brought to trial. Habeas corpus and all other basic rights were denied, and he was left to languish in the darkness.

Davis was the only Confederate leader who remained incarcerated – he was doing penance for the entire South. In 1868, after even Northern sentiment was outraged at his unusual punishment, he was freed and reunited with his family. For his dignity under the most horrid of conditions, he won a martyr’s reputation throughout the South, giving inspiration to the thousands suffering through the abject poverty of the postbellum period; any stigma of having lost the war was lost.

Their sons all died, the first in an accidental fall from a balcony, another of diphtheria, and the third of yellow fever. Their daughter, Varina Anne, or “Winnie,” had been crowned by Southern war veterans as the “daughter of the Confederacy.” However, she alienated the entire South when she fell in love with a Harvard-trained Syracuse attorney whose grandfather had been a prominent abolitionist. The affair killed her father in 1889, and nearly 15,000 thronged to his funeral. Davis had outlived nearly all his enemies and had become a symbol of heroism to both North and South.

Out of respect, Winnie called the marriage off and never wed.”

(A Class By Themselves; the Untold Story of the Great Southern Families, William Stadiem, Crown Publishers, 1980, excerpts, pp. 130-132)

Map: Border walls rise around the world

Via Billy

#TheEconomist ..... ‪#‎Dailychart‬: Europe will soon have more physical barriers on its national borders than it did during the Cold War. Today, Hungary completed a fence along its border with Serbia. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, 40 countries around the world have built fences against 64 of their neighbours.
 Click at link below.

President Trump made his banner campaign promise to build a wall along the nation's entire 2,000-mile border with Mexico, suggesting that he would shut down the government if Congress doesn't fund the project.

While Trump has been criticized for the idea, and derided for his vow to make Mexico pay for it, he is far from the first modern-day leader to want to wall off his country. Since the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, dozens of countries have gone on a massive barrier-building campaign, with the number of border walls soaring from 15 then to about 70 now. Many countries have decided to build walls in the wake of the Arab Spring and the Syrian refugee crisis, while others are trying to counter terrorists or fear Russian invasions.

More with video @ Washington Examiner

Charlottesville hires former U.S. Attorney to review city's response to white nationalist rallies
He was appointed by Obama..............

Charlottesville has hired Tim Heaphy, former U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia, to lead a review of recent events in the city.

Heaphy, a partner with the international law firm of Hunton & Williams LLP, will lead an independent, external review of the city's response to the May 13 torch-light rally at Emancipation Park, the July 8 rally of the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan at Justice Park and the Aug. 12 Unite the Right rally at Emancipation Park.

More @ Richmond

J.E.B. Stuart Monument in Richmond Vandalized Overnight

Via Susan

Just before 7:00 a.m. this morning, an early morning monument patrol discovered that the J.E.B Stuart monument on Monument Avenue in Richmond had been vandalized.  Our last report from Monument Guards the night before meant that the crime occurred sometime in the hours just before dawn  Our folks contacted Richmond Police who immediately arrived on the scene and let us know that cleaning crews were on the way.  What we thought might be engine oil of some sort, turned out to be pine tar, which made the removal a bit more challenging.

Crews have been working all day, and we have had Monument Guards on the scene.  As of 3:00 this afternoon, much progress has been made, with several crews on the scene and removal almost complete.

The Va Flaggers would like to express our thanks to the Richmond Police Department and the City of Richmond for their prompt attention to the desecration of the memorial.

Why wasn't Virginia Law which makes concealing one's face with a mask in public, a felony, not enforced?

A Virginia law — unenforced Saturday — makes it a felony to conceal one’s identity with a mask in public places.

If you are sucked into the argument of who’s condemning the right face of hate, you’ve been led down a dead end.

Defining which is worse — ANTIFA, BLM or white supremacy — is pointless. They are one in the same — all ideologies of hate and division. Hate will always be with us and so will these fringe groups. Can we ever as humans eradicate or categorize hate? All hate is evil.

The real travesty and the point of our condemnation, especially for Virginians, should be the breakdown of law and order and those elected officials entrusted with protecting the public. Why are we now hearing reports the police pulled back in Charlottesville like they did in San Jose or that two clashing demonstrations were allowed to merge like in Berkeley? Why was Virginia Code 18.2-422 not enforced?

                                                              More @ Fauquier Now

Black Professor Suspended for stating some members in the Black Lives Matter group “should be hung.”

Via Billy

An Arizona university professor has been suspended over controversial comments he made about Black Lives Matter activists nearly a year ago.

Professor Toby Jennings of Grand Canyon University ignited a firestorm recently after the university posted a link to a ministry forum from last September in which he said that some members in the Black Lives Matter group “should be hung.”

“They are saying things that are not helpful in any shape or form or human dignity or flourishing,” the African-American professor said during the forum, which was videotaped.

More @ Fox

"ISIS would be proud" PJW

Via Iver

Vandals today beheaded the statue of Revolutionary War hero Colonel William Crawford that stands outside the Crawford County Courthouse in Ohio.


This attack comes after Alt-Left protesters have vandalized and destroyed statues around the country.

Charlottesville and Its Aftermath: What if It Was a Setup?

Via John

The "founder" of Unite The Right, Jason Kessler.He sees himself as a professional provocateur. What if he was a ringer, a phony who revels in riling up some crazy people for some political purpose?  


The ridiculous campaign by virtually every media outlet, every Democrat and far too many squishy Republicans to label Trump some kind of  racist and Nazi sympathizer is beginning to have the stink of an orchestrated smear.   The conflagration in Charlottesville is beginning to feel like a set-up, perhaps weeks or months in the planning.  Planned by whom?  Time may tell.  We know that Michael Signer, the mayor of Charlottesville, declared his city to be the "capital of the resistance" just after Trump's inauguration.  We know that Gov. Terry McAuliffe is a corruptocrat, joined at the hip to the Clintons.  He pardoned sixty-thousand felons in order to ensure he delivered his state to the presidential election of Hillary Clinton.  We know he would like to run for president himself.

Forensic Expert Confirms; Heather Heyer Was NOT Murdered

Via comment by Weaver on Mitch McConnell is Steve Bannon's top priority: 'I...

 Heyer’s body does not look like it has sustained trauma, even after the charger struck the car in front of it. This could mean that Heyer was climbing on the hood/windshield of the gray car before the impact. Additionally, there was no damage to the car hood or windshield caused by the impact of Heyer’s body. 
During the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 12-13, 2017, violence broke out at what was intended to be a peaceful rally, which had been held legally with a permit. The culprit of the violence? Despite what the mainstream media has parroted, violence at the rally ensued when counter-protesters appeared to speak against the conservative rally’s cause, wielding baseball bats and homemade flamethrowers. Perhaps the most unfortunate damage brought on by radical left-wing counter-protectors was the death of Heather Heyer, which occurred after the leftists began to demolish the car of the infamous James Fields, who then panicked and ran over Heyer in a frenzy. 

However, according to a forensic expert who chooses to remain anonymous, she was not murdered by collision with Fields’s car.

More @ Squawker

Media's 'crazy' attack on Trump is top fail of the week

Via Billy

Journalists and pundits claim they to want to tamp down national anger. Then they turn around and push the most dangerous rhetoric I’ve seen in my lifetime – the absurd claim that President Trump is mentally unstable.

Claims about alleged Russian “collusion” with the Trump campaign haven’t succeeded at unseating President Trump, though that was the intention of many journalists.

So the news media used the events in Charlottesville to move on – to racism, blaming President Trump for every real or perceived racial slight in the nation. Essentially, a complete reversal from how they treated President Obama.

More @ Fox

The White Right Rises

One reason Donald Trump won last year’s election was that he was widely perceived as the white candidate.  This marked something more important than his election: the rise of white political consciousness.  As other racial and ethnic groups have done for some time (“La Raza” means “The Race”), whites are increasingly defining themselves by race rather than class.  Like other groups, they perceive they have group interests as whites and they are willing to work and vote for those interests.  This is entirely legitimate. 

But why are whites seeing their interests best served by the right rather than the left?  Because the left is now dominated by cultural Marxists, and cultural Marxism defines all whites as evil “oppressors.”  

Just as classical economic Marxism labelled all capitalists and landlords as evil, regardless of what individuals did (many cared about and for their employees), so cultural Marxism considers all whites bad to the bone (unless, maybe, they are gay).  Whites are supposed to do nothing but grovel endlessly in the dirt before “people of color”, apologizing for being white. 

Statement from Board of Trustees on Confederate Monument++

Via Sister Anne

As the current and former chairs, we are writing to address misinformation about the state law governing the Confederate Monument, commonly referred to as Silent Sam, and to express our support for the ways the chancellor and the University have been handling this complex matter.

We are making this statement because we are surprised and disappointed at the misinterpretations and false narratives regarding the University’s legal options on this situation.

Our Office of University Counsel and UNC General Administration have advised Chancellor Carol L. Folt that the University does not have the legal authority to move the monument, and the Board agrees with that interpretation of the law, North Carolina General Statute 100-2.1.

Furthermore, we have received guidance from Louis Bissette Jr., chair of the UNC Board of Governors, agreeing with our assertion that, despite a differing opinion from the governor, we have not been given the green light by anyone with authority to relocate the statue. Any suggestion that we have unilateral authority is inaccurate. Any legal options available to us will be guided by discussions with the Board of Governors.

More @ UNC

UNC trustee leaders defend Folt for not removing Silent Sam Confederate statue - Charlotte Observer