Thursday, November 23, 2017

Why Stalin Starved Ukraine

Anne Applebaum's new book tells of an atrocity and cover-up that shape today's politics.

History is a battleground, perennially fought over, endlessly contested. Nowhere does this aphorism hold true more than in Russia. A majority of Russians recently voted Joseph Stalin the “most outstanding person” in world history (followed, naturally, by current President Vladimir Putin). No longer the monster of the gulags and purges that killed millions, Stalin now looms in the national consciousness as the giant who defeated the Nazis in World War II. Meanwhile, not only has Russia annexed Crimea and destabilized Ukraine’s eastern regions, its military adventurism has also extended to Syria. Putin, who once described the collapse of the USSR as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe” of the twentieth century, looks determined to avenge the humiliations of Russia’s post-Soviet implosion. Integral to this endeavor is not just to flex the country’s geopolitical might in the present but to re-write its past.

It is this point that makes the historiography of the USSR—a subject worthy of deep study in itself—so relevant today.

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Israeli Astrophysicist rejects UN IPCC – Finds ‘the sun completely overturns the way we should see global warming’

Why no one is talking about Trump’s game-changing deal

Via David

Bad news travels fast. Good news, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to travel at all.

Last weekend in Beijing, as part of his 12-day trip to Asia, President Trump announced that the US and China had signed an $83.7 billion memorandum of understanding to create a number of petrochemical projects in West Virginia over the next 20 years.

If the agreement holds tight, it is an economic game changer for the state.

And yet, speaking to the locals here, you wouldn’t even know it had happened.

NC youth football league raffles AR-15 to raise money for upcoming trip
A youth football league in Gaston County found a way to finance a team’s upcoming playoff trip, and not everyone approved of how the funds were raised.

League leaders raffled off an AR-15 live on Facebook to support the Optimist Pee Wee team from Stanley, WSOC-TV reported. Players were encouraged to thank people who purchased raffle tickets, according to the report.

Read more here: @ The Raleigh News and Obsercer

Media disdain for Sarah Sanders gets personal

Via Billy

Several high-profile columnists and writers have torn into Sanders over the last few weeks to mock her appearance, the way she talks, and most recently, an alleged disdain she showed the press by asking them at a briefing this week to say why they are thankful this holiday season. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

The national media’s relationship with White House press secretary Sarah Sanders has taken on a new tension over the last month, as journalists and news commentators have grown more and more personal in their hostility toward the Trump administration’s top spokeswoman.

Several high-profile columnists and writers have torn into Sanders over the last few weeks to mock her appearance, the way she talks, and most recently, an alleged disdain she showed the press by asking them at a briefing this week to say why they are thankful this holiday season.

Trump: The President at War

 Via Billy


Political warriors Steve Bannon and Pat Caddell explain the keys to Trump's victory at Restoration Weekend.

Fun with IQ: Deep Thought

Once upon a time in America the ruling  dwarves, mostly psychologists, sociologists, academics, and suchlike riffraff,  held that all people were equal in everything, that men and women were identical, as were all races, ethnic groups, and cultures. Criticizing any of this could, and did, lead to firing, ostracism, and having to suffer crowds of mental defectives waving placards.

Resistance arose, the resisters calling themselves Race Realists or adherents of the Human-Biodiversity movement, HBD. These were brave people who tried to deal in observation, measurement, and reality–at first. They noticed that groups who were supposed to be equal weren’t.  Actually, most people had probably noticed the same things, these being obvious, but the Race Realists actually said so. A great wrath fell upon them.

Two things happened.

Fake News Alert: Trump Not Getting Rich from Office, Sacrificing Fortune to MAGA

Via Billy

From literally the first moment after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, liberals have been citing the “emoluments clause” of the United States Constitution to contend that Trump is illegally benefiting from foreign powers as president by virtue of his Trump Organization and its international hotels.

But as it turns out, just like that $400,000 salary Trump keeps donating back, the presidency is a money-losing proposition in the business sense too. But Trump is clearly not in it for the money.

According to the U.K. Telegraph, the room rates for the hotel chain that bears Trump’s brand have dropped, by more than 60 percent in some cases, from the time Trump took office.