Sunday, January 21, 2018

Same-sex-sick active-duty couple marries at West Point

Via Billy
 A disgrace to the memory of Robert Edward Lee and Thomas Jonathan  Jackson.

Two Army captains who met at West Point returned there to be married, in what is believed to be the first same-sex marriage of active-duty personnel at the storied New York military academy.

The New York Times reported Captains Daniel Hall, 30, and Vincent Franchino, 26, both Apache helicopter pilots stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, were married at West Point's Cadet Chapel on Jan. 13.

The men met at the school in August 2009, when Franchino was a freshman and Hall was a senior. Their first date was in February 2012 in Washington, some months after the "don't ask, don't tell" policy was repealed in September 2011.

More @ Yahoo

ICE Is Enforcing Deportation Orders Against High-Profile Illegal Immigrant Activists

Via Billy

Ravi Ragbir, the director of the New Sanctuary Coalition, speaks at a rally, to show solidarity with the countless individuals affected by deportation, March 9, 2017 in New York.  KENA BETANCUR/AFP/Getty Images

Immigration authorities have detained in recent weeks two prominent activists who are themselves illegal immigrants, demonstrating the Trump administration’s commitment to expand the pool of deportable aliens.

The arrested men have openly lived in the U.S. for years and have until recently enjoyed a de facto immunity from deportation, thanks to their status as high-profile immigrants’ rights activists.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have denied the arrests are politically motivated, but they clearly show that immigration agents are now emboldened to arrest even the most connected of illegal immigrants.

Sharyl Attkisson: Was Lynch coordinating with Comey in the Clinton investigation?

Attorney General Loretta Lynch knew well in advance of FBI Director James Comey's 2016 press conference that he would recommend against charging Hillary Clinton, according to information turned over to the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Friday.

The revelation was included in 384 pages of text messages exchanged between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and it significantly diminishes the credibility of Lynch's earlier commitment to accept Comey's recommendation — a commitment she made under the pretense that the two were not coordinating with each other.

And it gets worse. Comey and Lynch reportedly knew that Clinton would never face charges even before the FBI conducted its three-hour interview with Clinton, which was supposedly meant to gather more information into her mishandling of classified information.

On July 1, 2016, as the Lynch announcement became public, Page texted Strzok:

More @ The Hill

The Obama Administration's 'Brazen Plot To Exonerate Hillary Clinton' Starting To Seep Out

A former federal prosecutor says the truth is starting to seep out about the Obama Administration’s “brazen plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton” and “frame an incoming president with a false Russian conspiracy,” according to an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation. Joe diGenova, a former federal prosecutor, connects the dots on former Obama administration Justice Department and FBI officials who may have “violated the law, perhaps committed crimes” to politicize law enforcement and surveillance against political opponents. He says former FBI Director James Comey conducted a fake criminal investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as they “followed none of the regular rules, gave her every break in the book, immunized all kinds of people, allowed the destruction of evidence, with no grand jury, no subpoenas, no search warrants. That’s not an investigation. That’s a Potemkin village. It’s a farce.”

DiGenova condemned the FBI for working so closely with the controversial Fusion GPS, a political hit squad paid by the DNC and Clinton campaign to create and spread the discredited Steele dossier about President Donald Trump. Without a justifiable law enforcement or national security reason, he says, the FBI “created false facts so that they could get surveillance warrants. Those are all crimes.” He adds, using official FISA-702 “queries” and surveillance was done “to create a false case against a candidate, and then a president.” In this highly detailed video interview, he holds up an unreported April 2017 99-page FISA court opinion that “describes systematic and on-going violations of the law [by the FBI and their contractors using unauthorized disclosures of raw intelligence on Americans]. This is stunning stuff.” DiGenova thinks Fusion GPS and Crowdstrike, the DNC’s private security firm, were among the redacted contractors of the FBI.

House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, who knows who the redacted contractors were, may release more information. Was Fusion GPS pitching and funding journalists to run smear and propaganda campaigns for the Democrats? DiGenova says journalists were definitely paid by Fusion GPS. If it is true, he says, “it’s the complete antithesis of American journalism and the first amendment.” -- “Law enforcement is being corrupted and media is being bought,” portends badly he says. Noting the elite media’s supposed outrage about governmental power and institutions during Watergate, diGenova says “the only thing the American journalism community seems to care about now is destroying Donald Trump.”

In the interview, diGenova discusses the heroism of NSA Admiral Mike Rogers who briefed Trump when he was president-elect, on Nov. 17, 2016 about the controversial governmental surveillance. This resulted, he says, in Trump’s presidential transition being moving out of Trump Tower to Bedminster, N.J., until it could be debugged. The litigator also discusses the Uranium One scandal, the “tainted” Mueller special counsel investigation and the heroism of Nunes, who is under intense pressure from a united Democrat front. DiGenova has no doubt that if Democrats gain control in November, there will be an effort to impeachTrump. The Democrats are trying to delay any efforts by Republicans to find the truth. “It’s important for the House to complete its work now,” he says.

Go! Go! : EU BOMBSHELL: Macron admits France would vote to LEAVE EU if country held referendum


Emmanuel Macron has sent shockwaves throughout Europe after he conceded that French voters would quit the EU if France held an in/out referendum on the Brussels-led bloc.

No other European Union country has risked putting membership of the bloc to a public vote since Britain surprised member-states by voting to leave the bloc in 2016.

More with video @ Express

Paul Ryan: Senate Dems Choose Filibuster Then 'Blame Everybody Else' : Trump: Go Nuclear
 Is that Nixon's dog.....? :)

House Speaker Paul Ryan on Sunday blasted Democrats in the upper chamber for filibustering votes on key issues — and then blaming “the dysfunction on everybody else.”

In an interview on CBS News’ “Face The Nation,” the Wisconsin Republican said Democrats are blocking votes even on issues they support.
"[T]he senate Democrats have chosen [to] filibuster CHIP, filibuster appropriations, filibuster getting these things done then blame the dysfunction on everybody else,” he said, referring to the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

“The point I'm trying to makes if you want to get these problems solved, open up the government, resume negotiations and let's solve these problems. The Democrats filibuster even considering these bills and that is why we have this big pile up.”

On Sunday morning, President Donald Trump tweeted Senate Republicans should go "nuclear" if the government shutdown continues, changing Senate rules to allow legislation to pass with a simple majority instead of 60 votes. 

More @ Newsmax

“Reichsbürger” Planning to Build an Army

Via Tom

Tension is growing in Germany, Europe’s largest country, following Angela Merkel’s disastrous abandonment of the German national border. Since September 2015 millions of predominantly illegal immigrants have entered the country, living off German state welfare payments and occupying newly-constructed housing estates the German government has been building for them.

In reaction to the waves of rapes, — especially gang rapes, where the victims have included both men and women — daily stabbings, murders, nail bombings, suicide bombing and attacks using heavy goods vehicles, a right left -wing group known as the “Reichsbürger” has grown enormously.

In the last 12 months, this group, which refuses to recognise Angela Merkel’s government, has grown officially from 10,000 to 15,600 in a single year. As violence continues to spread across the continent, new members are being recruited weekly.

The German Federal Homeland Security Agency (Verfassungsschutz) has indications that the “Reichsbürger” (named after Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich) are armed and dangerous.

More @ Gates of Vienna

The South and Northern Finance Imperialism

One of the outcomes of the devastation and destruction was a need for Southern men to find employment and rebuild their impoverished section, thought  this most often meant working under the direction of the conqueror. Though Lee refused “to accept a sinecure from a Northern business concern,” many former Confederate officers became the agents or attorneys of the invading capitalists and “took action that had all the earmarks of scalawagism”, in the words of the author below.
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

The South and Northern Finance Imperialism

“One of the prices the South pays for its progressive industrialization is increasing servitude to Northern capital. New York has grown into the most autocratic city-state of modern times, with the Southern province of the United States as one of its important colonies.

The great financial houses of that and kindred cities control most of the region’s strategic industries, having sent out a second and third generation of carpetbaggers to found factories or to purchase those already existing. The Southern industries owned and controlled by outsiders include the region’s railroads, its coal fields, its iron reserves, its electric power, and its gas, Sulphur, and oil sources.

The existence of Northern patent monopolies and the absence of local machine manufacturing permit outside direction even of industries locally owned. The South manufactures its own cast-iron pipes, steel rails and bridges, and oils, but not its hardware, locomotives, automobiles, clocks, radios, dynamos, drugs, and many other finished products requiring the highest skill to produce and bringing in the highest profits.

Retail profits are siphoned out of the section by Northern-owned chain stores. The Southern businessman usually is a mere factor or agent of Northern principals, who control both production and distribution. His function is to sell [Northern articles] endeared to the Southern public through advertising. Some of these articles are as worthless as the wooden nutmegs the Yankee peddler is said to have imposed upon the public in ante-bellum times.

In 1937, economist David Coyle estimated that the South was paying out a billion dollars annually in excess of its income. It balanced its credit by selling property to investors from other sections of the country, by borrowing, by going bankrupt, and by destroying forests and lands to secure immediate incomes.

The possibility of the South revolting against its debtor status, in the manner of the Revolutionary planters against their British creditors, is ruled out by the outcome of the Civil War. That Southern leaders are able to reconcile the sons and grandsons of those who followed Robert E. Lee and William Jennings Bryan to the economic domination of the North caused Benjamin Kendrick to cry out bitterly in 1942:

“We are confronted by a paradox more amazing and ironical than any ever conjured by the imagination of Gilbert and Sullivan. The people of the South, who all their lives have suffered deprivation, want, and humiliation from an outside finance imperialism, followed with hardly a murmur of protest, leaders who, if indirectly, were nonetheless agents and attorneys of the imperialists.” What was true in 1942 is truer thirty years later.”

(The Everlasting South, Francis Butler Simkins, LSU Press, 1963, excerpt pp. 55-57)

Kabul Intercontinental Hotel siege leaves more than 40 dead, Afghanistan official says

Via Billy

A man tries to escape from a balcony at Kabul's Intercontinental Hotel during an attack by gunmen in Kabul, Afghanistan January 21, 2018. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani - RC17C640EB00

More than 40 people were killed after Taliban gunmen stormed the Intercontinental Hotel in Afghanistan's capital on Saturday, a government official told Fox News on Sunday.

The assault by six "heavily-armed" assailants pinned down security forces for more than 13 hours before the last attacker was killed, as guests were forced to flee the building while parts of the structure caught fire.

Some guests couple be seen shimmying down tied-together bedsheets from upper-floor windows, while others were rescued by Afghan forces. The heavily-guarded luxury hotel is popular among foreigners and Afghan officials.

More @ Fox


The following was written by historian H.V. “Bo” Traywick, Jr., author of “Empire of the Owls, Reflections on the North’s War Against Southern Secession” (2103, Dementi Milestone Publishing).  In his frontpiece of that volume, Traywick presents a quote from Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America: “If the Union were to undertake to enforce by arms, the allegiance of the confederate States by military means, it would be in a position very analogous to that of England at the time of the War of Independence.”
Bernhard Thuersam,


By H. V. Traywick, Jr.

“Yea, they would pare the mountain to the plain to leave an equal baseness.” – Tennyson

The crusade against Confederate monuments is nothing more than political posturing and virtue signaling based upon a colossal lie known as The Myth of American History, which proclaims that “The Civil War was all about slavery, the righteous North waged it to free the slaves, and the evil South fought to keep them. End of story. Any questions?”

Well, yes. Something doesn’t compute, here. If the North were waging a war on slavery, why didn’t she wage war on New England cotton mills and their profits from slave-picked cotton? Or on New York and Boston, the largest African slave-trading ports in the world according to the January 1862 New York Journal of Commerce?

Or on Northern shipyards that outfitted the slave ships? Or on New England distilleries that made rum from slave-harvested sugar cane to use for barter on the African coast? Or on the African slavers themselves, such as the Kingdom of Dahomey, who captured their fellow Africans and sold them into slavery in the first place?

And why did Abraham Lincoln launch the bloodiest war in the history of the Western Hemisphere to drive Southern slavery back into the Union? And why did his Emancipation Proclamation – a desperate war measure that did not free a single slave not behind Confederate lines, and which was not issued until halfway through the war when the South was winning it – say that slavery was alright as long as one was loyal to his government?

And why did he – an avowed and documented White Supremacist – work until the day he died trying to deport to South America those Blacks who were freed by it?  And why was slavery legal in the United States throughout the war?

Do not make the common mistake of confusing the many causes of secession – including the slavery issues – with the single cause of the war, which was secession itself! That, was what the war was “about”! With the South’s agrarian “Cotton Kingdom” out of the Union and set up as a free trade Confederacy on her doorstep, the North’s industrial “Mercantile Kingdom” would collapse!

So Lincoln launched an armada against Charleston Harbor to provoke South Carolina into firing the first shot, and got the war he wanted to drive the “Cotton Kingdom” back into the Union at the point of the bayonet.

Virginia, “The Mother of States and of Statesmen,” had stood solidly for the voluntary Union of sovereign States to which she had acceded, but when Lincoln called for Virginia troops to carry out his unholy errand of coercion and conquest, Virginia refused, indicted Lincoln for inaugurating civil war, immediately seceded on principle, and joined the Southern Confederacy. The rest is history, although it has been perverted into what Voltaire called “the propaganda of the victorious.”

Results? For the North? “The Gilded Age.” For the South? Grinding poverty in a land laid waste. For the Blacks? Recently uncovered documents show that between 1862 and 1870 estimates of as many as a million ex-slaves, or twenty-five percent of the population, died or became seriously ill from disease, starvation, and neglect under their Northern “liberators”!

Freed from their master’s care, Lincoln, “The Great Emancipator,” had told them to “root hog, or die.” Black enfranchisement, like Black emancipation, was not the North’s objective, but merely an incidental tool to secure the North’s conquest and political power, and once secured, the North abandoned her Black puppets to the upheaval she had wrought in Southern society and turned her attention to the Plains Indians, who were in the way of her trans-continental railroads. Freedom?

Union at the point of the bayonet is slavery to an imperialist government. Equality? Chronic Black riots in segregated Northern ghettos speak for themselves, but they keep Desperate White Liberals busy with crusades designed to divert Black attention onto Southern scapegoats.

The latest are attacks on Confederate monuments honoring men who defended our homeland against invasion, conquest, and a coerced political allegiance to a perverted government – just as their fathers had done in 1776 when the thirteen slaveholding colonies, from Massachusetts to Georgia, seceded from the British Empire.

But know the Truth: You may tear down every Confederate monument on the planet and it won’t change a thing.

So then what? Who will be the next target for these Perpetually Aggrieved Crusaders?  This essay offers some suggestions, but the Truth of our history expressed herein evidently does not comport with their agenda, nor with the politics of our multi-cultural Empire.”

Faustian Rome: The Indo-European Nature of the Roman Republic

Via Frank


In his monumental tome, The History of Rome, the historian Titus Livius wrote, “There is nothing man will not attempt when great enterprises hold out the promise of great rewards,” and in the annuals of human history nowhere is this aphorism truer than when one examines the nature of Faustian Europe and its rich diversity of constituent peoples.[1] In more specific terms, and as articulated quite definitively by Prof. Ricardo Duchesne, the uniqueness of Faustian Europe lays not with its institutions, but with the primordial drive of Faustian Man to overcome all that constrains him in the eternal quest for immortal fame.

[2] Returning to Titus Livy, in his history of Rome the historian was exploring not only the meteoric rise of ancient Rome, but rather attempting to ascertain the exact reasoning behind the nature of Roman hegemony. Livy’s Rome was one of transition, the historian himself being born in 64 B.C. and dying 17 A.D., and as such had lived through the tumult of the Late Republic and bore witness to Rome’s imperial rebirth under Augustus Caesar. [3] Moreover, the nature of the age that Livy had lived through was a period of “transition” not only of governmental forms, from republic to empire, but more importantly was the beginning of Roman deviation from the racio-cultural values which underpinned the Faustian nature of Europe. When European man is truest to himself, it is when he and his civilization exist in harmony with his Indo-European, Faustian nature. When deviation from this historical, dare I say cosmic reality occurs, it is a prerequisite for civilizational chaos. In the historical context of Republican Rome, it was the transition from republic to empire, and the accompanying degenerative racio-cultural changes, which deviated from the Indo-European nature of the Faustian soul of Europe, which laid the foundation for Rome’s future collapse.

“The entire Mueller investigation is a sham built on a lie on top of a foundation of corruption.”

Via Billy

Dozens of Republicans are calling on the House Intelligence Committee to release an explosive memorandum detailing the activities of the Department of Justice and the FBI surrounding the surveillance of the Trump transition team.

“It is imperative that this information be made available to the public,” Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., told the Todd Starnes Radio Show.

More @ Fox

Byron York: Amid shutdown, House GOP shows intense interest in Trump dossier memo

Via Billy

Some of the Republicans who appear frequently on television, like Jim Jordan and Ron DeSantis, have reacted strongly to the memo's contents. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
"Having read the memo I was shocked, absolutely shocked — shocked and disappointed," said Rep. George Holding, a former United States attorney from North Carolina who often used FISA in his former work.

Of course the government shutdown is topic No. 1 on Capitol Hill this weekend; that's why lawmakers, normally spread across the country in their states and districts, are in Washington on a Saturday and Sunday. But in the House of Representatives, concern about the shutdown is nearly matched by interest in something else: the memo, produced by Republicans on the Intelligence Committee, detailing so-called "FISA abuse" in connection with the Trump dossier and the larger Trump-Russia affair.

A steady stream of lawmakers, almost all of them Republicans, has been visiting a secure room in the Capitol, where they are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement before reading the four-page memo. So far, more than 180 out of 241 GOP members of the House have read the document. That is an extraordinary level of interest, given that there is a government shutdown going on.

Mulvaney: Trump won't 'weaponize' shutdown like Obama team did & WH OK with Senate GOP going nuclear to end shut down +

Via Billy

White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney tried Sunday to calm Americans’ fears about the government shutdown, vowing those going to work Monday won’t see a “dramatic difference” because President Trump isn’t trying to “weaponize” the situation like the Obama administration did in 2013. 

“The effects won’t actually be as visible as they were as in 2013,” Mulvaney told “Fox News Sunday.” “Keep in mind that in 2013, the only way I can describe it, was the Obama administration chose to weaponize the shutdown. They wanted it to be showy. They went out of their way to hurt more people and to be more visible.”

More @ Fox


Statement on Burn's 'Vietnam' by helicopter pilot who served 11 years in the VNAF

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Vietnam Veterans: Good Guys, Good Deeds In South Vietnam

♦ Sadly, nowadays there are still many of those willing to help spread the 'poison of the VC propaganda' for money or other reason? The so-called 'The Vietnam War' film is a perfect example that expects to influence American people: The U.S. soldiers were summarily judged as the 'immoral actors' during VN War.

♦ Contrary to this deceitful propaganda material, the following photos and Richard Borcicky's statement are evidences to prove that the U.S. troops were 'good guys' who made so many good deeds in South VN:

"I would like to clear up some misconceptions that all the military were murderers of innocent villagers that is presumed by many who just watched “The Vietnam War by Ken Burns”.

I was with the 1st Marine Air Wing at Marine Air Group 16, Marble Mountain, Vietnam. I never saw or heard of anyone committing such a crime as the killing children and women in the year I was there and that was 1969/1970.

I was highly disappointed in the video not speaking of the good deeds that were done by the military for the Vietnamese people. Example: Doctors and Corpsman would volunteer their weekends and go out to the villages and orphanages to care for the sick. Some of the children we would send to the naval hospital ship just off the coast.

So with this said, Please don’t think everyone that served in Vietnam were baby and women killers. If anyone died it was because of a combat fight and not murdered".


♦ Today, like millions of other witnesses, I must say the above Richard Borcicky's statement is accurate. It is so simple, because I was a helicopter pilot and served 11 years in the VNAF: During the period 1964-1972 (ARVN soldiers and U.S. troops were side by side to fight against brutal communist aggressors); I saw or heard of U.S. troops doing many good things to the Vietnamese people. These 150 photos are  historical evidences.

--Do Lam Son