Saturday, April 14, 2018

My Life Changing Drive to Dixieland and What I Learned Part 1: VETERANS


My time driving in North Carolina and other southern states in 2016 was truly educational, historic......and somewhat emotional. I realized returning home that I wouldn't be able to describe the trip in a single article. I sincerely hope these articles reflect the absolutely spectacular hospitality I received, the terrific Southerners I encountered, and the effect the trip had on me.

More @ SAS

Two Sets Of Rules

Via Billy

Image result for Two Sets Of Rules clintons

It should be abundantly clear to most of us who inhabit this  sinful world that, when it comes to real justice, mostly, there is “just us” and no one else to  help. I have often watched Sean Hannity on Fox News refer to what we have in this country as a “two-tiered system of justice.” Mr. Hannity is right on target. That is exactly what we have–one set of rules for us ordinary peons and entirely another set for those who are the Elite–the Deep State, the Establishment, or whatever you choose to call them
What we would be thrown in the  slammer for they automatically get a “get out of jail card” for. They are not held to the same standards as we are. It’s almost like “We, because of our ‘eliteness’ deserve to be treated better than you great unwashed rabble, because, after all, we are special and the rest of you are so common.” It’s like they are the “enlightened” ones while we are the “deplorables”–in the words of one of their most well-known (and devious).

America’s Crisis of Nationalism

 Image result for (Lord Acton: The Historian as Thinker; In Defense of Tradition, Collected Shorter Writings of Richard M. Weaver,

John Dalberg-Acton (1834-1902) was an English historian, politician and writer who was sympathetic toward the American Confederacy as he saw its constituent States defending themselves against an oppressive centralized government under Lincoln. He noted that though the United States had begun as a federated republic of sovereign States, it was fast becoming a centralized democracy operating on simple majority rule – “the tyrannical principle of the French Revolution.”
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

America’s Crisis of Nationalism

“The French Revolution constitutes a dividing line in history, before which the concept of nationality did not exist. “In the old European system, the rights of nationalities were neither recognized by governments not asserted by the people.” Frontiers were determined by the interests of ruling families. Absolutists cared only for the state and liberals only for the individual. The idea of nationality in Europe was awakened by the partition of Poland.

This event left, for the first time, a nation desiring to be united as a state – a soul wandering in search of a body, as [Lord] Acton put it. The absolutist governments which had divided up Poland – Russia, Prussia, and Austria – were to encounter two hostile forces, the English spirit of liberty and the doctrines of the French Revolution. These two forces supported the nascent idea of nationality, but they did so along different paths.

When the absolutist government of France was overthrown, the people needed a new principle of unity. Without this, the theory of popular will could have broken the country into as many republics as there were communes.

At this point the theory of the sovereignty of the people was used to create an idea of nationality independent of the course of history. France became a Republic One and Indivisible. This signified that no part could speak for whole. The central power simply obeyed the whole. There was a power supreme over the state, distinct from and independent of its members. Hence there developed a concept of nationality free from all influence of history.

The revolution of 1848, though unsuccessful, promoted the idea of nationality in two ways.

[Lord] Acton brought [the theory of nationality versus the right of nationality] to bear upon the American crisis of 1861. He . . . took the story of the American sectional conflict and [placed] it in the wider frame of the French revolutionary nationalism and the ensuing movements toward unification.

For Acton therefore the great debate over the nature of the American union and the Civil War was not a unique event, but part of that political spasm . . . which was then affecting Europe and erupting in military struggles.

Acton addressed himself to the problem in a long essay on “The Political Causes of the American Revolution” [in May 1861] . . . By “American Revolution” Acton meant the Civil War, then on the verge of breaking out. His essay was a causal exposition of the forces which had made this a crisis of nationalism.

His approval of [John C.] Calhoun centers really on one point: Calhoun had seen that the real essence of a constitution lies in its negative aspect, not in its positive one. It is more important for a constitution in a democracy to prohibit than to provide.

The will of the majority would always be reaching out for more power, unless this could be checked by some organic law, the end of liberty would come when the federal authority became the institute of the popular will instead of its barrier.”

(Lord Acton: The Historian as Thinker; In Defense of Tradition, Collected Shorter Writings of Richard M. Weaver, 1929-1963, Liberty Fund, 2000, excerpts pp. 624-628)

Lincoln Saves Ohio for the Union

 Image result for The Limits of Dissent, Clement L. Vallandigham & the Civil War,

When Ohio Democratic politician Clement Vallandigham was banished to the Confederacy by Lincoln in late May 1863, General Braxton Bragg congratulated the exile on his arrival in the land of liberty, and told that he would find freedom of speech and conscience in the Dixie. Vallandigham ran for Ohio governor in 1863 from exile in Canada, but was defeated by a well-oiled Republican machine and its soldier vote controlled by politically-appointed officers.
Bernhard Thuersam,   The Great American Political Divide

Lincoln Saves Ohio for the Union

“[Vallandigham’s banishment] seemed to substantiate Confederate contentions that Lincoln was a despot, that civil rights had evaporated in the North, and that secession had saved the Southern States from Lincolnian tyranny.

“The incarceration of Vallandigham,” wrote John Moncure Daniel of the Richmond Examiner, “marks the last step of despotism – there is now nothing now to distinguish the politics of the North from that of Austria under Francis, and that of Naples . . . under King Bomba [Ferdinand I].”

The editor of the Richmond Sentinel wrote in a like manner: “The trembling Chinaman prostrates himself no more submissively before the “celestial” sovereign . . . than they [Northerners] will henceforth before the majestic ABRAHAM, the joker.”

Vallandigham’s arrival in Canada coincided with the New York City anti-draft riots of July 13-16, 1863. Some Republican editors even made the wild charge that Vallandigham had connived with Confederate agents to bring about the riots . . . one Republican editor devised a forged letter . . . that the exile had helped plan the riots.

In the months that followed, Republicans in Ohio marshaled all their forces to defeat Vallandigham in the October 13 election. Since campaign money was plentiful, Republicans flooded the State with dozens of tracts and propaganda pamphlets . . . and anti-Vallandigham statements extracted from generals’ speeches and soldiers letters. Some of the quotations were genuine, others fabricated.

The Republicans disseminated their campaign propaganda through postmasters and the Union Leagues. Since every postmaster was a Republican – often the Republican editor in the village or the city, too – he had a vested interest in Vallandigham’s defeat.

[Ohio Democrats retorted that they] resented New England’s efforts to impose her moral, cultural and political views upon their section. They decried New England’s ascendancy in business and politics, her wish to hold the West in bondage. They ranted against the tariffs, against high railroad rates, and against the excise on whiskey . . . [and that Republican candidates] were railroad presidents and “tools” of the monopolists, speculators, and army contractors.”

But October 13 proved to be an unlucky day for Vallandigham, who went down to defeat by 100,000 votes. [His opponent] received 61,752 more “home” votes . . . and the “soldier vote” (collected in the field) added nearly 40,000 more to that majority.

Lincoln, jubilant, supposedly wired . . . “Glory to God in the highest; Ohio has been saved for the Union.”

(The Limits of Dissent, Clement L. Vallandigham & the Civil War, Frank L. Klement, Fordham University Press, 1998, excerpts pp. 202-203; 232-233-235; 252)

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards

Via Cousin John

 Weekly Update: Deep State Assault on President Trump

“There, on strikingly similar facts, the court found that Northwestern Mutual’s policy impermissibly discriminated against a subclass of Iawfully present aliens.”

How are Illegal Aliens 'lawfully present aliens'....? Insane.

For the second time in a few years, a federal court has ruled that illegal immigrants can sue American employers that refuse to hire them because they require workers to be U.S. citizens or legal residents (green card holders). The latest blow to the rule of law was delivered by an Obama-appointed federal judge in south Florida, who handed a powerful open-borders group a huge victory in a case accusing a major U.S. company of discriminating against an illegal immigrant.

An Open Letter to my Fellow American Jews

This was not an easy to write; I suspect it will be difficult to read as well.  I don’t want to be harsh, I don’t want to be nasty, but this is a “tough love” message that needs saying.  Let me not waste time.


In Civilizational Collapse and the Brain, I hypothesized about a possible biological explanation for why it is that civilizations collapse.  The theory – go read the whole thing, I think it’s definitely one of my best pieces! – is simple: comfort and safety from birth lead to an atrophy of the threat recognition ability.  My essay mentions, and I think ties in very well with, the r/K reproductive strategy switch, which is ably related alongside other thoughts by Bill Whittle in the video above.

US Syria Attack – Here are the missile strike numbers from the Russians


 Who is the big bad liar on the US missile attack on Syria?

The most important news in the press conference of the Deputy Chief of the Russian Staff

[ Editor’s Note: This is a Google translate from the original Russian report. The Russians are very good at counting and everyone knows, including the US coalition, that the Moscow has the technical ability to track every launch from beginning to end.

On the flip side, I am still a little shocked at this morning’s Pentagon report that “no missiles were intercepted”… see here in this Southfront report.

This claim is beyond shocking. Maybe what is left of the downed missiles can be collected and shipped to the US to be put on display for a day on the street outside the UN so Nikki Haley can see them on the way into work. Or maybe they could be put on the Pentagon lawn for a day.

So we are left with US silly claim that it destroyed the Syrian chemical weapons program, which it did not have and does not need, and result being that the Pentagon opened the door for Russia’s moving S-300s  into Syria, with virtual US permission, as it claims the Syrians have zero air defense.


Russia Responds To Syrian Strikes, Warns 'Consequences' Coming: "A pre-designed scenario is being implemented."


On Friday, the Russian Ambassador to the United States responded to the strikes by the U.S., U.K, France, and Israel in Syria by saying that Russia warned there would be consequences if such strikes occurred.

"The worst apprehensions have come true," Ambassador Anatoly Antonov said in a statement. "Our warnings have been left unheard."

"A pre-designed scenario is being implemented," Antonov continued. "Again we are being threatened. We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences."

'Insulting': Russia furious over Syria attacks, as politician likens Trump to Hitler

 Vladimir Putin

Trump:  "Mission accomplished."  Seems like we've heard that before........

Vladimir Putin has condemned US-led military strikes in Syria as an “act of aggression” and said Russia would convene an emergency session of the UN security council over the attack.

In a statement released by the Kremlin, the Russian president denied evidence of a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburb of Douma and said the strike would “have a destructive effect on the entire system of international relations”.

It did not appear late on Saturday morning that the attack would trigger a military response from Russia, as Moscow reported that the missiles had steered clear of Russian military bases in the country.

More @ The Guardian