Tuesday, April 17, 2018

72 years after the ink dried on the parchment, the grandsons of the framers of the Constitution were shooting each other down


A review of Nullification and Secession in Modern Constitutional Thought. Sanford Levinson, ed. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 2016.

The undead walk among us still, or so asserts Sanford Levinson, the editor of an important collection of essays on nullification and secession.  Levinson and company are as mainstream a group political scientists, law professors, and historians as one might wish for, and thus the importance of this collection.  For decades, nay more than a century, the respectable members of the academy assured the public that such heresies as nullification and secession were long ago consigned to the dustbin of history, forever buried with the appropriate wooden stake through the heart via Lee’s surrender at Appomattox.  Not so, say our contributors, and not just in these United States.  It seems that the forces and proponents of political consolidation throughout the globe are meeting with resistance, non-cooperation, material nullification, and even secession.  The contributors to this volume are to be commended for attempting to understand these phenomena, both historic and contemporary, with detachment and fairness, and all the more since it is clear few if any of the contributors have much sympathy with nullification, secession, or its modern day proponents. Furthermore, the essays contain many fine insights into some of the more problematic aspects of the American political order.

Goodies From Ol' Remus


Wim Aalast explains Leighton's "God Speed" at The Epoch Times, 2012:
"In the scene, a knight clad in armor and ready to depart to war is leaving his beloved. She ties a red sash around his arm, which he is meant to return. This medieval custom—a superstition if you will—assured both parties that they would be reunited, alive and well. A griffin, symbol of strength and military courage, adorns the banister of the stairs that separate the couple".
Leighton was 47 when he painted God Speed, perhaps the best known of his medieval themed works. He lived until 1922. 


Francis Porretto offers this, in his essay, From The “You Will Be Made To Care” Files, at Liberty's Torch:
Leyden and Teixeira might eventually regret having stated their core position... It’s time we took them at their word. We in the Right must resolve to fight as they do: a outrance. There are no longer any rules. There certainly isn’t a threshold of incivility or cruelty that anyone need respect.
Vox Popoli takes a wider view in his essay, Physiognomy is more than real, at his blog:
So many people fail to understand that when I say the Alt-Right is inevitable, I am not merely engaging in rhetoric. I mean that quite literally and I am speaking in unvarnished dialectic. Just as communism is unviable because it denies economics and feminism is unviable because it denies biology, conservatism is unviable because it denies inequality. All of these unviable political identities have set themselves against science, history, and observable reality. Remember, the red pill is reality.

  All Outdoor - Incredible Anti-Gun Bill Introduced in Minnesota

Regents Park Police - These items were found during a #weaponSweep near #MackworthHouse #AugustasSt during #OpSceptre. Safely disposed and taken off the streets
art-remus-ident-04.jpg This is an actual police photo from a real police department in England. Not satire. Real.

 Greenfield, Front Page - Political operatives have now seized privileged communications between the President of the United States and his lawyer. Despite fairy tales about a clean process, these communications will be harvested by the counterparts of Peter Strzok, who unlike him are still on the case at the FBI, some of it will appear in the Washington Post and the New York Times, and some will be passed along to other political allies. The DOJ is the bluntest weapon in the D.C. arsenal and for the first time it’s been completely unleashed to undo the results of a presidential election. When control of the DOJ and FBI matters more than elections, then voters will be irrelevant and the Praetorian of D.C. will rule.

Eric Holder to Help Starbucks Train Employees For ‘Racial Bias Education Day’ (On May 29th ? :)

Via John

 Image result for starbucks

Must be MAD magazine.......

On Tuesday, Starbucks announced it will be closing 8,000 stores on May 29 so 175,000 employees can attend a training program that will address implicit bias, promote inclusion and help prevent discrimination, NBC reports.


Eric Holder was tapped as one of the ‘experts’ to assist with training the employees. That’s all you need to know.

Dershowitz: ‘Sessions Should Un-Recuse Himself’

 Alan Dershowitz (Sergei Chuzavkov / Associated Press)

Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told Breitbart News Tonight on Monday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions should withdraw his recusal from the Department of Justice’s investigation into Trump associates — at least as far as it considers President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen.

Dershowitz offered his remarks during a Monday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

Dershowitz said, “Sometimes you should un-recuse yourself, and I think Attorney General Sessions should un-recuse himself when it comes to the New York investigation because it’s not part of the Russia investigation. He’s not a  witness or a potential subject there. He’s the attorney general of the United States. He ought to be in charge of supervising the New York investigation, not Rosenstein.”

More @ Breitbart

Backfire: Plurality Now Want James Comey Prosecuted for Leaks

 Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill December 9, 2015 in Washington, DC. Comey was questioned about the mass shootings in San Bernardino and Paris, the ability of people on the so-called 'no fly list' to buy firearms in the United States and the affects of budget sequestration on the FBI's ability to protect America and fight terrorism. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

The latest polling from Rasmussen Reports (one of the most reliable in 2016) shows a huge slide in support for James Comey, the disgraced former head of the FBI. A plurality  of 46 percent now want to see him prosecuted for leaking to the media.

 More @ Breitbart

Bitter lessons 25 years after Waco, Texas, siege

Via 4Branch

Image result for waco dead children

Twenty-five years ago today, FBI tanks smashed into the ramshackle home of the Branch Davidians outside Waco, Texas. After the FBI collapsed much of the building atop the residents, a fire erupted and 76 corpses were dug out of the rubble. Unfortunately, the American political system and media have never faced the lessons from that tragic 1993 day.

Fifty-one days before the FBI final assault, scores of federal Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agents launched an attack on the Davidians' home spurred by allegations that they had converted semi-automatic rifles to full-automatic capacity. The ATF's lead investigator had previously rejected an offer to peacefully search the Davidians' home for firearms violations. Four ATF agents and six Davidians were killed in the fracas on February 28, 1993. At least one ATF agent told superiors that the ATF fired first, spurring an immediate end to the official shooting review. But the media trumpeted the ATF storyline that its agents had been ambushed, entitling the feds to be far more aggressive in the following weeks.

What lessons can today's Americans draw from the FBI showdown on the Texas plains a quarter century ago?

More @ The Hill

"Explain to me again how the Mueller investigation is NOT political opposition research?"


The Federal Judge, Kimba Wood, who is making decisions in the case against President Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen, is the same person who officiated George Soros wedding. Go figure.

Today Judge Kimba Wood demanded, in open court, that attorney Michael Cohen state -on the record- the names of his clients….. Then, moments later, in a decision about the seized records taken by the FBI during their raid last week, Judge Wood demanded all of the Cohen records be transferred into a federal database so they could be searched, reviewed, categorized and then leaked more efficiently to the media.

The bloodbath in Syria was ignited in 2011 by the US, Saudi Arabia and their allies

 Image result for The bloodbath in Syria was ignited in 2011 by the US, Saudi Arabia and their allies

Much of our information on Syria comes from ‘false flag’ outfits set up by western intelligence like the ‘White Helmets’ and ‘Syrian Observatory,’  Britain’s once independent BBC, now a major organ for government information warfare, and the majority of US government ‘guided’ mainstream media hankering for a Mideast war.

Behind President Donald Trump’s bluster and threats over Syria, powerful forces are pushing the US towards war with Russia and Syria: the neocons and the military industrial complex.

For a candidate who once proposed a normal relationship with Russia, just peace in the Mideast, and an end to America’s foreign wars Donald Trump is now hurtling towards a full-scale war with Russia and a new disaster in the Mideast.  Not since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis has the danger of nuclear war seemed to close.

While Trump fulminates about the alleged use of toxic gas in Syria, US B-1 and B-52 heavy bombers are flattening villages in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.

More @ LRC

'Blood on our hands' if we don't arm teachers to stop shooters, NC lawmaker says

 Image result for 'Blood on our hands' if we don't arm teachers to stop shooters, NC larry pittman

A North Carolina legislator is warning his colleagues that "blood will be on our hands" if teachers and students die as a result of not letting teachers carry guns at school to deal with potential shooters.

In an email sent Monday night to all 170 state lawmakers, Rep. Larry Pittman says arming teachers would "provide such a powerful deterrent to those who wish to do harm." The Cabarrus County Republican added that the presence of armed teachers would lead to "a dramatic reduction, if not elimination, of such incidents."

"We should give them a fighting chance," Pittman wrote. "Otherwise, when they die, and children die whom they could have defended, their blood will be on our hands. I cannot accept that. I hope you will think this through and find that you cannot accept it, either."

Read more here: http://www.heraldsun.com/news/local/article209108594.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.heraldsun.com/news/local/article209108594.html#storylink=cpy

Comey's Higher Loyalty Was to Hillary Clinton

Via Billy


His bias enabled Obama's deep state FBI operatives to influence the 2016 election in Clinton's favor, and when that failed, to put the fake Trump/Putin collusion investigation into motion.

The mainstream media is full of praise, ad nauseam, for FBI Director James Comey’s defamatory and petulant perspective on Donald Trump by way of his Higher Loyalty book promotion tour.

However, what is emerging from all the Leftmedia spin, with no hint of objection, is that Comey, unapologetically, had a “higher loyalty” to Hillary Clinton than to his oath “to support and defend” our Constitution. The interviews reveal more about his abject and reprehensible bias while FBI director than about anything Trump has done. Across the board, political observers conclude there was no “bombshell” in Comey’s book.

Soros Dumps $450K Into Florida-based PAC

PAC worked against Rubio, tried to mobilize Puerto Rico community

George Soros, the Hungarian-born financier and billionaire political activist, pumped $450,000 into the Florida-based PAC United for Progress, according to campaign finance records with the Florida secretary of state's office. 

The donation represents the only political funding Soros undertook in the Sunshine state in the first quarter of 2018. 

"United for Progress's primary goal remains to build community-based political power and influence in the growing Puerto Rican and Latino constituencies in Florida," Chairman Juan Marcos Vilar told the Washington Free Beacon by email. "United for Progress's local leadership has not made decisions about endorsement or opposition to any specific candidates in 2018."

"Self-Centered, Self-Serving Jackass": FBI Insiders Furious After Comey Interview


Current and former FBI agents are furious after former Director James Comey gave his first interview since President Trump fired him last year to ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Sunday night, reports the Daily Beast - which was privy to a play-by-play flurry of text messages and other communications detailing their reactions.
Seven current or former FBI agents and officials spoke throughout and immediately after the broadcast. There was a lot of anger, frustration, and even more emojis—featuring the thumbs-down, frowny face, middle finger, and a whole lot of green vomit faces.
One former FBI official sent a bourbon emoji as it began; another sent the beers cheers-ing emoji. The responses became increasingly angry and despondent as the hourlong interview played out. -Daily Beast
Hoover is spinning in his grave,” said a former FBI official. “Making money from total failure," in reference to Comey plugging his book, A Higher Loyalty.

More @ Zero Hedge

Cal Thomas: With everyone focused on Comey, Trump reformed welfare

Via Billy

Image result for Cal Thomas: With everyone focused on Comey, Trump reformed welfare

When President Bill Clinton signed the welfare reform act in 1996, which he negotiated with then-Speaker Newt Gingrich, the left claimed people would starve. They didn’t. According to the nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, between 1996 and 2000, the employment rate for single mothers increased from 63 percent to 76 percent. In addition, the overall poverty rate has declined over the last half-century. Many able-bodied people who once relied on a government check found jobs and started earning a paycheck.

Good news, but the sideshow that has attached itself to so much of the Trump administration has distracted many from things that actually affect people’s lives.

More @ Fox

The search for truth in the rubble of Douma – and one doctor’s doubts over the chemical attack


This is the story of a town called Douma, a ravaged, stinking place of smashed apartment blocks – and of an underground clinic whose images of suffering allowed three of the Western world’s most powerful nations to bomb Syria last week. There’s even a friendly doctor in a green coat who, when I track him down in the very same clinic, cheerfully tells me that the “gas” videotape which horrified the world – despite all the doubters – is perfectly genuine.

War stories, however, have a habit of growing darker. For the same 58-year old senior Syrian doctor then adds something profoundly uncomfortable: the patients, he says, were overcome not by gas but by oxygen starvation in the rubbish-filled tunnels and basements in which they lived, on a night of wind and heavy shelling that stirred up a dust storm.

More @ Independent


Via 4Branch

A good friend, a long-time American by choice, wrote this excellent essay. I post and propagate it because my friend cannot without dire consequences to self and family from state authorities acting as employers, educators and officious busibodies. It’s sad that speaking freely is fraught with danger even in this country, but the points made in this text must be made and popularized far and wide.
I am a proud American, an unhyphenated American. I am the most fortunate type of American, one who has won life’s lottery by escaping communism. My family endured persecution, physical risk, and constant intimidation by the secret police to legally enter the United States.

I am proudly writing this in English, because mastering English opened opportunities that would have been denied to me had I chosen to limit myself to my native language and culture. 

What does this have to do with the Second Amendment?

More @ Oleg Volk

Dick's Sporting Goods to destroy all unsold firearms pulled from shelves after Parkland shooting

Via Billy

Dick’s Sporting Goods announced it would destroy the firearms the company took off its shelves in February.

Dick’s Sporting Goods announced it would destroy all of the unsold firearms it pulled off store shelves in February after the Parkland school shooting.

The sports retailer decided to destroy the rifles instead of returning them to the manufacturer, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette reported.

“We are in the process of destroying all firearms and accessories that are no longer for sale as a result of our February 28th policy change,” a spokesperson from Dick’s Sporting Goods told the media outlet. “We are destroying the firearms in accordance with federal guidelines and regulations.”

 More @ Fox

Boston Marathon

My second Daughter Virginia, born in Saigon, crosses the finish line.