Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Modern Heresy


This case involves the alleged forcible rape by a slave of a white female. It should be kept in mind that the slave’s counsel were white trial lawyers, tried by white judges, and heard by white jurors. This case, which is not the exception in the South, puts to the lie the common narrative that slaves so accused would have been summarily lynched by a white mob. The trial judge’s instructions to the jury, in part, reads:
“It is true that the prisoner is of the African race and a slave, but, so far as this trial is concerned, he has the same rights as a white man. All the rules of law which would apply to a white man, if put upon his trial for the crime of rape, must apply in this case. The laws of this State affix the death penalty to the crime of rape, whether it be committed by a freeman or a slave, and the evidence which has been placed before you has been brought to the test of the same legal principles and submitted to you under the same rules of evidence as would be invoked and applied if a white man were upon his trial.”
These instructions dispel reams of academic lies that slaves were chattel property on the same level of livestock, without legal rights.

Essayist William Deresiewicz recently lamented that modern college students, and college life in general, have become “profoundly unintellectual.” The “snowflake” generation is the byproduct of educational institutionalization. Will this be on the test, and will I get a study guide? Deresiewicz should also indict the faculty and administration who encourage this “unintellectual” environment.

This results in a crop of students who know little more than platitudes, slogans, and chants, and who seek “safe spaces” to be free from ideas or subjects that may cause them “harm.” It might be easy to make fun of these snowflakes, but they have become emboldened by the academy itself and have taken aim at anyone who refuses to toe the modern politically correct line.

Marshall DeRosa has come under attack for doing just that.

Rep. Rokita Pushes to End Citibank’s Federal Contract After Finance Giant Pushes Corporate Gun Control

 New York City police officers stand guard outside a Citibank branch as protestors associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement march in midtown Manhattan to deliver letters to bank CEOs at their corporate headquarters, Friday, Oct. 28, 2011, in New York. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN) is pushing to end Citibank’s federal contract after the finance giant adopted new gun policies that do not respect the Second Amendment.

Citibank currently enjoys a $700 billion contract with the General Services Administration (GSA), and Rokita is seeking to have that contract terminated.

More @ Breitbart

Nikki Haley’s Deputy Ambassador Led ‘Never Trump’ Movement, Launched Zuckerberg’s Open Borders Group


United Nations (U.N.) Deputy Ambassador Jon Lerner has deep ties to not only his longtime colleague and boss, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, but also Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the failed “Never Trump” movement, and the pro-mass immigration billionaire GOP mega-donors the Koch brothers.

Lerner, 49, withdrew from consideration to become Vice President Mike Pence’s national security adviser after news broke that President Trump was reportedly livid that a key member of the Never Trump movement would be joining his White House.

Still, Lerner has squeezed his way into the administration he avidly fought against despite having no foreign policy experience, with a source telling the New York Times that the consultant will informally advise the White House on national security.

Nikki Haley and Never Trump Ties

More @ Breitbart

Mexico Agrees To Pay for Wall – Offering Emergency Deal To Close NAFTA Tariff Loophole…


Allow me to introduce:”SUPER-MAGA-NAFTA-WINNING

 This Reuters article is framed around Mexico making a surprise announcement they will support the U.S. steel tariff against China by shutting down the NAFTA back door on that specific trade segment….  However, the bigger story is Mexico’s admission/concession to the U.S. trade position that Canada and Mexico structure access to the U.S. market inside their trade deals with other nations.

With a Marxist about to win the July 1st election; and with certain nationalization of private industry soon to follow; and with free capital markets anticipating and responding by shifting investment into the U.S.; Mexico proposes to close the fatal flaw in NAFTA.


 Hunted, fished and worked with my 1st Cousin's Frankie and his brother James many a time.

TOWNSEND, Mr. John Franklin "Frankie" Jr., of King William, passed away Tuesday, April 17, 2018. Born on January 11, 1943, Frankie was a graduate of Ferrum College and attended Virginia Tech. He returned home to *Pampatike Farm , Inc., as owner/manage of the dairy farm.

*(The quote took place as Lee was leaving his first cousin's farm, Pampatike, Manquin, Virginia after a visit. He was responding to a question as to whether he should use whites or blacks as laborers. The farm has been in the Townsend family for over 100 years, and is currently owned by my Cousin Frankie. BT) 
I have always observed that wherever you find the Negro, everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the white man, you see everything around him improving."
to fellow Virginian Col. Thomas H. Carter, June, 1865

Wallet Raping Day - er, Tax Filing Deadline

To all you Leftist vermin who think that taxes should go up, how about - instead - you haul out your checkbooks and write a check:

Gifts to the United States
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Funds Management Branch
P.O. Box 1328
Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328
 And let me keep my damned money.  So I can buy more ammo against the day my Prophecy from Star Trek's Omega Glory turns into reality.

And I'm going to end every post with this from now on.  It's a do-or-die message.

I do not coexist with cancer; I do not find common ground with gangrene.  The Left must be fought and destroyed, or America dies.

Starbucks and the Race-Hustlers

 Via comment by Badger on Eric Holder to Help Starbucks Train Employees For ...


Another day, another boycott of Starbucks.  The coffee company has been singled out for everything from its "no firearms in the store" request to its support of redefining marriage to its declaration it would hire 10,000 "refugees" in response to President Trump's immigration agenda.

Unfortunately for Starbucks, its politically correct, feel-good social justice policies have hit a snag.  The corporation's liberal-leaning initiatives are not enough to keep Black Lives Matter agitators at bay.

NJ Sheriff and Former Chief Show Contempt for Oaths with 2nd Amendment Infringements


Extensive quotes from two New Jersey law enforcement officials leave little doubt that they would gladly support any and all citizen disarmament edicts. Opinions expressed by Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino and former Tenafly Police Chief Michael Bruno in Monday’s Pascack Press appear representative of predominant command attitudes in the Garden State. (Note the story is not online so there is no link to offer—I was sent a photo of the April 16 page 3 story “Mental health ‘highest priority’ for public, school safety” written by Michael Olohan. I have not received a response from the paper to an inquiry I sent them yesterday. This post will be updated if a link becomes available. )

Sheriff Saudino says it’s “fortunate” that New Jersey has draconian infringements and hopes to see them become a “model” for the rest of the country. And naturally, he repeats the same lie many prominent gun-grabbers offer while they’re doing the direct opposite of what they say.