The FBI’s Lack of Curiosity About a Foreign Power Getting 30K Hillary Clinton Emails Is Astounding

Via Billy

Earlier in the week, former FBI deputy assistant director for counterintelligence and known adulterer Peter Strzok testified before a joint hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the House Judiciary Committee.

 I’m not sure what we learned from this beyond seeing just how creepy and unbalanced Strzok is and wondering why any woman would talk to him much less have an extramarital affair. But one interesting item did come out courtesy of Louis Gohmert. The subject was Hillary Clinton’s emails, a subject Strzok and McCabe and Comey wanted to drop like a hot potato. Via The Daily Wire:

More @ Red State

Peter Strzok’s arrogance is the product of a corrupt FBI

 Peter Strzok

Watching FBI agent Peter Strzok battle with Congress, my initial reaction was pure anger. His repeated, arrogant insistence that he had done nothing wrong despite tons of evidence to the contrary convinced me he deserved immediate firing — if not the firing squad.

Gradually, though, anger gave way to amazement as Strzok grew increasingly combative and condescending. Given his predicament, the sneering and smirking were stupid, and yet he persisted.

France: A Second Jihad in the Bataclan?

Via Mike"Something is rotten in France.  I am not in sympathy with French-bashing. It is historically ignorant for one thing. For example, Americans would not have won our War of Independence without the help of France and especially the French Navy. France has given us all much that is worthy of honor in music, art, literature, and science. My favorite theologian (John Calvin) was French. If it had not been for a French military leader, Charles Martel, who defeated an invading Muslim army near Tours in France in 732, all Europe might have become part of an Islamic Caliphate. Napoleon Bonaparte's military tactics and administrative polices are still studied around the world. In my opinion, French wines and restaurants are among the best.There is much that is beautiful in France, but there is also something  rotten in France that is may soon destroy both beauty and freedom.  I am both outraged and heartbroken. Moreover, the rot of spiritual and moral decay in France is present and spreading in most of Western Europe, the United States and Canada."


  • Organizations representing the families of the Bataclan victims said that an Islamic rap concert praising jihad, in a place where people were murdered and tortured by jihadists, would be an insult to the memory of the victims, and asked that the concerts be canceled.
  • "France is at war, and leaves the enemy in peace". — Ivan Rioufol, journalist, in Le Figaro.
  • Macron and the French government speak and act as if the enemy has won and as if they want to gain some time and enjoy the moment before the final surrender.

     "The French Suicide" ("Le suicide français") is a book published by the author Éric Zemmour in October 2014. Just one year later, on November 13, 2015 in Paris, a horror took place at the Bataclan Theater, when three terrorists fired into the crowd during a concert, murdered 130 people, and injured 413. Some of the victims had been tortured.

Washington & Lee: Desecration of the Lee Chapel

 Image result for lee chapel

Washington and Lee University President Will Dudley formed the Commission on Institutional History and Community in the aftermath of events that occurred in August 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia. In February 2017, the Charlottesville City Council had voted to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee from a public park, and Unite the Right members demonstrated against that decision on August 12. Counter-demonstrators marched through Charlottesville in opposition to the beliefs of Unite the Right. One participant was accused of driving a car into a crowd and killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. The country was horrified. A national discussion on the use of Confederate symbols and monuments was already in progress after Dylann Roof murdered nine black church members at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Charleston, South Carolina, on June 17, 2015. Photos of Roof posing with the Confederate flag were spread across the internet. Discussion of these events, including the origins of Confederate objects and images and their appropriation by groups today, was a backdrop for President Dudley's appointment of the commission on Aug. 31, 2017. (Which has nothing to do with the price of eggs in China. The Lee family should move  the family to Beauvoir and demand the school remove all reference to Lee.)

Although the commission's recommendations are distributed by subject matter throughout the report, Appendix D brings them together in one list.

More @ W&L 

Dear Mr. Edgerton,

It was a pleasant surprise for my family to hear about your phone call to my dad, especially since we had been telling a friend about you the night before.  

I am attaching a letter that I recently sent to the President of Washington and Lee University, Mr. Will Dudley.  A friend of ours is a recent graduate of W&L and he told us about plans to change the college's presentation of General Lee, mostly through the alteration of the historic Lee Chapel.  You  may read the full story of what is happening here:

This friend is part of a group of students who are working to save the chapel in its original.  

As I said, I have attached my letter of protest to the President of W&L.  Would this be an issue that you would consider lending your voice to?  I believe that you have a very powerful message that could lend clarity to the decision made at W&L. 

Thank you for standing for truth!  It has saved my love for the South.  

Wynonah G. Hogan (age 18)

American Jews and Democrats: Part I

American Jews’ advocacy for more Islamic refugees – never mind the Left in general wanting this – was excoriated in An Open Letter to my Fellow American Jews.  I repeated that lambasting in my second essay on the topic, Redux: American Jews - how can you justify more Islamic refugees? citing more examples of how Muslims coming into the West are bringing their Koran-driven anti-Semitism to Europe – openly attacking Jews culturally and even physically, seeking to impose Sharia law …and in the best-case scenario relegate Jews to dhimmi slavery.
So a few recent quick-hit links hammering that home, again wondering at the suicidal fascination with people from a culture that openly wants us dead and the West conquered in the name of Islam:

IMPERIAL RUSSIA: Centennial 16 July 2018

Across Russia’s vast eleven time zones Church bells toll as the nation evokes the centennial of the horrific and senseless slaughter of Nicholas II, Tsar of Imperial Russia, his wife, their five beautiful children, and staff. Dubbed Azrael’s abattoir the ritualistic and racist nature of their family’s diabolical end is marked in countless ways in every village and city.

Before the outbreak of the 1914 ~ 1918 war Warsaw shops patronised by the Jewish community furtively sold greeting cards the message of which would be lost on most Gentiles. Each greeting card carried the image of the tzadik. This image depicts a Talmudic Jew with Torah in one hand and a white fowl in the other. The bird’s head is a facsimile of Imperial Russia’s Tsar Nicholas II. Below this image is the inscription in Hebrew:  “This is a sacrificial animal so is my cleansing; it will be my replacement and cleansing the victim.”

Former DNC Chair Brazile: DNC Allowed Russian Hackers to Steal Data

Via Billy

Image result for Former DNC Chair Brazile: DNC Allowed Russian Hackers to Steal Data

Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller indicted 12 Russian military officials days before President Trump’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Rosenstein also planned his press conference at the same time President Trump was meeting with the Queen of England.

With the 12 Russians indicted Friday, the corrupt Mueller team has now indicted 31 individuals and 3 companies, with more than 80% of the indictments related to Russians who will never be prosecuted.

But dirty cop Rosenstein forgot to mention the DNC allowed the Russians to infiltrate their servers.

More @ The Gateway Pundit

House Intel Chair Devin Nunes: Mueller Indictment Left Out Russians Also Targeted Republicans (VIDEO)

Via Billy

Image result for House Intel Chair Devin Nunes: Mueller Indictment Left Out Russians Also Targeted Republicans

House Intelligence Committee Chairman joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss Mueller’s junk indictments on Friday.

Rep. Nunes told Maria Bartiromo every bit of the Mueller Special Counsel indictments were already published by the House Intelligence Committee in April.


Dirty cop Robert Mueller indicted 12 more Russians on Friday in his ongoing witch hunt to discredit and bring down the Trump administration in a phony collusion scandal.

"Where We Are So Far In The Coup"


1. During 2016 primaries, Trump knows Obama/HRC did lots of sweet under the table deals with Russians/Iranians. To troll them, he starts bragging how he's going to be Putin's BFF once he's elected.

2. Hillary & her team hatch a dirty trick to play on Trump: they'll hire an political communications shop named FUSION GPS to create what will be passed off as a collection of intelligence reports 'proving' Trump & his campaign team are in the pocket of the Russians.

If America Goes Socialist Is Civil War Inevitable?

Via Billy

“In the middle of the nineteenth century, the United States embarked on a new relationship with death, entering into a civil war that proved bloodier than any other conflict in American history, a war that would presage the slaughter of World War 1’s Western Front and the global carnage of the twentieth century.” —Drew Gilpin Faust, Contemporary historian

The warning from Mr. Faust should tell us that embarking on a civil war, no matter how wide is the gap between us, should be avoided at all costs.  Those that are calling or yearning for a civil war and oiling up their guns have conveniently forgotten our bloody and savage history.  But what is the answer when are differences slowly but surely evolve into animus and rising violence, as they are now?
Democrats are vehemently opposed to anything conservative and are employing all the dirty tricks they can invent to stop a conservative movement under Trump.  Some Democrats are calling for open violence against conservatives, or impeachment of President Trump even though the President has done nothing that would warrant impeachment.

Republicans take opposition with anything that falls under the Progressive banner.

Is Brett Kavanaugh 'one of us?'

Via Peter

Image result for Is Brett Kavanaugh 'one of us?'

The populism and identity politics of the moment have some odd and confusing contours.

The white working class recently took over a party from a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant Connecticut dynasty with CIA roots. They took over by electing a billionaire real estate heir who lives in a golden mansion with his immigrant wife atop a tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. That populist hero just picked, for the world’s most powerful appointment, a Georgetown Prep grad who has spent his career in the Bush Republican Party and now lives in the Village of Chevy Chase with his wife and two daughters.

Tangled up with these weirdly drawn lines of identity is another odd phenomenon: