Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Dukes of “Hazzard”


Following the senseless racial murders at a Charleston, South Carolina, church in 2015, Hollywood’s moonshining Duke boys from fictitious Hazzard County, and more particularly their 1969 Dodge Charger “General Lee,” replete with a Confederate Battle Flag painted on its roof, were placed on the growing list of Southern images to be erased from public view. Not only were scheduled reruns of the popular television show of the 1980s immediately cancelled, but Warner Brothers also recalled all models of the “General Lee” from the studio’s theme shops. To carry this inanity even further, after the Charleston incident Florida golfer Bubba Watson, who had purchased and restored the wreck of the original “General Lee,” joined the anti-Confederate parade and announced that he would repaint the car’s roof with an American Flag. However, the Dukes who are the subject of this piece are not the actors from the imaginary Hazzard County in Georgia. but the very real Duke family from Orange County in North Carolina, and the hazard in this case is the product for which they would become world famous, cigarettes.

Black Democrats Jeered and Hissed in 1876

 Image result for Hampton and His Red Shirts: South Carolina’s Deliverance in 1876Image result for Hampton and His Red Shirts: South Carolina’s Deliverance in 1876

During the 1876 gubernatorial campaign to rescue his State from the Radical rule of the corrupt Massachusetts-born governor, Daniel Chamberlain, Democratic candidate Wade Hampton challenged the many blacks in his audiences to advance to a new level of freedom. “You have, ever since emancipation been slaves to your political masters [of the Republican Party]. As members of the Loyal [Union] League you have been fettered slaves to a party.” Since the war’s end, Radical Republicans used the Union League to elect its candidates, suppress political opposition, and terrorize black men who sided with Democrats.Bernhard Thuersam,  The Great American Political Divide

Black Democrats Jeered and Hissed in 1876

“City of Dreadful Night.” Always the words recall two nights in Charleston almost exactly ten years apart – September 1, 1886, the night after the earthquake, September 6, 1876, [the] night of the King Street riot. The riot was the worse, by far, to live through.

The riot night there was tumult and confusion of hate and fear and pistol shots, howls of wild rage, savage threats and curses, appeals of pursued and bloody men for rescue, mercy and life. The riot could have been prevented. All know that now.

It was one of the tragic incidents of the 1876 campaign and . . . it gave Charleston perhaps the most fearful night of her eventful history. The white people were overconfident. They knew unrest and anger were seething and increasing among the Negroes and were prepared to resist and suppress an outbreak; but the outbreak came before it was expected . . .

Looking back it is easy to see that the storm signals were plain. The Radical Republican leaders had noted with growing dismay and fury the slow but steady additions to the number of Negroes enrolling in Democratic [party] clubs, for one reason or another. A riotous attack had been made on the Negro club in Mount Pleasant.

The meeting of the Democratic club of Ward 8, August 31, in the old carriage factory, Spring Street near Rutledge Avenue, was invaded by a number of boisterous [Republican] Negroes who interrupted . . . [as they sought an] opportunity to injure Isaac Rivers, a huge black man and an effective speaker, working for the Democrats, and J.W. Sawyer, another colored speaker. Rivers and Sawyer were hustled, threatened and cursed, but escaped uninjured.

On the night of September 5 . . . On motion of Colonel J.D. Aiken a committee of seven was appointed charged especially with protection of colored Democrats.

[A] mob of Negroes packed the street around the entrance to the meeting place of Ward 5. The white men formed a square, with Rivers and other Negro Democrats in the middle, and marched into King Street through a roar of jeers and hisses. They were aided by police and the disturbance ended.

A meeting of the colored Democratic club of Ward 4 was held the night of the sixth at Archer’s Hall, King Street, J.B. Jenkins, vice-president, presiding. The Hunkidories and Live Oaks, Negro Radical Republican secret organizations had gathered their forces and were massed, waiting, in King Street, armed with pistols, clubs and sling shots, the last made with a pound of lead attached to a twelve-inch leather strap and providing a deadly weapon at close range.

Mr. Barnwell led the white men gallantly. They checked to mob by firing pistols just over the heads of those in the front rank . . . the police arrived at the nick of time, charged, used their clubs and were resisted fiercely. At Citadel Green the fighting became desperate . . . and several police were insensible or disabled.

A new mob of Negroes poured out of John Street, shrieking “Blood!” A black policeman named Green and J.M. Buckner, white, were shot, fell, and were drawn out of the fighting crowd with difficulty. The fifteen white men who remained on their feet struggled into the Citadel grounds and delivered the Negro Democrats, none of whom was injured.

Then the whites fled as they could and the Negro mob took the street [and] divided into gangs of fifty to one-hundred and paraded, firing pistols, defying the police, chasing and mercilessly beating every white man they could see and catch, smashing store windows, shouting threats to exterminate the white population.

The main guard house was filled with wounded white men, some of them picked up insensible and probably left for dead. Mr. Buckner was seen to be dying. Several policemen were fearfully wounded. Two reporters for the News and Courier sent to the scene of the riot were beaten, struck with stones and rescued by police only with much effort.

Panic spread fast and everywhere as people understood that war had begun on race lines and that Negroes appeared to have possession of the city. White men were compelled to stay in their homes with shivering and terror-stricken families because any white man venturing on the street alone invited death uselessly.”

(Hampton and His Red Shirts: South Carolina’s Deliverance in 1876, Alfred B. Williams, Crown Rights Books, 2001 (original 1935), excerpts pp. 119-121)

Germany's War: The Origins, Aftermath & Atrocities of World War II

Via Sarah


Neuwied, June 15,1946

"Did you ever get the letter telling you of the tragic end of Anneliese and her family? No one of you mentioned it. She was in Dresden with her mother and sister when the Russians came in. He husband died in the war several years ago. She and her two dear little boys, her mother and sister committed suicide out of fear of future happenings. How she must have suffered to be induced to such."

 Tante Marie (born in Richmond, married her German cousin, who held a doctoral degree of what we don't know,  and lived there through both world wars) was the aunt of my brother-in-law, a VMI graduate. My sister complied a book which has her correspondence with the Army, government and her brother in Richmond from 1945 until 1949 when she returned to this country.  There are many fascinating letters. She had more food during the war years living in Germany than she had the two years after when the allies were in control. Wrap your mind around that. Also, they were terrified of the Russians and one of her relatives lived through days of horrid Russian occupation, but after they left and she found that they were returning, killed herself and her children. Imagine the horror. 
 The Russian rapes caused many German women to commit suicide. The preferred form of suicide was poison, and most Berlin women seem to have been provided with poison before the Red Army arrived.


Senegalese and the French soldiers, drunk at night, would go from door to door until they found girls' names listed of any age they wished to rape... American provost marshal, Lt. Colonel Gerald F. Beane, said that rape represents no problem to the military police because 'a bit of food, a bar of chocolate, or a bar of soap seems to make rape unnecessary.'

Churches were frequently used by Russian soldiers to rape... In unending succession were girls, women and nuns violated... Not merely in secret, in hidden corners, but in the sight of everybody, even in churches, in the streets and in public places were nuns, women and even eight-year-old girls attacked again and again...

Most Frenchmen speak of the correctness of the German Army's behavior. They seem particularly impressed that German soldiers were shot for incivility to women and compare this with the American troops' bad behavior to women...

More @ NamSouth

What Do I Say After a Shooting?

 Via Red Pill Jew


You’ve just shot the criminal who broke into your house and threatened you with a weapon. The threat has been neutralized and police have been called.  You’ve read my articles in the past, so you know it’s not a good idea to have a gun in your hand when the cops arrive.  When you hear the sirens, you secure your firearm in a safe place and meet police at the door with empty hands.

The cops initially handcuff you and ask you a couple questions:

Obama Administration Knowingly Funded a Designated al-Qaeda Affiliate

 Image result for the daily wire Obama Administration Knowingly Funded a Designated al-Qaeda Affiliate

The Middle East Forum has discovered that the Obama administration approved a grant of $200,000 of taxpayer money to an al-Qaeda affiliate in Sudan — a decade after the U.S. Treasury designated it as a terrorist-financing organization. More stunningly, government officials specifically authorized the release of at least $115,000 of this grant even after learning that it was a designated terror organization.

The story began in October 2004, when the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated the Khartoum-based Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA), also known as the Islamic African Relief Agency (IARA), as a terror-financing organization. It did so because of ISRA’s links to Osama bin Laden and his organization Maktab al-Khidamat (MK), the precursor of al-Qaeda.

More @ NRO