Civil War? Justice Kavanaugh and the Triumph of Symbol over Reality

 “History does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” Attributed to Mark Twain

Americans at their best are a pragmatic “can do” folk, be it “Yankee ingenuity” or good old fashioned “get ‘r done.”  We are at our worst when we stray from this pragmatic bent into the misty fields of sacerdotal ideology, which is to say when we ascribe to our pet ideologies a sacred nature, and confer a sainthood, or at the very least, a priestly ordination upon our favored ideologues.  In the antebellum period, abolitionist ideology exercised over the course of time a profound effect upon the Yankee mind.  More and more northerners, even those whom the abolitionists annoyed, came to accept the idiocy of the “slave power conspiracy.”  For the innocent and uninitiated, this conspiracy theory asserted that southern slaveholders were planning to use the powers of the federal government to expand slavery into the territories and throughout the Union.  Once this was accomplished, free white labor would be degraded, and the stout wheat farmers of the Midwest would find themselves enslaved.  Of course this was nonsense.

My Canh Bombing

Via Nguyễn Nam

Image may contain: 2 people

42 died at the bombing 


The terrorist, Huỳnh Phi Long below, rewarded for the bombing.
Image may contain: 2 people


Fortunately, all the many times we went, there were no problems.

My wedding party on the My Canh.
Their earthen bowl with brown rice and goodies was my favorite. 

Wedding: Co, Me and Thuy!   The latter camouflaged by her hair. :)

U.S. Is World’s Most Competitive Economy for First Time in a Decade

 Image result for U.S. Is World’s Most Competitive Economy for First Time in a Decade

Under President Donald J. Trump, the United States is finally back on top “as the most competitive country in the world, regaining the No. 1 spot for the first time since 2008 in an index produced by the World Economic Forum,” Joanna Sugden reports for The Wall Street Journal.

“America’s vibrant entrepreneurial culture and its dominance in producing a competitive labor market and nimble financial system” partly explain its top ranking, the Global Competitiveness Report says.

Launching of the Submarine Robert E Lee

Via Cousin John

George Washington Class Ballistic Missile Submarine: Laid down, 25 August 1958, at Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Newport News, VA.; Launched, 18 December 1959; Commissioned, USS Robert E. Lee (SSBN-601), 16 September 1960; Decommissioned and simultaneously struck from the Naval Register, 30 November 1983; Final Disposition, disposed of through NPSSRP (Nuclear Powered Ship and Submarine Recycling Program) at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, WA., 30 September 1991.

Specifications: Displacement, Surfaced: 5,946 t., Submerged: 6,700 t.; Length 381' 6" ; Beam 33'; Draft 29'; Speed, Surfaced 20 kts, Submerged 25 kts; Complement 112; Test Depth 700'; Armament, 16 missile tubes; Subroc, six 21" torpedo tubes, Propulsion, S5W Pressurized Water Nuclear Reactor, 2 geared turbines at 15,000 shp, one propeller.

More with pictures @ Nav Source

Establishment Media Reverse Course to Blast Elizabeth Warren over DNA Fiasco

 Senate Banking Committee members Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., right, and Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., share a laugh on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017, prior to the start of the committee's hearing with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) roll-out of her DNA test has been such a train wreck that even the establishment media have been forced to reverse course and admit to it.

As hard as the media worked to cover and lie for her for over those first 24 hours, the unassailable facts have forced them to throw in the towel. The science is settled: Elizabeth Warren is a fake Indian.

Here’s a quick list of the headlines Warren is dealing with today:
Washington Post: “Elizabeth Warren angers prominent Native Americans with politically fraught DNA test”
CNN: “Elizabeth Warren might have actually made things worse with her DNA gambit”
CBS News: “Elizabeth Warren criticized for releasing DNA report”
Politico (Politico!): “Warren stumbles with ‘Native American’ rollout”
HuffPost: “Why White Americans Love To Claim Native Ancestry”
The Hill: “Dem strategist says Warren taking DNA test was ‘tone deaf'”
New York Times: Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Results Draw Rebuke from Trump and Raise Questions
USA Today: “Cherokee Nation slams Sen. Elizabeth Warren DNA test as ‘inappropriate and wrong'”
Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren Defends Decision to Release DNA TestMore @ BRritbart
More @ Breitbart

Andrew Gillum Graduated Training School That Spawned Soros Army of Revolutionaries

 Andrew Gillum (C) and other graduates of the Rockwood Leadership Institute: Linda Sarsour (top left), Van Jones (top right), Alicia Garza (bottom right), and Jodie Evans (bottom left).

Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum graduated from an Oakland, California-based training school for progressive revolutionaries that has spawned a list of activists who have gone on to become the who’s who of the far-left leadership world, with many taking senior positions at organizations financed by billionaire George Soros.

In scores of cases, graduates of the Rockwood Leadership Institute founded or directed notorious Soros-financed activist groups, such as Black Lives Matter, Media Matters for America, and the Tides Foundation, one of the nation’s largest funders of progressive groups.

Soros’s own Open Society Foundations sent top staff to Rockwood for training. Notorious radicals Van Jones and Linda Sarsour are among the many famous names listed as alums.

More @ Breitbart

ARRESTED: Senior Treasury Official Charged For Leaking Paul Manafort Files To Media, Plus 1000s of Other Documents


A senior Treasury department official accused of leaking highly sensitive financial reports to a journalist looking into the overseas dealings of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, as well as transactions involving the Russian embassy, has just been arrested by the Justice Department.

Senior adviser at the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards, has been charged with one count of unauthorized disclosure of suspicious activity reports, known as SARs, and one count of conspiracy to make unauthorized disclosures of suspicious activity reports (SARs)–for allegedly sending the files to an unidentified reporter beginning in October of 2017, according to authorities.

Brad Heath (@bradheath) tweeted a thread on Wednesday:

Trump Jr. warns GOP ahead of midterms, 'It could all go away tomorrow' & GOP establishment: 'They're used to just losing

Via Billy
 Image result for Trump Jr. warns GOP ahead of midterms, 'It could all go away tomorrow' & GOP establishment: 'They're used to just losing
Video at link and excellent.

Donald Trump Jr. warned Republican voters in an interview that aired Wednesday on "Rising" that Democrats will work to undo President Trump's agenda if they make gains November's midterm elections.

"It could all go away tomorrow, and that's what they have to realize," the president's oldest son told Hill.TV's Buck Sexton on Tuesday.

 More with video @ The Hill

“C-130 Goes Down on An Loc Ammo Run — No One Could Survive, but They Did”

Via Donald Nguyen

 Don Jensen commissioned this painting of the C-130 he piloted going down in flames over An Loc, South Vietnam on April 18, 1972

Nearly a half-century later, the plane’s pilot, Don Jensen, is living in Las Vegas and writing a book that details his most exciting mission as a member of the Air Force’s 374th Tactical Airlift Wing during the Vietnam War. Some of his former comrades want the Air Force to upgrade the Silver Star he received for his courage that day.

The Battle of An Loc, which raged from April to July 1972, was one of the toughest of the war and involved three North Vietnamese divisions equipped with tanks and artillery besieging a much smaller South Vietnamese force and its U.S. advisers.

U.S. Air Force strikes and resupply missions were vital to the allies’ success in the battle.

Jensen’s plane ran into trouble while carrying ammunition from Tan Son Nhut Air Base to the forces pinned down at An Loc.

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