Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Socialism: A reminder

A necessary reminder - not that the starry-eyed missionaries will ever grasp it.

Here is the thing - call me naïve - that still astonishes me.  There are people who have lived through Socialism's effects and testify about how calamitous it is, and publicly attest to it:.

More @ Red Pill Jew

British Town without Britons

Via David "I can't place the accent.  This is a 10 minute video about how a town in Britain has changed from being 100% British to 100% Arab.  There are statistics of other towns and how they're changing as well.
Never mind what we've all heard about France, Germany, Sweden, etc., the fact that the politicians see this, see the crimes, etc., and STILL HOLD THE COURSE tells me there's some central driver to this.  NO POLITICIAN who had a shred of love for their country would maintain this path given the obvious consequences.
Who... what... has a hold on people this strong that they'll willingly accede to their countries being successfully invaded?"

The Empire: Now or Never

Image result for The Empire: Now or Never

Many people I talk to seem to think American foreign policy has something to do with democracy, human rights, national security, or maybe terrorism or freedom, or niceness, or something. It is a curious belief,  Washington being interested in all of them. Other people are simply puzzled, seeing no pattern in America’s international behavior. Really, the explanation is simple.

The reason of course is empire, the desire for which is an ancient and innate part of mankind’s cerebral package. Parthian, Roman, Aztec, Hapsburg, British. It never stops.

Prosecutors Charge Jussie Smollett With A Felony

Via Billy

The Cook County state’s attorney’s office officially charged "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett on Wednesday with felony disorderly conduct for allegedly filing a false police report.

"Felony criminal charges have been approved by @CookCountySAO against Jussie Smollett for Disorderly Conduct / Filing a False Police Report," Chicago Police Chief Communications Officer Anthony Guglielmi tweeted. "Detectives will make contact with his legal team to negotiate a reasonable surrender for his arrest."

Dated: Is Kamala Harris Eligible to be President?

Via Greg "Not sure if you have seen this or not. Interesting read, wouldn’t knowing you are not eligible and taking campaign constructions be considered fraud and deceptive practice?"

Given that California Sen. Kamala Harris’s Wikipedia biography states that she was born in Oakland, CA in 1964 to immigrant parents and speculation exists that she plans to run for president in 2020, Golden State citizen Gary Wilmott has been seeking information as to her citizenship status and whether or not she meets the constitutional requirement of “natural born Citizen.”
Just because Obama got away with it doesn’t mean we have to sit on the sidelines and watch this continually go on.’
The Wikipedia entry states that Harris’s mother, Dr. Shyamala G. Harris, was from India, arriving in Berkeley, CA in 1960.

Houston Police To Cease 'No Knock' Warrants, Chief Announces After Deadly Raid: "I'm very confident that we're going to have criminal charges on one or more police officers,"

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo says his department will stop serving "no knock" search warrants, weeks after a raid on a house left two married suspects dead and five officers injured. Acevedo also reiterated that the officer who led that raid may face criminal charges.

"The no-knock warrant's going to go away, kind of like leaded gasoline in our city," Acevedo said. He added that raids that stem from those warrants would only be used in very limited cases — and that they would not be used to nab people suspected of dealing small amounts of drugs.

"You're going to see those going away," he said.

More @ NPR

WBTS Weapons For Sale

A friend here at Redstone Arsenal is selling some of his WBTS weapons.   Attached is the list with a brief description and the prices.

If you are interested, I will forward your contact information to him.   

If you don’t live near Huntsville, remember shipping costs please.   Local pickup is preferred.


Via Billy

Nick Sandmann's Lawyers File $250 million Lawsuit Against The Washington Post: "this is only the beginning."

Lawyers representing Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann filed a massive $250 million lawsuit against The Washington Post on Tuesday and warned, "this is only the beginning."

Insect Populations Are Experiencing Massive Declines And The Impact Could Be ‘Catastrophic’

"Today, Lin Wood and Todd McMurtry filed their first lawsuit on behalf of Nicholas Sandmann against The Washington Post," Sandmann's lawyers said in a statement. "The lawsuit filed is included below. The suit seeks $250 million in both compensatory and punitive damages. Lin and Todd will continue to bring wrongdoers before the court to seek damages in compensation for the harm so many have done to the Sandmann family. This is only the beginning."

Texas Town Has Over 1,000 Registered Planes and No Airport. Experts Are Ringing the Alarm Bells

Via Billy

Image result for StrawbeTexas Town Has Over 1,000 Registered Planes and No Airport. Experts Are Ringing the Alarm Bells

At this very moment, there thousands of aircraft in the skies above the United States — but a shocking investigative report has revealed that over 1,000 aircraft may be unaccountable and linked to a registration scheme that is raising security concerns.

Journalists from WFAA-TV in Texas are blowing the whistle after they noticed a strange trend. There are at least 1,000 aircraft registered in the small town of Onalaska, Texas … yet bizarrely, that sleepy town doesn’t even have an airport.

More @ WJ

T Warren, RIP My Friend (Author of The Seven Blackbirds)

It's Been A Long Hard Road 2010 Tour, Cape Carteret, NC

(My great grandfather and great uncles. BT) 

T had a difficult time writing it for about a year, then was in a graveyard one day and immediately sat down and penned it all.

Seven Blackbirds from Border Ruffians Southron Steel CD 

Seven Blackbirds sittin' on a fence 
Took up arms for their loved one's defense 
Seven brothers all left home 
Throughout the war their valor shown. 

To their grandfather, mother and sisters 
Letters to home were written 
Those letters survive and it's a fittin' 
So does the photo of them on the fence sittin'. 

The Pippen boys, no different than others 
'Jined the fight, they went as brothers 
Their mother knew they would not all return 
Deep in her heart that sorrow did burn. 

One fell early, another soon followed 
The places they fell became hallowed 
Four brothers remained, they fought on 
In a few short months another was gone. 

The Blackbirds fought 'till the fightin' ended 
Barefoot and worn they walked home defenseless 
They found their mother and sister waitin' there 
Sorrow and sadness filled the Carolina air. 

In Tarboro County the family lives on 
In the same home place where The Blackbirds begun 
The Pippen family shows no sign of end 
And I for one am most proud to call 'em friends. 

Seven Blackbirds Copyright T Warren BMI, Red Dirt and Redskin Music, 2005. 
Written on family information provided by Brock Townsend, Tarboro NC. 

This n' That

Virginia and Paul's.

Bonnie #3 and Emily #1 from left to right.  Emily was born at St Paul's in Saigon.

John, a next door neighbor in San Clemente, and friend for 44 years.  He and a friend took a summer off many years ago and went to baseball games in every major league park.

Elijah and father Todd 'working' on Elijah's blown Chevy.

Bonnie and Aria.

Bonnie's son Isaac.


Pictures above, Laura and Sally Vinyard. Laura was the daughter of Mr. An and Sally was the last American woman to leave Vietnam and my friend for 50 years. Sally is holding her picture from about the time we worked together at OICC/RVN. She and her son were in Vietnam the same time together but he was in the Army. I remember seeing her in the elevator for the first time since she had come back from Japan and had a facelift, and wow what a difference!  When I mentioned this some years later she said, "Brock, even my son doesn't know about that". :) She was born and lives in Fallbrook.

Sally above in 2008.

Emily and her son Elijah two above.

Bonnie's son Isaac.

Aria and Bonnie's Daughter  Olivia.


Dylan and Daughter Aria.

Aria two above.

I missed Christmas by a day and Isaac was very concerned that I didn't receive my present and wanted to give it to me in person.  :)

"Corner Car' Larry Bach & gang.

The 'Karl' bottle is supposed to be Vietnamese homemade draft at 9%, but no way is it 9%, as 12 ounces of it will do quite well, thank you.:)

Hue and 'Corner Car' Larry Bach's wife. Hue came with us on the evacuation flight from Saigon.

Lian on the right top two, the 4th physician in the Bach family

Thuy's father is wearing my tie (3rd from left) and I imagine he still is! :)

A bench I bought in Fallbrook many years ago and it has just been replaced.  At the time I thought it was a deal at $500 because it would be taken care of ad infinitum. They will have to replace the plaque as they misspelled Townsend once.

Rebuilding a door.  They are about 250 pounds each.