Saturday, March 16, 2019

United Nations Honors Che Guevara—Yet Again

Via Billy

United Nations Honors Che Guevara—Yet Again

‘The United Nations office in Geneva, the home of its Human Rights Council, is showcasing a giant photograph of notorious Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara in its halls, a U.N. watchdog group revealed….Hillel Neuer, the executive director of U.N. Watch, tweeted the picture of the photograph from the building in Switzerland.” (FoxNews March 1st.)

“The United Nations is not a friend of democracy, it’s not a friend to freedom, it’s not a friend even to the United States of America where, as you know, it has its home. And it surely is not a friend to Israel.” (Donald Trump, March 21st, 2016.)

More @ Townhall

A Precarious Revolution Is Brewing

Via Billy

Once again profound social and economic forces are changing the nation in ways that are difficult to understand in real time.

The American Revolution arose not from politics but from rapid social and economic changes that revealed the precariousness of the colonists' prosperity. Conventional histories focus on the political context (Boston Tea Party, etc.), but more important were the changes in social relations, and the impact of the economy moving from quasi-feudal forms of patronage to an economy of impersonal market forces.

The political revolution was the result of profound shifts in social and economic structures.

More @ Of Two Minds

Why doesn’t Mexico have a black history month like the USA does when there are 5 cities in Mexico containing African Ancestry, and the government including one of the presidents who was also black?

Alanna López
Alanna López, lived in Mexico City

Look dear, we as Mexicans don’t discriminate people because of where they come from, we just don’t care.

Now, let me explain, because while we may be classists and actually discriminate towards people with darker skins (even though everybody will deny it if you ask them), the origins of people are not important at all.

For example:

In America:

-I’m of African Ancestry

-Ohh, I feel sorry for the oppression of your people

In Mexico:

-I’m of African Ancestry

-… So? what do you want? a prize or something?

Your people care so much that there’s a black history month, Mexicans are acid and always love to make fun of everything, so we don’t bother about such things, we may actually make a joke about it, but in good fun.

I’m not used to answering questions, but this is one of those cases where Americans care too much about non important things, I just had to say something.

If Liberals Won’t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will

Via Martin

I. The Wave That’s Still Building

Through much of the 20th century, the United States received comparatively few immigrants. In the 60 years from 1915 until 1975, nearly a human lifetime, the United States admitted fewer immigrants than arrived, legally and illegally, in the single decade of the 1990s.

If you grew up in the 1950s, the 1960s, or even the 1970s, heavy immigration seemed mostly a chapter from the American past, narrated to the nostalgic strains of The Godfather or Fiddler on the Roof. The Ellis Island immigrant-inspection station—through which flowed the ancestors of so many of today’s Americans—closed in 1954. It reopened as a museum in 1990.

More @ The Atlantic

'There are 5,000 Chinese spies operating in Taiwan'

Via Lê Bá Dzũng

Chinese spies are often noticed by Taiwanese newspapers

According to the Taipei Times (March 13, 2017), not only Taiwan's military information is the target of Chinese espionage, but also civilian operations are compromised.

Taiwanese authorities believe that about 80% of the activities of about 5,000 intelligence workers for China target military targets, but the remaining 20% ​​are political and administrative spies.

More @ BBC