NATIONALISTS WIN: Salvini from Italy, Le Pen from France. Farage in UK, Tarczynski in Poland Smash Globalist Elites in EU Elections

Via Billy

- Farage wins in UK.
- Le Pen wins in France
- Salvini wins in Italy.
- Orban wins in Hungary.
- Right wing surging in Sweden.

Massive success for the right-wing and EU skeptics this election!

EU election results as of right now:

Nigel Farage leading in England
Marine Le Pen leading in France
Salvini leading in Italy

A global mass awakening is happening and there is nothing that the global elites or their media henchmen can do to stop it.

More @ The Gateway Pundit

The end of Martin Luther King day

Via Tedmund 

It will be good to have this fake holiday celebrating this evil man brought swiftly to an end now that there is conclusive evidence that he was literally pro-rape:

More @ Vox Popoli

Don't know the validity, but it has certainly happened before.

Via Niềm Vui Nhỏ

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and sleeping
Poor translation but understandable.

Oh, my God! We always respect you, mother!

A doctor published his photo, he cried and wrote:

Today is the saddest day of my life. As a doctor, I have been dealing with many cases of pregnancy and whenever I am in the birth room, I pray to God to protect and bless all mothers. The pain of the woman when turning yes is can and it is not to mention the pregnancy of the child for nine months. The Ultimate pain to give birth to a new life...

Today we cried bitter, we lost the woman, we can't blame anyone for everything God has done. Why make us witness the ultimate suffering of this woman?

She has been in birth for 14 years and we have tried all the treatments including injection and artificial essence. Finally, as God wants, she was pregnant with all the effort of medicine and science, even though she had a large tumor on the ovaries. When she was pregnant, this tumor began to fade away and everything was fine as shown mercy and greatness of creation... by the time she became yes, her husband rushed to get her to run. My place. I handed over all my work to my colleagues and stayed in the birth room for 7 hours until we decided to operate for the unborn. The Mother decided to die to bring life to the child! When she said to decide with the husband, he passed out. She held her child in her hand, smiled and then gone... how did a happy day turn into a tragedy!

And there is still a chance for you, if you don't talk to your mother or pass again for any reason, please come to mom now to show your love and respect to the most important woman For your life.

Source: Fanpage Meddy Bear.

Memorial Day ~ May 2019

Via Reborn "The way we were."

We are about to celebrate Memorial Day here in the USA and aside from the “Happy Memorial Day” that friends shout, apart from the backyard barbecue parties, the Indianapolis 500 and other NASCAR races and the day off work on Monday – what is Memorial Day all about?

We remember and honor those men and women who fell in the wars and we at Sharkhunters remember and honor those in ALL armed forces who paid the price of their life, suffered wounds and/or all the other things that veterans must face. We remember ALL who served honorably, whether in combat or not – we remember anyone who wears the uniform and serves honorably.

In The Deep State Coup Attempt, All Roads Lead Back To Barack Obama

Via G.W. Long


With Democrats now launching all out and desperate attacks against President Trump's Attorney General William Barr with signs emerging over the past week+ that deep state traitors may indeed finally face justice for their attempted coup against President Trump, we'll take a look within this new ANP story at more new evidence that 'all coup roads' lead back to Barack Obama and that it's time for the 'coup plotters' to be held accountable as heard in the videos at the bottom of this story.

Trump Strikes Back

Via Billy
Image result for Trump Strikes Back

...... the CIA’s former director, the wicked Mr. Brennan, is grand jury bound. I suspect he will not be protected by his former colleagues. His downfall may presage a more thorough cleanup, and perhaps a major reorganization, of this monstrous agency.

Not long ago, few Americans of the thinking persuasion might have imagined that such a well-engineered republic, with its exquisite checks and balances, sturdy institutions, and time-tested traditions would end up as so much smoldering goop in a national dumpster fire, but such is the sad state-of-the-union moving into the fateful summer of 2019. The castle of the permanent bureaucracy is about to be torched by an uprising of deplorable peasants led by a Golden Golem made furious by relentless litigation. It’s Game of Thrones meets the Thermidorian Reaction with a Weimar-flavored cherry on top — really one for the ages!

More @ Kunstler

Samantha Powers 'Unmasked' Over 260 AMERICANS During 2016; Soon We’ll Learn Why

Via John "First, Barr Will Go After The Criminals, Like Powers, Who Reported To The Boss. And Then, Barr Will Go After THE BOSS  Himself.  There Is NO WAY This Nation Can Find Peace Unless These Treacherous Lawbreakers Face The Justice They So Richly Deserve.:

Unmasking and then illegally leaking the names of Trump team members caught up in foreign intelligence gathering would have been an incredible, but unsurprising abuse by the Obama administration

When U.S. intelligence agencies gather information on foreigners, often the name of a U.S. citizen or entity will be collected. Under current U.S. law, information about innocent citizens gathered in this way is referred to as incidental collection. Their names and data must be masked to protect their privacy.

Authorized government officials, under certain conditions, may “unmask” the identity of an individual.

More @ Red State

No Surprise here: CW Battlefields Lose Ground As Tourism Drops

Civil War Submarine Hunley, Conservators Work, Iron Hull, Fascinating Civil War Battles Across the Continent

Via Jeffery "Really? Is anyone shocked after the hit job the MSM has done on ANYTHING related to the Confederacy. Common Core can also be listed as an accomplice."
FORT OGLETHORPE, Ga.—Is Civil War tourism history?

Once a tourism staple for many Southern states and a few Northern ones, destinations related to the 1860s war are drawing fewer visitors. Historians point to recent fights over Confederate monuments and a lack of interest by younger generations as some of the reasons.

More @ WSJ

"As Whites slowly die out and lose their majority status, White history will die with it. By the turn of the 21st Century, hardly anyone will remember the Founding Fathers or the Civil War. The unique brilliance of the white man in founding the US and the sacrifices to hold and expand it will be forgotten."