Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Stanton the Federal Dictator

Image result for staNTON the federal dictator 

In scrounging around on the internet I came across a book I had never heard of before called They Wanted Lincoln Dead. It was written by a Troy Cowan. I’d not heard of him before either. But then, he’s probably never heard of me either. The book has kind of a light blue cover on it, with a picture of Edwin Stanton and Andrew Johnson. It’s available from Amazon and it’s a paperback for $12.99.

In the Arms of an Angel

Via KhaiCo Vu

 Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting 
The baby's face is peaceful without fear in the arms of the doorgunner with the wind roaring, but feels safer than ever because she's being held by an angel. A beautiful image of the ARVN Air Force.

Excellent: On Ballylee: The Enduring Legacy of Our Fathers’ Fields


A retrospective review of Our Fathers’ Fields: A Southern Story (University of South Carolina Press, 1998) by James Everett Kibler, Jr.

On June 7, 1998, I opened a copy of The State newspaper from Columbia, South Carolina, and read a review of a book that I immediately knew I had to own. The article, “Family Ties: Author Looks at Hardy Family History,” favorably endorsed Our Fathers’ Fields: A Southern Story, by Dr. James Everett Kibler, Jr., which had just been published by the University of South Carolina Press.

“This book, a gentle, affectionate social history, is the story of a family who made a house a home for nearly two centuries. It is a memoir that could become a classic of Palmetto State history, so richly detailed and lively is its recounting of the Hardy family past,” wrote reviewer William W. Starr. “The narrative is occasionally so compelling that it forces a halt to the text to admire the way Kibler has absorbed the people and times he describes. The detail here is ravishing to read. And Kibler’s informal but informed tone adds to the pleasures.” (1)

Husband and Wife Die on Same Day After 71-Year Marriage

Image result for Husband and Wife Die on Same Day After 71-Year Marriage

 A couple married for 71 years died just hours apart, showing the world that love goes beyond the grave.

Herbert Delaigle, 94, and his wife Frances Delaigle, 88, was that kind of couple whose bond was so inseparable, they died just 12 hours apart on Friday.

The Delaigles began their love story in a little cafe in Waynesboro, Georgia, where they first met at ages 16 and 22.

More @ Breitbart

Diamond & Silk Defend Trump: If You Don’t Like America, ‘You Can Pack Your Knapsack and Go’ & More

Via Billy

 Diamond & Silk Defend Trump: If You Don’t Like America, ‘You Can Pack Your Knapsack and Go’ 

Conservative social media stars Diamond and Silk offered a fiery defense Tuesday of President Donald Trump, who’s been under fire for a series of tweets Democrats and the establishment media referred to as racist.

Trump appeared to take aim Sunday at four progressive freshman lawmakers: Reps. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.

More @ WJ


Trump's done it AGAIN. Barry Krischer comes out swinging against Alex Acosta. And straight into an ambush.

Via Iver

 Former Florida State Attorney Barry Krischer and current Labor Secretary Alex Acosta

A former Florida state attorney who was in office during billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s plea deal in the state slammed current Labor Secretary Alex Acosta,…

Tommy Robinson, Bellwethers and Belmarsh

Via Seneca III  'Bit of an update here, Brock:"

Below is Seneca III’s more detailed report on Tommy Robinson’s new digs in southeast London.

There can be little doubt that whether he lives or dies, the Star Chamber prosecution and persecution of Tommy Robinson should become the iconic bellwether to lead us all out of these dark days. Hopefully, as far as his immediate safety is concerned, his imprisonment in Belmarsh Prison will be the deciding factor, possibly working in his favour because Belmarsh is not a single prison but actually four prisons within one.

The main unit is in fact two circumscribed units, a category ‘A’ High Security prison with another Ultra High Security unit inside which houses the most dangerous prisoners (it used to be known as the Guantanamo of the UK). Both the main and High Security units have very strict routines, high level structural design and seriously well-trained staff to prevent prisoners escaping or attacking guards or other prisoners.

Facebook: More Government Censorship

Via Cousin John


It is often argued that Facebook is a private enterprise and therefore free to censor whatever it wishes.

However, Facebook and the other internet giants, such as Google, YouTube (a subsidiary of Google), and Twitter, have come to control the flow of information on the internet, to such a degree – as virtual monopolies -- that they have become the 'public square' of our times. That outcome makes them far more than merely private enterprises and endows them with a special responsibility: Those who cannot publish on Facebook or Twitter, effectively no longer have full freedom of speech.