Jefferson Davis and his wife were so racist they adopted a black boy that Mrs. Davis rescued from a brutal Negro guardian on the streets of Richmond. Jim Limber was raised as their own, with their own children, in the Confederate White House.
Mr. Davis was such a brutal racist he sent his slave Ben Montgomery to Ohio (a free state) with $8000 to purchase a cotton gin. Ben returned with the gin and took care of the Davis's plantation while he was away during the Mexican War and later during the War for Southern Independence.
Diarist Mary Chestnut of South Carolina was so racist that after the war, facing financial ruin, she was still caring for 16 elderly former slaves that had already been emancipated...
The Confederate Army was so racist it was made up of Whites, Mexicans, Blacks, Jews, Asians and Native Americans who by the way had representation in the Confederate Congress.
The South was so racist that when French Author Alexis de Tocqueville visited the north and south he states in “Democracy in America” that, ironically the problem of race seemed to be far worse in the non-slave owning states than in slave owning states. Whites refuse to work side by side with blacks; however, this was commonplace in the South. He also noted the general attitude in New England was, that all blacks were aliens and should be deported or colonized back to Africa.
What was the North's race policy? Many northern states banned free blacks from moving into their states with the intention of residing there (including Lincoln's Illinois)...why do you suppose the Underground Railroad ended in Canada?