Saturday, November 9, 2019

Soup's On! And On! Thai Beef Noodle Brew Has Been Simmering For 45 Years

Via 'I can't remember again' :)


There's food that's old. There's food that has gone bad. And then there's soup that has been simmering for 45 years.

In Bangkok, customers can't get enough of the latter at Wattana Panich, a noodle soup joint in the trendy Ekkamai neighborhood, where third-generation owner Nattapong Kaweeantawong wants to clear up what he thinks is a popular misconception about his beef soup.

"Lots of people think we never clean the pot," he says. "But we clean it every evening. We remove the soup from the pot, then keep a little bit simmering overnight."

It's that little bit, he says, that forms the stock of the next day's soup. So, yes, at least a taste of what you put in your mouth is 45 years old and counting.

 More @ NPR

The Very Idea of White Privilege

Via 'I can't remember' :)

I was arrested to prevent me from delivering this talk at The Scandza Forum in Oslo on November 2, 2019. The Norwegian Security Police somehow divined — without knowing the topic or even the title — that this lecture would lead to political violence if delivered. Judge for yourself. For a fuller account of my arrest, see “Anarcho-Tyranny in Oslo.” 

I want to thank Frodi and the rest of the Scandza team for making this event possible, as well as all of you for coming out to hear me. I am honored today to be speaking alongside these distinguished doctors of the human sciences. My Ph.D., however, is in philosophy. Philosophers don’t do scientific research. Instead, we stand back and try to talk about the big picture, including the meaning of scientific discoveries for politics and morals. My topic today is “The Very Idea of White Privilege.”

A privilege is an advantage that you enjoy and others don’t.

What Is a 'Well Regulated Militia,' Anyway?

Via John


The Founders liked militias, but they also liked an armed citizenry. To them, the two ideas were inseparable.

 Gun control advocates love to hate District of Columbia v. Heller, the 2008 case in which the Supreme Court recognized that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to arms. They may be protesting too much. Federal courts in the decade since have found many restrictions on the right to own and use weapons perfectly congruent with that decision. Heller merely says the government can't enforce laws that prevent (most) Americans from possessing commonly used weapons in their homes for self-defense

More @ Reason


Via Wes "There is a wealth of information here; including technical aspects of THE WALL.
I'm mildly surprised that the Libtards at Google haven't "de-platformed" this information."

 Foreman Mike Back on the Border In NEW location

Untold Story of Property Owners Who Let Us Build Wall On Their Land

"Unless trapped in a hotel room in Ulan Bator and having already read the Gideon’s Bible, nobody in their right mind goes looking for CNN." -- The inimitable GEORGE GALLOWAY

President Trump launches nationwide grassroots initiative for black voters

Via G.W. Long


President Trump is kicking off his nationwide campaign initiative to garner more black voters ahead of 2020. During his Friday speech in downtown Atlanta, the president announced his ‘Black Voices for Trump’ initiative.

More @ OAN

Facebook Removes News Reporting, Mention of Alleged ‘Whistleblower’s’ Identity

 Image result for Eric Ciaramella.

Facebook is removing any mention of the potential whistleblower’s name and is cracking down against Facebook publishers that mention any allegation of the potential whistleblower’s name, claiming they are violating Facebook’s Community Standards and Policies.

For example, on Wednesday evening, Facebook removed Breitbart posts reporting on the fact other respected news outlets have reported the identity of the alleged whistleblower is Eric Ciaramella. Any Facebook user who attempts to click on that article on Facebook is now given a message that says, “this content isn’t available at the moment.”

More @ Breitbart