Friday, March 6, 2020

Bernie Sanders and Simon Legree: Real and Imaginary


About 70 years later Virginia and 10 of her sister Southern states seceded to avoid a slave economic state of abominable tariffs. The 11 lost. The new slave system won.
And ever since these political parties, both sperm donors to the Washington Swamp’s bureaucratic progeny, have been telling certain people that their party loathes the original American sin of slavery the most. And they beg these “certain people” to vote for them so they can sin again in the name of “rights.”
Bernie Sanders wants to bring back slavery. This raises the question: can he have the 13th Amendment repealed?

Who says that it hasn’t already been repealed?

Bernie says, among other Communistic pronouncements, that “health care is a right.” Well, if that is so, then someone: doctor, nurse, medic, etc must provide it. That is unless Bernie, the Commie, means that everyone should have the right to care for himself. But Commies don’t mean that. They mean that the government should tell the said doctor, nurse, medic, etc that they are going to provide care, even if they don’t want to.

Actually, in ancient Greece and Rome, doctors and accountants were commonly used as slaves.

Hillary Clinton to be Questioned UNDER OATH by Judicial Watch--Here's What You Need to Know...

Via Cousin John

An attractive, well spoken lady.

With Hillary’s upcoming testimony under oath before Judicial Watch attorneys, make sure you’re up to date with the details of the Clinton email scandal by watching this exclusive interview between Judicial Watch Senior Attorney Ramona Cotca and Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton on the ex-secretary’s misconduct.

Store Clerk on Dead Robber: He made a ‘very, very poor decision in a state like NC, where everyone has guns’

Malik Harris, 18, attempted to rob the NC Tobacco store in Greensboro, North Carolina late last month.  An armed citizen stopped Harris in the act, fatally shooting him, WFMY 2 repots.

The incident happened sometime in the morning before 11 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 29th.  Harris entered the store armed with a handgun and quickly started making demands, according to store clerk Adil Khawaja.

“There were three or four customers in the store. And the guy came in and put the gun on all the customers, made everyone come [behind the counter] at gunpoint,” Khawaja explained.

An elderly lady walked in during the holdup and Harris quickly confronted her. 

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North Carolina Republicans Throw Overwhelming Support Behind Passionate Pro-Gun Candidate For Lt. Governor

Via John

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One thing the mainstream media is most certainly not reporting on is the fact that United States citizens are taking the Second Amendment battle to the ballot box and winning. Amid the chaos of the Democratic nominee race, many stories are just falling by the wayside including that of Mark Robinson, a former factory worker and day care operator from Greensboro, North Carolina who just outright won the GOP nomination to the be the state’s next lieutenant governor.

Why is Robinson’s win significant and going mostly unreported by the bias left-wing media?

Robinson is a passionate pro-gun advocate who delivered a now famous speech during a Greensboro city council meeting in April 2018 that immediately went viral.

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