Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Truth About Hydroxychloroquine

Via Herschel

 Why Did 21 Million Phone Numbers Disappear from China After ...

At a recent post by Glenn Reynolds, one commenter wrote “I suspect when the history of this virus is written this is going to be one of the very ugly chapters – the resistance to using the HCQ drug cocktail early in the process. The number of lives it would have saved will be staggering.”  Another commenter wrote “As most know, the media/Democrat politicians/FDA want the use of the hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin/zinc combination to be restricted until late in the course of the infection, when the patient’s infection is well-advanced.  As a physician, this baffles me.  I can’t think of a single infectious condition — bacterial, fungal, or viral — where the best medical treatment is to delay the use of a anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or anti-viral until the infection is far advanced.”

China: 21 Million Cell Phone Accounts Closed = 21 million Chinese dead of coronavirus?

Via Cousin Joel

New China virus: Warning against cover-up as number of cases jumps ...

May well be truth here as even Snopes says they can't confirm. 

New data intercepted by the United States reveals that 21 million people died in China from December 2019 to March 2020, US intelligence officials conclude in a classified report for the Trump administration.

The Intelligence report stated that at least 20.9 million of the deaths were linked to coronavirus.

According to the US, the intercepted data that shows that China under reported its coronavirus infections and deaths was validated for a second time when it tallied with a data released by Beijing authorities. Beijing announced on March 19 that over 21 million cell phone accounts in China were canceled in the past three months while 840,000 landlines were closed.

China had reported little over 81,000 infections with 3,300 deaths.

SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data

Via Terry

International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents


Comparison of incidence and mortality rates of four common coronaviruses circulating in France with those of SARS-CoV-2 in OECD countries.
As of 2 March 2020, 90 307 patients had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 worldwide, with 3086 deaths (mortality rate 3.4%).
As of 2 March 2020, among OECD countries, 7476 patients had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, with 96 deaths (mortality rate 1.3%)
As of 2 March 2020, in France, 191 people had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, with three deaths (mortality rate 1.6%).
In OECD countries. the mortality rate for SARS-CoV-2 (1.3%) is not significantly different from that for common coronaviruses identified in public hospitals of Marseille, France (0.8%; P=0.11).
The problem of SARS-CoV-2 is probably overestimated, as 2.6 million people die of respiratory infections each year compared with less than 4000 deaths for SARS-CoV-2 at the time of writing.


More @ Science Direct

Easter Cross & FBI: SEIU Duped as 39 Million Masks ‘Found’ by Union Was Elaborate Fraud Scheme

 A large cross was created on a farm in Brownfield, Texas in a photo shared ahead of Easter Sunday.

The 39 million N95 masks the Service Employees International Union announced it had discovered turned out to be an elaborate scheme, according to the FBI.

In late March, the union rushed out a press release:

More @ Breitbart

EXCLUSIVE Video Interview: Idaho Sheriff Responds to N.Y. Times, Media, Critics Over His Virus vs. Liberty Appeal

Via Terry

Bonner County Sheriff Daryl Wheeler’s Open Letter to Governor Brad Little has been wildly misrepresented.

When he penned a short, simple letter to Idaho Governor Brad Little questioning the wisdom and constitutionality of emergency stay-at-home directives concerning the coronavirus epidemic, Bonner County Sheriff Daryl Wheeler was not expecting the media firestorm and the avalanche of over-the-top condemnation that have rained down on him.

The New York Times suggested the sheriff was leading a “rebellion” that “threatens to undermine coronavirus orders,” and quoted area doctors that condemned the sheriff’s call for moderation in response to the virus. One physician, a prominent surgeon, went so far as to call Sheriff Wheeler’s letter appeal “criminal” and stated that Sheriff Wheeler (and Idaho State Representative Heather Scott, who supported the sheriff’s appeal) might be denied medical care as a result. Dr. Robert J. Burnett wrote, in an April 5 letter to the editor in the Bonner County Bee, in the event that either Sheriff Wheeler or Rep. Scott happen to contract COVID-19 and need hospital care and/or a ventilator, “that I, and all of my co-workers take comfort in knowing that, because of your behavior, you have essentially relinquished your claim to any of these potentially scarce resources.”

Governor's coronavirus order 'bans homeschooling'

Via Billy

Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's order closing public school buildings also bans homeschooling, which is unconstitutional, contends a legal non-profit in the state.

"The Great Lakes Justice Center calls upon Gov. Whitmer to correct this unconstitutional action and assure parents in Michigan that they may continue to safely home school their own children while the EO is in effect," the organization said in a statement Thursday.

More @ WND

'I Found The Source of the Coronavirus'

 In this new video, Matthew Tye shares how: I Found The Source of the Coronavirus, refuting the claim that the pandemic started outside of China. Don't miss it!


Moravian Easter Sunrise Service: Winston-Salem, NC.

Via Terry

The 248th Easter Sunrise Service will be held on Sunday, April 12, 2020, beginning at 6:00 AM and will be led by The Rev. Chaz Snider, associate pastor of Calvary Moravian Church. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the service this year will be webcast only - you are asked to participate remotely through the streaming webcast rather than in person!

NC: Enough Is Enough

Via Cousin John

Come And Take It: Woman Graduates College With A Rifle Slung ...
It is time for the General Assembly to exercise their powers as enumerated in Chapter 123 of the General Statutes. This authoritarian governor has caused over 500,000 North Carolinians to become unemployed in a matter of days, not through the legislative process, but by decree. He has tanked our economy to levels not seen in decades, again not by the legislative process, but by decree. He continues to govern via executive order, knowing he can't get the draconian measures he wants through the General Assembly.
Measures that will have untold consequences upon the state and its citizens for decades to come. In fact, all but 1 of the measures were not agreed to by the Council of State (over half of which come from his own party), whom he bypassed via the Emergency Management Act. If our state legislators do not immediately draw up articles of impeachment, they will be derelict in their duties and do not deserve the seat they occupy. Enough is enough. It's time to take our rights, liberties, and freedoms back. It's time to get our fellow citizens back to work and get our economy going again .