Wednesday, July 1, 2020

[Photos] A Walk on the Streets of Quaint 1966-1967 Da Nang


Like its namesake river, the Han Market remains a bustling destination attracting visitors and casual shoppers to the area today, just as it did decades ago.

Taken over the span of two years, 1966 and 1967, this collection of film photos brings us back to the small-town charm of Da Nang before it became the most dynamic metropolis in Central Vietnam, as we know it today. The photos’ author, Ron Holder, used to be part of the US Navy Support Activity Da Nang, and took these during his time based in the coastal town.

On the streets of Da Nang in the 1960s, áo dài was a mainstay for ladies of all ages; xích lô and xe lam (Lambretta) roamed freely, while personal vehicles were predominantly bicycles.

More @ Saigoneer

Activists Using Black Lives Matter To Funnel Money to Their Own Companies

Left-wing activist Shaun King has become a vocal proponent for the Black Lives Matter movement, but a recent report calls into question where the money raised by his political action committee has gone.

King founded the Real Justice PAC in 2017 with the goal of electing “reform-minded prosecutors” who are committed to fighting “structural racism” and defending communities from “abuse by state power,” according to the PAC’s website.

The Washington Free Beacon reviewed the PAC’s finances and found that over the past 15 months, a quarter of the money the Real Justice PAC brought in was funneled back to companies linked to its leaders.

More @ WJ

NC: The Vance Monument

The intent of the governing boards of the City of Asheville and Buncombe County that the Vance Monument be replaced or altered in such a manner, as “to honor the local history of African Americans” is the greatest piece of poppycock that I have ever heard, and is obscene.

The local history of the African American community has nothing to do with the place of prominence of the Cenotaph of Governor Vance. The Historic Black District lies just a stone’s throw way, and has been abdicated by the so-called black business and religious ” leaders” who owned a lion’s share of the properties that was supposed to be revitalized under the Eagle Market Street Development Plan; under the guise that this process would begin with the help of the City and County if the area was rid of the lawlessness that was pervasive in the area.

And , with the help of Police Chief Will Anarino, and my leadership at the NAACP;  whose office was located in the Cultural Center;  we completed that charge… only to see a complete “sell-out” of that goal after the illegal election against my Presidency took place.  Why?  Because like Trump; "I was draining the swamp".  Even the YMI Cultural Center that for years served as the Minority component that attracted funds in State and National Cultural Arts area is basically NO MORE.

This is where the local history of the black community was highlighted during and shortly after Jim Crow under the leadership of 9 designated black churches who held its deed of ownership, and let fall in disarray financially.  The Cultural Center is now a Bar & Grill;  no longer administrated under black leadership, and very little black community participation. This is the greatest travesty done to cultural activities in the African American community.

The Vance Monument has NEVER posed any harm to the black community.  This attack is just another reconstruction modus operandi  assault on Southern history using black folks as the weapon of choice against the white community.

I discovered the ulterior motives of the race hustlers actually working AGAINST the black community in my work with the Joint Asheville – Buncome Co. Office of Minority Business.   I was able to secure a NAACP seat on its Community Board, and in that position, served on the Joint City & County Committee that rewrote the Minority Business Plan.  There I learned about the Community Re-Invest Act that would allow Banks to fund various minority business ventures;  only to be informed by the late, Honorable City Councilman and Vice President of 1st Citizens Bank, Rock McClure, that the National Office of the NAACP had told National Banks NOT to provide monies directly to communities they served , but  INSTEAD to give the money to the National NAACP for distribution.   My black business community never saw a dime of that. Race problems, poppycock!  SHAKEDOWN.

This task force is nothing more than an attempt to finish what the reconstruction of the South failed to accomplish the first time and to justify the continuous attack on the heritage and culture of the Southern people using unsuspecting blacks as the weapon of choice.  Who will take the blame for this unholy act??? Black southerners.  Then once again ushering in hate against our people, something that black civil rights organizations (Pole Bearers Organization, Knights Brotherhood Monumental Organization) declared that they would never let happen again!

Born and raised in this City, all I ever heard about the Vance Monument from black folk ... “Mom can you pick me up at the Vance Monument?”  “Daddy can you take pictures of us in our caps and gowns at the Vance Monument?”  Even when civil rights protest with sit ins occurred at S & H Kress food counter ... “We are going to protest and meet later at the Vance monument”.

Racial inequities in this City of mine and across the South are and always have been something that could be overcome with hard work, honesty and good manners.  The South does not deserve the social and cultural genocide that  those that don’t and won’t leave the Southern people alone continue to bring to us under the preponderance that they come to help us.  Leave us alone!  Especially the War Memorials of the integrated arm forces of the Confederate War Machine!

I HK Edgerton was born and raised in the heart of the Jim Crow era in the year that Israel became a State;  with a picture of the Honorable General Robert E. Lee on my mom's mantle place… a man that my mom called a Christ like in the South, a devout Christian, and a friend to the Negro race.

Never, ever did I know or hear of a black man's desire to deface the monument to him adjacent to the Honorable Zebulon Baird Vance whose family cut out the land that is now Asheville, North Carolina.

This City Council and County Commission has no legal right to remove any of the Confederate Cenotaphs, or that of three time Governor, three times Senator, and most highly decorated citizen in the historic of the State of North Carolina, Zebulon Baird Vance.  State law prohibits it but so does MORAL LAW.

And to those two black City Council members and the Jewish Mayor who betrayed the Jews with this vote  I say that “you are no better than the boot blacks, carpetbaggers, and scalawags that sold the South during the 12 year period of reconstruction.”

And all the hate that was caused between Southern black folk and their white Southern family because you used the black folk to continue the Thaddeus Stephens-style persecution agenda against the South; that debt almost paid by Southern blacks, and now you want to use us again because a black man in a northern town was killed by a Northern Policeman.  It had NOTHING to do with Asheville, Buncome County or Zebulon Vance.

And not to forget Black lives don't matter in Chicago to black folk who snuff them out, or on the out skirts of Asheville when a young black man opened fire killing a 7 year old baby girl asleep in her bed, and late a 17 year old black teenager in a drive by shooting just yesterday. God bless you!

                                                             Your brother,

    Chairman of the Board of Advisors Emeritus of the Southern Legal Resource Center
    Member of Save Southern Heritage Florida
    President Southern Heritage 411

Waving the White Flag Won’t Save the UDC


I wonder if Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro, Charles Murray and Heather MacDonald are reacting to these antifa riots the same way I am.

I mean, not that anyone of us would enjoy the sight of reporters being trapped, chased through the streets and physically assaulted by antifa goons. Or liberal Democrats having to defend their homes with guns in Saint Louis, MO. Or the president hiding in the White House bunker as antifa lays waste to Lafayette Park. Or the mayor of Seattle WA, finally shutting down the CHAZ “summer of love” when the mob came to her house.

They’re all “peaceful protesters” — until they come near you.

More @ Townhall

Time to Expose the Fraud That Launched BLM

 George Zimmerman paints Confederate battle flag to raise money for ...

On Black Lives Matter’s website, the organization’s radical founders trace the creation of their movement “to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman.”

Had those founders paid any attention to the trial, they would have known that Zimmerman should never have been charged with murder, let alone tried.  The fact that he was arrested can be attributed to a stunningly blatant fraud orchestrated by the attorney who has been prominently milking the racial divide he helped create, Benjamin Crump.

More @ LRC

BLM Activist Is Arrested for Attempted Murder as the Mainstream Media Rush to Their Bunkers

Early this morning, a Black Lives Matter activist was arrested for attempted murder after firing a gun into an SUV at a recent “protest” in Utah. There’s actually video of the incident, which clearly shows the driver of the vehicle barely creeping forward trying to escape being mobbed before he’s shot by a man wearing a mask.

More @ Red State

Crews remove Confederate monuments in Richmond

Via Keith


Work crews arrived at the Stonewall Jackson monument in Richmond Wednesday afternoon ready to take down the statue.

Hundreds of people have gathered to witness its removal, CBS 6 reporter Brendan King said.

The removal comes less than two hours after Richmond City Council put off a vote to remove Confederate monuments from Monument Avenue.

More @ WTVR

Too San Francisco For Its Own Good: The progressive City by the Bay has virtue-signaled itself into a hole.

 San Francisco's Progressive Leaders Ignore Its Everyday Citizens

San Franciscans love complaining about how terrible San Francisco has become. We’ll bond about the high cost of rent, the homeless problem, and how we’re planning to leave the city because the techies ruined it. “I’ve been here forever, got here four years ago . . . it was totally different then, of course.”

I’ve lived in San Francisco since 1987. Not quite a native—I was born in Korea— but long enough to have deeper roots than many. Very few people I know from my high school days remain, forced out by exorbitant rents and cost of living. Who, in the 1980s and 1990s, expected that they’d need to become a software engineer to afford living in their own city? Not many, it turns out. So, we imported them. Most tech workers are from other parts of the country, if not the world. They come for the high-paying jobs and for the lifestyle, including the ultra-progressive values, that San Francisco represents. I don’t blame them. San Francisco, on a good day, is an amazing city. But it’s seeing fewer and fewer good days.

More @ CJ

The Era of George Floyd

J. William Fulbright - Wikipedia

It is a common refrain that no one is coming to save you, but it's worse than that, the ones paid to come to save you will probably come to get you for some violation of thought or intent. There's a new sheriff in town and he ain't your friend. You are the worst; the cause of all manner of horribleness over the past centuries and the only way the sheriff can save himself is to imprison or murder you. You and your kind.

More @ 12 Round

“God Will Not Give Way to the Care of the Devil” – General Michael Flynn Offers a Prayer of Hope for America During this Troubled Time

Via Richard


General Michael Flynn:
Revolutionary forces are causing every American citizen to question which direction the country is heading. To determine the outcome, we must examine our nation’s history to project ourselves forward into the future.
Once again, tyranny and treachery are in our midst, and although we feel we’ve descended into a hellish state of existence, we must never forget, hell is conquerable.
Prayer is the greatest weapon and a consciousness of God is the ultimate “thought of the day.”
The idea or notion of a heaven on Earth is the very real sense of being free. Freedom is oxygen. Like the air we breathe that keeps our lungs full and our hearts beating, the celestial feeling of freedom brings a sense of peace to our souls.

Freedom must never be taken for granted. Securing our freedom demands a high price — and that price requires hard work and sacrifice. Both will bind us all by the value they produce, but only if we are willing to seek new opportunities and new ideas.

 Those who have sacrificed the most, those who have given the last true measure of devotion that derives from the love of faith, family and the cause of freedom — for all of us to be free, and for the betterment of our republic and the free world — cannot be allowed to have died in vain.