G.W. Long via
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
It’s important to understand that this is a revolutionary moment in American history, and it isn’t a bad idea to
act in ways that would fall under the traditional description of “accordingly.”
But it’s also important to understand that the revolution taking
place in America is not yet a “kinetic” one. That may come soon, or it
may not. The battle taking place presently is a war of information — or
disinformation, as the case may be.
And the revolution is a Marxist revolution. You should make no
mistake about that. The groups fomenting it, the intellectuals promoting
it, and the money financing it are all quite open about who they are.
GOOD MORNING, BROCK! We the People ARE in Deep Doo Doo. And President
TRUMP IS THE Way out of it. Just like Reagan, President TRUMP WILL
DEFEAT the Marxist PUSH to "Overthrow this Nation without firing a
shot." This is a simple TRUTH Meme that sums up a lot in just a few
words. Ole Clint is looking tired. But he still has it going on behind
those eyes.
I found
this article at Mike's 90 Miles from Tyranny today, I followed the links to The American Spectator:
is a short article. BUT A LONG READ. Who was Alexander Kerensky?
What have Alexander and Joe Biden got in common? DOES HISTORY REALLY
REPEAT ITSELF? Does anyone in their right mind believe that any one of
these Marxist Pukes trying to influence our Nation has the BRAINS to
Come up with the SCHIFFT that they are spewing, on their own? Or, are
they just ACTORS (Useful Idiots) READING A POISONOUS SCRIPT. One which
was written long ago, and when enacted to it's final scene of Death and
Destruction, has Conquered Many Profitable, and Prolific Societies,
throughout History. What these Marxists are trying to achieve is NOT OF
THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN GOD that we Know. It is of, and from, the
you think, Brock.
Thank You for ALL that you Do for Freedom
Brock.................. Endeavor to
Persevere, Sir.
G.W. Long