Monday, September 21, 2020

Thirty Pieces of Silver


“Do you mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O’Hara, that Tara, that land, doesn’t mean anything to you? Why, land is the only thing in the world worth workin’ for, worth fightin’ for, worth dyin’ for, because it’s the only thing that lasts.” 

Once there was a common theme among our ancestors, and it was a simple one: land is the most valuable thing a man can possess, aside from a good relationship with the Creator himself, and a healthy family. However, I have found that having land helps both these other ideals, and for good reason.

 More @ The Abbeville Institute

Portland: The Silent Majority Wins - Video

Via John  "The Train left the station and went to Portland....with not a single Antifa or BLM thug in sight......they were too scared to show themselves.They will be far more scared after Trump is re-elected."


 A killing, chaos in Portland as Trump's reelection scheme of a civil war  shifts into overdrive



New Video Exposes China Supporting Marxist Group Behind Mass Rioting in 40 US States

Via Billy

New Video Exposes China Supporting Marxist Group Behind Mass Rioting in 40  US States— MUST SEE VIDEO - YouTube

Minneapolis communists from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization claim credit for “sparking” recent riots that spread to more than 40 states. Freedom Road supports the Communist Party of China. And FRSO supports the communist mass murderers Mao and Stalin.

Steff Yorek and her lesbian lover and Marxist activist Jess SundinThe allied pro-China communists spread protests to many other cities across the nation.

The ensuing riots damaged or destroyed 1,500 businesses in Minneapolis.

The riots have caused at least $1 billion in damages across the country.

More @ The Gateway Pundit

Antifa: The Stormtroopers of Global Capitalism

 Antifa” - The origins of classic antifascism and its red flag. seeking to undermine Donald Trump’s presidency, the Marxists and anarchists of Antifa and other groups are doing the dirty work of the richest and most powerful people in the world. They might not know that this is what they are doing, in which case they are dupes. Make no mistake about it. Antifa are indeed the stormtroopers of global capitalism.

 Remember, international global finance has no fatherland. It thrives in a globalist 'federated' system, not in sovereign nations.

There was a time, not so long ago, that Marxist and anarchist groups, such as Antifa, could be seen violently disrupting meetings of the global elites, demonstrating outside global summits, such as those held by the G20. These days they have switched their allegiance by becoming the storm troopers of global corporate capitalism, intent on making war on those few regimes that have the courage to resist the globalist juggernaut.

Since the idea that Antifa is fighting on the side of global capitalism is counter intuitive, it will be necessary to take a step back, take a deep breath, and define our terms.

More @ Musings of an Old Curmudgeon

Was Covid-19 Accidental or Biological Warfare?

 Wuhan, China, population over 11 million.

On January 31, President Trump declared the Covid-19 coronavirus a U.S. public health emergency and issued a ban on travel between the United States and China. Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden, speaking at an Iowa campaign event, severely criticized Trump’s action, calling it “hysteria and xenophobia.” It quickly became evident that the coronavirus was extraordinarily contagious and potentially deadly. A special problem has been that its spread is often asymptomatic. In the greatest and quickest  successful cooperative national mobilization of government, industry, commerce, science, and medicine since World War II, the Trump Administration, made sure every logistical need to fight the virus was available. After several months experience and data, the virus turned out to be deadly primarily to those who already have other health problems or weakened immune systems, which are most common among older people. Further actions to limit the spread of the virus by shutting down schools and portions of the economy were devastating to the economy, but lifting these restrictions now has the economy roaring back.

My background in not in any sort of biological science. I have an MBA in Finance and Accounting from Stanford and a BS in Psychology and Math from the University of Georgia. I am a former air Force intelligence officer with some knowledge of China and the former Soviet Union, so I am more curious about such matters than most people.

More @ The Times Examiner

Beyond the Polls, Trump is Sitting Pretty

 Inside President Trump's Untested Re-Election Strategy | Time

Labor Day is in the rear-view mirror meaning that the presidential campaign is in full swing. With less than two months until the big day, the electoral winds appear to be blowing in President Trump’s direction.

Many view public opinion polls with well-deserved skepticism. Most polls aim to influence rather than reflect public opinion. Instead of surveying likely voters, many query whoever answers the phone, whether or not they are registered or likely voters. Many polls over-sample Democrats, skewing poll results in favor of the Democrat candidate.

Rasmussen Reports, the most accurate poll ahead of the 2016 presidential election, in their Daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows Trump with a total approval of 52 percent on September 16, two points ahead of Barack Obama eight years ago when he was cruising to reelection. 

More @ Rasmussen

AG Barr To Officially Designate 3 U.S. Cities As ‘Anarchist Jurisdictions,’ Report Says

 Attorney General William Barr watches a Republican Exhibit video of people rioting, during the House Judiciary Committee hearing in the Congressional Auditorium at the US Capitol Visitors Center July 28, 2020 in Washington, DC. - In his first congressional testimony in more than a year, Barr is expected to face questions from the committee about his deployment of federal law enforcement agents to Portland, Oregon, and other cities in response to Black Lives Matter protests; his role in using federal agents to violently clear protesters from Lafayette Square near the White House last month before a photo opportunity for President Donald Trump in front of a church; his intervention in court cases involving Trump's allies Roger Stone and Michael Flynn; and other issues.

Attorney General William Barr has reportedly designated three U.S. cities — all controlled by Democrats — as “anarchist jurisdictions” that are being targeted to be defunded by the federal government for failing to stop violent rioters and for defunding law enforcement departments.

The New York Post reported that Barr signed off on designating New York City, Portland, and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions.”

More @ The Daily Wire

Forest Fires Aren’t at Historic Highs in the United States. Not Even Close

Via 4Branch

California’s wildfires are a serious matter, but the official record of the United States shows forest fires in the US today are far below the annual average in the 1930s and 1940s.

California wildfires have been in the news in recent weeks. As I noted Thursday, the Golden State is experiencing one of the worst fire seasons in recent memory.

Newly updated figures from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection show there have been nearly 8,000 wildfires that have burned more than 3.4 million acres in California. Since August 15, when the state’s fire activity elevated sharply, there have been 25 fatalities and some 5,400 structures destroyed.

More @ FEE

The Prelude to World War II: The Spanish Civil War and Today's America

Via Alex

 The Prelude to World War II: The Spanish Civil War and Today's America

"The Spanish Civil War was 80 years ago and an ocean away. But the events of this “prelude to the Second World War” might be the template for future civil unrest in the United States.

This section of the article explains why we felt this was necessary to write about now:

If the president is reelected, no matter how big the margin, there will likely be another wave of urban unrest that will dwarf the events of the summer of 2020. If Biden wins by a slim margin, there will be accusations of fraud and likely more confrontations in the streets, albeit more two-sided. It seems that the only result that would be accepted as “legitimate,” rticularly by the press and the American left, is one where Biden wins dramaticall"
More @

Show Us Your Systemic Racism, Princeton

  The Elites' Biggest Failure | City Journal

The Department of Education calls the university’s bluff.

Earlier this month, Princeton president Christopher Eisgruber released a statement acknowledging that “racism and the damage it does to people of color” persist at the Ivy League university. Eisgruber confessed that “racist assumptions from the past also remain embedded in structures of the University itself,” deep in the “nuts and bolts of University management.” He offered a set of proposals to remedy Princeton’s racist history, including hiring more black faculty and changing racially insensitive “campus iconography.” 

More @ City-Journal