Monday, October 12, 2020


 In George Orwell’s novel “1984,” the central governmental agency in his fictitious country of Oceania is the antonymic Ministry of Truth, a body charged with the duty of erasing actual history and then rewriting it to meet what was considered to be more acceptable ideological concepts.  In America today, the same type of inane metaphorical thinking is also taking place, with the various departments in Orwell’s Ministry of Truth being replaced by groups such as the New York Time’s “1619 Project,” Black Lives Matter and the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as by most of the county’s institutions of higher learning and much of the media.  Such entities as these are, and have been for several decades, corroding the foundation of true American history and attempting to erase or alter what actually took place and replace it with what better suits their own phantasmagoric vision of what should have been and now must be.  The same holds true with the material representations of historical figures and events.

More @ The Abbeville Institute

 Ron: "The quiet three days I spent were a major prize for me. By the way the gun store in Calypso is closing in Jan. Good deals on what ammo he has."

No photo description available.

More @  Calypso Wholesale

Watch: Miami Anti-Socialist Caravan Makes History, Attracting 30,000 Vehicles

Police in Miami, Florida, estimated on Saturday that 30,000 vehicles joined a caravan expressing rejection of communism, socialism, and leftist totalitarian ideologies – an event of historic size and diversity, organizer Orlando GutiĆ©rrez-Boronat told Breitbart News.

GutiĆ©rrez-Boronat – the co-founder of the Cuban Democratic Directorate, a human rights non-profit – joined a coalition of Cuban, Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, Chilean, Uruguayan, and other groups to create a “patriotic committee” responsible for the event. The caravan doubled as both a public display of rejection to left-wing totalitarianism and a “drive-in” seminar on the history of communism – participants tuned into Miami’s 670 AM La Poderosa to listen to experts, including this Breitbart News journalist, discuss the destructive history and legacy of communism around the world.

More @ Breitbart

False Flag Deception at Charlottesville

 Via Dennis

Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia

On Friday and Saturday, August 11-12, 2017, Charlottesville, Virginia, was the scene of conflict originating in the City Council’s attempt to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee from a prominent city park. Most people did not favor this removal. An organization with various motives, calling itself “Unite the Right,” was granted a protest rally permit by the City Council under court pressure to preserve free speech rights. The “Unite the Right” motif dominated Friday evening, but most of the rank and file attendance at the Saturday rally were there to defend keeping the Lee statue and other Southern heritage memorials generally rather than establishing a political movement. Moreover, the clash and violence that resulted on Saturday August 12 was basically perpetrated by Antifa and Black Live Matter, which had the sympathies of key City officials. The Vice Mayor of Charlottesville, Wes Bellamy, was a Black Lives Matter member. Michael Signer, the Mayor was a left-leaning Democrat hoping to embarrass President Trump by making Charlottesville a prominent sanctuary for illegal immigrants. Viewing videos of the August 12 street violence indicates Antifa was driving that violence. The actions of Charlottesville Police leaders drove many of the legal rally crowd into the raging Antifa and Black Lives Matter mob. A woman was fatally injured by an auto driver trying to escape the mob. Who really bears the responsibility?

More @ Times-Examiner

Race Riot at Sea

 Via Reborn


Why did they join the Navy? Maybe they were drafted and thought the Navy would be easier.  I do know when I enlisted some of the Army  men were sent to the Marines as they were short manpower. 

On the night of October 12, 1972, the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Kitty Hawk was steaming from Subic Bay in the Philippines to its combat station in the Tonkin Gulf. The ship’s complement consisted of 4,483 sailors, aircrew, and Marines, 302 of whom were black.

By the early morning of October 13, the ship had endured a sustained race riot that some consider to be the first and only mutiny in the history of the United States Navy.

As Gregory A. Freeman and the crewmen he interviewed tell the story, the Kitty Hawk riot had been brewing for some time. Many of the crew, black and white, were showing the stress of repeated deployments and long combat duty shifts on a hot, crowded warship. Black crewmembers had been allowed to live together in areas that became squalid, where white sailors feared to go and that NCOs did not inspect.

More @ Am Ren

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll- Very Srange

 Scott Rasmussen says our tradition of pragmatic problem-solving still works  today | MPR News

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday, sponsored by Whatfinger News – The best Drudge Report alternative, shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove.

Yet Rasmussen shows Biden over Trump by 12 nationwide (5 days ago)  and another poll I posted recently that said after 4 years 56% were better off than before. (The highest ever)

One Congress to Rule Them All

One code to rule them all: How big data could help the 1 percent and hurt  the little guy |

Petra: I wish you good health and every blessing.  Thank you for your continued work and prayers for our people and our country. Here is an article about the 12th Amendment of the US Constitution and the upcoming election.  I am sending it, in case it is of interest.

We may see something in November that we have never seen before and it’s all connected to the 12th amendment.

Before the ratification of the 12th Amendment, the presidential candidate receiving the greatest number of electoral votes was elected president and the presidential candidate receiving the second most votes was elected vice president.  However, in the presidential election of 1800, there was a tie between the top two candidates.  To provide a solution if that should ever happen again, in 1804 the States ratified the 12th Amendment to the US Constitution.

The 12th Amendment of the Constitution establishes that there must be two separate ballots in every presidential election: one for the president and one for the vice president.  The Electors, casting two votes, choose the president and the vice president in two distinct ballots.  If there is a tie on the presidential ballot, that tie would be broken by a vote of the House of Representatives under very specific instructions laid out in the 12th Amendment.  In those instructions, the House is to select the President after January 6 but before March 4 of the same year. (Note- the new House Members will be sworn in on January 3rd, meaning the NEW HOUSE would select the President).  Because separate elections for the President and Vice President are required by the Constitution, the newly elected Vice President would serve as President if the House does not settle the tie before the March 4th deadline.

More @ KAH

Death-Dance in Pastrana

 Via 4Branch

Editor’s note: The following comprises Chapter 8 of Children of Yesterday, by Jan Valtin (published 1946).

(Continued from Chapter 7: The Mainit River Bridge)

“This action in the Philippines is the decisive battle in which we cannot withdraw even a single step, for we have burned our bridges behind us…. It is a great decisive battle on which the life of the Greater East Asia war depends, for it decides whether we lose our sea routes to southern regions.”

(Radio Tokyo on the Battle of Leyte)

Day or night, in the tent of the Division Intelligence near Palo, work never ceased. The coding and decoding machines ticked without cessation. Enemy messages were snatched from the ether. Enemy documents found or captured, from a soldier’s paybook to a colonel’s diary, were subjected to thorough analysis. The stream of people summoned for questioning never ended: prisoners of war, guerillas, itinerant tradesmen, missionaries. Photographs were pieced together and translated into maps. A tight-lipped sergeant burned with care each scrap of waste paper spewed out by Intelligence. When the sorting was done, a picture resulted upon which the disposition and the missions of the combat teams were decided.

More @ Men of the West

Biden Claim of Being ‘Raised’ in Black Church Doesn’t Hold up to Scrutiny

 Via John

 Move over JFK!–Joe Biden (as Senator) also stabbed anti-communist U.S.  allies in the back! (and perhaps harder and deeper than you did at the Bay  of Pigs!) Fortunately Biden wasn't then President! |

Joe Biden’s disturbing habit of telling audacious lies about his biography took another hit this week when the Washington Free Beacon discovered no one can remember Biden attending a black church he claims to have attended at a teen.

On the campaign trail, Biden has claimed he was “raised” in a black church.

More @ The Gateway Pundit