Thursday, October 7, 2021

Pennsylvania House Democrat Christopher M. Rabb Introduces Sterilization, Three-Child Limit Legislation (FiIled Under Not a Parody)

Pennsylvania House Democrat Christopher M. Rabb Introduces Sterilization, Three-Child Limit Legislation

Pennsylvania Democrat Christopher M. Rabb sent out a memorandum to all House members regarding his legislation that will enforce reproductive responsibility among men. The bill will force men to undergo vasectomies within 6 weeks from having their third child or their 40th birthday, whichever comes first.

This legislation includes a $10,000 reward to whoever reports to the proper authority on those who have failed to submit to forced sterilization within the allotted time.

More @ RTM


  1. I'd like to see someone tie and snip his vase-deferens (tubes that carry semen) through his big nose and use rusty pliers and a 3rd century cutting tool to do it...

    1. Justin just commented: "Someone should remove his testes with a rusty hacksaw..." :)

      Brilliant minds.....:)

  2. It won't apply to illegal alien invaders, afghan cowards, members of congress, their staff, federal judges, and filthy rich POS elitists.

    1. Typical and is your first name Vietnamese? Thanks.

  3. He's a queer! He's not going to get another man pregnant anyway.

  4. Pennsylvania has a large Amish population which is known for large families. I doubt they would comply. Oh, yeah, I forgot; they all got wiped out by Covid 19 because they didn't get the jab.

  5. Typical congress critter: out of touch with reality. There are far too many ways to match viable sperm with viable eggs to ever try to legislate this. Sperm banks, surrogates, open relationships, and on ad nauseum. Guy’s a complete fool. He’s certainly in the correct job and the correct party to exploit his talents.

    1. He’s certainly in the correct job and the correct party to exploit his talents.


  6. there's a saying in the Old Country apt for those times when a politician stick his face into other peoples business: you first.

  7. We need to legalize retroactive abortions for assclowns like this....

  8. I'm still thinking that every proposed piece of legislation should have the part of the constitution that gives the authority for the proposed legislation.

  9. Actually Pinochet style helicopter rides would work fine as well.

  10. Why dont he just say it out straight - this is aimed at black men, it is racist
